Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and never will. I'm fine with that because Masashi Kishimoto does a better job with it than I ever could.


Chapter Two: Rumor Has It

She had been walking down the hallway to her softball club meeting when Sakura felt her insides twitch violently as a forceful hand clamped down on her shoulder. It squeezed tightly and she felt something pop like bubble wrap but before she could turn to see who it was, warm breath fluttered against her left ear along with a soothing shhh.

"It's only me," a familiar voice mumbled.

She immediately felt her face heat up into a thick blush and her shoulder leaned into his hold. "Sasuke-kun, you scared me…" Her hand reached behind her to brush along his but he snapped it back. Sakura paused and then curled her hand into a loose fist, dropping it back down to her side. "I'm sorry… I forget you don't like to be touched." That wasn't true. She remembered that every moment she spent with him, but maybe, she thought, just maybe one of these times he'd let her touch him as he did her and then he'd realize that it wasn't so horrible, but almost elating if it was done by the person you love.

Sasuke's hot breath slowly made its way from her ear to the back of her neck and her skin rose to meet it, prickling as if he were actually tracing his fingers along it. A shaky gasp left her when she felt his lips press at the base of her neck, gently at first then applying more pressure with each second. His hands rose to meet her small shoulders again, holding her down as if he expected her to run at any moment and if Sakura's breath hadn't caught in her throat, she would've told him there was absolutely no chance of that. She wouldn't ever run away from him or push him away, he could kidnap her and lock her away from her family and friends and she still wouldn't leave him. She loved him and she knew, or at least hoped, that he loved her too.

His grip suddenly tightened and he pushed her up against the wall, his chest flush with her back and she clenched her eyes shut, trying not to whimper in pain. She could feel his slick tongue sliding along the crook of her neck, her body shuddering when the cool air touched her damp skin. In times like these, Sakura felt like a completely different person. She wasn't Sakura, the overachieving second year that got perfect grades or Haruno, number twenty-eight, the best softball player out of all those her age or even Forehead, Yamanaka Ino's less pretty sidekick; she was Sasuke's. That's all. She didn't even need a name; she was just Sasuke's. He could do whatever he wanted to her and she wouldn't mind because she was his.

His teeth were now grazing against her sensitive skin, and she could feel her barely-there breasts tighten and her tummy shoot off fireworks. She felt his hands leave her shoulders and lean into the wall, letting himself push himself fully against her, letting all the air leave her lungs. Maybe she was a masochist and that's why she let him do this to her, let him bruise her and occasionally draw blood, in a place where anyone could find them but she liked to think it was because she loved him. True love meant accepting everything about the person and never trying to change them, letting them do whatever they wanted without complaint, that's what she believed. His tongue was swirling against that spot again and she went taut like a tape measurer and snapped into his hold. Fingers scratching against the wall above her, soft hair tickling along her neck, his hard chest pressing into her back and those teeth pulling and pinching at her skin; yes, she did love him but it helped loving every one of his sadistic acts as well.

Sakura saw his left hand slide down the wall and move to behind her head. She felt his mouth pull away, replaced by the damp touch of his hand and then she squealed as she felt the sharp pain of his fingernails scratching where he had just been tasting her, followed by a warm trickle of liquid dripping along the base of her neck, traveling down below her shirt, towards her shoulder blade.

"You're bleeding," he whispered huskily, as if he had nothing to do with it.

She gulped, both from the pain and the leftover sensation of his mouth. "You can, Sasu-" His hand roughly pushed her head into the wall, tilting it for easier access.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him lean down into her wound and licked her lips nervously when his starless eyes met hers. "I know I can." Her stomach fluttered and her heart shuddered at the sound of his voice, deep, rough and possessive, as if all that mattered at that moment was her.

Sakura let out another squeak when he tugged forcefully at the collar and sleeve of her shirt, pulling them down so he could reach the end of the bloody trail leading towards her back. His other hand then slapped over her lips, barricading any more sounds that might escape her; which was good because she would've mewled loud enough to shatter the window across from them when his fevered tongue slid up her shoulder blade and ended at her scratch. He then took a second to gulp down her sanguine fluid, giving Sakura a chance to recover from his blast of sensation with shaky pants that were turning to sweat against his firm hand. But then his mouth was back on her, sucking harshly and she could practically feel the blood vessels breaking and collapsing beneath her skin.

