Author's note: 1) I do not own Megamind, etc, etc. 2) First time I would say writing anything this graphic.

General warning: contains material that may be disturbing to some people-non-consensual sex, fondling. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Megamind could hardly believe it. He was positively giddy he could barely contain himself. He had a constant smile on his face for so long that his cheeks felt sore. He felt so alive, so energized he pinched a thigh to confirm this was actually happening.

"Ow…" Sure this time around he had some reason to believe this would actually work, but then he had that same feeling with many of his schemes and they never worked out in the end.

He had been so caught up in the moment—so caught up in his evil scheming he never stopped to think about what to do next if the plan actually worked. When Minion prodded him for orders on a whim Megamind called off any further aggression against the city until they had a chance to safely stow away their "prize" and gather the brainbots for an assault on city hall.

Megamind stood alone at attention in the basement of his lair with his arms folded over his chest proudly admiring his catch. He had waited a long time for this. For his moment of triumph and he was going to rub it in Metro Man's face until he was satisfied.

Against the far wall away from a short flight of stairs leading to the double doors was a circular metal stand. The stand was composed of an inner ring locking Metro Man's knees and elbows, an outer ring encasing his hands and feet and a reinforced rectangular base. Adorning his wrists, ankles and neck were what resembled thick, black, metal collars.

Megamind approached his restrained nemesis—examining him closely. It seemed like such a contradiction that a creature so effortlessly capable of causing mass destruction chose instead to selflessly devote himself to protecting an entire city. One of Megamind's gloved hands fixated on a dangling white tassel from Metro Man's gloved hands absently caressing it.

"So pointlessly frivolous…I suppose he gets points for style, but I have to take points off for being a potential hazard." Megamind jeered. "At least the spikes on my gloves and shoulders are more than just decoration." Megamind said mentally recalling more than a few times when someone tried to manhandle him by grabbing his forearm only to be thwarted by his spikes.

Megamind's attention shifted to what he had termed Metro Man's "grotesquely chiseled biceps." At least to him they just seemed so out of proportion to the rest of Metro Man's body while his thighs and calves certainly were muscular they were no where near as bulky. It was almost enough to make him wonder if even Metro Man felt so insecure in his own physique to take illegal performance enhancing drugs. Megamind snorted at the thought. That would be funny.

Megamind had done battle with Metro Man so many times, yet until now he never bothered to pay any particular attention to the details of his costume. Of course there was the large "M" in the center of his chest with a gold boarder and sparkly white on the inside. Then on both sides evenly spaced down the front there were three gray/brown buttons. Megamind puzzled over the two rows of what resembled dull, gold push pins embroidered into his suit over the large "M." It reminded him of the gold stars Metro Man so proudly wore around the collar of his shirt in grade school. Was this a reference to something…? Megamind rolled his eyes pushing the thought away. Metro Man may be capable of stringing words together for back and forth witty banter, but Megamind was unwilling to credit Metro Man for abstract, symbolic thought. Megamind lightly touched a leather glove to Metro Man's chest letting it drape down effortlessly. Then Megamind noticed something below the large "M" there were more of those dull, gold push pins. There was definitely a pattern, but Megamind struggled to connect the dots-literally. It was like a kid was absently drawing dots with a marker outlining two sets of three squares—except the one furthest down was incomplete there should have been another row of three dots. Megamind pensively tapped his chin he should know this. Then Megamind had a eureka moment Metro Man was advertising his six pack abs under his suit! To confirm his suspicions Megamind pressed and squeezed Metro Man's flesh it was as hard as a rock. There was something else, something unseen.

It's like Metro Man has hair down there. Megamind gagged at the thought abruptly biting down hard on his lower lip. For a brief, but disturbing moment the thought crossed his mind as to what he would look like with a modest lair of hair on his chest and abdomen.

Sickening… Megamind thought his body involuntarily shuddering.

Megamind's attention turned to Metro Man's hair. He found it odd that for all Metro Man's powers it seemed that even he was not immune from aging as evidenced by several patches of silver hair. This prompted Megamind to wonder if perhaps Metro Man would lose his powers over a long enough period of time—perhaps Metro Man was already losing his edge.

