Title: A World of What Ifs

Author: CrisisChild

Summary: A series of one-shots based on the possible paths the relationship between Cloud and Sephiroth could have and already have taken. AUs that range from plausible to completely implausible.

Rated: K+

Beta'd: Nope

Disclaimer: I do not own Cloud or Sephiroth or the wonderful compilation that they came from.

What May Have Been


"I'm sorry."

"Not interested."

"I'm sorry," Sephiroth repeated, now through ground teeth.

"Still not interested," came the reply through the shut door. If he didn't know any better, the general could have sworn the voice on the other side of the locked entrance was starting to sound smug. As it was, he began to feel the bud of frustration blooming in his chest. A fist came up and slammed none too lightly on the hardwood in front of him.

"Let me in, Cloud!" demanded the silver, clearly losing all patience.

"NO!" came back the petulant reply.

"You're being a child."

"Takes one to know one."

Gods, but he could strangle the other man right now. A deep, guttural growl echoed through the hallway . His fist raised and knocked several times upon the door, three at a time, while calling Cloud's name thrice in between said knocks on the blockade the blond insisted on having in between them. This was a habit Sephiroth had cultivated, knowing it was one of the few things that absolutely grated on his friend's nerves. Something about the interval repetitions bothered him greatly.

Knock, knock, knock.


Knock, knock, knock.


Knock, knock, knock.


On cue, the door swung open, Cloud appearing with the most antagonized expression ever. Sephiroth smirked, knowing only he was capable of inciting such emotion.

Well, there was one other person capable of eliciting a response from Cloud, but Sephiroth didn't have time to spare on her. Today was a special day and, as far as Sephiroth was concerned, that day was for Cloud and not that interloper.

"Good morning, traitor. Are you ready to leave yet?" Sephiroth inquired, the sarcasm not at all hidden. No point to it after all. Not once in all the years they'd known each other did veiled barbed words ever reach the other like their swords could. Masamune was conspicuously absent from his side though, had been since the night before. The SOLDIER felt naked without it, but he'd been told no weapons today.

Cloud grumbled, straightening out his clothes.

"I don't know, asshole. Were you actually apologizing or were you just trying to be an even bigger ass than usual?" the blond returned, not moving from beyond the threshold of the door. His arms became crossed and he placed his feet in his firmest stance. He wasn't budging. Sephiroth sighed.

"I was being serious. Now hurry up before I pick you up and carry you down the hall myself," the silver threatened, tone somehow nonchalant. Cloud knew when Sephiroth meant to do something and was already turning around, hand on the door to slam it in the General's face. However, a well placed foot kept the door from shutting.

Even the subsequent slams did not deter Sephiroth as he charged inside, just as he had once done to the imperial citadel containing Godo during the Wutai War, and just barrelling into Cloud, lifting him up with ease. Even with all the supplements he took, the extra care in his diet and exercise regime, he was still so small compared to everyone else.

"I'm sorry, but this farce cannot last any longer," Sephiroth began, now marching through the corridor. There was a destination in mind and this retrieval of Cloud's person had become something of an actual mission now. And when Sephiroth was in 'mission mode' there was no stopping him. "I have already apologized for the offence I made the night previous, now stop acting like a child and follow through."

Ahead of the pair was a grand door. What laid beyond it was something Sephiroth would never know nor truly understand. However, the world beyond was something special and meant for his dear friend and no good friend allowed someone dear to run away from paradise!

Unable to believe it, one of the many lines recited to him by Genesis popped up, unbidden as Sephiroth reached for the doorknob.

"There is no hate, only joy. For you are beloved by the Goddess!"

And without further ceremony, Sephiroth tossed Cloud into the chapel, face first in front of the altar, next to his bride. His duty as the best man, fulfilled.

There was a pained noise from the blond, also a grumbled 'You're the worst friend ever', but the moment Cloud finally stood up and glanced at his bride to be whatever reserves he had, whatever cold feet he'd been hauling around...disappeared. And soon enough, he was exchanging vows, exchanging rings. Exchanging one fate for another, all the while with Sephiroth watching and smiling smugly.

Happily. Sadly. Lonely.

At the reception, he raised a glass and made a fine toast to a fine young man.

To the future he would have with a new best friend at his side.

A future, he thought to himself as he watched the happy couple kiss for the umpteenth time, without Sephiroth.

Honestly, he wasn't sorry for calling Cloud's fiancee – wife – a thief. Neither was he sorry for calling Cloud an ignorant traitor either. But then again, their friendship meant more to the silver than the younger man could ever believe fathomable. Sephiroth didn't like sharing, and allowing Cloud to marry the love of his life was a blow he'd suffered too many times already with others.

He hated being second.

Call it conditioning, but he always wanted to be first.

First, first, first.

But...he supposed if Cloud was smiling (if every one who left him, left with dazzling smiles), he could stand being second, or third, or fourth, or...

"You were a good friend, Cloud," Sephiroth murmured into his emptying glass of wine, before departing the party early.