She had no idea how she was going to conceal his hickey from her mother and father, it was too high up along her neck for her to wear normal t-shirts around them and the only collared ones she had were her uniform shirts. But she couldn't focus too much on that thought, for the sound and feel of him lapping up her blood was enough for her to allow a quaking sigh from her covered lips and forget everything that had ever concerned her up until now.

After a few more hesitant strokes of his tongue, his hand fell from her mouth and she felt herself gasp, realizing that she had been starting to suffocate under his grip. Her head felt strange, as if she were floating high above everything but she was quickly brought back down when she felt Sasuke's feathery hair fluff up against her sore neck. His hands played along the pleated hem of her school skirt and then traveled upward to rest on her small hips, mimicking something similar to a hug.

Sakura smiled meekly and leaned into the wall. Some people might think it was strange, even frightening that he liked the taste of blood, they might even tell her something was wrong with that but that didn't matter to her. She figured it was like anything else, some people liked it and some didn't. It wasn't like he was a cannibal; he didn't kidnap people and then murder them, having toasted human liver with a fresh glass of blood juice for breakfast. He had a kink and a couple of issues but he expressed them healthily, only taking a small amount from her. And she liked it. She liked the sound of him taking it from her, the feeling of him dominating her, knowing that he savored the taste of her. If Sasuke was twisted, then so was she and she liked it that way.

If only she could reciprocate his touch…

Sakura bit her bottom lip and felt her fingers twitch. If she waited too long he'll had already let go and she'll have lost her chance but if he didn't feel any differently and she attempted to touch him whatsoever, the entirety of their moment together would be ruined.

She took in a deep breath and hesitantly moved her hands to her hips, her fingers tentatively grazing over his. She stopped, gauging his reaction and when he didn't move, she exhaled and let her hands completely cover his, her skin tingling like fizzy candy at the sensation of his soft skin. His hand remained still as if she hadn't done anything at all and while the silence unnerved her, she took it as his way of encouraging her. She wrapped her fingers around it and gently squeezed, the way her father used to do to her when she was young and they would cross the street together. It had always eased her and made her feel safe and she hoped it'd have the same affect on him. Oh, she wished she could see his face.

In that moment, she felt his hand slip away from her and if anyone had asked her, Sakura would've told them that she very distinctly felt the sensation of her heart stopping, almost as if it were debating whether it was worth putting up with his rejection again.

"I'm sor…" She couldn't even finish. If she did, she'd either crumple into a heap of sobs or she'd wriggle out of his hold and run away. Sasuke wasn't one to console and he definitely wouldn't go after her if she left. He seemed to have the emotional sensitivity of a roll of toilet paper. She let him touch and taste and abuse her and she knew that if he initiated it, she'd let him do more; but he seemed to have no interest in her virginity, only in the blood she spilled for him. Moments like these reminded her of the distance between them and it jiggled the doorknob of the chained and bolted door in the back of her mind that held captive all the rationalities of why their relationship could never work, why it would never happen and why she should avoid Sasuke at all costs.

And then his hands were on each side of her waist, seeming to attempt to twist her around. Confused but still obedient to his every whim, she let him and even though she had known him since their fourth grade year, when their eyes met she couldn't help but tilt her head down and look to her left. It was so hard to look at him; every time she did she felt she might spiral into an onslaught of gasps and stutters, leaving her to empathize with Hyuuga Hinata more than ever. Sasuke's hand crept down from her side and almost shyly brushed against her right wrist. She watched uncertainly but when he locked gazes with her again, she looked away unable to match his steady expression. Her heart thumped out of time when his fingers loosely encircled her forearm and slid down to her hand, their skin sparking together like flint and firewood.

