Hello !
Title : Misery Business
Genre : Drama, Romance.
Disclaimer : I don't own the characters unfortunately. They are the property of HBO and Charlaine Harris ! I only own my OC, Elizabeth Adams.
Chapter 45 : Goodbye My Lover
I left Godric's arms as quickly as possible to see if it was true, to see if it was really Russell Edgington's voice that I had heard. He should be dead so it couldn't be his voice. I was just confused and lost and I must have imagined things. After all, I had been in fairy land and who knew what it could do to me right ? I needed to stay calm, Russell was probably dead, yes he had to be dead.
However, he wasn't… He was definitely not dead. He was burned, badly burned but he was alive, wrapped in silver chains but alive.
No, how could it be possible ? Who had saved him ? Who could have done this after everything he had done to us ? Who could have done this knowing that he would surely kill us once he was better ?
" No… Who did this ? " I asked but my eyes were fixed on Russell Edgington. I was frozen and couldn't help but stare at him.
" Eric asked me to bring him back inside. " Sookie answered and I felt her coming next to me, putting a hand on my shoulder.
Eric ? No, it was impossible once again. Why did Eric ask this from Sookie after what Russell had done to his family ? This was completely ridiculous. How could he do this to me ? He knew how much it meant to me to see that vampire dead, I thought he understood me but it seemed that I was completely wrong.
This was a betrayal…
" Eric said he has a better plan for him, something that will make him suffer and die painfully. " Godric added and stepped in front of me, preventing me from seeing Russell.
I was speechless, a better plan ? There was no better plan. Even if I desperately wanted to see Russell suffer for everything, I wanted him dead for good. I didn't want to wait anymore to see him dead, I wanted it now. Maybe it was stupid to desire such a thing but I needed it.
" I don't care. " I said and clenched my fists.
I knew what I had to do right now and I was going to do it no matter what. Russell Edgington was going to die right now, I was going to kill him with my bare hands. In fact, that was what should happen because he had hurt me too much.
When I saw my father and William and when I thought about that, I only wanted to watch him turn in a pool of blood. He needed to die for what he had done, he deserved this. And the world would be so much better without him, even the Authority wanted him dead.
" Don't think about it, Elizabeth. We're following Eric's plan. " Godric quickly said, probably noticing my murderous look and probably understanding what I was thinking.
After all it was so evident, even the stupidest person could understand what was happening inside of me. It was only fair to want to get rid of Russell at this very moment, wasn't it ? Everyone would do this, everyone and Godric had no right to tell me to follow Eric's plan.
" So now, you want to follow his plan while you didn't want before. You're such an hypocrite Godric, I can't believe it ! " I screamed and in my state or rage, my fangs extended.
I wasn't going to attack Godric, I would not do this because I loved him but right now. I had no control over my fangs and he probably knew it.
I was so angry at everyone here. This was just a nightmare, a true nightmare ! It seemed to me that everyone was against me, Godric and even Eric. That was incredible… Maybe I should have stayed in that fairy world with my family. I would have been happier and at least I would have never known that Russell was still alive… Of course, there would have a little problem because those fairies didn't want me with them.
" Elizabeth please, don't be like that. " Godric and he was very calm, too calm.
Something had changed within him. A few hours ago, he wouldn't have reacted like that. He would have screamed at Eric to do something or he would have screamed at me.
" Get out of my way, Godric. I'm going to kill him now. " I said, determined to finally kill him.
" I'm not letting you do this, please just wait for Eric to wake up and he'll tell you what he plans to do. Just be patient, please. "
I shook my head, I didn't want to wait. I didn't want to hear about Eric's stupid plan. Then, it wasn't like I could fight against Godric.
" Elizabeth, just- "
" -Fine." I interrupted him. If only I could have stayed asleep a little bit longer… " But don't expect me to stay with you until he wakes up. "
Maybe I was hurting Godric, maybe I shouldn't be like that towards him but I just couldn't control myself. This was too much for me.
" A lover's quarrel, fantastic. " Russell said and I was ready to finish him but Godric was still on my way.
