Draco Malfoy straightened up from the library desk, pushed away his potions homework and smiled with satisfaction. He was pleased with the amount he'd managed to get done for a Sunday morning and was looking forward to spending the rest of the day indulging in a bit of rest and relaxation.
He checked his watch and realised he ought to get a shift on. He had arranged to meet Blaise for a spot of quidditch practice and the other boy was likely to get awfully shirty if Draco was late. Draco wanted to keep him sweet so he could be sure of getting sucked off in the quidditch showers afterwards. His groin tingled in anticipation; Blaise was very skilled with his tongue.
Draco's mind wandered as he headed back to the Slytherin dungeons to drop off his books and change. He had been fucking Blaise on a casual basis for a few months now. The arrangement suited Draco perfectly, but recently Blaise was getting increasingly demanding and possessive. Draco frowned as he thought about this. He didn't find these qualities attractive in the darker boy. Draco had no interest in being tied down in a serious relationship; this was just a bit of fun to him. Besides he wanted to be free to experiment, Theo Nott had turned out to be another willing partner and was learning fast.
Draco sighed, as he threw off his robes and wriggled into his snug quidditch breeches. It was ironic that the person he'd really like to have a pop at was the last person anyone would expect. He rolled his eyes at himself. Harry Bloody Potter. Honestly how had it come to this? He was secretly mortified and would admit it only to himself, but Draco had a crush on the bloody Boy Who Lived.
Just thinking about Potter's unkempt dark hair (didn't he own a comb?) and his ridiculously, annoyingly green eyes made him hiss with frustration. Regular quidditch matches together, and back to back practice sessions for Slytherin and Gryffindor meant that he was also all too familiar with the surprisingly attractive body that Potter usually hid beneath his robes, or his unflatteringly baggy muggle clothes. As Draco visualised Harry's wiry, muscular frame with its smattering of dark hair and that edible arse, he began to have difficulty buttoning his breeches over the growing bulge of his erection.
"Oh for fuck's sake," he eyed his groin and snapped angrily. "Stop it you bloody traitor! We hate Potter. Potter is a self-righteous do-gooding prick." Adamantly refusing to wank to thoughts of Harry Potter he forced the last button, wincing at the uncomfortable tightness, then finished dressing. He grabbed his broom and left quickly looking forward to venting some of his frustration on the pitch, and on Blaise.
Draco and Blaise had the quidditch field to themselves. The conditions were perfect, it was sunny and warm with hardly any breeze. After an hour of racing for the snitch and dodging the bludgers that Blaise seemed to be belting at him with unusual ferocity, Draco was sweaty and exhausted.
"Shall we call it a day?" he shouted across the pitch.
"OK," Blaise gave him the thumbs up, and they zoomed down to the pavilion, stripped and headed for the showers.
Draco closed his eyes, revelling in the feeling of the hot soapy water sliding over his tired muscles, waiting for Blaise to make his move. Draco preferred to hang back and give the appearance of disinterest; he didn't want Blaise getting ideas above his station and knew the other boy wouldn't be able to wait for long. Sure enough as Draco slicked the last of the bubbles from the shampoo out of his pale hair and the shower stopped, he felt Blaise's arms slip round him. He smirked to himself as he felt a warm, wet body press up behind him with a determined hardness nudging between the cheeks of his arse.
This was just what he needed to bleach out the lingering thoughts of Potter from his brain. He arched and pressed back against Blaise biting his lip as Blaise teased his nipples with his fingers and leaned down to kiss his neck and shoulder. He felt his cock lengthen and thicken, eager for Blaise's touch. Blaise reached for his wand from a nearby shelf and Draco turned to him surprised.
"You're a little eager today," Draco quirked his eyebrows. "Can't wait to have my cock inside you is that it?" He smirked, waiting for Blaise to cast the usual stretching and lubrication spells. Then felt a flicker of anxiety as Blaise's eyes darkened and narrowed.
"Incarcerous" he snapped out with a flick of the wand and thin black cords appeared instantly, binding Draco's wrists tightly above his head and wrapping themselves around the pipe leading up to the shower head rendering him trapped and unable to move.
"You kinky devil Zabini," Draco drawled. "I didn't know you were into this sort of thing, you should have told me sooner." His cock twitched in anticipation as Blaise raked his eyes over Draco's bound, naked body.
