Chap 5

"Let us go," Jetfire snapped, struggling to break free from his bonds.

"Hey is it me, or do these two kids remind me of someone," Nanosec asked

"Now that you mention it old boy, they do seem to jog the old memory."

"Hmm... twins, orange and blue, pilot hat and visor..." Slo mo said thoughtfully, examining the two.

"Now I know, there those two new autobots who were chasing me last time."

The twins tensed up,

"And now they're caught, snared, and captured by us," Slo mo smiled. "But what perplexes me is how they turned into humans."

"Who cares! Let's take them back to the lair and hold them for a load of cash there big metal friends will pay up to get them back." Nanosec said, a greedy smile tugging at the side of his lips.

Actually, I'll be taking them," said a deep voice behind them. The villains and the twins gazed up to see a tall shadow looming over them. "Those test subjects belong to Promethius Black," The creature continued.

"Hey, no way man, we caught em' fair and square," Nanosec protested. The creature growled before smashing his fists into the ground, knocking the villains off there feet. He then picked up Jetstorm, then moved to to the same with Jetfire when he took a hit to the back.

"Autobots" the creature growled, his grip becoming tighter on Jetstorm.

Hey, isn't that the creature that fought bumblebee in that man vs. Machine match," Bulkhead exclaimed.

"Put the twins down now," Optimus said, axe raised and battle mask on. The creature ignored the Prime's command, grabbing Jetfire and started running off.

"Bumblebee, Prowl, Sentinal, fire on the creature, but don't hit the twins," Prime shouted. Bumblebee activated his stingers, Prowl brought out his ninja stars, and Sentinal activated his right hand gun. The three started there attack, most shots missing. FInally one of Prowl's stars hit the creature's foot, making it stumble and lose it's balance, also causing him to let go of Jetfire sending the twin flying through the air. The Autobots gasped.

"I got ya' fire" Jazz called, running backwards trying to catch the twin like he was playing a football game. Jetfire landed in jazz's servos with a loud "clank" when the boy hit metal on his front. Jazz turned the boy over on his back cradling him in his servos, The boy seemed all right, despite the large gash in his forehead dripping all over his face sending chills down the ninjabots spinal cord. The others continued fire on the creature who dodged each shot. Finally Sentinal hit the creature's hand, finally releasing Jetstorm. Prowl sprung into action, using his ninja speed , catching the falling twin before he hit the pavement. The creature finally had enough and climbed over a building before disappearing.

"We need to get them to a hospital," Sari said from Bumblebee's servos.

"Prowl, Jazz, place the twins inside Ratchet... gently." Ratchet transformed into his ambulance mode, allowing the two ninjas to place the twins in the back.

"Hurry Ratchet!" Sari said hopping in the back with them, then Ratchet took off down the street, sirens blaring.

After the others dropped the SUV back at the jail, They met up at the hospital, waiting outside for Sari to inform them on the twins condition. Sari came down a few minutes later, an expression on her face not even the most observant bots could read.

"How are they," Jazz asked, trying to keep his calm tone. The girl took a deep breath before she started on what she overheard.

"They confirmed that Jetfire's leg was broken so he'll go into surgery later, he's getting stitches in his forehead right now. And Jetstorm..." Sentinal looked up after the girl paused. "They think some of his ribs are broken from when that creature was crushing him, and his shoulder was torn. But when they got him inside he wasn't breathing, so they rushed him off and didn't tell me anything." Sentinal slumped on the curb and bowed his helm in his servos. Optimus put a servo on his shoulderplates.

"There both going to be okay Sentinal," He said. Sentinal however just shrugged the prime's servo and stood.

"I'm going back to the ship," He said roughly before taking off in his alt. mode. Optimus tried to follow, but Jazz stopped him.

"Let him go OP," the ninja bot said, laying his helm on the other golden ninjs's shoulderplates, "Sp ain't the type of bot who likes to talk it out. Just gotta let him blow off some team, ya know." Prime sighed before sitting back down. He knew it would tear his own spark if one of his teammates were in this condition