Wow. Last chapter. That saddens me so. This has been one huge rollercoaster, that has gone on for ages now. All summer actually, since it's technically Autumn now. I have a lot to say so prepare for a long A/N.

First, I would like to thank everyone who has read/alerted/favourited/reviewed the story. You guys are amazing, and one of the reasons I write. I'd especially like to thank Kat D-11 for all her help throughout this. All of it has been down to her great ideas. I'd like to thank everyone else who gave me an idea as well. You guys are awesome.

This story has been long, very long, with lots of events and twists and such. It's not perfect, I never claimed it was, but I'm proud of it. There's a few things wrong with it, but when has a story ever been perfect?

I think I'm going to take a break from fanfiction for a while. I'm not disappearing all together, just taking a short break to think and get some ideas. I may do the occasional one-shot. This story has tired me out really, I need to recover. That's what I'm saying anyway.

In the epilogue I wanted to give a taste of what the story is basically about, which is the two main relationships in the story. The relationship between Emily and James and the relationship between Emily and JJ. Both are feautred heavily in this. And in case you didn't know, this chapter is set three years into the future. And I think I've fallen in love with Emily and James' second child:)

So thanks so much for reading and sticking through all the way to the end. I love you guys for coming on this journey with me, and I always will:) On witj the story!

Epilogue-Three Years Later

''Happy anniversary Sparkles,'' Jaes smiled as he leaned down and kissed Emily softly. Emily moaned into the sensual kiss before pulling back with an adorable confused look on her face.

''James, our anniversary isn't for a few months. What are you talking about?'' she asked.

''It's the anniversary of the day we first met. The day my life changed forever,'' he answered, as he gently ran his thumb up and down the side of her cheek. The soft caresses made Emily smile as she grabbed his other hand and placed a kiss on his wrist.

''You remember that day?''

''Of course I do. I had just gone for a run and wanted coffee so I went into the first place I saw. The place was packed and I was tired of waiting so I just took the coffee nearest me. It turned out to be yours. The moment our eyes met, I knew there was something between us,'' he smiled and gently placed kiss to her forehead. ''I'll never forget your pissed off look when I took your coffee,'' he smirked and she playfully smacked his arm.

''You saw how busy it was. You can't blame me. At least I didn't steal someone else's coffee!''

''I gave it back!''

''Only because I called you out on it!''

''And I'm glad you did. Otherwise I wouldn't be lying here in bed with my beautiful wife of three years,'' James smiled sincerely. Emily returned his smile and raised her head slightly to peck his lips.

''Best three years of my life. Even if we did have a minor complication with the whole JJ-Gate situation,'' Emily giggled.

''Yeah, that was pretty tough. But she made the right choice.''

''I think so too. I also made the right choice in marrying you. I love you so much James Slade.''

''I love you too Emily Slade. Why are we awake at this time anyway?'' James asked playfully, averting his attention away from Emily for a few seconds to glance at the clock on the dresser next to the bed.

''Maybe because you woke me up by kissing my neck, and then you started gently biting my ear and you know that turns me on...,'' she answered with a playful glint in her eye.

''And then we had mind-blowing sex, and here we are. In bed. Awake. At five in the morning. Giggling like teenagers. Naked.''

''Mmhmm, here we are. The ''Naked'' part is my favourite,'' she smirked as she bit her lip.

''Mine too. Since it's five in the morning, I don't see a point in sleeping...''

''Me neither...''


Emily smirked and pulled James down on top of her. She pressed her lips to his hungrily. He ran his hands up and down her sides and she tangled her hands in his messy hair that was always so god damn attractive in the morning.

Tongues entered the fray and they both got more turned on with every passing minute. James removed his lips from Emily's and a groan escaped her lips.

''Why did you have to do that?'' she whined.

''So I could do this,'' he whispered from her neck. He began placing soft kisses there, slowly working his way down her body, down to where she needed him most.

