Disclaimer: I don't own Glee.

Author's Note: This is the last chapter. Thanks for sticking with it this long. I never thought it would turn into this when I posted the first part as a one shot on tumblr. I love all the little Rainedrops.

The holidays seem to come early this year, at least for Blaine. One minute it's Halloween, and Rachel is sewing a bumblebee costume for their son to wear, and the next minute they're putting Thanksgiving leftovers away in Tupperware containers. Outside, the city changes, too, with golden leaves and chilly breezes to blankets of snow and poor visibility. Ohio is no different. Snow is everywhere, and the houses are lit with brightly colored strings of holiday lights.

They're lucky this year because Hanukah falls on the week of Christmas, and they're able to fit the visit with their families in one trip. They spend the week with Rachel's dads, and Blaine sits and patiently observes their family traditions. Rachel wants to raise David in the Jewish faith, and Blaine is nothing but supportive so he agrees. His own family belongs to the Methodist church, and Christmas is a big event at the Anderson household. As soon as they'd made plans to return to Ohio, his mother had been pressuring them to stay for Christmas Eve. Rachel had been a tad reluctant, but eventually Blaine convinced her to visit his family. He hadn't had an Anderson Christmas in several years, and if he were completely honest with himself Blaine was quite excited at the prospect of showing off his wife and son to his extended family.

Rachel's old bedroom is small and incredibly pink. Her fathers have obviously left it as a shrine to their star of a daughter—trophies line the shelves, and headshots hang in golden picture frames. They are sleeping in the same bed she had as a teenager. Blaine may not be the largest guy around, but even he feels cramped lying atop the covers of her twin-sized bed.

The bathroom light clicks off, and Rachel appears, dressed in flannel pajama bottoms and an old, faded Dalton Academy t-shirt. Her hair is piled on top of her head in a messy knot, and Blaine has thought she's never looked cuter.

"I have something for you," she says, producing a wrapped package from behind her back.

Blaine puts down the book he'd been reading and looks up. "Okay."

She hurries to the bed and falls down beside him, pressing the gift into his lap. "I know it isn't Christmas just yet, but it's the last night of Hanukah, so I can get away with it. Plus, I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to give it to you in front of your parents."

"What is it?" he asks. He lifts the package into his hands, feeling the weight of it. It's not very heavy. The paper is silver with gold stars all over it. Not exactly Christmas, but totally Rachel.

Rachel grins and shakes her head. "Just open it before I lose my nerve."

Blaine smiles and slips a finger beneath the seam of the paper. He pulls, and the paper falls away easily, revealing a plain white box. Lifting the lid, Blaine looks inside to find what looks like a tiny blue blazer with red piping. It's a miniature version of his old Dalton Academy blazer.

"It's great," he says, smiling. "Though I think it's a little small for David."
Rachel grins and shakes her head. "It's not for David."

"I don't…" Blaine trails off, not fully understanding.
Rachel's grin widens as she takes the blazer from him and sets it aside before sliding into his lap. Her tiny fingers find his and pull them into place on her flat stomach. It hits Blaine suddenly, like a bolt of lightning.


She smiles.