"It was only a matter of time anyway…" As Megamind had lightly begun running a hand through Metro Man's jet black hair Megamind took notice that Metro Man was coming around. To be on the safe side and give him a better viewing perspective Megamind took a few steps back.

"How do you feel mighty Metro Man…?" Megamind deviously announced. Megamind's expectant smile dropped when nothing more than a moan came out of Metro Man's lips. "Ahem…I said how do you feel mighty Metro Man…?" An exasperated sigh filled the silence.

This was nothing how Megamind fantasized this would go down. They would exchange some witty banter for old time's sake. Then he would recount his victory and capture and gloat about what he was going to do now that Metro Man could do nothing.

"Ugh…" Megamind groaned pinching the space at the bridge of his nose. That might do… Megamind stepped into a shadow to hide his presence and cleared his throat talking in a low voice trying to make sure the words would come out right for dramatic affect.

"Help me, help me Metro Man…only you can save me—I need you."

"ROXANNE…WHERE…!" Metro Man shouted his head shooting up to take in his surroundings. Megamind couldn't restrain his chortles this was too good. His snickering gradually turned into a full blown and prolonged evil laugh as he stepped out of the shadows and into the light.

"MEGAMIND! What have you done with Roxanne you fiend!"

"Oh, Miss Ritchi…Miss nosy reporter…also known as your girlfriend-"

"She's not my girlfriend!" Metro Man snapped. Megamind was shocked into silence, but only for a moment as he gave Metro Man an inquisitive stare raising one eyebrow.

"Oh sure you deny her now naively thinking that will protect her. Sadly you are gravely mistaken, but fear not…I decided to let her go, but in a few days it won't matter because she like everyone in Metrocity will be a mindless drone…under MY CONTROL!" Who knows I might just have my way with her and she may even come to like it. Megamind thought an unnaturally sinister smile gracing his features.

"For the millionth time it is ME—TRO—CI—TY—dah!" A shot of electricity tore through Metro Man causing his muscles to painfully tense and contract. When they relaxed again his whole body noticeably slumped within the restraints.

"Oops…did I do that…?" Megamind said acting innocent. "My bad did I forget to tell you the metal stand is electrified? Now as I was saying…"

Damn it! I hate when people interrupt my evil monologue. What was I going to say next…?

"Why can't I break out of here…?" Metro Man said through gritted teeth trying to summon enough strength to break his bonds.

"Hmm…I didn't catch that did you say something…?" Megamind said cupping a hand around one ear. "The ornamentation you are wearing inhibits all your powers. I know pure genius." Megamind said flexing his fingers standing right against the metal stand. "I don't want to brag, but after painstaking research, development and a number of prototypes I came up with this little number to inhibit your powers and drain you of your strength rendering you as weak, but no where near as cute as a kitten. You know it's funny I never thought to use knock out gas on you before mostly because it would be too humiliating to see you defeated so easily, but partly because you are immune to every known toxin and poison. Then it occurred to me that some aspects of your biology HAD to be human." Megamind had expected some kind of witty retort by now, but there was none. He had happily been prancing and posing walking back and forth in front of Metro Man too absorbed in his monologue to notice Metro Man struggling against his bonds. Is he even listening to me…? Megamind thought his left eye twitching in irritation.

"Stop your squirming—you're embarrassing yourself!" Megamind said folding his arms across his chest and tilting his head up in disgust. "In case you haven't figured it out you are my captive—you're powerless against me. You're in my world now. Your life belongs to me."

"For now-"

"For the rest of your natural life—FOREVER! All these years when the helpless citizens of Metrocity were in trouble they called on you to save the day." Megamind edged closer to Metro Man so he was in his face. "Tell me Metro Man who is going to save you…? Tell me how does it feel to be in pain for the first time? To…be…at…my…mercy…?"

"Actually...feels a little uncomfortable," Metro Man said speaking in a suave nonchalant fashion. "I hate to ask, but can I get a complementary soda, some peanuts, a TV and a foot massage while you're at it cause my feet are really—HOT FUDGE!" Metro Man was cut off when another jolt of electricity coursed through his body.

