Ok, I tried to be more serious in this one, since my last story was more comical than romantic and I was looking for a balance. GOSH it was really hard to put aside all the jokes that came to my mind, but it was the only why I could keep them in character. Also because Yuri has been suffering in all the past stories, sorry Yuri! I love you! xD (I have a twisted way of loving, like ZAGI!)

By the way this story will have a second part. What else…?

I don't own Tales of Vesperia.

Not even Rita could understand what was going on, it felt strange to her, she would most of the time worry about Estelle because: 'she is my best friend'she thought.

'But then why I'm so mean with her? Just like when I first met her.' Rita had been willing to protect her best friend and she still felt like that, but lately she had been hostile and moody around Estelle. Rita knew it wasn't Estelle's fault it was his fault.

"Stupid girly-looking jerk." She mumbled to herself. Rita thought her rudeness toward Estelle meant her period was coming. But after checking her small booklet were she wrote the date that's she last…well, had her period… it didn't make any sense, there had to be four or three weeks more for that to happen.

She didn't have to think much to understand who the problem was, after all she was the genius mage, the GENIUS F*CKING MAGE! Actually it did take her time, her specialty was blastia after all, not love or kindness, that was Estelle's fine point. And that was starting to bother Rita, especially when it had something to do with asshole#2.

Without even realizing it, she had developed new feelings towards asshole #2. Asshole #1 was Raven obviously…duh. Asshole#2 was Yuri, Yuri Lowell, gosh she hated his hippy hair and hippy personality (A person who opposes and rejects many of the conventional standards and customs of society, especially one who advocates extreme liberalism in sociopolitical attitudes and lifestyles.), yes I just gave you the definition of hippy, Yuri = hippy.

Rita sat on the floor, she was surrounded by a pile of books; she had to move with Estelle since she didn't have where to go thanks to that sissy, Duke. Estelle had decided to move to Halure after their journey had ended and she begged to Rita to stay with her and so, she did.

It was after a few months later that the problem started, maybe the feelings where always there but they started to flourish in one of Yuri's visits. He said he wanted to see them both but she knew oh, she knew he only came for Estelle.

Yuri would visit them two or three times in a month, Estelle would always jump to his arms and Rita would just pretend to ignore him while scribbling on her booklet, taking notes and stuff about her latest research.

That day, the day her world turned upside down, when she started to notice how his not-funny jokes (at least not funny to her) had started to make her giggle. How the wind playing with his hair had stopped been gravity vs. nature and had turned into something mesmerizing. How his annoying confidence and security had turned into her ideal man's personality.

These important facts had converted into jealousy, whenever Estelle commented something about how beautiful the day was or how lovely the town looked today, Rita would come with one of her unromantic comments, just as she had been before when she first met her, but this would only happen when Yuri was around.

And neither Yuri nor Estelle had ignored Rita's sudden change with her…

Yuri knew curiosity killed the cat and that if this involved Rita, he could actually end like that unlucky cat. But he had to know what was going on; Estelle was worried about Rita and her sudden hostility towards her. He didn't like it at all; he thought they had already gone over that process a long time ago.

"I know something is bothering her…" She said with a worried look. "I have some theories…I have also notice it just happens when you are around..."

"Maybe she thinks I'm going to steal her best friend." He scoffed. Estelle rolled her eyes, so he really didn't understood female psychology after all. Estelle had to give him a little bit of credit for almost getting that right. Maybe he needed a hint, maybe that way he would understand.

Estelle had asked Rita to buy some stuff at the shop, that way she would have opportunity to talk with Yuri about the subject. Estelle took Rita's booklet. Which was resting over a pile of books, Estelle had made her own investigation and had found that the booklet Rita scribbled in, wasn't exactly filled with what Rita would actually write for her researches. Estelle placed the booklet in Yuri's hand.

"Rita writes on this booklet only when you visit us." Yuri blinked a couple of times before sitting at the windowsill, opening the booklet in a random page.

Yuri raised an eye brow and read out loud, "PMS: February 23, 20-"Estelle quickly snatched the booklet, her face tinted with a scarlet tone, Yuri grinned.

"N-Not that!" Estelle hissed looking for a certain page and then giving the booklet back to Yuri.

Yuri rubbed his neck nonchalantly before reading out lout loud, "I have abruptly decided to change the topic of my research, I will dedicate my whole attention whenever the subject is around. " Yuri straightened his posture before continuing.

"I have been studying him for a while now; I'm trying to figure out his common sense, he probably mustn't have one… it reminds me the first time I saw him. He claimed I had stolen the Aque…Blastia…" Yuri stopped reading and looked at Estelle with a blank expression, Estelle gestured him to continue.

"…of the Lower Quarter. Back then I thought he was criminal…a jerk, idiot, and stupid, egocentric, girly… "Yuri interrupted himself, "Ok, you've got the picture…" He sighed looking at Estelle, who just giggled.

And Yuri continued, "That's what I used to think, but now that I look back at the memory, I see a young man with courage and with his own sense of justice, a person that gave up on his own peace of mind to save strangers."

