What be up? im really sorry, but this took me way longer then it should have...DISRTRACTIONS...but now its done and I hope you guys enjoy reading it :D thanks a bunch to you all how have stuck with this. Much love ...now on with the fic.
~At the Movies~
Kendall's POV
We finally made it to the movie theater about halfway into the previews, and snuck our way up to the middle section where James and Carlos were sitting. They happened to be sitting in the last four seats in the row, and the only seats that were open were on either side of Carlos or James. Logan went first, tapping on James' leg to let him pass.
"About damn time, what took you guys so long?" Carlos asked as he scooted up a bit to let Logan walk pass him
"Oh you know...Kendall kinda sucks at math..." Logan says, sitting next to Carlos.
"I thought it was science." James said, looking over at me while stuffing his face with a handful of popcorn.
"Uh...well aren't they about the same thing any way, pointless and useless?" I asked, sitting next to James.
"..You're pointless and useless" James joked around as he tossed a few popcorn kernels in my direction.
"What are you, five? and To you maybe." I said, taking the popcorn off my shirt and throwing them back at him.
"Will you two cut it out? I'm not trying to get kicked out" Logan leaned over in our direction giving us both a deadly stare down.
Both James and I looked at each other, and as if we were both thinking the same thing dipped our hand in the popcorn bucket to grab a handful of popcorn and threw it at him.
"Really you two...un-fucking-believable..." He whispered loud enough for us to hear him, and turned back to the screen. James and I couldn't help but snicker at each other.
"Fine, we're done.." I said as I gently tapped on James' chest to tell him to cut it out. I sat back and waited for the movie to start and was actually looking forward to it. About 30 minutes into the movie and laughing nonstop at how awesome the movie was, I caught a whiff of the ice cream that was still lingering on me and all the dirty thoughts came rushing into my head. I needed Logan and bad. I looked over at him, and he seemed to be too into the movie to even notice me. Considering how much he had tortured me a little earlier, I felt it would only be fair if I messed with him a bit.
I reached in my back pocket and took my phone out to quickly send him a text that said:
I'm Horny
A few seconds later, I felt my phone vibrate and read his response
So, deal with it slut
I smiled to myself, thinking it was so hot to see this side of Logan.
That's what ur for...lets fuck. I texted back.
Seconds later my phone vibrated again.
Here? You have no dignity do u? He texted back
Nope...lost that while I was asleep..now you either do as I say or no more sex for you… I texted back hoping that he would agree to it. It was an empty threat, but it was enough to have him agree, because he texted back :
Lol :D I can go without sex longer than you, you little skank, bad move...bathroom? He texted
Nope...here. I texted back, looking over to catch his reaction, which was him looking over at me with a 'Do you really want to do it here' look. I smiled back at him before texting him
Stop being a priss and touch yourself ...NOW
I waited a few seconds before looking over to see if he would actually touch himself, and sure enough, he was palming himself threw his pants.
Damn that's sexy...I want you. I texted, as I felt myself getting hard
Then come get me.. He texted back, still groping himself
Not just yet…take it out... I texted him, waiting a few seconds, before looking over to see if he was going to. I watched as he read the message a few times to make sure he understood what I meant.
Take what out? He texted back
Ur dick dumb ass...do it and don't u dare say no bitch. I texted him, knowing that he wasn't going to agree to it.
NOOO! Are u fucked in the head? He texted me trying his best to stay calm
No, I was fucked in the ass...now it's ur turn.. I texted, now getting very antsy. I took a second to look around the theater and saw that the last few rows were practically empty
Fine, meet me at the very last row in about 10 minutes. I texted him again. I put my phone away and continued to watch the movie for a few minutes, trying to find some excuse to make my way to the back row. I was lucky enough that there was a group of girls who were being a little too load, and decided that was a good enough reason to move. I began to act as if I was very annoyed by them and got up, leaning down a bit to not be in any ones way. Before I could get any further, James stuck his foot out and looked up at me as he handed me the empty bucket of popcorn.
"Be a doll and get a refill...since your up." He said shaking the empty bucket right at me.
"Like you really need any more.." I said snatching it out of his hand and jumping over his leg. I passed Carlos and 'accidentally' lost my footing and pressed my hand right on Logan's hard member.
"Oops my bad..." I said trying to play it off, and winked as I made my way out the aisle. I waited a second or two for everyone to get distracted enough to make my way up the last row unnoticed. I made my way up to the last row which was empty. There was a couple sitting in the second to last row and to be honest I didn't really care if we got caught. After all, that was part of the thrill.
