Happy Halloween!

'Happy Halloween!' Mr Schu said as he walked into the choir room on Monday morning.

'It's not Halloween until the weekend Mr Schu.' Rachel pointed out.

'I know, but this weeks assignment is scary songs. I want you all to pick a song to sing on Friday. You can do it solo or in groups. It just has to be scary!' He chuckled, listening to whispers of excitement ripple throughout his choir room. This was a good assignment. They needed some fun after their loss at nationals.

The kids spent all week working on their songs and all gave stellar performances on Friday. Giving renditions of Thriller and Disturbia along with other scary tunes. And Mr Schu had one last surprise in store. 'Wow guys, really good work. Now I have one last surprise.'

'What is it Mr Schu?' Finn asked.

'You all need to pack a bag because we are going away for a scary Halloween weekend!' He was met by a round of applause and excitement. 'Where are we going?' Mercedes asked.

'We are spending the weekend in a haunted house. I got in contact with the man who owns the house and he has agreed to be out personal tour guide and give us a full history of the house.'

'Sounds scary.' Brittany said.

'Yeah that's the point Brit.' Santana assured her.

'What if we don't like being scared?' Rachel asked.

'Well it is optional, you don't have to come Rachel. I just thought it would be a nice team building experience for us.'

'Stop being a baby Berry, this is going to be fun.' Puck said.

'Yeah, don't worry, I'll protect you.' Finn whispered to her.

'So it's settled. Oh, and I don't want any cell phones, ipods or laptops. This is a completely team orientated weekend so, everyone needs to meet back here at seven tonight and we head off to the haunted house!'

They had all done as Mr Schu asked and were all back by seven. The minibus had arrived and they were all seated and on their way, listening contently as their teacher told them what he knew about the house. 'So it's called Langdale House and it was built in the early sixteenth century. It was originally home to the mayor of Lima when it was an even smaller town back in the day. 'Wait, Lima was even smaller, there must have only been like three people living here.' Lauren said causing a few laughs.

'Wait,' Quinn said, 'I think I've heard of this place. Didn't somebody die there?'

'Yeah Quinn, a young girl was murdered there about two hundred years ago, give or take, and it's rumoured that her spectre still roams the halls.' He said in a scary voice, making them laugh more.

'We'll find out soon enough, look Mr Schu.' Sam pointed and they all looked out of the window to see the house appearing round the bend.

'Holy shit.' Santana said.

'Santana.' Mr Schu gave her the look.

'Sorry, but look at this place.' She couldn't take her eyes off of the door. It was grand and wooden with gold hinges and a creepy looking door knocked. There were barred fences all around the place and the over grown trees and shrubbery really helped it look uninviting.

'It looks like Barbie's dream house, but scary.' Brittany said.

'It hasn't been lived in since the murder of the girl. It was boarded up until recently.' Mr Schu said.

'So why the hell are we going in!' Rachel said, all knowing she was scared.

'Because it will be interesting for me to see something.'

'What's that Mr Schu, how we all react to being scared?' Tina asked.

'Well yeah, but I also want to see how you react as a team. And I'll be right there with you.'

'Great. We can all die horribly together.' Mike said.

'No one's going to die Mike. It's Halloween. A time to push yourself to the limit. See how much you can stomach.' Sam said.

'I agree, this is going to rock.' Finn said.

'Yeah, well I think a few of us will be out before the night is over.' Kurt said, speaking for himself and Rachel, who nodded her head in agreement.

'Okay. Everybody off.' Mr Schu said as the bus stopped inside the old gates. They noticed a man waiting for them, the owner of the house they guessed. They were all off of the bus and waiting with their bags when the man came over to them. 'You must be the McKinley High group. Welcome.' He said, shaking Mr Schu's hand.

'Well, thanks for having us.' He replied politely.

'Don't thank me yet.' He said, causing Mr Schu to look at him oddly. 'You must be the kids, welcome.' They muttered some thank you's and hi's as he shook each of their hands. And then he laid his eyes upon Santana. 'You got a problem?' She said, as he eyed her curiously.

'Erm, no, it's ah… it's nothing.' He seemed very shocked at the sight of her, she didn't know what to think. 'Follow me inside, wont all of you.' He walked of hurriedly and they all just looked at Santana.

'What?' she said.

'What was that?' Quinn asked.

'How the hell should I know, crazy old man.'

'Maybe he likes you!' Puck joked.

'Shut up.' Santana said, as they all picked up their bags and walked into the house.