Here it is. I won't say much now, I'll just let you get to it.

The Naiad Trilogy

Part 2: The Naiad and Her King

Chapter 21

Ava lay on the floor of the State Room on her back. Her damp hair was splayed across her serene face, and her eyes were closed softly. She looked as if she could be sleeping, but when Caspian called her name she did not stir in the least. Caspian rushed to her side and placed a hand to her throat; her skin was warm and he felt the small thump-thump of her pulse. He visibly relaxed and let out the breath he had been holding.

"She's alive," he said, "but maybe we should give her some cordial anyways. It could still be the poison." Before Caspian could even finish his sentence, Lucy was already heading to the cabinet. Caspian turned his attention back to Ava.

He brushed aside the hair from her face to see a vision of beauty. She had to wake up. She had to make it through this. He could never forgive himself for letting her go off alone, if she didn't wake from this. As he waited for Lucy to return, he wondered briefly if he would feel this way if Liliandil were in Ava's place. He knew instantly that he would not. There could be no substitute for Ava in his heart.

"Here, open her mouth a little," Lucy said as she knelt on the other side of Ava. Caspian quickly obeyed and Lucy let a single drop fall. Caspian cradled Ava's head in his arms and waited anxiously for her to wake; gently stroking her cheek as he waited.

"Come on Ava, please wake up," Caspian urged.

"You need to be prepared, Caspian. She might have to sleep for a few days like she did on the Lone Islands."

No sooner had Lucy said that though and they both heard the faint whisper of a Lion's roar. They looked around the cabin for Aslan but saw nothing. Their attention was quickly brought back to Ava when they heard her mumble something indistinctly. Her eyes fluttered a few times before opening fully. Her blue orbs immediately found Caspian, and she smiled faintly. Caspian helped Ava sit up before pulling her to his chest and embracing her tightly.

"You've got to stop doing that, Ava," he muttered.

She let out a breathy laugh. "I'm sorry, but really, it wasn't my doing this time. Aslan called me away."

"Aslan?" Lucy questioned.

"Yes I…I had to do something." Ava pulled back from Caspian to look into his eyes. "There's something I need to tell you," she said to him.

"There is something I wish to say too. Please, may I go first?"

"Caspian, I…"

"Please, Ava, before I lose the courage." Ava smiled and relented with a nod.

"You were right; Liliandil is beautiful and she would make a great Queen."

Ava said nothing and showed no sign that Caspian's words had any effect on her.

Caspian continued without pause. "But, she is not the Queen I want. I love you, Ava. You are the epitome of beauty. Ava…"


"—Please, let me finish." Ava pressed her lips together in a tight line. "There are no words to describe how strong my love is for you, or how it grows stronger with each passing day. Ava, if you will not be my Queen, then I will choose to have no Queen because I know I could never love her. I know what it is I ask of you, but I could never love another more than I love you."

Caspian fell silent but Ava did not respond immediately; she waited a few seconds before saying, "May I speak now?" Caspian gave a single nod of his head.

But, still, Ava did not speak. Instead, she leaned in until her lips were pressed against his. Caspian only hesitated for a second or two before enveloping her in his arms again and deepening their kiss. Ava responded in kind by wrapping her arms around his neck. Lucy took a seat on the bed, forgotten for the time being but perfectly content. At last Ava and Caspian broke apart but they remained close.

"Caspian," Ava whispered. "My heart had already chosen you before I even knew there was a choice to make. I love you Caspian. I have loved you from the start and I will love you until the end…and I pray there will be no end."

Caspian smiled and ran his fingers over her smooth cheek. "Say those words again."

Ava didn't have to ask what words he meant; she knew. "I love you Caspian. I love you."

His smiled widened. "I love you too." And then they kissed once more.


It seemed to take forever for Edmund to get Eustace and Reepicheep to return to the boat; he would have shouted out the warning of Ava in trouble, but he did not want to unnerve the crew. When at last Eustace was on deck, Edmund quickly embraced his cousin, wet clothing and all, and whispered the news to him. Together they promptly made their way to the State Room; what they found was not what they expected.

