I feel I could carry on this story forever, but it has to end somewhere. So this is going to be the last chapter, and hopefully it ends on a positive note.

So I hope you enjoyed this story :)

"You know I can always call Burke and wrangle the mornin' off, come with you both," Robbie told Jackie as he leaned over Kaitlyn, who was lying on her play matt. He tickled her tummy and was rewarded with a wide smile and a delighted, "Ah Ah Ah." As she kicked her legs.

She'd started smiling three days ago, becoming slightly more vocal just the day after, which had thrilled both her parents, as it meant that they finally had reactions and knew what she liked. Robbie in-particular used any excuses to get her to smile, even pulling funny faces that had Jackie rolling her eyes and laughing to herself.

Jackie shook her head in reply to his question, standing in the doorway watching her small family, she told him, "It's a six week check, we'll both be in and out of there in no time. Plus I don't think they're going to find anything, the health visitor certainly never seems worried when she visits and her growth and weight have been fine so far."

Robbie picked up Kaitlyn and got to his feet, replying, "I'm sure it'll be fine, but if you change your mind you just need to call."

"You're just desperate for the morning off, aren't you?" she teased, reaching out and tickling Kaitlyn's cheek and receiving another smile for her efforts.

He grinned. "Ah how well you know me," he told her jokingly as he rather reluctantly handed over Kaitlyn to her. Kissing the top of the baby's head, he turned back to Jackie, adding, "But if you need me then just call, ok?"

"I know, and if we need you then I will," she reassured him, straightening his tie with one hand. "Now go."

Robbie hesitated for another brief moment before finally nodding and leaving the room. Jackie laughed under her breath as she heard the front door fall shut, whispering to a now silent Kaitlyn, "You have your Dad wrapped around your little finger, I hope you know that."

That evening, Jackie smiled to herself as she heard Robbie try and manoeuvre his way around all the junk in the hallway. She looked up just as he appeared in the doorway, his face hopeful he asked, "So how did it go today?"

"Clean bill of health for both of us, and Kaitlyn is right on schedule for everything," she told him cheerfully, passing the baby over to him. "How was your day."

"Usual, had a ton of paperwork to finish." He grimaced at that, before his face cleared and he told her cheerfully, "But I did get an offer on my flat today, over the price that we wanted for it."

Her face split into a wide smile. "Really? And you accepted, right?"

"Course I did. So all we've got to do is shift this place and we're good to go."

"I'm already one step ahead of you," she told him. "Spoke to the estate agents and put it on sale today." She stroked her hand over her daughter's soft head of hair and told her, "So you Mrs will be in your new home before you know it."

"Funny to think she won't even remember this place."

"Mmmm," Jackie mumbled. "That could be for the best," she grinned up at him cheekily. "After all what she'd most likely remember is us tripping over everything and you swearing…a lot."

"Always looking on the Brightside."

She laughed. "I was thinking we could have an early night. I've already fed her, so do you want to read her a story and put her to bed?"

"Sure, you coming in to say goodnight to her once I'm done?"

Smiling to herself, she replied, "No, not tonight." Leaning on her tiptoes, she pressed a kiss to his cheek and murmured, "I've got other things to see to."

Robbie shot her a confused look and gave a one shouldered shrug before carrying Kaitlyn out of the room, talking to her as he did so. Jackie wasn't entirely sure what about but she was almost positive that he heard him mention something about him never understanding the minds of women.

Laughing under her breath, Jackie headed for the bedroom. It was very obvious that Robbie was in the dark about the fact that today was the day she'd found out whether or not they could resume a certain part of their relationship.

She fluffed out her hair in the mirror, checking her face to ensure that she didn't have any marks on it. Pulling open her drawer, Jackie hesitated on what she wanted to wear. Although she'd lost most of the weight she'd put on during her pregnancy through breastfeeding and walking just about everywhere with Kaitlyn, her curves were still softer and slightly more generous than they used to be.

Her teeth bit nervously into her soft bottom lip, she was being ridiculous. It wasn't as though they hadn't touched in the last six weeks, they'd shared deep, longing kisses and gentle caresses. So she knew that he was fine with her new figure, that it hadn't put him off in any way shape or form. If anything he was just as enthusiastic as he had been before Kaitlyn had been born, always seemed disappointed when he had to pull back, put the brakes on things.

She finally settled on a strappy cami top and a small pair of sleep shorts, she didn't want to look too obvious but she wanted something that was a bit more enticing than the baggy t-shirt she'd taken to sleeping in.