How was I supposed to wait for Eric to wake up if Russell was talking to us and provoking me ?
" When I'll be free, I will kill you, everyone here will die and you'll regret your decision, Godric. You should let her kill me. " Russell added and I knew he was right.
They were making a huge mistake by letting him live even if it was only for a few hours, a few days of more. We needed to get rid of him as soon as possible. He was dangerous for everyone here, couldn't they understand this ?
" Shut up. " Godric said and turned towards Russell while I decided to go next to Sookie.
She was probably the only one on my side since Russell knew what she was. I was also pretty sure about that because she shot Russell a death glare and a compassionate look to me.
Then, she didn't only shot him a death glare, she did something amazing, something that made Russell suffer a lot. She dumped his lover's remain down the drain and I smiled. This was sadistic because Russell was suffering but I just didn't care. He deserved everything…
And then, we waited… And waited. A werewolf came in at some point but I didn't care at all. I was eager for the sun to set and for Eric to wake up so I could finally learn about his so called wonderful plan…
I was going to make him change his mind.
However, for now, I was only staring at Russell and I was completely ignoring Godric. he had tried to talk to me but I couldn't talk with him.
That was mean but he deserved it at this very moment. He had to understand how betrayed I felt. The worst thing was that he was siding with Eric while this was completely stupid. He wasn't thinking, while he should.
There was also one sad thing about this whole situation. In fairy land, I had promised my father that I would do anything to get Godric back because I loved him and because strangely my father wanted me to be with him… But now, I didn't know if I could keep my promise. I loved Godric, but I felt betrayed and hurt. Wasn't Godric realizing what kind of mistake they were doing ?
" Good you're here. " Eric said as he finally came in the bar and I stepped in front of him before he could do anything. " I'm glad you're fine, Elizabeth. Now, I have things to do, Godric probably explained you what I intend to do. "
" Sookie told me you asked her to bring him in and Godric told me you had a plan to make him suffer but I don't care. We're going to kill him right here and right now. I don't even want to know what your fucking plan is ! " I screamed and took unnecessary breaths.
" Oh please, Lizzie just trust me. I know what I'm doing. Russell will never get out of cement !"
My mouth fell open… So that was his plan, cement ? Ridiculous and completely stupid. Russell was three thousand years old, he could easily get out of cement if he wanted to. How could Eric be so stupid ? How could Godric let him do this ?
" Godric, command him to stop this madness ! " I said turning towards him.
I waited for his answer but he stayed silent and shook his head. This was unbelievable. No one was thinking about me… It was like he didn't care that Russell could come back and kill me or even Eric. It was like he didn't care that Russell had killed his friend, my father… Why ? I just couldn't understand.
" How can you do this ? How can you do this to me ? "I muttered to myself and was disgusted. Godric was making a huge mistake and I knew now what I had to do. I couldn't stop Eric, I couldn't kill Russell now but I could do something else. And even if that was the worst decision, I had made up my mind.
" Elizabeth- "
" - I don't want to talk to you, not now. I need to get away from here. " I said and started to make my way towards the door and noticed that I wasn't the only one.
Sookie was doing the same thing but not for the same reasons. She was leaving because she hated vampires and I could understand why.
Once I was outside, Sookie stopped me by grabbing my arm.
" I want you to come back with me at home, I'll feel safer. I know that I've rescinded my invitation but I'll allow you to come in again. You may be a vampire but I trust you Elizabeth. "
Sookie was pacing back and forth, explaining how much she hated Bill and loved him at the same time. I wasn't really listening to him but I was glad to be here with her. Since my father had explained me why I needed to protect her, I understood many things and I knew how to protect her. Sookie was very special to me and I was going to do something I had never done for a human.
" Sookie, I want you to take some of my blood. "
She stopped dead in her tracks, looking at me like I was crazy, maybe I was. However, it was the only way to know she was safe… It was the only way to protect her from everyone here. I was concerned about her especially since I also learned about Bill Compton. I wasn't very sure he loved her now, he was using her I was sure about that. And I was afraid that he was going to give her to the vampire queen of Louisiana.