JJ woke up and yawned. She stretched and got out of bed. She glanced at the clock. She'd have a quick shower and then start getting ready. Emily, James and the kids were coming over today. Ever since Emily and James' second child visits had become a regular thing. Either they would come over to JJ's house or JJ and her husband would visit them. Even with JJ leaving the BAU to go to the Pentagon there remained a tight bond between the two families. JJ's relationship was her brother was at the best it had ever been, she got to play a huge part in their kid's lives, and the sisterly relationship she had with Emily before she left the BAU was still there, possibly stronger than ever. She still saw Garcia reguarly too but she always made sure to see Emily at least a few times a month. Emily kept her updated on what was happening at the BAU, and it made leaving that bit easier. It still hurt, a lot, and there would always be this giant BAU-sized hole in her heart, but with her regular visits to team members and Emily's superb story-telling skills it was like she was still there in a way.

She looked over at her husband who was still sleeping soundly and smiled. He had been her rock for the last three years. She wouldn't have been able to leave the BAU in one piece without him. She loved him so much, she was at her happiest at him.

She tore her eyes away from her husband to glance at her wedding ring, which hadn''t come off once since the day her husband slipped it onto her finger. Emily had made a joke once that it was super glued on. Maybe it was. Whatever it was, JJ was never going to take it off. Never. It was a symbol of her and her husband's love for each other, and it meant everything to her. It was staying there forever.

James rolled off of Emily onto an empty spot on the bed next to her. Panting, he gently put an arm around her shoulders and squeezed her gently, pushing her closer to him in the process.

''Wow James, that was-''

''Amazing, I know,'' he smiled. He waited until he caught his breath before leaning over and gently kissing her. ''It always is.''

''Oh, always. Never once has it gotten dull,'' she smiled as she traced lines on his face with her index finger. ''We should probably wake the kids up.''

''Ugh, fine,'' he smirked and he pushed himself up on to his elbows. ''I'll take Jennifer and you can take Taylor.''

''Ok,'' Emily agreed. James got out of bed and started making his way to Jennifer's room. ''Oh, James honey?'' Emily called after him.

''Yeah?'' he replied, turning back.

She gave him a small smile before saying ''You might want to put some clothes on first.''

''Oh,'' he smiled sheepishly as he quickly put on a pair of old sweats and a t-shirt. ''Thanks Em.''

''No problem honey. Now go get my girl up.''

James disappeared into Jennifer's room. Emily lay back against the pillow and relaxed against the pillow for a few moments before she reluctantly got out of bed. She put on one of James' old, long t-shirts and a dressing gown over it and went into her son Taylor's room.

The three year old was sleeping peacefully in his racecar bed. He was sleeping on his side and the sheets were thrown around the bed, like they always were, Poor boy must be frozen at night. Sometimes Emily came into his room at night and fixed them for him.

She sat down on the side of the bed and gently stroked Taylor's dark hair. His eyelids fluttered for a few moments before he opened them fully to reveal his dark eyes, identical to his mother's. While Jennifer looked more like James, apart from the dark hair, Taylor was definitely all Emily. He looked like Emily would have looked like when she was younger. And if she was a boy.

''Hey sweetie, did you sleep well?'' she asked him.

Taylor rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and sat up in bed. ''Yeah. I had a dweam where Batman and Spideyman was wunning down the stweet twying to get away from a giant monster! It was so cool!'' he told her excitedly.

''Wow, that sounds great! I bet that was the best dream.''

''It was! Buts I can't wemember the west, why is that Mommy?''

''I'm not sure exactly Tay, it just happens. You can have a dream and not remember it. It's completely normal.''

''I has lots of dweams. I just don't wemember them.''

''That's perfectly normal Tay. Now why don't we get you downstairs and I'll make us all some breakfast before we go to Aunty JJ's?''

''Yay! I wuve Aunty JJ, she makes the best milkshakes.''

''Hey!'' Emily said, playfully ruffling his hair.

''I means, she makes the second best milkshakes Mommy,'' Taylor smiled widely, showing off his teeth.

