Chapter 3: Friendship and love

FTP: I am SO sorry this is beyond late, this is to infinite and beyond beyond late *tries to commit hara-kiri*


Lucy: that was close *phew*

Natsu: FTP does not own Fairy Tail, please enjoy while the author comes back to us from the other world. *grabs FTP's escaping soul and tries to put it back*

Erza: review responses after the chappy!

"You perverted…!" The scarlet haired one roared coming towards him. He didn't move but kept on staring at the blonde one whose face was a crimson red matching his own. Erza knew he was a knight of the kingdome of Fiore, he was dressed in the uniform designed for the mages. Black pants with matching boots and a white sash round the waste. He had a black vest with golden outline at the ends but was not wearing the usual white shirt showing off his muscled abdomen.

"Woah," he said right before he was beaten to a pulp. He noted mentally that the redhead was not to be messed with and made sure to follow that rule till the end of his days.

Luckily for him his companions jumped down to his rescue at that moment. They also wore the knights uniform but also had the standard white shirt on. Unfortunately Happy almost died from a nosebleed and while Zeref gapped at the blonde. This is the start of our story, Zeref had always been a talented mage but unlike his dragon he was kind and gentle. Today he looked into the eyes of the blonde beauty who blushed at his gaze; he turned his back to her grabbing his companions and apologized for their intrusion. The wings did not unsettle him one bit after all he was a gentleman before anything. His philosophy was to know before acting and he was determined that day to get to know the beautiful white-winged blond. You could say, it was love at first sight for Zeref, for Natsu it had yet to bloom.

The two beauties dressed and came face to face with the intruders.

"I'm Zeref," the black haired boy smiled gently shaking their hands much to the girls' surprise. Humans didn't like them very much and yet this man was being so nice. They were obviously suspicious but since they got no bad feelings they were probably safe.

"I'm Happy," the youngest one cheerfully added, "and that one you almost killed is Natsu,"

This Happy they found funny, he was tiny compared to the other two with blue hair and cat like features. He looked young for his age and they wondered how he had become a knight.

"I know aerial magic!" He added proudly and this explained it all. Aera magic was one of the rarest forms in the world.

""I'm Lucy and this is Erza who is sorry about that," Lucy smirked nudging Erza who mumbled something that resembled apologies.

"No harm done," Zeref smiled at Lucy who turned a little bit pink. No one had ever been this nice to her except her family.

"Aye," Happy saluted.

"No harm done my ass," the pink haired boy roared coming back from the land of the dead. His eyes met those of the hybrid Lucy whose face turned completely red causing Natsu to remember what had happened and join her in the contest for who could resemble a tomato more.

"Sorry about, ahem," he started roughly scratching his head and looking anywhere but at the girl.

Lucy smiled at him, she was still pink faced but felt her heart skip a beat at the fire mages antics, he was cute she admitted and decided that she quite liked this Natsu. Natsu seeing the girl smile at her gave her a goofy grin, they remained silent pleasantly smiling at each other until Erza interrupted.

"Well, although we have all day for you two to look in the depth of each other's sole," The red winged girl smirked about to take her revenge, "Profess your love already so we can go for dinner,"

"We're NOT in love!" the two immediately shrieked clearly embarrassed.

The whole group burst out laughing at the couple who had once again turned a flaming red. Zeref though seemed a little irked, he couldn't put a finger on what it was that had annoyed him and decided to ignore the feeling. Natsu however was overjoyed, he had made two new friends, the blonde was really interesting too and he liked her especially, the redhead was a little, no scratch that, uber scary but they might actually have clues on the whereabouts of the dragon.

"Now what?" Lucy asked Erza.

"Well they most certainly can't go back the way they came," Erza pointed out. It was too high up and they would need to fly to get there again. it was incredible they had voluntarily jumped down and survived. She could feel they were strong mages and not to be underestimated.

"The village doesn't allow humans inside," Lucy continued.

"But we're dragon slayers!" Natsu jumped in the conversations, "We're human but not so human you know what I mean?"

Erza and Lucy froze, their eyes widened and they shook their head, it made all sense to them now, their strong magical power that they, well, Natsu and Zeref did, the blue haired boy was obviously human and weird.

"That makes it even more problematic, maybe if we get some help we can carry them up again," Lucy figured.

"Our wings our only strong enough to carry our weight and some supplies, I seriously doubt we can find four other hybrids willing to help out," Erza reasoned.

"Gray would, and Juvia follows him everywhere," Lucy chimed in excited to finally be part of some adventure no matter how little it was.

"I can help as well!" Happy offered enthusiastically.

"The master would be angry if he found out," Erza grumbled to her little sister ignoring the cat boy.

"Oh come on nee-chan, he doesn't have to find out," Lucy grinned, "We'll pretend we want to have a picnic and dine all together, we'll grab Gray and Juvia and maybe Cana-nee could help out,"

"This can't work Lucy," Erza insisted," try to be reasonable, I…no not the doggy pout,"

Lucy gave her the most adorable pout she could master and finally convinced Erza to help her out. They got to know the dragon slayers and their friends more and more as they planned how to help them. The girls went back to the village and the mages remained behind like they had promised.

"That Lucy is cool isn't she!" Natsu said to his friend who felt a stab at his hurt seeing his friends eyes sparkle like that.

"Yeah, she's a real keeper," he admitted resting on his back.

FTP: there it is chapter 3!

Lucy: took you some time *smirk*

Erza: *lazy bum*

Gajeel: …Gehehehe *looks down on FTP*


.Them, Lili-AnimeFreakk, Princess Happy, YoruTsukiWriter, jizang, AmberSparkle: Thank you X infinity. I can't tell you how happy the reviews make me, it's pretty much what I live on xD I will definitely want to finish this story =] I hate leaving anything halfway through so even if slowly I will continue my stories.

Akarui Nightshade: Natsu would not be Natsu if I didn't would he *wink*

Ree-Vance: Over active imagination pays off, you would not know how many theories of dragons, Natsu, Zeref and Layla to connect Lucy I come up with. At least in the manga it seems he wants to do something with Lucy and the (spoilers ahead) singing in charles vision makes me think Layla might pop up FINALLY. He can't troll his way out of this one!

The Midnight Shadow Star; Thank you very much, he almost died but he's a resistant one isn't he?

aphrodite931: It is an honor to have you review Opiuchus is one of the coolest I've read! I need to describe more, I know and I will, I want to describe the village next chapter; I hope I can pull it off. Thank you for your time. I'm not keen on giving spoilers but one thing is that this Lucy is a special one and not what she seems, she has a surprise for you guys so keep tuned ^^

PINKhairedBADASS: Will check your story out when I get around to reading for sure =D thanks for reviewing and hope to hear from you ^^

A BIG sorry again for taking so long and thank you for your patience ^^ especially to WaterVixen who has been most patient with this silly FTP. Thank you guys.