Kori was on a run, which something that she rarely had time to do as she was experiencing her last term of college.

She was consumed in her thoughts and not paying attention to where she was running. A few seconds later she felt a huge impact that threw her to the ground.

" What the?" she said angrily as she opened her eyes and saw someone, a male, on top of her.

" Geez," he said angrily getting off of her, " pay attention to where you are going!" Kori was embarrassed, she was normally graceful and not clumsy.

" Sorry, I'm sorry." she said still on the floor. The guy sighed and looked down on her, and gave an even bigger sigh when he rolled his eyes and reached out his hand to help her up. Surprised by this gesture she awkwardly took it and stood.

" Sorry for blowing up on you, it was partially my fault." He said as Kori noticed his dark hair and bright blue eyes.

" Umm, no problem." She said awkwardly. The boy noticed a small blush creep up on her cheeks and he felt inwardly pleased.

" I'm Richard." He said holding out a sweaty hand connected to a very muscular arm.

"Kori Anders." She said as she shook his hand a little bit dazed. She did a double take on his face and realized that this was Richard Grayson who was adoptive son of Bruce Wayne, one of the most wealthy men in the world.

" Umm yeah, sorry again about that whole running into, I kind of got into my own rhythm and yeah," he said awkwardly, but not wanting to leave this new and attractive stranger he wanted something to say.

" Yeah no problem, same here, just thinking and listening to my music," she finished lamely, feeling the same as her companion.

"So, Kori, you come here often?" He asked lamely with a slight chuckle. She laughed and he immediately smiled at her.

"Um, I guess you could say that." She stated.

" Well," he started as his phone went off, he saw Bruce's name come up and sighed, " I am so sorry, but I have to take this, could you wait for one sec?" he asked.

" Yeah of course," she said feeling very awkward.

" Hey Bruce," Richard said as he turned to this side, " could this wait like, five minutes?" She noticed what he said and blushed as she looked to her feet.

" I'm sorry Richard but, no." Bruce said looking out from his office. " I called to remind you about the upcoming ball tomorrow night for Wayne Enterprises and I noticed that you don't have a date." Richard could hear the amusement in Bruce's voice.

" Yeah, umm about that, I just haven't found the right person," Richard said under his breath hoping that Kori didn't hear that and catch on to what he was referring to, unfortunate for him, she did.

" Richard it's a simple party, all you need to do is simply ask someone to accompany you, as a host you must have a date." Bruce was relieved that Richard wasn't interested in girls. A few years ago it seemed like a new one every other week, but he had matured since then and was to busy being Richard Grayson by day and Robin by night.

" I guess I could find, somebody." Richard grumbled. Kori heard this and he girlish imagination visioned herself as his date, but she mentally shook herself from that fantasy.

" Good. Then I will see you when I get home." Bruce said and clicked off the phone.

" Yeah, sure." Richard sighed and hung up. He turned and saw her standing there somewhat embarrassed and he couldn't help but smile. It has been a long time since someone could look so adorable by just standing there. " I'm sorry about that." he said trying to hide his affection.

" No problem." she said sheepishly. He sensed that he made her nervous and felt a swell of pride.

" It was just my, um adoptive father." He told her knowing that there was a slim choice she couldn't put the clues together but he could tell she was smart.

" Yeah I know, Bruce Wayne." She blushed.

" Umm, yeah." he laughed awkwardly but gathered up his confidence. " It was about tomorrow night, there is a party at Wayne Manor." He was hoping to ask this pleasant stranger but didn't want to see creepy so he decided to take it slow.

" Oh that's cool." she said unsure how to answer.

" Yeah, he called because I don't have a date for it." he said with an edge to his voice, trying to hint towards something but she wasn't catching on. " I don't really know you Kori , and I mean you could have a boyfriend." he said fastly bracing himself for her answer.

" NO!" She said as fast as her mouth would allow her. " there is no boyfriend in the picture."

" Oh," he inwardly smiled, " then would you like to join me tomorrow night, not as like a date, date, but more of a friend date, you know what we don't have to even call it a date, we could call it,"

" Tomorrow night works out, great!" she said cutting him off and smiling.

" Cool, so tomorrow night." he said, " you know what let me take you home just so I don't seem like some creeper who asks you out and then ditches you in the middle of the park."

They began the fifteen minute walk to her house by just talking about the weather and the latest movies that were out and both found it incredibly easy to converse.

As they made their way up to her house in a small suburb on the out skirts he walked her up to her door.