He stopped when their palms were facing one another, keeping them apart but only by mere centimeters. But after a long moment of debate, Sakura felt him lightly tap his fingers against her shaking palm and this time when they made eye contact, she kept it, feeling that if she didn't, he would feel going any further was unnecessary. She could feel her face was betraying her tremulousness with her dry lips quivering and her tongue occasionally running over them but her eyes remained still, staring directly into his.

For the first time that day, Sakura could see Sasuke's face clearly, his pale face contrasted by obsidian orbs that were like one sided glass; she could look into them as deeply as she wanted to but all she would see was her own reflection, while he could see right through her, every insecurity and wicked thought painted in a bright green for him to notice.

He had always looked older than his age and now that he was almost fourteen, it was like a full grown man was standing in front of her, his stern expression hinting at the cruelties he had already witnessed. How could she, a girl barely on the cusp of womanhood, even compare? She was immature and had been sheltered from the evils of the world all her life; how could she understand what he had seen with those dark eyes, what he felt with that tortured heart, what he had come to realize after all of his pain? She wasn't good enough for him, she knew that… but did he?

Sakura then felt his long, tapered fingers intertwine with hers and their palms that were now covered by a thin layer of sweat, press together firmly, the pads of his digits gently kneading against her small knuckles as if he had never felt another's hand before. Their eye contact never faltered, only seemed to intensify and Sakura thought she might fall into his endless gaze, swimming in thick, black pools forever.

His expression never changed, remaining as stiff and unmoving as her late grandfather's back and for all she knew, he could have accidentally grabbed a hold of her hand as he swung it nonchalantly and then was so disgusted, that he became unable to move. No smile, no shimmering in his eyes, not even a shift of his eyebrows, but for some reason, the way he held on so tightly, she didn't feel he was resenting it, just that he was nervous.

Sakura hesitantly smiled at him and let her hand slowly squeeze his, using this opportunity to memorize every line and crease in his skin so that she could relish in the memory later. He didn't return her touch but he made no move to pull away either, instead lifting his other arm and again, placing it against the wall next to her. Was it a threat or a flirt or a way to demonstrate his power, Sakura didn't know since those three actions often ran together with Sasuke but while her smile fell away, she didn't move and let go of the hand she so desperately wanted to hold on to forever; she kept still, waiting for his next move.

The air around them seemed to grow thicker than before, crawling down her esophagus and into her stomach, stretching it to the point where she wanted to vomit everywhere just so she could feel better. But she didn't, instead she kept her eyes on his, feeling her heart and lungs quicken as his face seemed to lean towards hers. She couldn't be sure she wasn't imagining it at first, figuring that staring at him so intensely was causing him to blur and shimmer in her vision but when the tip of his nose pressed against hers, Sakura knew it was no hallucination.

Under normal circumstances, she would've shied away from his close proximity, unable to contain her massive feelings for him with his mere presence sucking them out from her very soul but right now, something felt different. While unreadable and cold, he didn't seem so untouchable and beneath the damp skin of their palms, she felt like something was connecting them for the first time she'd known him. The faint glimmer of possibility of something deeper than physicality was hot against her hand, coursing through her veins, connecting to her heart and she thought it just might break through her chest and splatter the blood that he seemed to love so much all over him.

Sasuke's breath was now puffing against her upper lip, tiny sweat drops dripping into the crevice of her mouth. Was he really going to…?

"Sorry to interrupt," a familiar smooth voice said to her left. Sasuke jerked away, their hands tearing from each other, and she mourned the loss of what she felt was his courage to admit he loved her for more than just her body. But the thought was soon forgotten as she directed her gaze in the direction of where the voice had come from. Her eyes settled on messy silver hair and shoulders slouched in a horrible posture. It couldn't be anyone else.

Kakashi was looking at her, his expression seeming to be caught between stoned and annoyed as it always was. "Softball club was scheduled to meet five minutes ago, Sakura." His eyebrows lifted slightly, as if to signify that his statement was more of a question and she better have a good answer to it.