"Oh, my finger slipped." Megamind said depositing the remote back on his belt. "Hmm…I see someone is in denial of the gravity of their predicament. I suppose it was a bit much to think that someone with a skull as thick as yours would immediately come to accept your new circumstances."

"Talk all you want Megamind, but I will never give in to your taunting that's a promise."

"People make empty promises all the time. Promises are no better than good intentions and we both know the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Just admit it! I've won—you lose! Evil has triumphed!" Megamind said throwing his arms up over his head in a victory pose.

"Evil is the path of anger, fear and hate, it subtracts and divides." Metro Man said slightly thrusting his body forward. "Good is the path of compassion, understanding and love which adds and multiplies. In fewer words evil is stupid it only leads to self-destruction, disorder and chaos. One of these days it will be your undoing."

"I beg to differ. You see destiny is on my side Metro Man. I am destined for greatness and you I am sorry to say are destined to always be second best. Brains always wins over muscle—the body weakens with age while the mind grows sharper—your defeat by my hand was inevitable. Today's victory is the final proof of my superiority, the culmination of all my hard work. While you have sat back on your laurels using the same tactics again and again my strategies have been evolving becoming increasingly more elaborate in order to trap you. Even you, Metrocity's favorite son, blessed with god like power cannot escape destiny."

"Prophecy…destiny is vague and subject to interpretation. You have so much confidence in your destiny, confidence that is misplaced—confidence you should have in yourself!"

"Ergh…wake up and smell the coffee! Metrocity's last, best hope has failed—you have failed! No one can stand against me!"

"No…so long as there is breathe in me I will fight you."

"Fight me…" Megamind let loose a hysterical evil laugh slapping a hand to one knee. "Ha…ha…ha, ha…hmmm…you honestly…you think you can fight me, you can't even protect yourself. Let me remind you who's in charge." Megamind said withdrawing the remote from his belt and rapidly pressing a button on it several times in quick succession releasing wave after wave of electrical voltage upon Metro Man.

"Hungh…gah…son of a…JACK O' Lantern!"

"Say whatever you want to make yourself feel better because it matters not. Tonight I will take my rightful place as supreme Overlord of Metrocity and have everything I deserve and more and there is not a thing you or anyone else can do to stop me!"

"This isn't over Megamind."

"Oh, but it is…over for you." Megamind said pointed a finger into Metro Man's face.

"The struggle between good and evil is eternal. So long as there are good people to stand against evil there is always hope. It only takes only a single candle to make the shadows retreat back to the quiet corner." Metro Man said placing specific emphasis on the words 'quiet corner' a mocking smile gracing his face, as he forced his head up. Megamind flinched, but did his best to cover for it.

"True, but candles are fickle and can easily be extinguished with a malevolent gust of wind," Megamind said making a sweeping motion with a gloved hand. "A menacing rainstorm," Megamind continued raising his hands up while wriggling his fingers bringing them down to rest at his sides, "or they burn so bright with self-righteousness they burn themselves out." Megamind said gesturing with a flat open palm before closing it in a fist.

"Not if it's shielded by the umbrella of justice, carefully nurtured into a roaring fire by wood from the trees of courage and truth and the flame of self-righteousness is tempered by humility."

"Tsk, tsk Metro Man such things you say—you should really practice what you preach… If there is one thing I simply cannot stand it's a sore loser. There is no shame in being gracious in defeat. There is no audience to play to here. Who knows you may even learn something about yourself." Megamind said turning his back to Metro Man and stepping toward the steps up to the main floor of the lair. He could feel his anger begin to get the better of him. Perhaps after a few hours or a few days left hanging in his restraints he would come around to see things his way.

"You can destroy me, but if you do you will regret it because all the people of Metro City will stand united against you."

Megamind stopped in his tracks he had reached his wits end. He had finally devised a method of containment rendering Metro Man completely helpless. For perhaps the first time in his life Metro Man could feel pain. By Megamind's expectations Metro Man should have been begging him for mercy. There were no crowds to cheer for their hero. No Roxanne Ritchi to rescue from his clutches. Metro Man should have been crushed by his self image being shattered after a lifetime of constant praise and victory after victory over Megamind, yet Metro Man was not even shaken—he was defiant refusing to yield.