" So that dress should work right?" she asked as they were finishing up their conversation.

" The way that you described it, it sounds perfect." they both gave a small smile.

They both seemed oblivious to the passerbys looking at them and recognizing Richard.

" So tomorrow as four then?"

" Tomorrow at four." She repeated, and smiled as she walked backwards up the steps.

" Bye." his heart was pounding and his confidence was high so he threw in a suave wink as he began to run home with more adrenaline then when he had started. was in a state of shock as she walked inside her house.

" Who was that?" her mother asked kindly with sharp eyes as Kori entered with her head in the clouds.

" It was, just a friend mom." She went upstairs, grateful that she had decided to make on of her rare visits to her family this weekend.

" So, you have found a date?" Bruce asked over a very late supper.

" Yeah." Richard answered trying to avoid the inevitable.

" Who is it? Is it Babs?" Bruce prodded.

" No."

" Well are you going to tell me her name?" Richard paused for a few moments.

" It's Kori."

" Kori who?" Bruce pried with his eye brows raised.

" Kori Anders." Richard was starting at his food the whole time. This was the first time that Bruce didn't know the girls family or social standing and he wanted to keep it that way. Bruce noticed that as he said her name his eyes lit up a bit and was probably thinking about her, he mentally smiled.

" Well I can't wait to meet her." Richard sighed relief.

That night as he was lying in bed he replayed the whole day in his head. He replayed the way she brushed her hair from her eyes and how green her eyes were. He looked at the clock and prayed that there wouldn't be a need for the Dynamic Duo tonight, he wanted sleep to stay up all night after the party to talk to his beautiful date.

Kori woke up at around 9:30 and smiled. Today she was going to hang out with the best looking guy she had ever met and he was somewhat interested in her too. She decided to get moving and start her day, anxious for the night.

Richard slept through the whole night and wasn't disturb by a crime. He got up, went to the gym and had one of the best workouts of his life. He was excited for tonight, it was thrilling for him to have barely met someone and already feel an attraction. He thought that things like this only happened in movies.

The rest of the day took forever for both. By the time that four o'clock came around, both were nervous and ready.

"Kori he's here!" Her mother announced as she peeked through the windows. She took one more look in her mirror as she double checked her black gown. It clung to her waist and flowed out slightly, with a sheer layer over the rest, it was strapless so she held a sweater in her arms. She pulled her bangs back with her hand as she double checked her wavy hair, with the sides pulled back. Surprisingly she was satisfied and she dashed downstairs to look out the window. A black BMW came to a halt and Richard stepped out, wearing a tuxedo,

Richard looked at his reflection in his car window and shrugged his shoulders a few times releasing tension, took a deep breath and then walked up to the door. He knocked once before the door swiftly opened, by her mom.

" Hello Mrs. Anders." He said nervously, mentally slapping himself for being nervous.

" Hello Mr. Grayson, come on in, Kori is,"

" Here!" She said running to the door. " Bye Mom, I love you." She gave her mom a quick peck on the cheek and then walked outside.

Richard was standing there in awe of her appearance.

" Bye sweetie, have fun." She said and closed the door, but her body went straight to the curtains to watch.

" Hey." Kori said.

" Hey." Richard said with an eyebrow raised and smile. " You look good." He said, but she blushed because he said 'good' in a way that meant more than what it seemed.

" Thank you, you too." She said, looking at how his tuxedo brought out his muscles.

" So, you still live at home?" He asked as he opened her door.

" Only on some weekends, I have an apartment in the city."

" Really, where?"

" Right on Nutwood and State College." She said as she sat down, he shut the door open, making a mental note to make sure that those apartments were safe.

" That sounds fun." He said as he slid in the drivers seat and started the car.

"Yeah, it is." She paused for a moment, looking for conversation. " You still live at home?" She already knew the answer.

" Yeah I do. Since I am going to take over Wayne Enterprises one day, it just makes things easier." She thought about what he said.

" That seems like a large responsibility. Your life must be hectic." He gave a laugh.

" You have no idea." His eyes darkened a little and Kori was curious, but didn't push it. He drove smoothly through the city until they came onto a large road that led up to Wayne Manor.

" So what is this shin-dig?" She asked nervously.

" Some elitist ball for Bruce's business, it's hell for both if us but mandatory. "

" Got it."

" You nervous?" He asked with a small smirk.

" No!" She said quickly, but the butterflies in her stomach said otherwise. He smiled sympathetically, seeing right through her.