Chapter 1

Shinichi kudo or should I say Conan Edogawa just finished a case when he saw a member from the black organization. He thought he saw Chris Vineyard. So he decided to follow her.

When he finally caught up to her she was in an alley. Then she did something Shinichi didn't expect her to do. She pulled out her gun.

"Sorry, Shinichi" Chris said.

Shinichi tried to move out of the way so he wouldn't get shot, but it was too late. She shot him in the back of his head.

"Good job Chris" said Gin as he came out the shadows. "But you betrayed us by not telling us about Kudo being alive" said Gin. Then Gin pulled out his gun and shot her.

Chris knew she would die after killing so she didn't. She simply shot in the head where he would survive.

Shortly after Gin left a crowd came after hearing the gun shots. Ran was first the to notice and called an ambulance.

Conan was rushed to E.R. In critical condition. The surgeons were able to get bullet out, but told Ran and Kogoro that he went into a coma.

As soon has Shinichi's parents found out they rushed to the hospital. Dr. Agasa, Anita, Amy, Mitch, and George were also there.

This same Anita finished the cure to turn Shinichi to himself. "Agasa, now that Shinichi is in a coma I'm not sure the cure will work" whispered Anita. "It should work, try testing it on him after everyone leaves" Agasa whispered back.

"Okay, Agasa" said Anita. Later she tested the cure on Shinichi and it started to work. Just after she gave him the cure his friends and parents came back.

"Why did everyone come back?" Anita asked. "We wanted to check on him before we left" said Ran. Then everyone turned their heads toward Conan who was in pain. They watched for a couple seconds and saw Conan turn into Shinichi.

Ran couldn't believe that Conan was Shinichi all this time. "Shinichi?" asked Ran. Then Shinichi woke up. "Ran" said Shinichi. Shinichi knew something about him was different, but didn't know what.

Then he realized he had his old body back. He was so glad to have it back he didn't realize them staring at him. "So Conan was really Shinichi this whole time?" asked Mitch.

Now that everyone thought about it, it made sense. They all knew Conan was too smart for his age. Then Ran started crying. "Why didn't you tell me Shinichi?" asked Ran. "I couldn't tell you" said Shinichi. But it was too late Ran already left the room. "We're glad to have you back son" said his dad. "Me too" said Shinichi.

The doctors came in and said Shinchi could be released tonight. His parents took him home and stayed with him. The next morning Shinichi got up to get ready for school and looked in the mirror.

"Ahh!" screamed Shinichi before he collapsed to the floor. His parents heard Shinichi's scream and ran to him. "Whats wrong" asked his mom. What she saw was unbelievable.

She saw a complete girl version of Shinichi. They took him to Dr. Agasa's and Anita ran some tests. "One of the effcts of the cure caused your body to change genders to get you back to your original age." said Anita.

"Can you change me back?" asked Shinichi. "I'm afraid not because your gender would be back, but age drop down and you'll be Conan again" said Anita.

Shinichi didn't know what to do. He would stuck as a girl forever and how was he suppose to explain this all to Ran.