" Your blood ? Hell no, I'm not forming another bond with a vampire. I trust you but I don't want to. And if you're trying to make me let you drink my blood, that's not going to work and you'll have to leave. "
" I don't want your blood, Sookie. I explained you that my father told me we were part fairies and this is why I want you to drink my blood. I'm not going to lie to you, your blood is delicious but my need to protect you is stronger than that. And the only way to do this is to make you drink my blood. "
Hopefully she would agree because I wasn't going to force her. If Sookie didn't want to be protected, then it wasn't my problem. I was doing my best to help her.
" I don't know Elizabeth… Won't have I dreams about you ? " She asked and I chuckled.
I hadn't thought about that but yes, she could have those kind of dreams about me. She could even get attracted to me but it wasn't like Sookie preferred women. At least, she was making me smile and laugh and I definitely needed this after what happened tonight.
" You will but I have to make sure you're safe while I'm gone. "
" While you're gone ? What do you mean, Elizabeth ? "
I smiled sadly at her. I had made up my mind, I was going to leave Bon Temps, Shreveport and Godric at the same time. I couldn't continue to live here, with Godric, not after everything… He was letting Eric make a stupid mistake and I couldn't live with him knowing what he had done. I knew that it was a selfish and stupid reaction but I had to do this and maybe it was the only thing to do. After all, I had hurt Godric, and now he was hurting me… We were not really made for each other and leaving may be the only solution. Of course, it broke my heart to leave him because I loved him, however I wasn't leaving him forever.. Or so I thought…
" I'm leaving. I can't stay here, but I'll be there for you if you need me. "
" Why are you doing this ? What about Godric ? " She asked and raised her eyebrows.
She couldn't understand what was happening inside of me. She was not like me.
" It's better like that and I need to leave, Sookie. You don't understand what we've been through. "
" Godric loves you, he would do anything for you. You should have seen him today, he was bleeding but he stayed awake for you. he was holding you in his arms, he was afraid to lose you. You can't leave him, you will break his heart. " She nearly screamed at me.
I knew she was right, I knew that my decision wasn't the best one, but it felt right to do this. I had to do what was best for me and leave. I needed time for myself, all alone to think about Godric and even Russell. I didn't want to leave the one I loved, the one I needed but it was too hard to say here and hurt him and myself. Forcing myself to be here could only lead us to hate each other or worst. Maybe someday we could be reunited, maybe…
I've hurt him, he hurt me. We need a break, I need to leave, it's for the best. Right now, they are burying Russell into cement and for me, it's a betrayal… Russell is too dangerous, we should have killed him and Godric knows this. I can't stay with someone who let him live. " I started and stood in front of Sookie my hands on my hips. " He killed my family, my maker, he took everything from me, and he will live even if he's buried in cement. I can't accept this especially if Godric agrees. When I saw my father and my brother in that crazy fairyland, how do you think I felt ? I wanted to kill Russell even more and now… I can't accept this madness Sookie. I love Godric, but that's too much. "
" You're letting Russell win and destroy your life by leaving. " Sookie said, maybe she was right. " You can lose Godric forever by doing this. You love each other so much, I can't believe it. Can't you just think about it ? Can't you forgive him ? "
I could forgive him but not now. It was too soon and he hadn't to forgive me for everything I've done too. We were in a very bad situation, we had done to many bad things to each other. I think we both needed time to heal our wounds and it could take a lot of time for me… Hopefully I wouldn't lose him forever otherwise, I didn't know what I would do. I wanted us to be together but for now it was impossible, we were just falling apart.
" I appreciate your concern, Sookie but I'm not going to change my mind. Now, do you agree to drink my blood ? "
Sookie sighed, knowing that she couldn't win this time. It was nice to see that she liked me enough to try to make me change my mind. I was a vampire and I was friends with a human, and I wanted to protect that human. It was so strange to think about that, especially when I thought about what kind of vampire I was when I was younger.