"Whoa," Edmund said as he took a step back. Caspian and Ava were currently locked in a kiss while Lucy sat on the bed with a smile; her head was propped up in her hands.

"They've been doing that for awhile now," Lucy said. "They pause every now and then to say 'I love you.'"

"Gross," Eustace murmured.

"It's sweet, and a long time coming."

"Ahem," Edmund gave a sudden and loud fake cough. Caspian and Ava broke apart in surprise; Ava buried her head in Caspian's chest in embarrassment.

"Edmund!" Lucy scolded him, but he paid her no mind.

"It is good to see Ava is well," Edmund said with a smirk.

"It is very good," Caspian replied, not at all trying to conceal his enthusiasm. "Ava," he shook her shoulder. "Ava, look to the door."

Ava was reluctant to do so, but she complied nonetheless. "Eustace!" she exclaimed at the sight of him. She hurried to her feet to embrace the boy. "How did this happen?"

"Aslan changed me back; at least, I'm pretty sure that's who it was. After all you guys have said about him, I don't think it could have been anyone else."

"Well, I'm glad to see you alright. And I must thank you for…"

"Oh, please don't. I don't deserve any thanks, not really. I really must apologize, to everyone. *I'm so sorry for being such a sop.*"

"It's all forgotten, Eustace. Don't think on it anymore," Caspian said as he came to stand beside Ava, placing a hand on the small of her back; she smiled up at him.

"Caspian is right," Edmund said. "Aslan saw fit to forgive you and change you, so none of your previous actions can be held against you now."

"Your Majesties, Princess, Eustace," Rynelf said as he stepped up to the door behind Edmund. "You really must come and see this."

"Are the people alright, Rynelf?" Caspian asked.

"Everyone is fine. It's…you just have to see it." Rynelf smiled.

Now, very curious, the friends all walked back onto the main deck where they found everyone looking off to the east. Reepicheep was at the front of the crowd, dancing on one of the remaining sections of the railing and singing his lullaby that the crew had heard numerous times. They made their way through to the front of the crowd and when she saw what lay before them, Ava joined in on Reepicheep's song.

^Where sky and water meet

Where the waves grow sweet

Doubt not, Reepicheep

To find all you seek

There is the utter east^

"Oh, Caspian, look," Ava said softly; her breath taken by the beauty of the sight before her. Off in the distance they could see white flowers growing, or perhaps floating on the sea, and beyond that white clouds floating on the horizon. It truly did look like the sky and the water were coming together as one.

"Do you think that's…?" Caspian said.

"Aslan's Country? I do, Caspian that must be it."

*"Well, we've come this far,"* said Edmund.

"Drinian!" Caspian looked about for the captain. "It seems we have come close to the end of the world, and I have a desire to see the very edge of it. Will you sail us as close as you can? Then the six of us will continue on in a long boat while you await our return at Ramandu's Island?"

"Aye, Your Majesty," Drinian responded before calling his men to work.

"Six of us?" Edmund questioned.

"I dare not refuse Reepicheep from traveling with us," Caspian responded with a laugh.


A little while later, the six of them sat in a long boat. Reepicheep was standing at the prow, nearly leaning into the water he was so far forward. Lucy sat at the rudder. Edmund and Caspian rowed, and Ava and Eustace sat in the middle. Ava and Caspian could not stop smiling or glancing at each other.

"So, what does this mean for the two of you?" Eustace asked. "Are you a Queen now or, something?" He looked to Ava.

Ava cringed a little at the thought but Caspian laughed. "No, she is not my Queen yet. But I intend to make her one the moment we return to Narnia."

"I'm not sure I know how to be Queen," Ava said unsurely.

"I'm sure you'll do just fine. You already have everyone's love and respect; I've seen it," Eustace pointed out.

"Thanks. You're confidence in me is assuring."

"I'm curious though, what brought about this sudden change of heart?" Edmund asked.

"Not that he's saying you should change your mind again," Caspian quickly added.

Ava giggled. "It was my mother. Both of my parents actually, my Naiad parents that is, and the River God." When everyone gave her a confused look, she continued.