I waited for about 10 minutes or so to see if Logan was actually going to meet me up here, and after about 15 minutes of waiting and getting annoyed, I reached out for my phone.
WTF Don't make me come get u... I text him. A few seconds later I felt my phone vibrate
You need me that bad, maybe I should make you wait a lil longer skank
Don't u fuckin' dare, now get yo ass up here so I can make u pay for earlier bitch.. I texted before putting my phone back in my back pocket. I sat back and waited for Logan to make his way up to where I was, rubbing my hand agents my now close-to-being-blue-ball's member. I noticed Logan walking up the aisle, and felt as if I was about to lose it right there and then. I unzipped my pants and slid them down a bit, trying not to waste any time and just get right down to it. Logan walked down the aisle of seats and right before he passed me, I stuck out my foot a bit, trying to trip him down right onto me. It didn't work as planned; He jumped right over my foot and continued to walk as if he didn't see me there.
"Your a fucking clown. Now get those big juicy lips on my dick bitch" I said as I pulled him right down by his shirt to the empty seat next to me.
"Well I try. What, I don't get to finish the movie?" He asks, adjusting himself and sat straight up against his seat.
"Nope...now get to sucking. It's sure as hell not going to suck itself.." I whispered before reaching out to place my hand on the back of his head and pulled him down toward my waist.
"You know, I'm starting to think your just using me for sex." he said jokingly, using some of his strength to pull against my hand.
"You know, I can get sex anywhere...with anyone. It's not just about sex, it's more about the thrill and the fact that I don't want to be with anyone else but you Loganator." I said, now pulling him close to my face, staring at those big brown chocolate eyes that will make your heart melt.
"That was almost kinda sorta sweet.." He smiled at me before leaning in close to kiss me. I cut the kiss short and pulled on his hair a bit to get him off me.
"Don't get too use to it. Now suck.." I said before guiding him down to my crotch. He took a quick second to look around the theater to make sure no one was near the area we were. Guess it was to make sure he would go unnoticed. He then wrapped his lips right at the very tip of my member. I slanted down a bit on my seat wanting to get more comfortable, before pushing down on his head. At first he resisted, wanting to tease me a little bit, before he slid his mouth down my member, taking his time to swirl his tongue around every inch of my cock while at the same time bobbing his head up and down.
"Damn. Keep going...so fucking good..." I whispered, trying my best to keep my voice down. While Logan was sucking away on my dick, I traveled the hand that was on top of his head down his neck and right down his back. I took a minute to rub on his back in a very loving way, wanting him to know that I loved him dearly without even having to say a word to him. Before I could travel my hand down any further I felt him reach out for my free hand and hold my hand, squeezing it tight. I smiled to myself knowing that he was returning the same thought. I moved my hand a little bit further down to his waist and wiggled my fingers into his pants waist line, while placing small gentle kisses on the hand I was holding close to me. I worked my fingers inside his pants and once I found the elastic waist band to his boxers, I snaked my fingers in one by one. Once my whole hand was inside his boxers, I took a second to cup his butt cheek and squeezed tight. I felt Logan moan quietly, sending a humming vibration down my dick and chills up my spine.
"Fuck it, Logan ...I need u now..." I said as I place one of my fingers right on his entrance and with no warning, I pushed in. I was completely stuck in the moment that I had forgotten the simple fact that I didn't even bother to use any kind of lube, but it was a little to late for that now. He began to gag a little, trying to scream out in pain, letting go of my hand and quickly tried to reach out for my hand that was stretching him. In an attempt to calm him down a bit, I began rubbing on his back again, but made sure he kept his mouth on my dick by forcing him to bob up and down on it.
"It's alright Logan, you're doing great..." I leaned down and whispered into his ear while trying to work a second finger in him. Just as I was about to push it in, I felt his whole body tense up a bit. Wanting to make sure he was not going to scream out in pain, I thrust my hips upward, wanting him to deep throat me. To my surprise he did not gag, taking in my whole member done his throat with ease. I took this as an opportunity to sneak in a second finger in, twisting it along my other finger, doing my best to get him prepared without hurting him. I felt my stomach tighten and I knew I would explode any second, but not before making Logan ride me. I grabbed a hold of his hair and pulled him up a bit, letting him make his way back up.
"How was that?" He asked leaning in, catching his lips with mine. In response I moaned quietly while I continued to work my fingers in him.
After about 2 minutes of kissing, I finally broke the kiss and slipped my fingers out of him.
"Take your pants off..." I whispered to him while I slid my own pants along with my boxers down a bit more.
