Thanks to new reviewer 003keyblader. Okay, this is the last chaper. *"NO!" Roxas, Axel and Xion screams* Shh! Not today. Not now. Not ever! But, all good things must come to an end. Okay, here's everyone's favorite replica, Xion.


Thank You Notes: Xion

*cues original dramatic/sad music. Xion turns to Bob and says, "Wow. Are you sad that the thank you notes are ending?" Bob nods his head and keeps playing.*

"Thank you…Xemnas,

For allowing me to replace our 'Lunch Lady Gaga' who served our food in a meat dress….


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Xigbar,

For somehow mistaking me for a kid that looks like Roxas, but not mistaking Roxas for him. How?


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Xaldin,

For scaring me when you threw a lance at my head after I offered you waffles.


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Vexen,

For being the worse dad ever.


Xion, Number XIV"

*"Hey, I thought that was Zexion's line!" Axel yells.

"Shuddap!" Xion yells back*

"Thank you…Lexeaus,

For being quiet all the time. You scare me…


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Zexion,

For sharing my views on Vexen's terrible parenting.


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Saïx,

For making my time in the Organization miserable. And you wonder why I kept disappearing…


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Axel,

For being my friend but taking me back to the Castle against my will. And you wonder why I bashed you in the head….


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Demyx,

For enjoying my food and screaming 'DESTROY US ALL' every time something clown-related comes up.


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Luxord,

For teaching me how to play poker and helping me cheat whenever I played against Roxas or Axel :D


Xion, Number XIV"

*"So that's why we lost 20,000 munny that day," Roxas says.

"Quiet! It's my turn!" Xion yells at him.*

"Thank you…Marluxia,

For NOT sicking Jerry on Saïx! That should've stopped him from killing us all by now…


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Larxene,

For not talking to me much.


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Roxas,

For being one of my best friends and letting me laugh as you as you fell off of Twilight Station Tower XD


Xion, Number XIV"

*"Hey! That wasn't funny! I broke my left arm, a few ribs and my right leg!" Roxas yells.

"So? It was still funny," Xion laughs.*

"Thank you…Sora,

For stupidly falling into Xemnas's trap. Roxas, I thought I told you to find a way to destroy Kingdom Hearts, not run back to Xemnas, waving two keyblades around like a mad man!


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Riku,

For pretty much guilting me into committing suicide! DX


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Kairi,

For making me a Mary-Sue. 'Nuff said.


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Squall Leonhart (Leon),

For mistaking me for Yuffie and letting me take her Materia out for a spin.


Xion, Number XIV"

*"So, that's why you have unlimited magic," Roxas says.

"Shuddap! It's my turn! You had your turn!" Xion yells.*

"Thank you…Aerith,

For letting me get away for stealing Yuffie's Materia XD


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Yuffie,

For letting me copy your hairdo.


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…waffles,

For being yummy ^_^


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Naminé,

For stealing MY Roxas…


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…oven mitts,

For making me look like a tiny hockey goalie whenever I pull my casseroles out of the oven and making everyone laugh at me every time…


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Twilight Town,

For all the memories and for being the place where I died and no one remembers it…T_T


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Tetsuya Nomura,

For making me the weirdest boss in KH history besides that Lingering Will guy (Terra anyone?).


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Yoko Shimomura,

For not giving me an original theme. It still sounds like Kairi's…


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…sasukeshika guy from Youtube,

For making that epic remix of my theme :D


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…Snooki from that Jersey Shore show I watch,

For creating the weird hairpoof. And everyone says that the Organization has weird hair-dos…


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…man who sneezed in my hair at the mall when Axel, Demyx, me and Roxas were waiting at the water fountain,

For telling me 'It's just allegries'. Yeah, I'm always comforted whenever someone says why their spit is in my hair…


Xion, Number XIV"

"Thank you…shampoo,

Or as I like to call you when I have no soap, 'Soap'.


Xion, Number XIV"

*Xion looks at the last note and says, "This is the last one of the story."

"NO!" Axel and Roxas screams.

Xion cries, saying, "No. I'll never let it end! I'll do it for all of ya that are reading and reviewing! I just hope it's funny…"*

"Thank you…author lady,

For letting the Organization write these notes and for letting our fans shoot Saïx with a sedative dart! Yay, now he's going to the psycho ward :D


Xion, Number XIV"

Okay, that's the final series of thank you notes. *Xion, Roxas and Axel looks depressed.* Okay, thanks to all the reviews and everyone who read the story. If anyone else wants to do thank you notes, I'll read it See ya next time!