"When Aslan called me away, he took me to the Dancing Lawn and he gave me a Reflection Well, a well that showed my memories. Some memories I had forgotten," she smiled and looked at Caspian as she remembered the first memory of him. "Some memories I remembered too well. But it was the last memory in particular that changed everything." She briefly explained to them the memory she had of her conversation with the River God.

"And then he said, '…perhaps your mother was wrong. Perhaps you were not meant to restore Narnia… Perhaps you will find a way, yet, to bring about that peace.' It was then that everything sort of fell into place. I knew then, that had my mother not sent me to live with Dr. Cornelius then I would not be the person I am today. I would have never worked in the King's Castle; I would have never met you while trying to escape, and I would have never become such great friends with any of you.

"I would still be the Naiad Princess, but I would be fully nymph. I would have never known what it was like to love or to be loved. I was sent to live above the river for a purpose, and it was about time that I embraced that. I knew, that beyond all arguing in my head, the only thing I could do was follow my heart."

"So, my words held no sway over your decision?" Caspian asked.

Ava shook her head and smiled. "They were very sweet, Caspian, but I had made my decision before I ever awoke."

There was a small moment of silence before anyone spoke again, and when the silence was interrupted it was Reepicheep telling them that they had arrived at the end. Edmund and Caspian carefully rowed the boat over the breaking surf before landing it on a lone sand bar. Reepicheep was of course the first one to jump down, but he was quickly followed by the others. After Caspian stepped on shore he turned to help Ava out of the boat; he kept a hold of her hand as they all began to walk across the beach. In front of them was a towering wave that never crashed. Every so often they could catch a glimpse of land behind the wave, great mountains with waterfalls. No one spoke a word as they stood in awe before the wave.

Then, Eustace thought he heard a noise and so he looked over his right shoulder. It was the Great Lion again. "Aslan," he confirmed. Everyone turned around to see the Lion approaching them.

*"Welcome children. You have done well, very well indeed. You have come far, and now your journey is at its end."*

*"Is this your country?"* Lucy asked.

*"No, my country lies beyond."* Aslan looked to the wall of water. They followed his gaze, and once more they could see glimpses of a land beyond.

"Are my parents in your country?" Caspian asked.

*"You can only find that out for yourself, my son. But you should know that if you continue, there is no return."*

Caspian gazed upon the wave as a thousand thoughts rushed through his head. Should he go to find his mother and father? What would they think of him if he did? Would they be glad to see him? Would they be proud of him? Would they even be there? Caspian stared at the wave long and hard, but he did not move. He felt the warmth in his hand and he looked down to see it still grasped Ava's hand. He looked into her eyes. She would not tell him to go or stay; she would not give him the answers. She would only give her love. And that was all he needed.

"My place is here," Caspian said. "My place is with Ava, by her side as King with her as my Queen. I cannot *imagine that my father would be very proud that I gave up what he died for.* I will no longer pine for what was taken from me, but I will cherish what I was given. *I was given a kingdom. A people.* A Queen."

Ava smiled and squeezed his hand gently; she was proud of his decision.

"And, Ava, this is what you have chosen as well?" Aslan asked.

"It is," Ava replied simply.

The Lion smiled. "Then you shall have a blessed union. Your descendents will reign until the end of days."

Reepicheep cleared his throat and scurried forward. He took off his circlet and bowed before the Great Lion. *"Your Eminence, ever since I can remember I have dreamt of seeing your country. I've had many great adventures in this world, but nothing has dampened that yearning. I know I am hardly worthy, but with your permission, I would lay down my sword for the joy of seeing your country with my own eyes."*

*"My country was made for noble hearts such as yours, no matter how small their bearers be."*

*"Your Majesty,"* Reepicheep said with another bow.

*"No one could be more deserving,"* Caspian replied.

Reepicheep was about to protest, but Edmund cut him off. *"It's true,"* he said before bowing to the mouse; Reepicheep bowed back.

"Princess," Reepicheep said as he turned to Ava. "My one regret is that I will not see you reign as Queen."

All Ava could do was smile and whisper her farewell as she wiped a tear from her cheek. Lucy, though, had more on her mind. She stepped forward with tears in her eyes and sat on her knees before Reepicheep. Then, with his permission, she scooped him up and hugged him to her chest. Next it was Eustace's turn to bid farewell; he too stepped forward with tears.