''That's my boy. Come on, you can help Mommy with breakfast,'' Emily said, standing up. Taylor hopped off the bed and Emily took him up into her arms.

''Can I have the smiley face breakfast again? With the bacon and eggs?'' Taylor asked.

''Of course you can buddy. Whatever you want.''

''Can I have a chocowit milkshake?''

''Hmm it's a little early for that sweetie. But maybe Aunty JJ will make you one if you're a good boy and you and Henry play nicely.''

''Ok, I can do that.''

''Good boy,'' Emily said, placing a kiss to Taylor's forehead. ''But first let's go check what's taking Daddy so long with Jenny.''

''Daddy's getting old. Maybe he slowing down,'' Taylor suggested innocently.

''Huh maybe sweetie. That just might be it,'' Emily chuckled. No matter what, Taylor, and Jennifer always managed to make her smile with their childhood innocence. She hoped they kept it forever.

JJ had over an hour until Emily and James were supposed to arrive for lunch. She was doing the Jareau family pasta, no matter what James said it was the Jareau family pasta.

''Mmm smells good sweetheart. Jareau family pasta?'' her husband said as he walked into the kitchen.

''Mmhmm, it's everyone's favourite. And Lisa actually eats it,'' JJ said, referring to her one year old daughter Lisa who was a very picky eater.

''It's that good. I'll set the table ok?''

''Ok, remember to use the Disney forks for the kids.''

''I will. They won't eat without them. It's amazing the things Mickey Mouse can do.''

''Mickey Mouse is a legend. Do not diss Mickey Mouse.''

''Sorry, I've obviously touched a nerve,'' he smiled.

''As much as I hate to admit it, I idolised Mickey Mouse for a year when I was a kid. He was my hero.''

''Why am I not surprised?'' her husband remarked dryly and she smacked him with the dishtowel.

''Hey! It was a simple childhood crush!''

''On a cartoon mouse?''

'''Yes on a cartoon mouse! I bet you've had some weird crushes.''

''Janis Joplin.''

''Wait, are you serious? Janis Joplin?''

''At least she's real.''

''Hey! I was a kid! There is nothing wrong with it!''

''I just hope Lisa doesn't follow in your footsteps.''

''I hope she doesn't follow in yours either. Janis Joplin, seriously? That's the equivalent of her getting a crush on Mick Jagger.''

''Now that would be weird. Not Mickey Mouse weird, but still weird.''

''Shut up!'' JJ said, playfully hitting him with the dishtowel again. ''Go set the table and check on the kids. I can manage fine on my own.''

''Are you sure you don't want me to get Mickey Mouse to help you?'' he joked.


''You ready guys?'' Emily called out. She was in the hall helping Taylor and Jennifer put their coats on. James was in the kitchen taking his sweet time picking out a wine to bring to JJ's.

''Nearly, I'm just deciding between the 2007 Chardonnay and the 2005 Merlot,'' James answered.

''Do you even know what the difference is?''

''One's white and the other is red.''

''Uh James,'' Emily groaned while Taylor and Jennifer giggled.

''Mommy why are you mad at Daddy?'' Jennifer asked.

''I'm not annoyed honey. It's just that sometimes your Daddy can be clueless. So do yu want to wear the red coat or the black one?''

''Red. I look like a strawberry.''

''Ok Ms Strawberry, red one it is. Have you picked one yet James?''

''Not yet. Can you explain what the difference is?'' he answered. Emily groaned again and the kids laughed.

''James, just pick the one with the prettiest bottle.''

''That'll be the Merlot so.''

''Now was that so hard?'' Emily asked as James appeared in the hallway. He handed Emily the bottle of wine and put on his coat.

''Yeah, the other bottle was very pretty too,'' James laughed.

''Daddy, bottles awen't pwetty,'' Taylor remarked, getting very confused. His face was scrunched up as he tried to figure out what James meant.

