AUTHOR'S NOTE: Wow, it's been a while since I wrote for this story. I'm so sorry for that. I've been kind of busy with my other stories. I wasn't really planning on updating this today but I saw how many people wanted an update so here you go. (Again, so sorry for the long wait), other than my Host Club fic, this one seems to be most popular so I might start updating more.

"Harry." I whispered out in the darkness. "Harry, are you awake?" I said louder. A snore from the lump clutching me like a teddy bear confirmed my answer, he's out cold. I sighed and snuggled deeper in my twin's warmth as a harsh wind blew in from the gaps in the roof. A pair of my brother's burgundy flannel pants and a white tank top doesn't really warm you up.

After we found the shack, we went in for the night. We un-wrapped everything in the blankets and tried to find the most comfortable space on the floor.

I checked the whole shack (after grief from Harry; "Someone could've been there!") and found no beds but a kitchen and the one room we're in. We put everything near our sleeping bags while I checked if the kitchen had anything to eat. It didn't. So right now I'm famished.

I glanced at Harry's wrist watch (that I stole from Dudley before we left) and saw the time, 11:45pm. Fifteen minutes until our birthday. I'll let Harry sleep for now. As I was lying down I remembered all of our past birthdays. We mostly celebrated the day between us two and that's about it.

I make homemade birthday cards in art class when the teacher's not looking (I'm surprised even the teachers hate us though) while Harry usually makes me something different every year. Each year it's typically made out of wood.

Last year, he made a wooden flute. I still have it with me but whenever I play it a sort of owl sound comes out from it. And Uncle Vernon gets mad whenever he hears the sound in the house. Maybe it has something to do with our parent's, or rather our, magic world.

I've been wondering about that. What if the magic world isn't better than world with the Dursley's? What if this Hogwarts School is worse? What if we're the worst students in our class? I shook my head to rid myself of those thoughts. No, anything is better than staying with the Dursley's for the rest of my life.

I turned my head to the side and checked the time once more. 11:50pm; just ten more minutes. I managed to replace my position as Harry's teddy bear with my pillow and knelt in front of the fireplace. Maybe I could start a fire with some rocks and twigs from outside. I got up to walk outside but someone trying to break down the door stopped me.


"Hermelinda!" Harry shouted as he got up and turned around to find me. Oh sure, now he's awake. He ran to me but my eyes never left the door.


Harry stepped in front of me protectively and I took a few steps back while clutching the back of his sweater.


The door fell on the floor with a loud crash. I shut my eyes and Harry turned around instinctively and wrapped his arms around my shaking frame as dust flew everyway. At the doorway, there was a large shadow. As the figure stepped into the shack, I could see his features. It was a large man with a pink umbrella. He was wearing a large trench coat and giant black boots that seemed to be the size of Aunt Marge's pitbulls. What caught my attention was his beard. It was full of tangles and so shaggy I think my hand would get lost if I tried to comb it.

"Harry an' Hermelinda!" The giant said with a smile. I blinked in surprise. He didn't seem so bad, actually he seemed very nice. "Las' time I saw you two, you was only babies." I loosened my grip on Harry's sweater and kept staring at the giant. "Yeh look a lot like yer dad," The giant said to Harry. "But yeh've got yer mum's eyes." He knew our parents? "And the same with yeh Hermelinda, cept the opposite. Yeh look a lot like yer mum but yeh've got yer dad's eyes." I stepped out from behind Harry to take a closer look at the giant. "Anyway," The giant began again as he rummaged through his trench coat for something. "A very happy birthday ter the both of yeh. Got summat fer yeh both here."

He pulled out a white box and held it out to us. Harry, being the braver one, took the box and opened it. Inside was a somewhat squashed cake. It was a sticky chocolate cake with the words 'Happy Birthday Potter Twins' in green icing. A smile unconsciously made its way on my face.

"Who are you?" Harry asked. I would have asked the same but I couldn't find my voice. I managed to elbow Harry. "Ow!" I simply gave him a look. "Oh yeah, thank you." Harry has to work on his manners.