"Actually Malfoy," his voice was cold. "The only thing I'm interested in right now is revenge."
"What the fuck?" Spat Draco, pulling angrily at the bonds that held him. "What are you talking about?"
"Do you think I'm an idiot Malfoy? I know you've been fucking Theo behind my back." Blaise's eyes burned angrily into him. "I won't be made a fool of." He turned his back on Draco and retreated to the locker room to dress. "Have fun. I'll see you at dinner, assuming someone rescues you before then. I doubt you'll stand much chance of making lunch." His humourless chuckle echoed off the walls as he walked away leaving Draco stranded and spitting with impotent rage.
Harry sat at the Gryffindor table absentmindedly chewing his way through his lunch, only half tuned into Ron and Hermione bickering about rights for house elves. His attention was turned towards the Slytherin table as usual.
Mealtimes were one of Harry's favourite parts of the day, along with potions classes. They were one of the few times that he could indulge in his favourite pastime of Malfoy Watching. Harry prided himself on his subtlety; his friends never seemed to notice his drooling thank the gods. He knew it was totally fucked up but he couldn't help himself. Malfoy might be a total shit who seemed to enjoy making Harry's life a misery, but he really was bloody gorgeous to look at.
Everyone at Hogwarts knew that Draco preferred boys. He wasn't 'out' as such, probably for fear of the reaction of his family but his preferences weren't exactly a well kept secret amongst his peers. Harry, on the other hand, had kept his dawning realisations about his sexuality to himself. It was common knowledge that he had snogged Cho, and had had a brief relationship with Ginny. But since that had finished he hadn't been involved with anyone. Harry had gone as far as admitting to himself that he was really more interested in boys than girls, but he wasn't ready to share that information or actually do anything about it.
Harry was uncomfortably aware that if he was honest with himself, his interest in boys was really an exclusive interest in one particular boy. It was his tireless obsession with watching Malfoy that had forced Harry to finally admit to himself that he was attracted to the blonde boy.
In Potions class he was regularly transfixed by the concentration on Malfoy's sharp features, then distracted by the softness of his lips as he nibbled on his quill. At mealtimes he enjoyed watching the rare fleeting smiles playing on Malfoy's beautiful face as he interacted with his few trusted friends at the Slytherin table. In the showers at the quidditch pavilion he trained himself not to stare, and constantly willed his body not to react as the water and shampoo suds caressed the contours of Malfoy's pale lean body.
Harry shook off his thoughts of Malfoy and mentally berated himself. What was the point? Malfoy wouldn't touch Harry with a ten foot pole. Besides, the arrogant blonde was a total git. He may be a gorgeous, beautiful git, but he was a git nonetheless.
Harry waited in vain to catch a glimpse of Malfoy's platinum hair and delicate features. He noticed Blaise Zabini slide in later than the rest of the Slytherins looking rather smug and felt a flare of jealously, aware of the rumours and wondered whether there was a connection between Blaise's tardiness and Malfoy's absence.
Eventually Harry gave up hope of Malfoy putting in an appearance, made his excuses and left the Gryffindor table, angry with himself for his inability to get the snarky twat out of his head.
He headed up to the Gryffindor dorm to change into quidditch kit, deciding that an afternoon of flying was exactly what he needed to distract himself from thoughts of Malfoy.
Harry practised alone, enjoying the solitude and the warmth of the sun as he flew recklessly after the charmed snitch he used for practice. He wheeled to impossible heights then dived like a hawk swooping for its prey, relishing in the terrifying speed and knife-edge of control and balance that guided him as he flew.
After a couple of hours he was pleasantly tired, but high on the energy and buzz that he always got from flying at speed. The quidditch pitch was still empty apart from him. Harry supposed that most of the other students were off lounging in the sunshine. He skidded to a halt in front of the pavilion, deciding to shower before heading back to find his Gryffindor friends.
He entered the cool gloom of the changing rooms, found his locker and peeled his clothes from his sweaty body. He wrapped his towel round his waist and headed for the showers.
Draco listened as footsteps entered the locker room. His desperation to be rescued warred with a desire not to be discovered in this mortifying situation. If only he knew who it was. A fellow Slytherin might be persuaded to be discreet, but if anyone from another house found him in this predicament it would be all round the school before nightfall. He waited, his arms aching from being pulled above his head for so long, unable to decide whether to shout for help. He half hoped that whoever it was would leave without finding him. Surely if he was missing for long enough one of his cronies from Slytherin would come looking for him?