" A few drops of your blood, because I trust you. ""She said but I could tell she wasn't happy about her decision.
" Good." I said as I bit into my wrist and offered it to her.
She took it and drank it reluctantly, only a few drops and let go of my wrist.
" I think I'm going to leave you alone. I need to see Godric one last time. Just so you know, your secret is safe with me." I said and then Sookie did something unexpected. She hugged me and told me that she would miss me.
As I made my way outside, I stopped and turned around. I needed to warn Sookie about Bill. " Be careful around Bill, Sookie. Don't trust him so easily and stay on your guard. He's not who you think he is. "
" What do you mean, Elizabeth ? "
I couldn't tell him everything I knew because to tell the truth I didn't know many things, just that he worked for Sophie-Ann, the queen. I didn't know what she had asked him to do so I couldn't assume anything but Sookie needed to be warned.
" He's hiding things from you. You should ask him but be careful. " I said and didn't wait for her answer. I didn't want to waste more time.
And now I was on my way to Fangtasia, to see Godric. It was going to be awful… I had to do this…
When I stepped in the bar, Godric was immediately in front of me.
" Elizabeth. " He started and I noticed the blood on his shirt. What the hell had happened here ? " I was worried for you after what happened here. Ruben, one of Eric's assassins tried to kill us. Pam and I took care of him but I was afraid for you. "
Why did he try to kill them ? That was ridiculous but it wasn't time to think about it. I had other unpleasant things to do.
" I'm fine but we need to talk. "
He nodded and I followed him inside Eric's office. Saying goodbye to him was going to be hard and he wasn't going to be very fond of that idea.
" Elizabeth, I- "
" - Don't say anything, I have to tell you something and it's important. " I started interrupting him. " I'm leaving, I can't stay here. "
And it was like a bomb had just exploded right in front of Godric. He was speechless and hurt was written all over his face. Well done, Lizzie but it had to be like that. He had to understand this was the only way.
" Why ? What are you saying ? You can't leave, we've taken care of Russell and now maybe we could start all over again. I know it's going to be hard but we need to do it."
That meant a lot to me and I wished I could stay and start all over again with Godric… However, I couldn't. I had to move on and find myself again and then I may come back, if he still wanted me and if I still wanted him.. Well, I would always want him. I needed him to be complete.
Godric, listen. You and I both know that something about us doesn't seems right these days. We've hurt each other too much, I've hurt you too much. And I just can't forget about your decision concerning Russell. You knew how much it means to me to see him dead and yet you agreed to bury him in cement while he could escape. I can't accept this, I can't forget this and I can't forgive you for now. I need to leave, I need to do what's best for me and for us. "
It hurt me to say those words, it broke me inside and I wanted to cry but I needed to be strong. I knew I was once again hurting him but he would understand one day. He was two thousand years old, he was clever… And he could wait for me, if he could still love me after that.
" I can't let you leave, Elizabeth. This is stupid. "
" You'll have to, I will never change my mind. I don't want to hurt you more but I just can't live a lie and fake happiness. It's not good, you need to understand. "
" I'm trying to understand… " He whispered and I could tell that he was disappointed and angry at me. His fists were clenched, his eyes showed those emotions and maybe at this very moment I had lost him. " What about me ? Have you ever thought about me when you took that decision ? "
Of course, I was thinking about him, he was always on my mind and he had to understand that this was the only way for him to be happy.
" I have. I love you but I had to do this. Please, just understand what I'm feeling. I.. It's like you betrayed me by letting Russell alive in cement. I need to leave, at least for now. "
" You're selfish. How can you be so heartless ? " He snapped at me as his fangs popped out.
I didn't want to fight him, this was not my intention and I wasn't going to do so. I would stay calm, I would hide my own pain.
" And you, how could you do this to me ? You're making a huge mistake. I'm not the only one to blame Godric. " I sighed, it wasn't supposed to be like that. " I don't want us to fight if it's the last time we see each other. And I'm leaving tonight."
His eyes were fixed on me and I couldn't describe the look on his face? Maybe he was resigned, maybe he understood.
