A/N: I sincerely apologize about the long breaks between updates, but I have trouble finding the time to write and post the chapters; however, I'll try to work faster with this. Thank you all for your continued support, and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

- Blank

"Hello" -Talking

'Hello' -Karou's thoughts

Hello -Mister Director

Hello -Anything bolded has a very important role in the story, so pay attention to them! You'll find out why they are so important in later chapters, though

Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club.




Chapter Start

Have you ever had that feeling, that moment, in which you know that something terribly wrong and BAD and not good is about to happen, but you just don't know what, so you just ignore it and hope that it'll go away?

And, whether you know it or not, ignoring it is the worst mistake in the world.

Well, that happened to me.

Just now, I believe.

I almost, almost, ignore it.

I'm so tempted!

But, I know that bad things will happen if I do.

So, I simply don't.

I listen to it, so much like I do with Mister Director, and stay away from anything that it increases around.

But, with the ocean, it increases a lot.

I don't stay away from that.

But… I think that, I just want to swim until I drown


Yes, that's a good idea.

I don't even know who I am anymore, who to trust, to believe, so, why don't I just drown and get it over with?

That'd be best for everyone, right?

That'd be a great ending for the play, too!

I should do it!

No, wait, not should.

That's not the right word.


I will do it!

That IS the right word!

Ooh, this is going to be so much fun!

Do you love the world as much as you love me? I hope not. If you did, then it would hurt you a lot to leave it, wouldn't it? Be happy that you hate the world and the people on it. Then you won't have a problem leaving it all behind.

Hello, ocean.

It's nice to be drowning in you.

But, I must say, you are much too salty for my tastes!

Why do you have to taste so disgusting?

…Is it normal for a fish to randomly swim up to you, stare at you for a few seconds, and then start trying to eat you?


Yeah, that's what I was thinking

Air bubbles float through the water, trying to reach the top so they can resurface and join the rest of its kind.

I wish I could do that, but no, I can't.

The rest of my kind would put me in a padded room with a strait jacket as my only companion.

And, it may just be me, but that doesn't sound like fun.

You're pathetic, sad and empty! Do you know that? Do you also know that that's how you're perfect, that that's how every perfect person is? They all have no sense of personality, and they're all lifeless dolls, forever lost to the fate of being commanded by their Master's, their owners. And, whether you know it or not, I'm your master, no matter WHAT you want to believe. And, just know that I'll always love you, okay?

Water fills my lungs, and, it hurts.

It's so painful...

Why am I doing this, again?

Someone, anyone, PLEASE TELL ME!

I think that, I've lost my mind.

No, for me to have lost something it would need to be there, and it never was, so no. I did not just lose my mind, for it was never there.

Will you help me find it?

It'll be much easier to if there's two people looking for it.

It's hard to stay under the water.

I just want to float up to the top and breathe in fresh air…

'Mister Director, may I please live a bit longer? I want to go out with a bang, not a blub…'

Of course. As long as you die this week, then I will be happy. Why? Because of the play! It would be a grand ending, the main character committing suicide? No one would see it coming!

I'm sitting in my limo, now.

I really regret inhaling in so much water, now I can't stop coughing.

And I'm wet.

The salt water is burning my throat…

The Driver seems to be very worried about me.

"Young Master, are you alright?"

I stop coughing for a moment, give him a small nod, and then continue trying to rid my body of the gross liquid.

Smile for the gun. If you don't, then they'll miss the snapshot.

There was a wet gurgling sound that barely registered in my mind.

Did it come from me?

Everybody hates you. It's not right for them to love you as you're a 'bad person', in their terms. All of the perfectpeople are.

My head begins to ache, and I feel bile mixed with water and blood shoot up my throat.

Not a second later, it's all over the limo's floor, and its horrible scent makes me puke again.

We all fall down. Doesn't everyone, at one point or another? And, once they do, everything will be over, and there will be nothing but children's nightmares for our perfect selves to see. And, in some sick and twisted way, that makes the person even more perfect than they were before.

"Young Master…! Are you alright? What happened?"

I open my mouth to answer, but more of the disgusting mixture comes out instead of words, and after that, black spots take over my vision, and I fall into a state of unconsciousness.

"Is he alright?"

"No, he's not. It seems as if he nearly drowned, with all of the water in his lungs…"

"You'll fix him, won't you?"

"No, I'm afraid that I can't. He's… unfixable. He's like a shattered vase. Some pieces are so small that you can't see them, others are huge but break when they're touched and the rest are multiple sizes, scattered across the room. You can't put them back together, and even if you do, some pieces won't go together right and others won't even be there. I'm sorry, but no, I can't fix him."

"…is-is there anyone that can?"

"Well, yes, there is. There are places just for people like him. They're called 'Mental Hospitals'. I highly recommend that you admit him in one."

"W-what? No! I'm not putting my son into that kind of place! He needs a healthy environment, with friends, family and familiar surroundings!"

"No, he needs help. As you can see, his… condition, is already worsening-"

"No, I cannot see that, and are you implying that my son-my youngest son-is bad in the head?"

"Yes, actually I am implying that. Put him in one, for the safety of everyone."

"Don't you DARE tell me what to do! If I put him in one, it won't do any good for HIM, will it? He'd be in an unfamiliar place where he'd have to wear a God damned straight jacket! No, I'm NOT putting him in there! Stop insisting!"

"I think that you should put him in there, Miss Hitachiin-"

"And I think that I shouldn't!"

"Your opinion doesn't matter in this situation, so do stop acting as if it does."

"Why you-!"

Lost, scared and confused.

I'm trapped in a dark abyss, unable to see and unable to move.

Crying, sobbing and weeping.

I'm scared to open my eyes, scared to see what might be creeping.

Screaming, yelling and shouting.

There's nothing wrong with me, so stop with the fucking acting!

Commanding, ordering and demanding.

No, I will not bow to your rules and lies, don't you understand that I'd rather be slowly dying?

Bullets, triggers and guns.

Come any closer and see what happens! I'll give you a hint; you'd better run.

Lies, acting and pretending.

For some people, there is no fairy tale ending.

Chapter end