After some rustling of clothing and clanking of a locker door he heard the slap of now bare feet echoing in the tiled corridor. The sound came closer as the footsteps moved around the corner towards the showers. Draco tensed up with his eyes cast downward, bracing himself to face his unwitting rescuer. There really wasn't a good way to bluff his way through this.
Pale feet, which were rather shapely as feet go, stopped on turning the corner as though rooted to the spot. Draco heard a gasp of indrawn breath followed by a stunned silence. Colour burning in his cheeks his eyes reluctantly dragged their way up the new arrival, taking in slim but muscular legs and hips wrapped in a rather skimpy towel. They moved up over a delectable stomach and chest that were suddenly horrifyingly familiar, and finally came to rest on shocked green eyes. Eyes which were even more brilliant without the glasses that usually framed them.
"Malfoy!" Potter gasped in shocked amazement. "What the fuck?"
"Well this is just bloody perfect isn't it?" Malfoy rolled his eyes dramatically. "I don't know why I'm surprised to be honest. Of course I get to be found in this ridiculous situation by the Saviour of the sodding Wizarding World, how fitting. Fuck my life!"
Harry stood frozen, brain still trying to compute what his eyes were seeing; Draco Malfoy, bound and naked in the shower room. It was as if someone had dragged out his deepest darkest fantasies and served them up to him on a plate. His eyes raked up and down the blonde boy. He had caught glimpses of him in the showers before of course, but had never dared to really look properly. Now he found himself unable to tear his eyes away from the lean slender beauty that was Malfoy. His eyes fell to Malfoy's cock which lay between his thighs, soft and heavy in a nest of blonde curls. Harry's cheeks suddenly flamed as he realised that he was practically drooling and that his own cock was beginning to harden. He hurriedly forced his eyes up to meet Malfoy's clear grey gaze.
"Well don't just stand there gawping Potter," Malfoy snapped. "I'm a little tied up here as you can see. Help a chap out would you?"
Hot with embarrassment and uncomfortable arousal, Harry approached the other boy, willing his fast growing erection away. His body wasn't listening but fortunately Malfoy was preoccupied only with escape and kept his eyes on Harry's.
Harry reached for the black bonds around Malfoy's pale wrists, part of his mind unable to help noting the beautiful contrast with the pale skin. Malfoy's hands were pulled so high that in order to reach them Harry had to move dangerously close. The blonde was slightly taller than Harry and he realised he had no hope of reaching the bonds without making physical contact. His heart quickened as he pressed up against Malfoy's flank, his own arms raised and his chest snug against Malfoy's ribcage. Their hips brushed together, Harry twisted slightly keeping his groin to the side so that Malfoy wouldn't feel his erection.
He forced himself to concentrate while he attempted to loosen the slippery black bonds but they were fastened magically with no visible knots.
"Just bloody get on with it would you Potter!" Malfoy's voice was sharp. "I would like to get out of here sometime today."
"Oh do shut up Malfoy," Harry shot back. "I'm doing my best and you're hardly in a position to complain."
He lifted his chin to try and see the ties better, his cheek grazing Malfoy's jaw. Harry huffed a frustrated breath past Malfoy's ear and the blonde shivered involuntarily pressing his chest closer to Harry. The shiver distracted Harry and he lost his footing on the slippery tiled floor and nearly fell, gasping and clutching at Malfoy's shoulders with both hands to keep his balance.
Harry's heart pounded in his chest with the adrenaline of his near tumble. He paused, catching his breath, then felt embarrassment rip through him as he realised he was still clinging onto Malfoy. Their chests were now flush together and Harry's cock was poking Malfoy in the groin, growing harder by the second with the increased contact.
Harry raised his eyes to meet Malfoy's, cheeks burning with shame. Honestly what sort of a pervert was he, getting hard over the sight of Malfoy tied up against his will? Obviously he was naked and hot as all hell but this was hardly an appropriate setting for seduction.
Flustered green eyes met cool appraising grey. Harry was surprised by the lack of anger there, and his heart skipped a beat as he took in the patches of colour on Malfoy's high cheekbones and noticed that Malfoy's breaths were harsh and shallow like his own.
