Dreaming, Believing

Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis.

AN: I decided to write my own femRyo story, while waiting for the ones I like to read to update. Updates will be infrequent, but I will try to meet the goal of once a month. This story will follow the entire POT series with a few tweaks here and there. I'm trying to keep it semi-realistic. There will be minor fluff, but no set pairings because who can honestly say that they dated seriously when they were 12-14? Anyone who wants certain pairings will be ignored. I will be gender bending at least one character per a team for my story. You have been warned.

"Speech in Japanese"

"Thoughts in Japanese"

"Speech in English"

"Thoughts in English"

Prologue: Arrival

"hmmm…. What to do?" stated a short girl of 151 cm, with a short bob of black/green hair ending under her chin. The girl was wearing a pair of black shorts, a light blue polo shirt, and white Fila tennis shoes. She was standing next to a pile of luggage in front of Narita International Airport holding a tennis bag.

"Damn, that perverted Oyaji," she grumbled, then sighed.

"Taxi!" she cried with her hand out.

A cab quickly pulled up next to her and a cab driver hopped out. He was surprised such a young girl was traveling by herself, but knew not to comment. The luggage was being placed into the back of the car, when suddenly a Himalayan cat jumped out of the bag he was holding, startling the driver.

"Ah. Karupin that's where you were," the girl stated.

"You know the cat should be in a carrier," stated the driver in heavily accented English. He was rather annoyed that a cat had surprised him.

"Mada mada dane," she said.

The driver decided to ignore the rude girl and finished loading the car. Before he could even ask where she wanted to go, a piece of paper with an address was handed to him. Seeing her strapped in with her tennis bag next to her and the annoying cat on her lap, the driver set off.

- Line Break -

They arrived at their destination a short time later in front of a temple. The girl hopped out of the car and paid for the ride. The driver warily took the luggage out of the car, checking to make sure nothing else was going to pop out. The girl refused help in bringing the luggage to the doorstep. The driver sighed in relief and left. He just didn't know she had other plans for the luggage.

She walked over to the door and quickly knocked. A man in his late thirties opened door slowly, while yawning with his eyes closed. He was wearing a black monk's robe with no shoes.

"We don't want anything," stated the man before opening his eyes.

"Good because I'm not selling anything you perverted Oyaji," the girl stated.

"Eh?" he asked, finally opening his eyes. "Oh you aren't supposed to be here until the 1st."

"Baka Oyaji, school starts on the 1st," she grumbled. "Now make yourself useful and get my stuff," as she pointing at the pile of luggage.

"Che, get it yourself you midget," as he got ready to close the door.

"Oh really…?" she said as a strange glint in her golden brown eyes appeared.

- Line Break -

The luggage was neatly stacked in a small room, containing a Western style bed and small desk by a window. The girl could be found sound asleep on the bed.

Meanwhile downstairs….

"I can't believe she would do that to her own father!" as he put an ice pack on his lower back.

"What an annoying little brat. Hope you are ready for her, Old Hag. Ahhh, my foot too!" he exclaimed hopping on his left foot, while holding his right foot with his left hand. His right hand was keeping the ice pack on his back. The man glared at the cat that had just bit his right foot because he was bad mouthing his mistress.

"Yeah. You had better be ready, Old Hag, because Echizen Rin is here," he groused out, as he crashed to the floor, unable to maintain his balance.

AN: So what do you guys think? I'll put up a name conversion list for the gender bending.