How could Metro Man continue to blather on about truth, justice and hope when so clearly Megamind had bested him at long last? Megamind once again dug out the remote clipped to the backside of his belt and turned around. Out of spite Megamind ripped into Metro Man repeatedly shocking him, but something was different this time around. After the shockwave would pass through him Metro Man would not let his body slump he trained his gaze on Megamind an expression on his face that was a cocktail of disgust mixed with contempt mixed with hate.

"Ahh…guh…ah—ah…uhhh…ahh…fuhhh…" with each shock an audible groan of pain escaped Metro Man's lips. Metro Man continued to focus his gaze on Megamind. Out of frustration a low growel emanated from Megamind. It was now a competition to see who could hold out longer. If Megamind would lose his patience and quit shocking Metro Man. If Metro Man would succomb to the electical shocks or Megamind's device would give out from over use. Metro Man would stare at Megamind, Megamind would shock him, Metro Man would groan, stare at Megamind and get shocked again.

Megamind continued to shock Metro Man relentlessly until he went silent unable or unwilling to cry out from the pain. Then for good measure he delivered another shock. Megamind stepped closer to his prey touching a gloved hand to Metro Man's chin raising his head up. Metro Man was visibly panting for breathe, his eyes barely open.

That shut him up. Megamind thought, withdrawing his hand from Metro Man's chin. Then Megamind spun around on his heels only to turn around sharply making a fist with one hand and delivering a round house punch to Metro Man's nose.

"Ow..." Megamind complained shaking his hurt hand. It was low even for him, but it felt good. His temper back in check he composed himself to end the banter battle.

"Destroy you…? Metro Man…my dear old friend—why I'm shocked…no wounded you would think such a thing about me." Megamind said pressing a hand to his heart. "Destroy you—no…death is too good for you. I want you to suffer as you have made me suffer…for…all…these…years." Megamind said his tone darker and serious. "You will watch your beloved city tremble and bow down to me." Megamind said his voice becoming louder.

"They will build monuments to my name and glory and have a day dedicated to honoring me and you will be a mere memory lost and forgotten about like a broken toy discarded, dropped in the trash and left to rot in a landfill for thirty years, washed out to sea, swallowed up by a fish that is caught and served on a platter for dinner. I will personally see to it your name is erased from all the history books. With enough time people will no longer call your name, your name will become an urban legend, hearsay, rumor, a myth and then nothing. It will be like you never existed at all. Here you will stay without the benefit of sunshine and human companionship a TV will be your window on the world. The food will be bland and monotonous. Your daily schedule will be dictated to you: when the lights go on, when the lights go off, when you can watch the TV, when you can shower and for how long. And every day you will be alone with your thoughts wondering how it all came to this and contemplate escape for which there is none. There is just one thing you can do to escape this fate…" Megamind said at length oblivious to the trickle of blood streaming out of Metro Man's nose.

Megamind clicked a button on the remote control releasing Metro Man from the metal stand. With a loud thud Metro Man crumpled to the floor landing mere inches from Megamind's leather boots. Megamind turned his gaze downward a wicked smile tugging at his lips seeing his nemesis sprawled on the floor wriggling like a worm trying to force himself up to hands and knees.

For a moment Megamind forgot why he was so angry only a minute before, the thud bringing him back to the present.

I'm in control.

Megamind wanted to savor every moment of this.

"Swear your allegiance to me and I may spare you from a life of wretchedness and des-" Megamind's last word was cut off and replaced with a yelp as Metro Man used what strength he had to forcefully yank Megamind's legs together pulling the blue alien down and closer to him. Megamind tumbled backward turning his body as he fell to avoid hitting the back of his head on the hard, cold floor.

"Surrender…Mega…mind…" Metro Man shakily managed to get out.

"Never!" Megamind frantically and repeatedly lifted his legs to try to boot Metro Man in the face, but his kicks weren't connecting. He may as well have not been moving at all. "Aaaahhhh…!" Megamind felt something pull on one of his legs dragging him back shortly followed by the other leg. Now he couldn't move the lower half of his body; a thick muscular arm wrapped itself around his waist while the other tightly clung to his legs like a python. Megamind looked over his shoulder Metro Man was pulling his upper body on top of him using his dead weight to pin his thinner form beneath his much more imposing body.