*"I don't understand. Will I not see you again? Ever?"* Eustace asked.

*"What a magnificent puzzle you are,"* Reepicheep mused. *"And a true hero. It has been my honor to fight beside such a brave warrior, and a great friend."*

Reepicheep and Eustace gave a short parting bow before Reepicheep scurried off towards the giant wave. A small coracle had appeared out of nowhere for him and, after sticking his sword in the sand, he climbed aboard. They all watched as Reepicheep rowed the coracle and floated up and over the wave.

"We have to leave now too, don't we?" Edmund asked.

"Yes," the Lion replied simply.

"And *this is our last time here, isn't it?*" Lucy asked tears still in her eyes.

*"Yes. You have grown up, my dear one, just like Peter and Susan."*

*"Will you visit us in our world?"*

*"I shall be watching you always."*


*"In your world I have another name. You must learn to know me by it. That is the very reason you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there."*

*"Will we meet again?"*

*"Mm. Yes dear one. One day."* Aslan then turned towards the wave and roared and a tunnel opened up.

Lucy turned to Ava, who was crying freely in Caspian's arms. Ava left his comforting embrace to embrace her friend. They hugged each other tightly as their tears fell. They knew there would be no reunion this time; they would not have the chance to meet again until they were both in Aslan's Country.

"This isn't the end of our friendship," Ava said through her sobs.

"Ours is one that will never end," Lucy replied, mirroring the words of their last departure.

While Lucy and Ava were saying their goodbyes, Caspian took the time to say good bye to Edmund and Eustace.

*"I want you to know, I think of you as my brother, Ed,"* Caspian said. *"You're the closest thing I have to family,"* he added as Lucy and Ava joined them. *"And that includes you Eustace."* Caspian said with a friendly pat on the shoulder.

*"Thank you,"* Eustace responded.

As Edmund and Caspian embraced, Ava said goodbye to Eustace with a friendly hug a kiss on the cheek. Then she turned to hug Edmund, and she could feel the tears begin anew.

"Take care of her, will you," Edmund instructed Caspian.

"With my life," Caspian replied as he wrapped a comforting arm around Ava's shoulder.

They said goodbye to each other one last time before Edmund and Lucy said their goodbyes to Aslan. Edmund bowed before the Lion and Lucy hugged his neck. They had all begun to walk way, when Eustace suddenly turned back around.

*"Will I come back?"* he asked.

*"Narnia may yet have need of you,"* Aslan replied.

Eustace nodded once before turning and joining his cousins at the edge of the tunnel. Ava had to turn her eyes away as they walked down the tunnel of water; she could not watch them leave. She buried her face into Caspian's chest. He held her close and kissed the top of her head as the tunnel closed and their friends left the world of Narnia.

"Be strong, Ava. We may see Eustace yet," Caspian whispered quietly. Ava nodded and smiled a teary smile up at him.

End of Part 2

So...? What do you think? Was it worth it? Did I make you all happy? Was it a surprise at all, or did you totally see that decision coming?

I know there are a lot of direct quotes in this chapter (* for movie and ^ for book), but some lines were just too fantastic to leave out. I promise you though, in part three there will be hardly any direct quotes (except maybe towards the end when the Silver Chair plot line comes in).

Wow! I just want to thank each and everyone of you who has journeyed on this voyage with me. Thank you so much for all of your reads, your reviews, your favorites, your alerts, and your support. I do hope that you will continue with me though; Ava may have chosen Caspian but their story isn't over yet. They have a long road ahead of them still.

The story of Ava and Caspian's love continues with part three The Naiad Queen. A summary and banner are already posted on my profile; check them out if you want to. (Also, there's a banner and a summary up for Finding Home, my next Narnia story after the trilogy, if you're interested *shameless plug*)

Anyone up of a sneak peak of part three? If so I'll let you decide what peak you want. Just simply review or PM me including either the number 1 or the number 2 and I'll send you back the corresponding peak. You can choose only one peak though, so choose wisely (and neither peaks are of the beginning chapters).

Anyone else as excited as I am? Chapter 1 of part three will be posted on Monday, August 1.