How had he walked over to them without making a sound? Sakura supposed that they were so caught up in the moment of their almost first kiss together that Kakashi could've been making as much noise as a stampede of elephants and they wouldn't have noticed but she wasn't entirely convinced. And how much had he seen? Had he been there when Sasuke had her from behind and was taking her blood? Kakashi was a lenient teacher, he hadn't even cared when Naruto had mooned Sasuke in the middle of class last year, merely stating that he should pay for the counseling sessions that Hinata would need after such a horrifying display. She remembered thinking that Hinata would probably need a cold shower more than psychological help.

She chewed on the inside of her cheek and caught herself looking over to Sasuke who was now a little more meter away from her, staring over to the end of the hallway, hands jammed in his pockets. A heavy sigh begged to be set free from her lungs but she held it in, not wanting to annoy either one of the men in front of her. "Sorry, sensei," she said, lifting her head to acknowledge her former teacher. "I was going over there but Sasuke-kun wanted to talk to me first." Kakashi gave her a skeptical look. She gulped. "Just lost track of the time, I guess."

He exhaled loudly and rolled his shoulders, the orange book he held on it with his left hand shifting as well. "Mustn't let flirting get in the way of punctuality, Sakura, you know better." She could've kicked him. There were two people here who were late for softball club today and Sasuke wasn't one of them. Kakashi ignored her irritated glare as he turned over to Sasuke. "Now I may be wrong," he started, his voice keeping the conversational tone it always possessed no matter what. "But I thought I read somewhere among the school rules that no romance was allowed on campus."

Sakura examined her feet, watching her toes curl and twitch under the tight, black leather of her shoes. Kakashi wouldn't really report them, would he?

She heard him shift his weight onto his other leg. "Sasuke, do you have any clubs or afterschool obligations today?"

Sakura then heard footsteps and looked up to see Sasuke heading down the hallway towards the front door of the school. He was going to just leave? She felt the ethereal emotions from their moment together rush out of her like a broken dam with every step and felt the last drop evaporate away when he slammed the door behind him, leaving her alone and numb with one of, if not the least compassionate people she'd ever met.

She felt his gaze switch back over to her. "Ready for some softball?" he asked. Sakura didn't answer. "I'll have you pitch today." He spoke with a voice as if he were saying, 'Don't smile, don't smile, you better not smile!' It would take more than that to win her over again; after all he had just ruined a beautiful moment between her and Sasuke, a moment that was on the verge of changing the dynamic between them, awakening something within him that might let him know that he did love her.

Sakura flinched when a large hand began ruffling her hair. "And by chance you were to accidentally hit Ino with one of those fast balls you're oh-so-good at," he made sure to put accent on the 'accidentally,' "I'd let it slide. How about that?"

Sakura turned her head up, giving him a wry smile. 'Accidentally' pegging Ino with one of her pitches and not having to run five laps around the track afterwards sounded just like what she needed after yet another cruel rejection by Sasuke. Maybe she too could let it slide with Kakashi today.

He returned her smile with one of his own, his lips spreading slightly along his face. Even if it was only a small one, Sakura couldn't help but notice for the first time since that day they met that Hatake Kakashi was indeed, incredibly handsome. If she hadn't already devoted herself to Sasuke, she probably would be swooning over her him.

After a long moment of them grinning at each other, they both looked away feeling the awkwardness of having nothing else to say. Or maybe it was just her feeling that way, you could never be sure with Kakashi. His hand slid from her hair as they started walking to their club, the members probably discussing how they were going to rip their coach a new one for being late again. Knowing him, he'd probably use her as his excuse this time, making her look like the bad guy. She marveled at his ability to be so damn likable and yet such a pill at the same time.

The door was only a meter away from her when Kakashi broke the silence. "Is that blood on your collar, Sakura?" She froze so suddenly that her bones ached. Why hadn't she walked behind him? She supposed it didn't actually matter since once she changed into her P.E. clothes, he would've seen the huge hickey on her neck. But what was she supposed to say? Kissing is one thing but letting Sasuke pin her to a wall and neck her? That could get her suspended.

Sakura licked her lips and opened her mouth to reply but suddenly she could feel Kakashi's chest against her back and his fingers circling her wound.