''I know buddy, I was just kidding. To humour your mom.''

''Uncle Spencer says that humour is a bone,'' Taylor said, getting even more confused.

''That's the humerus sweetie. Has Uncle Spencer been teaching you anatomy again?'' Emily asked, bending down to Taylor's level.

''Yeah, even though he says you don't wants him to. He's been teaching Jenny fizzwiks.''


''Physics, Mommy. Uncle Spencer's been teaching me physics,'' Jennifer said proudly. She was a smart kid, and loved to learn. Reid's dream child.

''And can you understand it?''

''Not really, but he says he'll use puppets to explain it to me.''

''Hmm I might have to have a talk with Uncle Spencer.''

''No! I love Uncle Spencer teaching me things!''

''You do?''

''Yeah, he's funny.''

''Well I never thought I'd hear ''Reid'' and ''funny'' in the same sentence,'' Emily remarked.

''Uncle Spencer is the funnywest. He does puppet shows,'' Taylor said. ''And he talks in funny voices.''

''Really? Well I guess I'll have to see it to believe it.''

'' Come on guys, we're gonna be late getting to Aunty Jen's house if we don't get a move on,'' James said, pointing towards the door.

''And who's fault is that?'' Emily asked sarcastically.

''You shouldn't have asked me to pick out a wine. You should have done it yourself,'' James defended.

''I'm training you like a good little monkey.''

''Monkey? Are you serious?''

''James, just get in the car before I smack you and scar our children for life.''

''Fine,'' James grumbled. ''But you so owe me.''

''For what?''

''For...for...I got nothing.''

''They're here JJ!''

''Ok, can you get it honey? I'm kinda elbow deep in pasta sauce here,'' JJ said from the kitchen.

''Ok..I won't ask why.''

''It's better if you don't.''

''I won't.''

He walked to the door and answered it with a smile. ''Hey guys.''

''Hey. Mmm something smells good,'' Emily smiled. ''JJ making her pasta again?''

''Yeah, and if I'm honest it's the only thing she can cook,'' he winked jokingly.

''I heard that!''

''I was only joking honey. Come in, I'm sorry I didn't say it earlier.''

''It's fine, the lawn is looking great. How do you get it to look like that?'' James asked. Emily groaned, lawn care was not a point of interest for her. She took the kids into the kitchen.

''Hi JJ! How are you doing?'' Emily asked upon entering the kitchen.

''Hey Em! I'm doing great, you look great too by the way!'' JJ smiled, moving away from the precious pasta to quickly hug Emily.

''Thanks! You look amazing yourself by the way, the pasta sure smells great!''

''Let's hope it'll taste just as great. Hey guys!'' JJ smiled widely as she bent down to Taylor and Jennifer's level and hugged both of them. ''I hope you two have been good for your Mommy and Daddy.''

''Always Aunty JJ,'' Jennifer answered.

''That's good Jenny. Why don't you take Taylor and go play in the back? You don't want to be in here, it's boring in here.''

''Ok!'' both kids screamed and they ran out the patio doors into the backyard.

''So Em, how have things been at the BAU since I left? Aaron doesn't know much about the team's personal lives,'' JJ sighed.

''Pretty ordinary, nothing scandalous. Morgan has had like five girlfriends, Reid is still spouting facts as if it was going out of style-''

''Haven't missed that,'' JJ muttered.

''Garcia still misses you like crazy.''

''Aaron told me that. She's acting somewhat normal now apparently.''

''It's scary. I still can't get used to you calling him Aaron. It's kind of weird.''

''It was for me at first, especially after Will proposed, but I got used to calling him Aaron. And then of course I had to leave the BAU and it was that bit easier again, since he wasn't my boss anymore.''

''You've kinda changed him a bit, for the better. I've never seen him so happy since...well, ever. And he actually winked at us!''

''See he's not all bad,'' JJ smirked.

''No, he's not. And I'm happy that you're happy, you deserve it Jayje.''

''Well I don't want to brag but...I know!''