" Will you ever come back ? " He asked after a long silence.
I stared at the ground, I wasn't even gone and I wanted to be back but I didn't know how it would turn out.
" I.. I hope I will. I just don't know when. " I whispered and couldn't look at Godric and see the pain in his beautiful eyes. " I will miss you every night but it's the right thing to do. "
" What am I supposed to do ? How can I know you're fine ? " He asked and now was standing very close to me. He put a finger under my chin, making me look at him.
There was a small trail of blood on his cheek, I was making him cry. I was a monster… How could I do this to the only person I loved ? How could I even say that I loved him ?
" I… I'll be okay, you know me. " I said and let out a small laugh. Unfortunately he knew me. " I'm sorry for doing this to you but I need to leave. "
He rested his forehead against mine and I knew he couldn't understand me but he was letting me go.
" Please, just don't think about meeting the true death again. " I tried to joke but failed horribly. This wasn't the best time to say something like that.
" I won't. " He replied as I threw my arms around, trying to show him how much I loved him.
It was hard for me and when I let him go, I could feel bloody tears coming out from my eyes and falling on my cheek. It was time.
" I love you. Goodbye Godric. " I said and made my way towards the door while Godric stayed here. I couldn't look back, I couldn't see him broken because of me.
On my way to the door of the bar, I looked and waved at Pam, who had probably heard everything. " Goodbye, Pam. "
She shook his head. " This is ridiculous but I hope you'll come back. We still need to spend some time together, Elizabeth. "
I smiled sadly at her and opened the door. Outside, I watched Eric coming back with cement on his hair and on him.
" We took care of Russell but Bill tried to kill me. I informed Sookie of his betrayal after that. " Eric said and now stood in front of me.
At least, Sookie knew about me and if I concentrated, I could feel her pain… Poor girl.
" Why are you crying ? " He asked, probably noticing my desperate state.
What a great vampire was I…
" I'm leaving tonight. " I simply answered and Eric's mouth fell open.
" You can't leave, not after everything. What about Godric ? Does he know ? How can you do this to him Elizabeth ! I thought you loved him ! " Eric screamed and pinned me against the wall of his bar.
He was protecting his maker, I couldn't be angry at him.
" Don't make this harder Eric, please. " I said and this time I started to cry like a baby. I was ridiculous, pathetic.
" Why ?" He asked and let go of me.
" I need to, I need to stay alone for a while.. I may come back one day but I don't know when… I need to leave at least for now. So please, just let me go. "
He growled and stepped away from me. " I… I understand but please, come back for him. " Eric said and I was surprised by his reaction, surprised but happy. Of course, he was angry at me but he was also very nice and I was thankful for that.
" Thank, and goodbye Eric. " I said and left.
I was crying. So this was the end of my relationship with Godric, at least for now. I could have changed my mind but now it was too late for that. Maybe something great would happen next, I could only hope.
However, if I was sure about one thing it was the fact that I would love Godric forever. No one could change that and hopefully one day we would be reunited, we would be together… Hopefully… If I stopped being so stubborn.
Anyway, this was the start of something new, completely new for me.
" I'm already missing you… " I muttered to myself and looked back one last time, secretly hoping to see Godric standing here, but he wasn't. " I just wish you knew how much I love you. "
Well, here we are ! It's the end of the story, I hope you don't hate me for ending this story like this. I've planned this from the very begining and well... I know you want to kill me right know ! But don't do it, there's a sequel and the first chapter of the sequel is already written and posted.
I want to thank Nicola, princess moon shadow and especially to DarkAngel620 for their reviews. I also want to thank everyone who read this story. It means really a lot to me and I can't tell you how happy you are all making me. I know my writing is far from being perfect but I'm trying to do something good. So thank you for reading, loving and commenting my story. You are all amazing !
Don't forget to leave me a little comment here to tell me what you think about the ending and everything ! Tell me if you liked it, disliked it and what do you think will happen in the sequel ? Please, leave me a little comment !
Anyway, the sequel is called Broken Strings so just go and read it ?