"Ahh…! Let go of me!" Megamind spat. Desperately Megamind reached out his gloved hands one pushing against Metro Man and the other reaching, clawing into the floor to extricate himself from his nemesis's grasp. Metro Man grabbed the gloved hand pressing against his face and used the connection to leverage Megamind onto his back, pulling Megamind closer to him so now they saw each other eye to eye.

He's bleeding... Megamind thought taking notice of the blood trickling down from Metro Man's nose and a red stain on his costume.

Megamind could barely move his own body. Metro Man had his massive hands holding his arms down at his biceps, his pelvis straddled above Megamind's with Metro Man's knees boxing him in. Try as he might to free himself uselessly kicking his legs, twisting his head and torso no amount of strength, no amount of resolve, or sheer force of will could overcome the heavy body pressing him down into the floor. Megamind's body hadn't so much as moved an inch, yet his body shuddered from the effort like an engine being repeatedly revved, but going no where because it was stuck in park.

"Huh…huh…" Megamind was panting his throaty sounds barely audible to his own ears. Metro Man's grey eyes bored into Megamind's. Their expressions could hardly have been any more different Metro Man's eyes narrowed, nostrils flared and mouth tightly shut in cold fury while Megamind avoided direct eye contact his mouth parted, eyes wide in fear. Somehow despite everything, against all odds Metro Man had managed to get the upper hand.

Megamind refused to give up there had to be something he could do. Megamind bent his elbows gripping Metro Man's arms trying to force him off, but to no avail. If he could only bring a leg back far enough to press into Metro Man's abdomen he might be able to kick him off. As Megamind tried this Metro Man shook him readjusting his hands so they gripped Megamind at his elbow joint and his pelvis so it pressed into Megamind's.

"No one has made me bleed before..." Metro Man said his eyes burning with a fire he had never seen before and hoped to never saw again.

Now Megamind started to panic arching his back off the floor his muscles straining and stretching so hard he had to relent lest he pull a muscle and injure himself.

"Now you're at my mercy." Metro Man said in an uncharacteristically low and threatening tone of voice. Metro Man put a massive hand to Megamind's forehead and pulled a fisted hand back ready to punch his lights out.

"Oh…god…" Megamind whispered swallowing hard an involuntary rhythmic jerk seizing his otherwise limp body. Reluctantly Megamind closed his eyes trying to block everything out to regain his focus. How is this possible…? Why…why isn't he at least trying to grab the remote…? For the longest time Metro Man studied Megamind as if trying to make up his mind. He lowered his arm and unclenched his fist repositioning his arm over Megamind's elbow. Metro Man then hastily removed the hand from Megamind's forehead bringing it back to it's last position. Megamind felt his body being slammed into the floor for a second time, his eyes shooting open.

"Stop moving…" Metro Man growled.

"I'm not!" Then a disturbing realization hit Megamind like a ton of bricks. Even with all the fabric separating them Megamind could feel Metro Man's dick pressing into him and a throbbing, warm sensation in his own pants.

"BRAIN-" a large white gloved hand clamped down hard over his mouth his words reduced to garbles incoherent babble. Megamind's body began to violently twist and shake his free hand trying to claw at Metro Man's face. An unintended consequence of all his effort was his back arching off the floor and his pelvis rubbing against Metro Man's uncomfortably intensifying his physical arousal. Becoming aware of what this was doing to him he forced himself to lie still. Without even realizing that he was doing it Megamind reached down with his free hand to protectively cup it over his crotch. As his hand reached it's destination a new disturbing revelation dawned on him.

Megamind's eyes broke away from Metro Man's darting toward his crotch, back up to Metro Man and back down toward his crotch. It was hard to tell, but it looked like and now felt like Metro Man's other hand was going to work rubbing the space between his legs.

Megamind felt a sense of horror he had only experienced a handful of times in his life. Is he trying to jerk me off! Megamind's eyes started to roll back into his head, his body tingling in a knot of sensation from head to toe. As uncomfortable as it was he felt grateful for the hand over his mouth to keep anything incriminating from coming out. Metro Man tightened his grip over Megamind's mouth and drew closer to one side of his head.

