Well my friends we have come to the end, this was my first multi-chapter story and I had fun doing it, but never threat Vincent and Grace will be back. I decided to go with a different ending to the one I had planned, but if you keep an eye out for my next story "A year in the life of us" you will see the alternative ending, dum dum duuuum.
A massive thank you to everyone who read, reviewed, favourite, alerted this story, I really appreciated it. Well onwards and upwards, for the last time of "Did you know?" I do not own Bones, I am merely a puppeteer who plays with the ideas of one Hart Hanson.

All it took was Grace.

Vincent rolled over as his bleary eyes took in the time glowing on his alarm clock, it was 4:03 in the morning. He huffed as he rolled onto his back; he had been trying, and failing, to sleep for the last five hours. Every time he felt as if he was drifting off into a nice sleep, bam, he would wake up. He felt like a kid at Christmas, eagerly awaiting Santa Claus, but instead of waiting for the old, fat man to appear, he was anticipating being able to bring Grace home from the hospital. She had been kept in for several nights, but finally the doctors were happy for her to go, and finally she could start her new life with Vincent. Pulling himself out of his warm bed, he headed to the living room and switched on the tv, 'only 4 more hours' he thought to himself as he sprawled out in front of the documentary channel.

Grace was sat in the chair of her room, aimlessly flicking back and forth through a book Dr Brennan had lent her, sighing every time she checked her watch. She'd had enough bed rest to last her a year, the thought of spending another night cooped up in that room, in that bed made her body ache. She couldn't sleep, even if she wanted to, her mind was focussed on the young man who would soon come through the door, facts in toll as he took her home. Her mind was racing with thoughts of how she and Vincent would spend their time together as a couple, smiling she leaned into the chair, 'not long now'.

After the little, if any, sleep Vincent had managed to catch last night he was all showered and ready to go at eight o'clock. Cam had given the young man time off, altering his shifts and swapping them with the only too happy to oblige Wendell, and Booth had allowed Vincent to pick up the young girl on his own, despite wanting to be there when she was released. All Vincent had to do was pick up Grace and get her back to Booth's apartment in one piece, and then the couple were free do as they liked.

Tapping on the door of Grace's room, Vincent grinned; "Taxi for O'Connell."
"I am so happy to see you!" Grace chirped, clambering off the bed and flinging herself into Vincent's arms. He held her tightly, before placing a kiss on her lips.

"All set to go?"

"I was ready to go two days ago." She laughed picking up her bags, before quickly having them taken away from her by Vincent, whose free hand took hold of hers and led her out of the hospital. Grace enjoyed the feeling of the fresh air brushing against her skin, she felt a wave of freedom splash over her.

"So what should we do first?" Vincent asked as they reached Booth's apartment, Grace looked up at him, and pulled him in for a kiss and then smiled.

"I don't mind, as long as im with you, I am happy." And with that the pair took their places on the sofa before falling asleep in each other's' arms. Did you know that all it took for Vincent to get that good night's sleep he needed was Grace.

The end.
keep an eye out as they will be back, many thanks again!
Lots of love!