So, for everybody that was happy with the way the last chapter ended, that's all folks. The end. But... if you happen to be curious about what happens next there is a continuation in production. It's going to be a lot different from Saving Gabriel though because I wanted to explore a whole new set of story mechanics involving the butterfly effect. Dunno if we've seen anything quite like it before.
Volume II
Killing Sylar
"Come with me," he breathed in ear. "We can go anywhere. Do anything." His kisses doted over the curve of her shoulder. "We'll get new names and new lives. This can be our chance to start over, Claire. Just like we always wanted."
His offer was tempting. Too tempting. It was all too easy to close her eyes and allow herself to forget. To believe that the gentle fingers twining their way through her hair belonged to Gabriel again. And yet it was. The hands holding her hips to his didn't belong to Sylar.
He drifted away from her side, letting his hand follow the length of her arm, beckoning like the siren's song with promises of devotion. The window to her bedroom slid open without being touched and he climbed half way through it so that he was sitting on the sill with one leg out and one in. "Run away with me." It was a second chance being offered freely. Another chance for them to have a life together as a family. All she had to do was let herself have it.
Peter burst through the door in an already agitated state to take in the view of his brother's killer haunting the room of his niece. "Claire! Get away from him! Sylar, so help me…" She was caught between them, torn in the rift that separated her family from her love. Somewhere in the stand off, neither Peter nor Gabriel relenting she realized that in the face of her failure she had also been granted a second chance to set all things right. Another chance to save their world by ending the killer's reign of terror.
There was a choice to be made that could swing the pendulum of destiny in either direction. A choice that only she could make.
EDIT: Killing Sylar now posted.