"You scream, squeal or try to call for help I have no problem with killing you here and now. When I'm finished with you I'm going to leave and you will never speak of this to another soul, not that anyone would believe you or care." To prove how serious he was Metro Man wrapped both of his massive hands around Megaminds thin neck and started to squeeze. Megamind uselessly arched his neck it felt like his eyes were going to pop out of their sockets because Metro Man was squeezing so hard. Megamind was on the brink of unconsciousness his head falling away to one side, his eyes lids drooping shut over his emerald eyes. The hands ghosted away from his neck and he could breathe again. "Spread your legs."

It was difficult to concentrate his mind was foggy from loss of air and blood circulation, but his body was awash in sensation. He was vaguely aware of hot breathe over his cheek, a tongue licking it's way from his defined chin to just below his eye a firm. Large hands trailing down his chest and abdomen. His skinny thighs being pushing apart in a butterfly pose. A slow, light feathery sensation of the shaft of his cock being stroked…and the de-gun holstered at his right hip. The gun! If I could just distract him long enough I might be able to get out of this. Megamind thought, but his body felt too weak and unresponsive to act. I have to buy some time—witty banter!

Regaining his lucidity, realizing what was happening to him Megamind drew his legs back together to protect his cock from being fondled. In response his legs were spread apart and this continued several more times until Megamind drew himself up on his elbows. Metro Man was sitting on his heels with both hands possessively gripping Megamind's thighs deciding his next move. Metro Man made an angry face forcefully drawing Megamind pelvis into his lap and hooking Megamind's legs behind him and proceeded to lower his massive form back on top of him.

"Don't…" Megamind said trying to sound strong, but came out more like a squeak than a roar.

"Don't what?" Metro Man said with his large massive hands planted on both sides of Megamind's head before caressing Megamind head with the backside of a gloved hand.

"This-this isn't you…"

"No more talking. I'll get what I want and then I'll leave. And I always get what I want. I can take it easy or we can do this the hard way." Metro Man said kissing along Megamind's neckline and sucking on his Adam's apple while a hand felt up his crotch this time more harshly his large hand trying to wrap around it and squeeze.

"W-why are…you…doing…this?" Megamind whispered trying to maintain some semblance of control by refusing to turn away from Metro Man's gaze.

Megamind fought to maintain his composure, but there was only so much he could do. Although he did not noticeably pant or cry out even when he stopped talking his mouth hung open. Metro Man took Megamind's parted mouth as an open invitation. As Metro Man begun to descend on him Megamind clenched his jaw shut.

"Shh…don't talk...or I'll have to hurt you…" Metro Man said squeezing the space between Megamind's upper and lower jaw trying to pry his mouth open. "You don't want me…to hurt you…do you…?" Metro Man said between kisses. Each kiss was rougher than the next with Metro Man plunging his tongue as far into Megamind's mouth as he could as Megamind tried to pull away, but found he had no say in the matter as Metro Man raised his head off the floor forcing him closer. There was no tender love in any of the kisses just a need to control and dominate. Megamind was breathless, but refused to back down from the implied challenge.

What more could Metro Man possibly do to him…?

I'll take the risk. "Maybe…I do…" Megamind said reaching a hand to his gun holster. Metro Man's brows furrowed at the remark.

"You should really learn to keep your mouth shut." A gloved hand gripped Megamind by his neck and he hauled him to his feet. Metro Man let Megamind up gradually brining him up into a kneeling position and then standing. Megamind gripped the hands at his throat. Perhaps if he could just get one finger loose he could get the rest to come loose. For a minute they just stared at each other Megamind's face flicking back and forth between an expression of fear and determination while Metro Man maintained a cold vengeful stare.

"Huh..." Megamind started to push himself onto his toes as Metro Man raised him up still higher.

"Let-go." Metro Man said firmly now looking directly into Megamind's face. Slowly, reluctantly Megamind lowered his arms to his sides and Metro Man continued to hold him there. Metro Man deeply exhaled lowering Megamind to his feet and held Megamind with his back pressing into his chest. A thick arm wrapping around Megamind's chest and the other at his waist. Megamind felt utterly spent his body was as limp as a noodle with his chin dipping down toward his neck...was Metro Man hugging him?