"And I suppose this is a hickey?" His voice had suddenly dropped an octave. That combined with the persistent strokes of his finger had her body in chills. He was much too close, there was no way a teacher, let alone a twenty-seven year old man should be invading her space like this. Sasuke was the only boy she let touch her. She let out a shuddery breath when he leaned down next to her ear. "Did you let Sasuke draw blood?" The breath on her ear didn't feel the same as her loves. It felt predatory, as if it were scaring her into submission.

"N-no," she mumbled, completely aware that her lie was as transparent as glass. "I f-fell back against the corner of a desk and it c-cut me."

Kakashi let out a low laugh and it raised the skin along her ear. "Oh dear, how clumsy. We should get you to a nurse right away…" And with that he shoved her against the wall, the air being knocked right out of her. She tried to scream but his hand went over her mouth as he lowered his to her hickey. His tongue was swirling and sliding against her broken skin and she so desperately wanted to push him away, to cry, to do anything to get this man off her. Then she felt a prick and her already sore skin seared in pain.


Sakura's eyes shot open to a view of a cracked, white ceiling. Her breath was ragged, leaving her head dizzy and light. She could feel something cold running through her, the terror of her nightmare still alive as if she had never woken up.

Nightmare. Relief flooded her and she sat up, rubbing her eyes with the heels of her hands. It had all felt so real to her, as if she had been awake. She had been dreaming, almost reliving one of her last moments with Sasuke when suddenly Kakashi's interruption took a turn for the worse. Now why in the world would she be dreaming about…?

Sakura then remembered the night before; images of Kakashi standing outside her door, examining her barely decent body, she remembered the way his breath had felt on her face and how she had almost came at the touch of his fingers. The sheet below her bunched up in her clenched fists as she relived lying below him, her blood dripping from his chin and onto her cheek…

Fangs! She hugged her bare torso in shocked fear. Kakashi had had fangs; long, pointed fangs that had been stained with her blood. Her head touched the floor between her calves as she tried to digest it all without emptying her stomach throughout her small apartment. This must have been a dream, she insisted. There was no way that could have actually happened to her, right? Her old sensei and softball coach couldn't have come to her house and practically have sex with her, let alone be the embodiment of some sort of urban legend.

Sakura's skin tingled under her firm fingertips and she sat up, realizing that she was indeed naked. And if she was naked…

Wait. She recalled undressing to take a bath. It was then that Kakashi had shown up but maybe something happened where she had fallen and hit her head. But then why would she be in her futon?

Sakura took in a deep breath and picked herself up, feeling the air travel in between her thighs. It reminded her of those restless eyes that had looked at her so possessively, similarly to how Sasuke had stared at her four years ago. She shook her head and hesitantly walked over to the bathroom, the tossed aside clothes on the hard floor and filled bathtub assuring her that something had interrupted her before she had had a chance to take that bath she had desired so much.

She pulled out the drain to the bathtub and began to pull away but not before her eyes caught her reflection in the stainless steel of the faucet. There was some sort of red smudge on her cheek and she could've sworn every single one of her hairs stood up on end when she thought of what it could be. She slowly lifted herself from her squat and forced herself to look into the small, cheap mirror above her sink. Her eyes zoomed in on the dime-size mark, and she stood still, quietly muttering something along the lines of, 'Oh man…'

It was crusted over blood and if she remembered correctly, it was hers.

Her vision sloped downwards and focused in on another dark mark, one resting a little above the left side of her collar bone, two little punctures surrounded by a swamp of blacks, reds and purples.

Sakura couldn't move. She couldn't cry or curse or scream, she was completely stiff, paralyzed by everything that had happened. Kakashi, or at least something that had looked like him had come into her house, touched her in a place no one had ever touched before and then drank her blood in the same likeness of a vampire.

This could not be real. All her life, her parents and society in general had convinced her that beings other than the ones documented by legitimate scientists did not exist. Vampires, werewolves, faeries, mermaids, nagas, dragons did not exist. They were the tales of superstitious and uneducated people, trying to explain life's natural happenings with fanciful stories of mythical beasts. Or at least that's what she had been told. When she was younger she had played with the ideas of 'what if,' like all children but she hadn't even thought about such creatures in the past few years. She didn't even read any sort of literature that contained fantasy themes, being someone that preferred regular fiction.