Emily smirked and suddenly remembered the bottle of wine in her hand. ''Oh! We brought you some wine,'' Emily said, trying to hand the bottle to JJ.

''No Emily it's ok, we got wine.''

''Think of it as part of your gift for your impending wedding anniversary. Two years now isn't it?''

''Yeah, two,'' JJ smiled happily, looking down at her wedding ring. ''Hopefully many more to come.''

''Of course there will be. Now where's my little god daughter Lisa? It feels like ages since I've last seen her.''

''Lisa is having a nap, although she is due to wake up now. Do you want to get her?''

''I'd love to,'' Emily giggled and she went off to wake up Lisa while Hotch and James arrived in the kitchen.

''That's how you do it? It sounds so simple!'' James exclaimed.

''It is really, trust me your lawn will look much better in just a few weeks.''

''That's great, it recently got so dull and lifeless looking. The frost over the winter almost killed it.''

''Happened here too, but do that and it will be as good as new.''

''I will, thanks.''

''No problem. Dinner almost ready JJ?''

''Almost. Another ten minutes or so.''

''Wow, that was quick. Did Mickey Mouse help you?'' Hotch laughed.

''Out Aaron, NOW,'' JJ barked.

''Um, Mickey Mouse?'' Emily questioned.

''It's a long story.''

After dinner they all retreated to the porch. The kids had gotten restless so James and Hotch decided to entertain them by playing tag with them, leaving Emily and JJ alone sitting on the porch, drinking wine and watching Taylor, Jennifer, Lisa, Henry and Jack run around chasing after Hotch and James.

''Mmm this wine is nice Em, you've a good eye for these kind of things,'' JJ remarked.

''Don't talk to me about the wine. It took James forever to pick one out and in the end he just went with the prettiest bottle.''

''Why did you even send him shopping for wine in the first place?''

''I didn't, I told him to pick one out from our very impressive collection. I thought he'd be a typical guy and just pick the first one he saw, but no, he had to be awkward.''

''That's my Jamie for you, always awkward,'' JJ laughed, taking another sip of wine. She relaxed a bit more into her deckchair as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the light summer breeze.

''He's mine now, you have Hotch.''

''You know what I mean.''

''Yeah I do, it's amazing that you guys are so close.''

''I'm closer to my sister,'' JJ smiled and Emily returned it.

They sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, sipping their wine, watching their families and just enjoying the fine weather before Emily spoke up. ''Lisa's getting big.''

''Yeah, she's shooting up. It feels like yesterday when she was just a tiny baby in my arms.''

''I feel like that with Taylor. And Jennifer. Both have them have grown up so fast.''

''Especially Taylor. That kid will be tall.''

''Maybe even as tall as Reid,'' Emily joked.

''Hopefully with a bit more muscle. Which means enough muscle to lift a sack of potatoes.''

''And I don't want him to be as smart as Reid either. He's bright, and I love that, but being as smart as Reid is almost a curse really. You know what Reid went through as a child, you couldn't wish that on anybody, especially your own child.''

''I know, how Reid managed it at all is beyond me.''

''He's a good guy, and a great godfather to Henry.''

''Yeah, I think I made a good choice with him. Imagine if I picked Aaron? How awkward would that be, especially since he's his step-dad now?''

''Very, very awkward.''

''Like hearing your brother and best friend having sex over the phone awkward.''

''I thought I told you to forget that Jayje!''

''Forget it? That's impossible. Those noises you were making haunt my dreams. Especially the ''Ugh, ugh, OOOOOOHHHHHHHH JAAAAAAAAMES!'' groan you did, that was horrifying,'' JJ laughed, throwing her head back in mock pleasure for added effect.

Hotch and James heard JJ's rather loud groan and stopped what they were doing to look back at her. She was groaning in pleasure and was thrashing against the deckchair with her head thrown back.

''Emily? What did you do to her?'' James asked as he pointed at JJ who had suddenly stopped what she was doing anf froze with a shocked expression.