"You weren't kidding were you?" He asked, looking a bit worried, and now having second thoughts about it all.
"Does this look like I was fucking kidding? Now take off your pants." I said, staring him down at his crotch.
He did as told, taking his time to unzip and probably worrying that someone would hear him, but that was going to be the least of his worries.
"Would you hurry the hell up, while I'm still hard bitch?" I asked pulling him down, right on top of me. I didn't waste any time and quickly pulled his pants, along with his underwear, down a little more before sitting him right on my lap, with him facing the screen.
Before going any further, I spat on my hand a little bit and ran it up and down my shaft, then lifted him up a bit, enough to press the very tip of my member at his entrance.
"Now remember to keep your voice down...we wouldn't want to get kicked out now would we?" I whispered into his ear in a very smock tone, right before I inched in a little more.
"Fuck you." Logan turned to face me, leaning in to give me a very sloppy but yet very gentle kiss. Our tongues battled for dominance and there was no way I was going to let him win. I reached out with both hands and grabbed him by the waist, pushing him down on my member while still working my tongue with his.
He tried to resist but with me being a bit stronger then him, I was able to push him down further than what he was prepared for.
"You son of a bitch.." He hissed loud enough for the couple a few rows ahead of us to look back at us, both giving us dirty looks. I froze in place, holding Logan in place with one hand while I waved back at the two couple with the cheesiest smile on my face. The two just rolled their eyes at us and went back to watching the movie. I waited about a minute or two before continuing by lifting him up a bit by his waist before pushing him down a little further down.
"Can you fuckin give me a second to get used to the fucking pain you asshole?" He whispered while looking back at me with anger in his eyes.
"Nope...now move or I'll move you..." I said as I leaned in to place gentle kisses on the side of his neck.
Seconds went by and he was not making any attempts to move, so like I said I would, I thrust my hips upwards, far enough to cause him to lift his ass off me and quickly placed my hands on his waist fast enough to bring him back down. He continued to move on his on, slow at first but soon began to pick up the pace, to the point where he was fucking himself on me. I let him take control, letting him bounce up and down on my member while I just began to rock back and forth on the seat.
"God Logan...just like that...you know what I like..." I moaned out quietly as Logan circled his hips as he worked his way down my cock.
"Make me cum Kendall...I need you to touch me..." He began to beg as he continued to bounce up and down. I reached out and began to pump his member at a very fast pace, knowing that the movie was close to being over. Within minutes we both cam at the same time, riding our orgasms out together, and just in time, since the end credits began to role. Logan quickly slipped off of me and pulled his underwear along with his pants back up.
"Your not going to clean yourself off?" I asked as I did the same.
"Nope as soon as we get home, you and me in the shower, and this time I'm it." Logan smirked, before leaning in to grab my cum covered hand and began sucking on my fingers. The lights went back on and I could honestly care less if anyone saw us.
"Damn. So this is where you two were this whole time. And here I thought you were being a good friend and getting me my popcorn." James said as he made his way up to us. I quickly jerked my hand away from Logan's mouth and wiped it on the side of my shirt.
"I had better things to do, and it was worth it." I said, looking over at a blushing Logan.
"Was it worth missing the movie over?" Carlos asked, looking at both of us as if he didn't know what we were up to this whole time.
"We can always come back to see it." I smirked, hoping that Logan would be into having theater sex again.
"Yeah…and when it's more empty..." He said, winking over at me.
"Yeah make sure of that, because you two weren't as quiet as you thought you were" The girl from a few rows in front said loud enough for us to hear before she made her way out.
Both Logan and I looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh at the whole situation.
"We don't even want to know" Both James and Carlos yelled out, before making their way down the stairs.
Soooo what did you guys think? PLEASE REVIEW and let me know... :D and if you have any ideas on how Logan should get Kendall back let me know :D PEACE TO YO FACE! (:
...and now to ramble on...
Becca (SamUley-wolf-gurl) OLIVE JUICE...thanks a ton for Proofreading this for me, your the best wifey eva! WUV YOU
Strawberry Shortcake (Michelle550) ...about damn time you got to my nachos :D JK im gonna start working on my part NOOOW and hopefuly we will have the second part up soon you bipolar-bear :D LOOOVE U
Myriam: (the blinky ghost) QUE PASA ? mucho amor para ti tambien
Kelloggs : what be up? K hearts K ...for now ... (:
and now a big thank you to you guys who are friends with me on Facebook...come find me if you want..user name is ryan skankasorous nau :D
BYE for now...more to come really soon!