Feeling his awareness start to come back to him he knew he needed to do something. "MIN-" a hand and an arm moved to cover Megamind's mouth. He could just barely reach the handle of his gun, but he was still in no better position because he still couldn't bend either of his arms to raise his de-gun.

"I'm doing this to teach you a lesson." Metro Man hissed into Megamind's ear taking his hand off Megamind's mouth.

"What lesson...?" Megamind regretted his words as Metro Man pressed Megamind's throat and neck into the crux of his elbow and squeezed.

Megamind had to think fast as his consciousness was fading quickly—he did the only thing he could think of: play dead. Just before he lost consciousness Metro Man released him from his grip letting Megamind's body hit the floor.

"The lesson is you should always remember your place," Metro Man said leaning down to whisper in Megamind's ear. "Beneath…me," Metro Man finished with a snarl. Metro Man grabbed Megamind by a forearm and dragged his body across the floor toward a neglected, dusty table littered with odds and ends spare parts. "Get up!" Metro Man ordered nudging Megamind with his boot. "Get up!" Metro Man repeated this time delivering a kick to Megamind's midsection. Megamind curled in on himself in a ball it hurt too much. "Get up now or the next blow will be to your head!" Megamind started to sit up extending a hand for balance coming to his hands and knees before pushing himself to stand. His face contorted into a grimace of pain a large portion of his cape brought around to cover his front.

"Hands on the table, spread your feet." Metro Man said grabbing Megamind by the shoulders and shoving him into the table. Megamind gripped the table with his finger tips, a sly grin coming to his face. He had managed to move his gun from his holster to his belt and Metro Man didn't suspect a thing.

"Huh…" Megamind gasped as he felt Metro Man working both his hands under his shoulder padding.

"Relax, I haven't done anything—yet." Metro Man said as the cape fell to the floor and he nudged it aside. Next he tugged at Megamind's logo on his shoulder padding undoing the clasp and throwing it aside. Megamind bit down on his lower lip. He needed to act soon, but he needed to wait for the right moment when Metro Man was distracted.

"Why do you want me conscious for this…?" Megamind cautiously ventured. Metro Man didn't anwser immediately instead moving his hands stroking and massaging the length of Megamind's back starting at his shoulders and giving his lean buttocks a squeeze before venturing furhter south leaving a tingling sensation in their wake.

"Because…it's more fun this way." Megamind sharply inhaled as he felt Metro Man's hand rubbing at his crotch with his butt pressed against Metro Man's front. "Every sound, every move you make. Even the banter isn't half bad, but mostly because I want you to remember this." Metro Man said tenderly with a voice of silk.

"I…" Megamind was finding himself distracted as Metro Man kissed along his shoulder and up the back of his neck. "Always…aim…to please."

"I'm sure you will please me."

"Ahh…hahh…" Megamind's legs trembled, his cock growing larger and more erect pressing against his tight pants. He could feel the tension building to a climax and he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold out. He was also aware of Metro Man's cock enlarging and stiffening. Under any other normal circumstances the physical touch and sensations would have been nice, but in this case they were alarming. Acting on impulse Megamind drew a hand to his crotch only to be brushed away by Metro Man's larger hand.

"Do that again and I'll tie your hands." Megamind stiffened, but nodded in acknowledgement.

"Huhhh…huh…" It was becoming unbearable now, his unshakable resolve beginning to falter. Clearly Metro Man wanted Megamind awake, compliant and complicit. Although Megamind had pushed the envelope several times now and remained very much alive he didn't know how much further he could press things, or if Metro Man intended to kill him after the fact.

I don't care how this ends just get it over with... As soon as he thought it he backpedaled-what was he thinking?

"Shall I finish you…?" Metro Man whispered as he ghosted his hands off of Megamind. Megamind didn't respond, his mind was elsewhere honing in on the subtle sound and motions of Metro Man trying to get out of his suit to relieve the discomfort of his hard on pressing against the fabric of his costume. A fluttering sound of what must have been Metro Man's cape, a subtle popping of buttons being undone. Megamind still didn't anwser. He really wasn't sure what to say it seemed responding 'yes' or 'no' could land him in a world of hurt. "I'll take your silence as a yes." How was Metro Man able to do this to him? How was Metro douche so calm and composed? "Don't worry it will all be over soon."

