Chap 7

Yes I was gone from this story

Here's a new chap

Last Chap... Maybe a one more.

Modercai woke up seeing today was Friday. He swallowed, and heard light snoring, he smiled. 'Brigdy...' He got up gently to not disturb her. He figured if was going to break her heart tomorrow he make this day extra special. He pulled out orange juice, three eggs, four slices of bacon, and pancake mix. He was going to make breakfast in bed for her. 'The prefect day, with a prefect girl.' He sighed by the thought of it ending tomorrow.

Bridgy woke to the smell of eggs, pancakes, and bacon. She smiled to herself but frowned, "Last day with Mordecai...' She held back the tears, then looked at the picture of him and her male counterpart was gone and she was slowly becoming solid with Mordecai smiling. She stood up to get dress in her usual clothing. She looked in the mirror and saw Rigby sitting on the floor looking at her. "What?" She asked him.

Rigby stood up trying to act cool, "Nothing... but are you going to fuck Mordecai?"

She was appalled by his answer, "HOLY SHIT! Why would you ask me that fucking... I don't know... maybe..." She walked away from the mirror to see Rigby smiling widely.

"GOOD LUCK SIS!" (Hint hint ;3) Rigby in the mirror shouted.

Mordecai looked at his girlfriend and smiled, "Hello love, ready for a breakfast, I was going to bring up to you in bed, but since your downstairs let eats." She grinned sitting down.

"Mordecai so what the plan?" She asked drizzling her pancakes in syrup.

He blushed looking at her, "I don't know... whatever you want to do. I don't mind really." He smiled.

Brigdy stood up, "Let have a quick match at the game. Then do our job, let see where that takes us." He nodded.

During the match, Bridgy was playing like a pro, better than Rigby. Mordecai was actually shocked and surprise. She squealed by this and stood up dancing her vicotry dance. "Yes I BEAT YOU!" She grinned widely. He tackled her, giving her light kiss all over her neck. He rubbed her area quickly chuckling receiving moans.

"That was your prize." He laughed as she was extremely red. SHe socked his arm, making him whined. He covered his mouth embarrassed.

She laughed, "I am much stronger than Rigby or did forgot?" She asked teasingly.

He mumbled, "I forgot."

Benson came in, "Mordecai and the lovely Bridgy get back to work, or I am debt-docking your pay for this week." They nodded running out to get work done.

For Mordecai it was the most fun he had working. He grabbed his lover by the waist spinning her. She squealed loudly. "MORDECAI!" She blushed as she was toss in leaves. He pinned her down, downing her lips. She kissed him back. Benson saw that they were done when he saw them having a intense make out session. He chuckled and went to do paper work.

Later that day...

Mordecai was asleep and Bridgy was combing through his blue streak hair. "I love you." She turned on the radio Hearing the song that was on her walkman. (Eh eh I used an old term for IPOD! Ok ok... I am not good at adding songs to my stories okay. Don't hurt me! I DO NOT OWN THIS SONG NOR THESE CHARACTERS. I will only claim Bridgy that is all!)

What is love
Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more
Oh, baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more

Mordecai took Bridgy To the fair to have a joyful time. They went on the Ferris Wheel, that was looking out on the town. Bridgy laid her head down on Mordecai shoulder, he blushed grabbing her hand tightly. 'I love her so much...' He saw it was six o'clock. They were brought down Mordecai ran to the tunnel of love bringing Bridgy with him. She blushed seeing where they were headed.

What is love

In the Tunnle of Love, Bridgy was thinking what else they should do before the next day, before 12:00 pm. She didn't want to tell Mordecai that though she wanted him to break up with her earlier as when they wake up.

Oh, I don't know why you're not there
I give you my love, but you don't care
So what is right and what is wrong
Gimme a sign

Mordecai kissed her lovingly on the lips. She kiss him back. He bit her bottom lip. She moaned opening her mouth. He lick her mouth with curiosity, as she did the same. They blushed darkly after that kiss when getting out of the tunnel.

What is love
Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more
What is love
Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more

They went back home real quick though to get ready for their dinner date. He was in tux, black dress shoes, a blue bow tie. He waited for her holding a small box. She came down with a wide smile, she wore a red dress. He blushed, "You look... fantastic." She looked away blushing darkly.

"Thank you, Mordie." She kiss his cheek. He took out of the house to the restaurant. He was grateful to have spear cash enough for a nice three course dinner together.

They enter the restaurant, only to see Margret and Eileen on a double date. Mordecai smiled at the two females. Bridgy though noticed a box Mordecai was holding. "Hey Mordecai... whats that?" She asked.

He blushed darkly. "Oh... um... I'll show you it tomorrow. Promise."

She nodded. "I'll be back soon, find a table for us." She walked to the bathroom quickly.

Whoa whoa whoa, oooh oooh
Whoa whoa whoa, oooh oooh

Oh, I don't know, what can I do
What else can I say, it's up to you
I know we're one, just me and you
I can't go on

She cried hard looking at Rigby. "Why is so dense... he knows I'll be gone tomorrow. Why?"

Rigby sighed by her crying, "He's probably have jewelry for you. All girls go for that crap."

She scowled, "I AM NOT THOSE GIRLS!" She shouted angrily.

Rigby cringed in fear, "Calm down, jeez."

She sighed washing her face from the tears stains.

Mordecai heart burned, he knew that she was tomorrow. He opened the box sighing, It was a necklace with a engagement ring on it. He closed quickly when saw her coming back. "Feel better?" He asked worriedly. She nodded, smiling.