"Well Potter," Malfoy drawled, quirking his eyebrows. "It's no wonder the Weaslette couldn't hold your interest for long. Who'd have thought it?"
He pushed his hips into Harry's and Harry nearly moaned aloud as he felt an answering hardness nudging against him.
"So tell me Potter," Malfoy's voice was smooth like treacle. "Is it boys generally, me specifically, or simply the fact that I'm currently naked and trussed up like a Christmas turkey that gets this reaction out of you?"
Harry's mouth was dry, "I... well... it's pretty much just you." He whispered, shocked by his own honesty. He forced himself to swallow and continued. "And the tied up part? Let's just say it's not exactly helping." There was a long pause as their eyes remained locked.
"Well then Potter," Malfoy's eyes were challenging. "What are you waiting for? Have at me!" his hips twitched again pressing the tip of his cock into Harry's belly just above the towel. Harry's eyes flew open as he searched Malfoy's face for any sign of mockery or uncertainty, but all he saw was hunger and heat reflected back. He realised that Malfoy wanted this, wanted Harry. The realisation that he was trusting Harry to touch him while he was restrained and defenceless was almost enough to make Harry come before they got started.
Terrified but thrilled, Harry pressed his lips to Malfoy's, softly at first. He felt Malfoy's lips part and their tongues met, tasting and teasing. Harry hands released their painful grip on the blonde's shoulders and one moved to curl into the soft silky hair at the nape of his neck. The other moved tentatively down across Malfoy's lean torso, brushing over a hardening nipple in a way that caused Malfoy to hiss and nip at Harry's bottom lip.
"Any chance you could lose that towel Potter?" Malfoy gasped. "I want to feel you". Harry immediately complied between kisses, throwing the towel aside and letting his cock spring free to bob against Malfoy's. Malfoy dipped his head for a moment to admire the sight, then looked back up and parted his reddened lips again to eagerly receive Harry's hungry kisses.
Harry's hands roamed over Malfoy's torso, mapping out each curve and plane of the porcelain skin with something approaching awe. He pulled his head back and took a step away in order to fill his eyes with the sight before him, now able to look properly without fear of embarrassment.
Malfoy stood before him, bound and vulnerable yet still with a hint of arrogance in his pose. It was obvious that he was utterly confident in the knowledge of his own beauty and was enjoying the effect that he was having on Harry. His cock rose up from its blonde nest, long and slender. The skin was pulled tight and Harry could see a tantalising glimpse of deep red flesh beneath the slightly retracted foreskin. The tip was wet and gleamed in the dim light of the shower room, Harry's mouth watered and he unconsciously licked his lips. Malfoy's cock twitched, as if in response.
"Feel free to touch it Potter," Malfoy smirked. "It won't bite."
"Patience Malfoy," Harry murmured. "I don't want to hurry." He realised it was true. He had admired the other boy from afar for so long, who knew if he would ever get another chance to act out his wank fantasies? He was damned if he was going to rush this, he wanted to make the most of this opportunity.
He returned to claim Malfoy's mouth in another deep kiss, tongues tangling and teeth nipping as he moved his hands back over Malfoy's body. He reached his hands round to squeeze Malfoy's firm arse and pulled his hips forward, grinding their cocks together for a moment, then released him and backed off again.
Malfoy scowled and whimpered a protest at the loss of contact. Harry suppressed a grin at the neediness of the sound, feeling a thrill of power surge through him. He was definitely going to enjoy this.
Draco saw the predatory delight in Potter's eyes and shivered, it appeared that the Boy Who Lived like a Monk (if the rumours were true) was actually a kinky bugger beneath that earnest, innocent facade. He was almost positive that Potter was a virgin, and the thought that he was most likely the first to unleash and witness this hunger in Potter made heat curl in his belly and a flush rise in his cheeks.
Potter bent his head and slowly licked his way down Draco's neck and along his collarbone. His hands caressed Draco's shoulders and smoothed down across his chest and around to stroke his back making Draco hum in pleasure. Potter's mouth slowly worked its way down to a nipple. He teased it with his tongue until Draco couldn't help but arch into him, seeking contact for his now painful erection.
Potter grabbed his hips and held him firmly, so that Draco's cock jutted tantalisingly not quite touching the warm skin it craved. Draco moaned and bit his lip, lost in the pleasure and torment of Potter's tentative caresses.
"Fuck... Potter!" he ground out. "Just touch me for Merlin's sake."
