This story may contain Nudity, Sexual Themes, Violence/Gore, Strong Language, Ideologically Sensitive.

-Zarbon's Ship, Docking Bay of Frieza's Flagship-

"Suri… sister, wake up." A voice soothingly attempted to coax her from her chemically induced sleep. It was familiar and she hadn't heard it in so long.

"Umph… brother... emwi?" Bulma managed to get out barely intelligibly through the oxygen mask she wore as she slowly came out of sleep. The side effect of grogginess from hyper sleep would have its hold on her for a while. Zarbon watched through the blue green fluid of the stasis cell. She was tethered by tubes, wires, and restraints. He watched as the draining process began. Bulma remained quiet while he keyed commands on the control pad on the face of the cell. Once drained the cell opened, the tubes unplugged, the wires dropped away from her body, and Zarbon went to work on her restraints. After she was free, Bulma exited her hyper sleep cell and stood with the physical support of her sibling. Zarbon reached for a sheet from one of the many faceless attendants and wrapped her shivering nude form from prying eyes.

With half lidded sapphire eyes Bulma spoke. "What… No welcome home?" A small smirk played on her numb pink lips.

"Oh come on, Bulma dear. Five minutes and you already expect me to be so cordial?" Zarbon said with his eyes smiling as he gave his reply. His eyes portrayed all he felt, but would not say.

Zarbon fastened the sheet around her tightly to make sure that it wouldn't come loose and assisted her from the small eight crew ship. The same ship which Zarbon and crew was sent in to retrieve Bulma from her two year 'stay' on Asorna. The place was said to be a nightmare in itself and the experiments performed there were the worst forms of unfathomable torture.

Bulma leaned into her brother to help her walk on her still unsteady legs. They departed the ship and proceeded down the ramp and against the hangar bay wall stood the short statured figure of a man cloaked in semi-darkness. As Zarbon was about to pass him with Bulma in tow, the man spoke. "Drugging women to sleep with you now are we, Zarbon?"

"Vegeta… State your business here!" Zarbon said sharply as his molten gold eyes blazed at the spiky haired saiyan.

"Frieza sent me to see what's keeping you, but now I see… clearly." Vegeta said in a suggestive tone, darting his eyes to the female in his company eyeing her and then refocusing his attention to Zarbon. "I never figured you to take part in the opposite sex… I always thought your tastes ran to something more… familiar." Vegeta was baiting Zarbon as he finished the sentence smiling smugly.

"This is none of your concern!" He spat back with his eyes narrowed at Vegeta.

"It is my concern when Frieza sends me like some errand boy to fetch you!" He returned in anger gathering himself off the wall and stalking out of the hangar bay.

Zarbon watched the retreating back of the arrogant prince duck around the corner after leaving the hangar bay. Realizing Bulma had been silent since he stopped to speak to Vegeta. As he looked at her slumped form at his side he saw that she had slipped back into unconsciousness. He picked her up draping her in his arms and carried her to their quarters placing her on her bed in her private chambers to sleep off the effects of the hyper sleep cell. He would have to stand before his master and give his report. He smoothed a few green wisps of hair out of his face and then turned on his heel to see his lord.