What is love
Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more
What is love
Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more

Whoa whoa whoa, oooh oooh
Whoa whoa whoa, oooh oooh

What is love, oooh, oooh, oooh
What is love, oooh, oooh, oooh

During dinner, Bridgy asked something, "Are... you going to miss me?"

Mordecai looked at her, "Yes I am going to miss you love. Will you remember me?"

She nodded, "Whats after this then?" finishing her plate pushing it aside.

Mordecai payed the bill. Before he said anything else, Eileen tackled Bridgy. "BRIDGY! EILEEN! WHAT THE HELL!" He shouted.

Eileen had tears in her eyes. "GIVE BACK RIGBY!" Margret pulled her off of Bridgy. Mordecai helped her up.

Margret looked at him then the box he had. She glared at him, dragging him to the hall leaving the other two alone...

"What is this?" She had the box in her hand.

Mordecai looked away, "She's gone tomorrow, At least I am showing my love for her, and how much I miss her. Margret... trust me I will break up with her..." He had tears falling. "Promise, for Eileen." Margret sighed then walked out of the restaurant with her date. 'And for myself.'

What is love
Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more

Don't hurt me
Don't hurt me

I want no other, no other lover
This is your life, our time
When we are together, I need you forever

At home Mordecai looked at his love in he skimpy outfit. He wanted to do this right. He wrapped around her waist. She blushed darkly by his actions. "You okay...-" She moaned loudly, as he was exploring her breast. He took of her bra and shirt. He kiss her harden nipples, she shivered by this action. He wanted to know more to a woman reactions. He licked the harden nubs. She moans loudly, some gasps here and there. He got aggressive by biting her tits, she yelped by the feel of it. He chuckled. He liked her reactions. She looked at his face, it had lust written all over it. She blushed darkly. He sucked away on her nipples. "Mordecai..." She moaned longing for something more in depth to what they are doing. "Lower lover."

He smiled, kissing down her stomach to his destination. "Here?" He saw her eyes hazy, she nodded in complete lust, love and now horny-ness. This itself was got him more horny. He slid off her shorts, licking her sweetness. "Oh man you taste so good. Like blue berry muffins." He licked more. She moaned loudly. He stuck his tongue in her. She shudder, falling to the floor, laid her down. He continued with the process.

"Mordecai stop... We have to cum inside each other love." He blushed darkly as she pushed him on the bed, removing his restricting clothing. She nipped, bit, sucked, lick, and kissed on his neck. He gave positive answers. Either a gasp, yelp, moan, or heavy breathing. She got top of him. He looked at her worriedly. She nodded. "I trust you, do it quick."

"What if I do something wrong..." He looked down worried and blushing.

Bridgy made him look at her, "Do it, and trust me." He nodded.

Mordecai laid her down and position the thrust... the very first thrust. "Before I start I wanted to say..." She looked at him.

Is it love

"I love you." He thrust into taking their virginity away, kept on thrusting non-stop.

What is love
Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more
What is love
Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more (oooh, oooh)

What is love
Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more
What is love
Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more (oooh, oooh)

Mordecai woke up, only to burst into tears. He saw Bridgy gone. He got dress quickly. He ran downstairs, too see she wasn't their. He grabbed the box, taking the necklace out. 'Please not yet...' He remembered last night, lust, love, swear, and sex was flowing between them. Non-stop fucks. He cried harder heading to Skips

Bridgy stood in the circle the shoes in the other half of it. Mordecai busted into Skips house were he sat reading a book, and Bridgy looking down sadly. Mordecai heart was in pieces. "Bridgy..." He gave her the necklace. "If you were your own person... I would of married you." He kissed her looked at the clock. "Almost 12." She nodded to what he was asking. Skips looked at the sad scene in front of him. He left to do some magical stuff.

Mordecai stepped back then turn away from her face. He sucked in some air. "Bridgy... We're... b-b-breaking up." She smiled , with a tear falling. Her spirit went back into the shoes, as Rigby passed out. The necklace was gone with her. Mordecai ran out the house, hearing his best friend voice saying 'I'm sorry man.'

What is love?

5 weeks later...

Mordecai was depress for those days, he hardly ate or did work. Let alone talked to Rigby. He only cried so hard until he couldn't cry anymore. Rigby came in holding Bridgy's necklace. "Yo Mordecai, I got Bridgy's necklace." Mordecai snapped up like a disturbed cat.

"How the...-" He's eyes went huge when he sat the ring gone. He downstairs, only to see Skips holding up a curtain in front of something.

Skips smiled at him Rigby grinned. "HEY SIS YOUR MAN IS DOWNSTAIRS!" Mordecai heart was beating hard.

Bridgy was shown when the curtain fell. She showed the ring on her left hand wedding finger. "Yes I will marry you." Mordecais hugged her tightly. Rigby go in the middle.

Mordecai looked at Rigby, "How did she come out though... like become real...?" He asked his friend.

"Mordecai your forgetting my twin brother isn't smart, but Skips he took Rigby's hair, a dead woman... gross I know, the shoes, and a spell. Poof Here I am." He smiled before he kissed her she stopped him. "I wouldn't have all my memories of us if weren't for the necklace and the engagement ring you gave me." Mordecai kiss hotly, he missed touching, feeling, kissing, seeing her. Rigby gagged at this scene, Skips rolled his eyes.

Benson came in angry. "ALL OF YOU GET BACK TO WORK! NOW!" They nodded. Bridgy smiled at her lover, he smiled back as they did their jobs... that's until Rigby found some type of awkward glasses.

That's another story XD

I hope you like it

Thats all folks!

Please be so kind leave a review. Read some of my old stories, some crappy, some... good.