"Didn't anyone ever teach you how to ask nicely?" Potter teased; his tongue still fluttering around Draco's nipple. "I thought Malfoys were brought up with better manners than that." Draco hissed in frustration and ground his teeth. Malfoys may have had good manners but Malfoys didn't beg.
Still keeping a firm grip on Draco's hips Potter slowly crouched down and worked his mouth lower, inch by tantalising inch, until his warm breath and devilish tongue were caressing the line of blonde hair on Draco's abdomen. He lowered himself to his knees and kissed and nibbled the soft skin each side between hipbone and groin, taking great care to avoid Draco's cock.
Draco nearly came undone at the sight of Potter kneeling at his feet and the whispered touch of Potter's hot breath over his cock. He strained against his bonds and pushed against the hands still holding him fast. His cock twitched again and another drip of pre-come was forced from the tip and hung for a moment, suspended by a thread from the head of his cock. Draco watched in fascination as Potter caught it on his tongue and licked his lips, meeting Draco's eyes again with a calculating stare.
Draco growled an incoherent sound of rage and desire. He was shocked and thrilled by Potter's self-control. He could see the dark boy's thick cock was swollen and leaking at the tip, yet Potter was taking his time and torturing Draco with his patience. He was a master at this game.
Potter moved again, a little closer to Draco's hot needy shaft but still not touching it. He buried his nose in Draco's blonde curls and inhaled deeply, pleasure evident on his face. He nuzzled Draco's balls and teased them with his tongue until Draco whined and bucked against Potter's hands again.
"All you have to do is ask nicely Malfoy," Harry smirked, his voice smooth and controlled. "I know what you want, but I want to hear you say it."
"Fuck you Potter!" Draco spat, his eyes dark with anger and desire. He threw his head back and moaned as Harry ran just the tip of his tongue up the underside of his cock and back down to his balls then paused, clearly waiting.
"Oh you bastard!" He ground out between gritted teeth, glaring back down into Potter's wide green eyes. "Please... I need to feel your mouth on me. Please Potter; suck my fucking cock for Merlin's sake!"
Potter grinned up at him, a genuine dazzling smile that made Draco's chest flutter in a way he didn't want to analyse right now, then Potter parted his beautiful lips and put them round the head of Draco's cock. Draco clenched his fists and gasped as the warm heat enveloped him, chest heaving as he fought the urge to come. Bloody Potter had kept him waiting long enough, now he wanted to enjoy the feeling of Potter's mouth on his cock for a bit longer. He clamped his teeth down on his lip to stifle his groans as Potter tentatively swirled his tongue around the head, lapping and tasting the wetness there.
Potter hummed, the vibrations making Draco shiver, then sucked hard taking in as much as he could. He gagged slightly, his inexperience showing, but carried on undaunted. Typical bloody Gryffindor, thought Draco, finding that he was appreciating Potter's determination and single mindedness for once. The heat and warmth and tight wetness sliding over his shaft, and the circular movement of Potter's tongue around the head on each upstroke felt incredible. He felt the heat building in his groin and knew he couldn't hold his orgasm off any longer.
"Potter, I'm going to come..." he gasped, expecting Potter to withdraw, but he just carried on swirling his tongue round the head as Draco pulsed out his release into Potter's waiting mouth, his cries echoing around the tiled room.
Potter swallowed most of it manfully. Draco was impressed, the first time someone had come in his mouth he had retched and spat it out in disgust. Potter was obviously born to suck cock.
He looked down at Potter, still kneeling naked at his feet with a shy smile on his swollen lips, flushed and panting with a dribble of Draco's come on his chin. Merlin, it was the most beautiful sight ever Draco decided. That's how Potter should always look.
"Potter," his voice was quiet. "Come up here and kiss me."
Potter got to his feet and came face to face with Draco. Draco closed the gap and crushed their lips together, tasting himself in Potter's mouth. He kissed his way down and caught the drop of spunk on Potter's chin, enjoying the slight rasp of dark stubble against his tongue.
"Perhaps you could pop and get your wand now Potter?" He raised an eyebrow and glanced down at Potter's cock which was pressing eagerly against his hip. "I'd love to return the favour but it will be a challenge in this position unless you're spectacularly good at levitation spells."
Potter grinned and turned away, moving eagerly towards the locker room. Draco eyed his retreating arse appreciatively and felt his cock twitch with renewed interest.