Yuri looked at the page silently, Estelle was curious about what could he be thinking now? Maybe about the last part, Rita was talking about Ragou and Cumore and how he saved people he didn't even know, killing them both. Everyone knew the death of those people would bring tranquility to many families.

After a few more seconds, Yuri frowned and ran a few pages. "This is his third visit since I started my research, he was talking with Estelle a while ago, I'm happy when she is happy but unfortunately this new feelings have changed me, it's sad. I pretend to ignore him so I can observe him without disturbances; right now he is talking to Repede, the pooch just whines or barks. If Yuri only knew, Repede and him are not so different maybe the only difference between them is that one sleeps on a bed and the other one on the floor, though I can imagine those two switching places from time to time."

"Jeez, thanks Rita." Yuri sighed. He wasn't expecting to get a real answer.

"What are YOU thanking me for?" It was Rita with the shopping bags, a suspicious look on her face, fortunately Estelle was blocking some of her vision and Yuri was able to hide the booklet inside his tunic just in time.

Yuri jumped to his feet without any sign of distress, which wasn't Estelle's case. "For bringing the ingredients of course!" He smirked, snatching the bags from her hands.

"Huh?" Rita looked at Estelle and she answered, "Yuri is going to make croquettes."

Yuri could have sworn Rita's eyes were sparkling with happiness as he took the ingredients out the bags.

Both girls looked happy when they finished, "Ahhh eating Yuri's croquettes bring a lot of memories. Don't you think Rita?" Estelle's eyes sparked with the memories of their journey.

"Good memories? We almost die out there, every time I thought we had finally got some peace, something else had to happen." She complained standing up from her chair to go back to her "research".

Estelle bowed her head sadly; this was starting to tick off Yuri. Rita had just sat on her usual spot when she noticed 'something' was missing, she stood up and looked all over the house but couldn't find it. 'This CAN'T be happening!' She thought, she was starting to panic.

Estelle and Yuri had noticed but said nothing until Yuri decided to ask, even though he knew what she was looking for. "You lost something?"

Rita's back stiffened while searching in a shelf, she turned around, "I-I…Well…" She took a deep breath to calm herself, "It looks like I have lost one of the books I was using on my research…" She crossed her arms.

"Oh…" Estelle pretended to be surprise. "Maybe you drop it outside while you were shopping." Estelle's way to make her leave.

That only increased Rita's panic, "O-Oh, no. I-I really need that book!" What if someone found it? Would she get blackmailed? Rita started to shake, a combination of fear and indignation had bloomed inside her.

Yuri smiled evilly, and defended his title as asshole#2 when he said, "Need some help looking for it?"

"Oh, what? No, I don't need your help; you will just get in the way!" Rita spluttered shutting the door of the entrance loudly, behind her.

"You are terrible…" Estelle sighed, Yuri only snorted.

"Hey, why is she investigating me, anyway?" He asked, lazily resting his elbows in the table. "I'm starting to feel like a guinea pig."

Estelle shook her head in disappointment, "It's because she likes you! Even a sheltered princess like me can tell, she has a crush on you!" I mean, Estelle did remember something like that happening in Tales of the Jade Planet, one of her favorite books.

"You are joking, right?" Yuri glared at her skeptically. Estelle sheaved another sigh with resignation.

"I guess, I don't have another option…" She was clearly frustrated, Estelle gestured him to take the booklet out. Yuri did and gave it to her; she ran a few pages and stopped at the one she was looking for.

"Ok, this might be a little disturbing…" She mumbled and showed him the page, there was nothing on the page except for a small lock of raven hair caught in a cord, and the lock had been glued to the page with a piece of orange gel bubble gum.

Yuri was in a loss for words for a brief second… "This can't be m-" Estelle rolled her eyes and quickly grabbed a lock of his hair and placed it beside the small lock.

"See? It's yours." Estelle stated. Yuri's throat was dry now, Yuri would have noticed about it if Rita wasn't the difficult person she was. He never though Rita could actually be in love with him because he couldn't picture it on his mind.

"What the hell is wrong with Rita?" An indignant tone on his voice, how did she obtain the piece of lock in the first place? Was she taking advices from Zagi? Yuri took a deep breath and held the bridge of his nose between his fingers.

"You want me to talk with her, don't you?" Estelle nodded with a weak smile; she even looked a little bit hurt.

"Fine, but I have the feeling this isn't going to end well…" Yuri grabbed his sheath and hid the booklet inside his tunic again, closing the door behind him he decided to look for Rita; Estelle stared at the door for a moment and sighed again.

Yuri didn't find Rita anywhere near the shops or the inn, he knew exactly where she was now. Yuri was able to spot Rita sitting below the great tree, her arms wrapped around her knees; she looked pale, really really pale.

A troubled look on her face, her eyes lost in a distant memory. Yuri inhale and exhale deeply before readjusting his poker face.

"Hey Rita, did you found what you where looking for?" he asked casually as he walked in her direction. Rita jumped a little before spotting the swordsman in the distance.