''I did nothing, it was all her,'' Emily answered.

''Jen was touching herself out here? In front of you? And the kids?''

''NO! It's not what you think!'' JJ protested. Loudly.

''Then what it is?''

''It''s...after dinner entertainment?''

''Now that was pathetic. There's kids around Jen, calm down,'' James told her and he turned back to the game of tag.

Emily started giggling and JJ turned and glared at her. ''It's not funny.''

''No, no it's not,'' Emily said, wiping the tears of laughter from her eye and going serious

''Thank you.''

''It's hilarious,'' Emily said, and the laughter started again. As much as she tried to resist, JJ couldn't help but join in, and soon they were laughing like a pair of hyenas.

''What...what were we laughing about again?'' JJ asked when she stopped laughing.

''I'm not sure. Eh, doesn't matter. What does matter however, is girl talk. We don't do any of that anymore. So come on, tell me about your sex life with Hotch. Actually don't, he's my boss, that would be gross.''

''And don't even think of talking about you and James, he's my brother. THAT would be gross.''

''Hmm if we can't talk about each other, who can we talk about?''

The two women's expression changed into serious, thoughtful ones as they tried to come up with an answer.

''Kevin and Garcia?'' Emily suggested. They looked at each other for a few seconds before they both shuddered at the same time.

''Definitely not. One thing I do not miss about the BAU is Garcia's ''Dramatic and Erotic Tellings of The Mighty Tech Goddess and her Humble Bacon Donut Eating Slave Who Shall Be Named Kevin and Their Highly Stimulating Sexcapades'','' JJ laughed, using air quotes for Garcia's exact words.

''I envy that about you now. And since you're gone I'm the only person she can tell now. I've kinda learned to look semi-interested and the natural disgusted look while not listening to a word she says. I'm trying to get her to tell Reid one day just to see his reaction.''

''Oh don't. Garcia's sex life would kill the poor boy.''

''Probably. It could be funny though. I bet Garcia is a dominatrix in bed. With the whips and handcuffs and everything.''

They paused again at Emily's words and shuddered again. Garcia's sex life was that terrifying.

''It's nice out now, isn't it?'' JJ commented. The sun was just starting to set and the sky looked beautiful.

''Beautiful. It's almost perfect out here, the two of us sitting on the porch sipping wine, just talking and watching our families have fun. It's basically everything the two of us wanted.''

''It is. I've honestly never been happier than I am with Aaron. He is a fantastic husband and a great father. He's great with Henry, of course Lisa is his own and I think of Jack as my son now. Do you know the other day he asked me if he could call me Mom?''

''Aww that's so sweet! He's such a good kid.''

''Yeah Hotch, and Haley, raised him really well.''

''You have too. You're a wonderful mother JJ.''

''So are you. Taylor and Jenny are great kids, they absolutely idolise you.''

''I love them. They mean everything to me.''

''I can tell. The four of you are a lovely family. You're all so happy together.''

''I love James and I love my kids. Of course I'm happy.''

''Well you deserve it. The both of us deserve it, after all we've been through.''


''So I propose a toast. To us, and continuing happiness and good health! And that none of us ever gets kidnapped or hit in the head again!'' JJ smiled. They clinked their glasses together, took a sip of wine and sat back and watched the sunset.

JJ was right. Neither of them had been happier than they were now. They had wanted everything they could have ever wanted in life. Sure it wasn't perfect, but perfection was boring. Everything was the way they wanted it to be. Happiness was no longer off limits.

Cheesy ending, I know but I couldn't help myself. It had to be done.


Not to be a pain or anything, but I'd love if you could tell me what were your favourite parts (or least favourite) parts of the story was, so I can get a sense of what readers life (and dislike). I'd really appreciate it.

Oh, one last question. Again, I don't want to be annoying. Did you like James? Just wondering.

Thanks again guys! Words cannot express how much I love you! Good luck and remember, headbanging is crucial!