Robbie appeared in the doorway, his hair ruffled in a way that she loved. "Out like a light," he muttered, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Although probably not for longer than a few hours," Jackie remarked, leaning back into him. "So we'll just have to make the most of the time we have alone."

"Mmm," he mumbled into her neck. "You smell amazing, so you got any ideas for this time, you sound like you do."

"Well, you know how I was at the doctor's today, we got the green light."

He looked at the smile on her face and turned her so she faced him, fingers toying with the thin straps of her top as he echoed hopefully, "Green light as in…"

"As in we don't have to stop tonight," she confirmed happily. "Although you're back to wearing a condom for the time being, I don't fancy anymore surprises."

"Small price to pay," he replied, his hands slipping underneath her top, touching her stomach. She stiffened slightly and he whispered close to her ear, "Don't, I love the way you look, just relax."

"I think you need to show me how to relax, you did once tell me you had a few methods for that."

His cocky smirk widened. "I did, didn't I," he replied as he backed her towards the bed.

Picking up the phone later on in the week, Robbie was surprised to be greeting with a quiet, "Hi Dad."

"Jamie!" He echoed, the surprise obvious in his tone, it even caused Jackie to look up from where she was lying on the floor, Kaitlyn on her stomach and waving a brightly coloured toy for the baby to grab at.

He tried to recover quickly, asking, "How are you?"

"I'm fine…I just…I wondered what you were doing for Christmas?"

Robbie rubbed at the back of his head, he felt like he was coming up to a pivotal moment and that his answer to this had a lot hanging on it. "We hadn't decided anything for definite, why?"

"Just wondered…Mum's going skiing with her new boyfriend, so I'm meant to be staying with Aunt Pamela but…"

He felt his stomach lurch for his son, he'd always feared that this would happen, that Gaby would meet someone and then slowly but surely start a new life without Jamie. He knew to some it would look like he'd done the same, but he'd never set out to exclude Jamie. "You know that you could come and stay with us, we'd be in the new house by then, so they'd be plenty of room. Could stay for as long as you want, and then we could decide whether we want to have dinner at home or with Jackie's family."

"You…you wouldn't mind?"

"Course not, you could meet your little sister, and before you ask Jackie won't mind either."

He could hear the hint of a smile in Jamie's voice as he replied, "I could come out the day after school finishes and stay for a few weeks, until we're due back."

"Sounds good, just let me know the dates and I'll buy the ticket."

"I will. Look Dad I need to go, meeting some friends but I'll call soon, ok?"

"Ok, have fun, bye."

Hanging up, he turned, a wide grin on his face as he turned to see Jackie smiling softly at him as she sat back up, leaning against the sofa, Kaitlyn sitting on her knee, the ear of small plush bunny now gripped in her tiny hand. "I take it we have a visitor coming then?"

He nodded. "Not till Christmas though."

"That'll be nice," she commented easily. "Plus we'll have more than enough space by then, won't need to worry about him tripping over all our crap." She looked up at him, asking carefully, "How does Gaby feel about it?"

Robbie shrugged, coming to sit down next to her on the floor. "Dunno, apparently she's going skiing with her new man."

"Did I hear a hint of bitterness there," Jackie teased him.

His smile faltered slightly, and reaching out he shook the rabbit that Kaitlyn had gently, causing her to squeal in excitement, reaching forward to grab it again. "Just don't want him to feel shut out, I mean it's going to be bloody Christmas and she's planning to swan off and leave him with an aunt and cousins he hardly knows."

"It's not what we would do, I know, but then something good has come out of it."

"And what's that?"

"Jamie felt he was able to phone you, and now he's coming here, to stay with us. First step."

His grin was back. "That's true." He tilted her head to look at Kaitlyn. "Her eyes are getting darker," he stated.

"I know, think they're going to turn brown in the next few months." She stretched her legs and wiggled her toes. "Can't believe it's not even been eleven months since all this started. If you'd told me a year ago this is where I'd be I would have laughed at you."

"Mmm, who would have guessed that a drunken Christmas party would have got us here."

She laughed under her breath. "Bit cliché really, but worth it."

Kaitlyn let out a sharp cry when she dropped the toy that had been holding her attention, leaning over Robbie picked it up and handed it back to her, tickling her cheek until she smiled again. He slipped his arm around Jackie, and thought about this Christmas coming, in their new home with their baby girl and finally seeing Jamie again after more than a year,. He thought about all the things he had to look forward to, and he kissed Jackie's temple, replying, "Definitely worth it."