Sakura could say that Kakashi had merely bitten her hard enough to pierce the skin on a cannibalistic rampage; there were some people that were so fascinated by the idea of vampires, that they insisted that they too were creatures of the night and got their canines sharpened to resemble fangs. But Kakashi's had been much too long to have been fake and there was no way he could have even spoken without someone noticing them.

She stared back into the mirror, feeling something was different about her; but with all that she was thinking about, she could have easily been imagining it. Her hair was the same, as was her face and body but something about her reflection wasn't right. With a thud of her heart, she noticed it.

It was her eyes.

Yes, they were still an impressive green but it was as if the contrast between her pupils and rest of her eyes had increased tenfold, giving her an intense and eerie gaze; her thick lashes did nothing to help the situation, only adding to the opposition of light versus dark. Did fear change her eye color? Or did this have something to do with last night? Why in the world would it…?

As if answering her question, her brain replayed the sudden feeling of raw hunger she had felt after Kakashi's fangs slid from her throat, his sultry rasp telling her she had them too and to use them and the sensation of her gums being ripped open and two hard objects scraping against her canines. Sakura kneeled down against the sink and leaned her head on its cabinets, drowning in yet another realization. Was she…? No, she couldn't be. That was ridiculous.


Sakura stood back up and slightly tilted her chin upward at her spooky reflection as if she were trying to show her dominance. She had to maintain control of herself, there was no point in crumbling into a panic state.

Her reflection glared back at her, those eyes attempting to cut through her courage but she wouldn't let it. She had to determine what was going on now and as silly as it was, she had to see if she could bring out those fangs like she remembered doing the night before.

Sakura pursed her lips together in uneasiness and released them with a pop, clenching and unclenching her fists at her side; she took in a breath and slowly closed her eyes. As much as her brain told her how stupid she was for getting caught up in some silly theory, she still was nervous, frightened that fangs really would come down from her gums and she'd be caught in her nightmare all over again, except this time it wouldn't just be Kakashi's former image dissolving from her mind; it would be her view of herself.

Okay… she was going to do it.

Sakura gave her the reflection the most determined look she could muster and began to… well…

How did you make fangs come out?

Sakura turned away from the reflection who she felt was laughing mockingly at her. What was she supposed to do? Apply pressure to her gums? But how? She doubted pressing on them would help. She had never attempted to control anything in her mouth besides her jaw and tongue. How did one make teeth move on their own?

Answer: You couldn't. And that was why, she thought, this whole situation she had cooked up was absolutely bogus.

Sakura then decided to completely forget about it until she was of saner mind. Later today, at school she would ask Kakashi about it.



She practically teleported over to her digital clock that was on top of her small dresser and almost threw it across the room when she saw what time it was.

11:27 P.M. Friday.

She had missed school? She had slept through an entire day? Sakura ran over to the window and peeked out into the night, holding the curtain over her bare body. Indeed, it was nighttime and the moon was waning at three quarters, shining a pale, waxen glow over her face. The curtains ripped back over the window as she slid down against the wall.

What in the world was going on?

Kakashi leaned back against his apartment's outside wall, the chair beneath him creaking as it balanced on its back legs. His balcony light illuminated the Icha Icha Violence in front of him, the moonlight glinting off his tempered glass table. As relaxed as the current scene should've left him, he felt almost as anxious, or maybe even more so than he did that last night with Obito. She would be waking up soon and she would have questions, questions that he was supposed to answer, answers that he desperately didn't want to give. It would be awkward, uncomfortable and more likely than not, he was going to end up getting punched, slapped, kicked or all of the above. Sakura wasn't known for having a firm control of her temper.

The balcony light suddenly went out and a harsh gust of wind whisked behind him.

"You smell like blood."

Kakashi kept his eyes focused on his erotica, his pupils dilating into night vision. "Hello, Anko-chan," he said pleasantly. "What brings you here?"