"O-Of course, I wouldn't be here so calmed if I hadn't found it!" She huffed with a 'duh!' tone.

Yuri crouched in front of her, he was too close in her opinion, Yuri frowned and evaluated her expression carefully.

Rita's cheeks were turning red, "W-What?" She growled.

He tilted his head before answering, "You don't look calm to me." His face lean forward forcing Rita to pin her head on the tree, Yuri was looking at her with intense eyes, like trying to read her thought.

"Wh- What are you doing?" Rita's face had matched her outfit's tone now. Yuri leaned away when he realized how close he was; he stood up and sat beside her, crossed legged.

"Just making sure everything is ok…" He finally answered.

"What do you mean?" Rita raised an eyebrow.

"Isn't there anything you need to tell me?" He asked instead.

"No, why would I need to tell YOU anything?" Rita scolded. "Maybe it's you the one that needs to tell me something, you never talk with me that much." Her last words came out sourly.

"Don't tell me," She continued, "It has to do something with Estelle."

Yuri scratched his head thoughtfully, "Well, kind of…But you are involved in this too." Rita looked at him with curiosity, her eyes slowly trailed off to the lower part of his tunic; she saw the booklet inside, against Yuri's skin.

She gasped for air, she was breathing too fast or not breathing at all, she couldn't tell. Her stomach felt hollow and she started to feel dizzy. She quickly leaned on him to grab the booklet but Yuri caught her by the wrist.

"Give it, give it back to me, it's mine!" She yelled, now using both hands, but Yuri used his other hand and caught her other wrist.

"Whoa, calm down Rita! You seriously don't want to put your hands in there!" Yuri said using all his strength on the girl. Rita didn't give up and leaned more, causing Yuri to fall over one of his sides along with her over him.

"It's mine! Why do you have it?" Rita hissed, they both kept struggling; Rita was able to slip one of her hands off Yuri's grip. She quickly slipped her tiny hand inside his tunic, during the fight the booklet had swayed inside his tunic to the side he had fall with, so Rita was brushing her hand all over his chest looking for it.

"RITA!" He snapped feeling her tiny hand touching his entire chest and stomach. Anyone that had seen them could have sworn Rita was putting her hands somewhere else. Rita was blushing, but she had to find it! Hopefully Yuri wouldn't have seen what she had written.

Yuri pulled out her hand but while he was distracted with that hand Rita used her other hand and slip it inside his tunic again. Rita was finally able to find it and snatched it. She jumped away, she was about to explode with anger.

"Why the hell did YOU had it?" She growled, her hands turned into fists.

"Hey I was about to tell you! But you attacked me." He hissed angrily, feeling violated… just a little. "I was going to give it to you anyways." Rita glared at him in silence.

"Estelle is worried about your friendship and I know now it's because of me…" He said pointing the booklet. Rita twitched and turned around to hide her embarrassment. Yuri only sat again, this time leaning against the great tree, spreading his legs. He sighed not sure what to say now, the truth was he didn't felt anything for anyone, not for Rita and not for Estelle.

Estelle was easier to read, that's why he had noticed her feelings toward him, but he never expected that from Rita as well. What was he suppose to do? He wasn't good at this type of stuff.

"S-So…what do you think?" She spat, her back still facing him.


She turned around to face him, she was blushing, there was determination in her eyes, and "I said, what do y-you think?" she dropped the booklet, not caring about it anymore.

"I-I…Well." Yuri glanced at the booklet and then back to Rita.

"You what? Just say something!" She yelled losing her patience.

"Look Rita, I think yo-"Rita leaned on him resting her hands on his knees and crushed her lips against his, the back of Yuri's head slammed against the tree. Yuri felt the hit had made him slightly stupider than before or was it the kiss?

Either way, he was in total shock, he didn't even closed his eyes like Rita did, when he thought she was going to lean away she wrapped her arms around his neck instead and he only twitched. He was impressed at how passionately she was kissing him, when did she learned to kiss like that? She is just fifteen for God's sake!

Rita leaned away to get some air, they were both wheezing. "D-Did you…did you like it?" She asked in her distinctive aggressive tone. "Be-be-because I can do it much better!" She growled, still gasping for air, wasn't she supposed to be kind and gentle in this situations? Then again, it was Rita who he was talking about.

"Rita, I was going to say, I think you are only confused, it normal with people your age." Yuri said shaking his head. "I mean you can't possibly be serious about this." Yuri was about to stand up but Rita placed her small hands on his shoulder, she looked like she was about to bite his head off.

Her hands then slipped to his collar and pulled him against her, kissing him again but she broke the kiss quickly this time and stomped away, Yuri looked at her perplexed.

To his surprise she turned and yelled, "I SWEAR I WILL MAKE YOU LOVE ME YURI LOWELL!"

PLEASE! PLEASEEEEE COMMENT! Tell me if they are in character, if they are not. If you liked it, if you didn't, if I spelled things correctly, etc. You can PM if you like, just for the LOVE OF GOD SAY SOMETHING!

You can even tell me which one did you like the most, my last story or this one.

I also want to thank the people that did comment on my other stories (L)