It's funny how people interpret God nowadays, like God is some mellow cosmic being wanting people to love each other, seeing him as an all powerful hippie. Or have people go around proclaiming in His name that gays are responsible for the deaths of soldiers. Both views go in different directions of what God is. Don't get me wrong. God can be loving, and He loves His creations, but He can also be vengeful. Especially to those who do wrong to undeserving people. He has the angels for a reason, a valid reason, to protect His people on a preternatural plane of existence. They are winged soldiers, remember, and not fluffy, overfed cherubs on a Hallmark card. They were created for battle, for defending.

I should know. I am Michael, the foremost of God's angelic host. For theological reasons, we angels can't interfere with the realm of man. Neither can God. So on occasion, when times are dark, a mortal is blessed -or cursed as some may see it-with the darker aspect of God. If you doubt God has a dark side, go read the Old Testament. It's full of infanticides and other nasty deeds that I don't particularly agree with.

But I'm wandering off the path that I intended to tread. As I said, we angels are not supposed to interfere with assuring that true justice is achieved for those people who slip through the cracks, the ones who cry out for help...but are refused the blood debt due them by circumstances beyond ordinary control. Fate, corrupt officials...whatever the case may be.

There were a few people touched by the war grace of God: St. Joan of Arc, Roland. Now, Frank Castle. He owned a strength almost unheard of, and an inability to compromise on what was right and wrong. That fascinated me. He fascinated me.

I reached out to him during the Firebase Valley Forge camp-and gave him what he needed to survive. I found a will in him, like steel, to do what was needed when others lacked morality and true grit. In short, when a warrior who saw life in terms of black and white arose, with a firm vision on how to treat people who took violent advantage of others. By treating those with the edge of a sharp sword and put a permanent end to their villainy. To my way of thinking, the second a human raises his hand against another in a deliberately cruel manner, they lose their soul and humanity.

What? You thought darkness had claimed his soul? Hardly. Lucifer wants evil people to live, to spread their corruption through untouched souls, to harvest more in time. Lucifer is all about the long run, and he's willing to wait.

No one is safe from his malevolent taint. Not even the priests that are to uphold His ideals and give guidance and succor to His flock.

Which brings me to the present day:

Brooklyn, New York City

11 PM.