"What about all that bull shit about bringing me to justice?" Megamind said reaching a hand toward his gun bringing the setting around to debilitate.

"What about it…?"

"This isn't justice this is revange."

"Hmm..." Metro Man hummed. "Justice and revenge are two sides of the same coin. The goals are the same, but the means are different-revenge is simply more satisfying because it's sweeter. I think you'll find this is your just dessert."

"Desserts are unsatisfying because they lack nutritional value. They are also high in fat and cholesterol they clog the arteries and veins constricting blood flow inducing erectile dysfunction!" Metro Man seemed taken aback by the remark his hands planted on his hips.

"Enough of this there will be plenty of time for pillow talk later…drop your pants unless you want me to do it for you." As Metro Man finished his sentence Megamind felt a small gust of wind from what must have been Metro Man's costume being discarded on the floor. It's now or never. In a feat of pure athleticism Megamind vaulted over the table sending the metal parts tumbling to the floor. He turning his body around to fire off a shot of his de-gun at a genitally exposed Metro Man who could only stare and do nothing. As he fell Megamind drew his forearms across his face to shield himself from falling debris.

"The pants stay on!"

I'm pretty sure I heard a thud… Drawing his de-gun to a ready position he leapt out from one side of the table. Flat on the floor, legs hip width apart, hands at his sides was a paralyzed, un-movingMetro Man.

Whoa…that thing is huge… Megamind thought looking at Metro Man's erect penis and then staring at his forearm. The remote… Megamind immediately identified the remote on the floor hastily grabbing it and clipping it to his belt. Megamind took stock of his surroundings. He should be down for a while, still…I shouldn't wait. Megamind thought as he whistled for his brainbots, ascending the stairs to throw open the basement doors.


"Bow—ow—bow—ow…" the brainbots called, a group of ten hovering at attention waiting for instructions. "Deposit our guest back in his restraints." Megamind said nudging his head to indicate the metal ring stand right behind him.

Megamind watched the brainbots return Metro Man to the metal stand and tested the shock function on the remote. Megamind puzzled over how this could have happened. He should have been as weak as a kitten…maybe the collar isn't as strong as I thought. It renders him to be a mere mortal, but not nearly as weak as a kitten. Maybe all the repeated shocking did something to the collar…

Megamind sighed. Stealing a final look at Metro Man before going up the stairs to the main floor of the lair. Whatever the reason he needed to discover it and fix it. If there was ever a time to get out of the evil villainy would be a good time and no one could blame him for it.

"Sir are you alright...? I heard noises, but I know you also said you wanted some alone time with Metro Man."

"Fine Minion-everything is fine." Megamind said to his worried friend. As usually Minion was betrayed a look of skepticism, but didn't press the matter choosing to focus on the positive. It was then Megamind realized his cape and shoulder padding were somewhere on the basement floor.

"I've been double checking everything just like you asked we're ready to make a move on city hall whenever you're ready." Minion said playfully nudging Megamind in the shoulder. It was a friendly gesture from one friend to another, but even that touch made him feel uncomfortable and uneasy.

"No Minion, not tonight-I'm calling it off."

"Not tonight...why not. Did something happen, sir?"

"It's been a long day...just too much excitement thats all. We can begin our conquest of Metrocity in the morning."

"If you say so...sir." Minion said turning from his friend and going back to whatever he had been doing before.

Megamind let out a deep sigh and walked slowly to his bed chamber. As he walked he had the distinct feeling something was off, but he couldn't pin point what it was. He looked down and not one, but both of his hands were positioned over his crotch. He would never look at Metro Man the same way again.

I'm not done with this just yet…I want to write a second chapter where Megamind gets his "revange" on Metro Man.

Once again first time writing anything this graphic. Probably could have gone into a little more detail… :shrug: I like to think the witty banter more than makes up for it.

Didn't want to do anything too graphic because well I didn't want to freak Megamind out too bad. Though I think he will have nightmares about this for a while. Open to comments both good and bad.

I want to give credit for inspiration to colonel_bastard and meraman in the Megamind LJ community.