"True, I haven't introduced meself." The giant said after chuckling at us. "Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts." My eyes widened and I'm sure the same happened to Harry's. He works at Hogwarts! "Call me Hagrid. Everyone does" My voice finally came back and I'm embarrassed to say I may have cut Hagrid off when he was about to say more.

"Did you say Hogwarts?" I blushed in embarrassment but Hagrid wasn't mad. In fact, he laughed.

"Yer just like yer mum, always gettin ter the point." I smiled proudly. "Yeah, I worked at Hogwarts, but yer two already know all about Hogwarts, o' course." Harry and I simultaneously shook our heads. "Y-yeh don't?" Hagrid choked out. Harry took my hand and explained.

"The Dursley's kept it a secret from us. We only found out cause Hermelinda's an evil genius and tricked them." I flushed at Harry's praise and shyly smiled. "We only know about as much as the letter told us." Hagrid just stood there in shock. Me, being my weird self, couldn't help going up to him and start poking.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. Hagrid snapped out of it and looked down at me. Wow, and I though I was short before.

"But yeh both must know about yer mum and dad," Hagrid said as he stared wildly at us. "I mean, they're famous. You're both famous." It was our turn to stare at him wildly.

"Famous?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows. "Us? Our mum and dad weren't famous, were they?"

"Yeh don't know." Hagrid shook his head in disbelief. He fell back on his bum in surprise and I literally felt the floor shake. I sat down and dragged Harry down with me. "Yeh don't know what yeh two are?" I hesitated before replying.

"Do you mean about magic?" I asked. "We only know that we have magic, and that's about it."

"Yeh two are," Hagrid stopped and lowered his voice. "A wizard and a witch." I blinked in surprise before turning to Harry. He's the leader.

"We're what?" Harry asked in disbelief. Okay, so maybe he didn't know what to think at this point.

"Wizard and witch." Hagrid repeated. I avert my gaze back to the giant. "An' thumpin' good'uns, I'd say, once yeh've been trained up a bit." I flushed at the compliment. We haven't even been to that magic school yet and we're already getting complimented on being good students. "Gallopin' Gorgons, almost fergot." Galloping Gorgons?

Hagrid took out a long quill, a roll of parchment, and a live owl from inside his overcoat. How can he fit a live owl into his coat? Oh, right. Magic. I tilted my head a bit but I managed to read what Hagrid was writing.

Dear Professor Dumbledore,

Found Harry and Hermelinda, they're okay.

Taking them to get their stuff tomorrow.

Weather's horrible. Hope you're well.


I watched in disbelief as Hagrid rolled up the parchment, tied it to the owl's leg, and threw the owl out the window into the storm. He walked back and looked at us like what he just did was the most normal thing ever. I blinked before getting up and running to the window. Sure enough, the owl was perfectly fine and was flying straight.

"Hagrid," I started curiously as I made my way back to my brother's side. "Why are Harry and I famous?" I asked.

"Ah, I don' know if I'm the right person ter tell yeh," Hagrid started uncertain. I gave him the puppy eyes I use of Harry when I want something. "But someone's gotta. Yeh two can't go off ter Hogwarts not knowin'. Well, its best yeh know as much as I can tell yeh." Hagrid took a deep breath and began. "It begins, I suppose, with ─ with a person called ─ but its incredible yeh don't know his name, everyone in our world knows ─"

"Who?" I asked cutting Hagrid off.

"Well ─ I don' like sayin' the name if I can help it. No one does." Hagrid replied.

"Why not?" Harry asked in confusion.

"Gulpin' gargoyles, people are still scared." Hagrid explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Blimey, this is difficult. See, there was this wizard who went . . . bad. As bad as you could go. Worse. Worse than worse." Hagrid paused for a while and I jumped in.

"What was his name Hagrid?" I asked attentively. Hagrid took in a deep breath and let out, causing my hair to lightly fly back.

"His name was Voldemort."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Wasn't a bad chapter was it? Okay, I have a question: What animal do you guys think Hermelinda should get? On the letter in the last chapter, I changed it to any trained animal because I just don't see Hermelinda with an owl, cat, or toad. Maybe a baby cheetah? That's partly the reason for the little statue. But I still wanna hear a second opinion so review~!