Harry returned with his wand trying not to smile too idiotically. He had just sucked off Draco Malfoy, and hadn't made a complete tit of himself in the process. Quite the opposite in fact he rather hoped, Malfoy had certainly seemed to appreciate his efforts.
"Relashio," he flicked his wand at the bonds holding Malfoy and was relieved when they responded immediately by dropping away and vanishing.
Malfoy slowly brought his arms down and winced painfully, obviously uncomfortable with the movement. Harry tentatively reached out and touched his shoulders.
"Turn around," he reached to turn the shower on as Malfoy turned his back to him. A hot stream of water cascaded over them both. Harry grabbed some soap and worked up some lather, massaging it carefully into Malfoy's shoulders and back. Malfoy sighed with pleasure and Harry felt his muscles relax under his touch.
Malfoy turned back to Harry and took the soap and washed Harry's chest. He teased Harry's pink nipples with his fingers until they were hard then soothed them with his tongue once the soap had rinsed away. Harry gasped and dug his fingers into Malfoy's shoulders. His cock was harder than ever and he pushed his hips against Malfoy, seeking his touch.
"Really Potter, you're so impatient." Draco's eyes glinted. "I'm sure you mentioned something earlier about not rushing."
Harry groaned. "I should have known that would come back to bite me on the arse!"
"Arse biting?" Draco chuckled. "Well it's a thought, but generally I find licking to be more pleasurable." Harry flushed and quivered at the thought. "However, right now Potter, I really want to have a closer look at this pretty cock of yours."
He ran his hands down Harry's flanks and wrapped one pale fingered hand around his cock. Harry bit his lip and moaned at the sensation. Malfoy fisted his shaft slowly, drawing the foreskin up and back making Harry arch and thrust into his hand.
"Oh... fuck, Malfoy!" He panted incoherently, already close to coming.
Malfoy dropped to his knees in front of Harry and looked up at him, his eyes dark and stormy. The water cascading from the shower made his fine silver hair lie smooth on his head and stick to his cheeks, his eyelashes clumped together looking impossibly dark and thick. Harry gazed in wonder at the beautiful boy at his feet, and watched as he parted his reddened lips and took Harry's cock down in one swift incredible movement.
Harry tensed and cried out, hands flailing until they found Malfoy's head and tangled into his hair. He fought the urge to thrust into the blonde's mouth, panting as he adjusted to the incredible warmth and sensation of Malfoy's mouth.
Malfoy's eyes were fixed on him, watching every reaction as he withdrew his mouth slowly, teasing the tip of Harry's cock with his tongue before taking him deep again, then again. One hand clutched at a firm arse cheek as he brought the other up to tease Harry's balls, gently tugging and fondling them. Harry felt his legs begin to quiver and tense as the heat built in his belly. Then Malfoy reached behind Harry's bollocks to gently finger his tight opening. Harry arched and came with no warning, shouting out and clutching at Malfoy's hair as his cock throbbed and spurted out his release deep into Malfoy's throat.
Malfoy supported Harry with firm hands on his hips as he shuddered and came down from his orgasm. Harry's legs were suddenly weak and shaky and he slid down the wet tiled wall to sit, leaning back and panting with exhaustion. He reached out and pulled Malfoy forward to straddle his lap and kissed him deeply and forcefully, his tongue pushing between the blonde's lips and teeth nipping. He withdrew and gasped for breath, then smiled into Malfoy's eyes and kissed him again, gently this time.
"That was totally amazing." Harry felt an overwhelming urge to be honest, unable to play it cool. "I'd never... done any of... this before." He felt his cheeks redden. "I hope it was OK?" Malfoy's cool grey eyes softened momentarily and he reached out to tilt up Harry's chin for another kiss.
"It wasn't too bad at all Potter," he grinned and stood, took Harry's hand and pulled him up in a swift movement, and switched off the water. "With a bit of practice you'll be nearly as sexy as me one day."
He turned and sauntered towards the locker room. Harry's eyes took in his pale and perfect arse, knowing that Malfoy knew damn well he would be looking.
"Just let me know anytime you feel like getting in another practice session Potter," he smirked back over his shoulder. "I'd be happy to help out. Sunday afternoons are usually good for me."
A/N: This started as a oneshot but is now a multi chaptered fic (complete) so read on!