Mitarashi Anko hopped over the fence to his apartment balcony, her charcoal spiked bun bouncing with every movement. She stood there in front of him, hands on her hips in a confident posture and even from behind his book, he could tell she was grinning toothily at him, the moonlight glinting off her long fangs drawn over her bottom lip.

"You're lucky I like you, Kakashi, otherwise I might have to drink you dry for being so familiar with a junchi." Her voice was light but he didn't think she was completely joking, especially with those impressive fangs exposed to him. The junchi, otherwise known as full blooded vampires were notorious for their hot headed attitude when it came to honorifics and respect. With him being a henkōchi, a changed blood, Anko could have sucked every last drop out of him right there and it would've been considered fair punishment.

"I'm honored, Anko-chan." He chuckled when she smirked and lifted her eyebrows at him as a warning. "Anko-san," Kakashi corrected.

She hummed in approval and moved from fence to the chair opposite of him. "So, who had the pleasure of being your dinner, Kakashi?"

He flipped the page of his book, although he wasn't reading a single character. "Who said I had fed lately?"

Anko laughed and kicked her feet onto the table. "How about the stench of blood radiating from you every time you so much as breathe?"

Even though he had known it was useless, Kakashi had attempted to scrub himself clean of his pink-haired student, even rinsing out his mouth with mouthwash a couple times. Anko was a junchi and the junchi's sense of smell, as well as all their other senses were incredibly strong. "Well I do need blood to live…"

Her tongue ran over her thick fangs. "Don't we all?" Her leg hooked around his foot pressed against the pillar of the table and pulled him forward, his chair screeching sounding similar to the blaring horns and halting brakes in a traffic jam. Kakashi gently closed his book and set it down, finally gracing her with eye contact. "You weren't at the school today so let me catch you up on the latest gossip. Supposedly one of the vampires at Daichi fed off one of the students."

Kakashi nodded with mild interest, trying to ignore the all knowing glint in Anko's beige eyes. "Any idea of when this actually occurred?"

Anko tightened the hold on his leg. "Last night."

He nodded again. "I see." She raised her eyebrows at him and he couldn't help but think that with that expression and those fangs that he probably should've been terrified. "Was it a killing or is the student now a henkōchi?"

"The latter," she answered.

"Ah." He really wished she would let go of his leg. Her strength was double his and he wasn't enjoying the feeling of the bone creaking under pressure. "How was this found out so quickly?"

She stretched her shoulders back, her cleavage beginning to peek out through her scoop necked top. "You know Sano, right? That guy I accidentally turned a couple years back?" Kakashi did actually remember the boy which was saying something since he was horrible with faces and names. He recalled that he wasn't exactly vampire material; skittish and shy, similar to that of a deer. Of course, that could have been because he had just been taken victim by Anko and that might make anyone a little uneasy. "Yeah, well, he was out hunting and suddenly smelled blood and found himself at the window of, wait for it," she stopped to allow herself a small laugh, "Haruno Sakura! Your old student! The pink-haired one, you know. Apparently the curtain was closed but he had met her through that Yamanaka girl and recognized the smell of her after a couple seconds. But here's the kicker!" Kakashi could feel this conversation going in the direction that he had been dreading. "He got a whiff of the culprit as well. Can you guess who it is?"

He kept his eyes on hers. "Who," he replied softly.

She released his leg from hers and leaned back in the chair. "Hatake Kakashi."

Kakashi made no change in expression, unsure on how he was supposed to react. So everyone already knew. He had thought that he had at least another day before the news would spread. Sano hadn't struck him as the type to go and blab about something that had nothing to do with him, especially if it might get him on the bad side of one of his superior henkōchi. He made a mental note saying to make sure to find that brat and let him know to keep his big fanged mouth shut in the future.

"No comment, Kakashi?" Anko said, disrupting Kakashi's panicked thoughts.

He stood up and gave her a small smile. "None whatsoever, Anko-chan." He knew he was pushing it with that suffix. She clenched her eyes shut and bared her teeth in smile that looked similar to a grimace, especially with those fangs.

"What, are you worried you're going to get in trouble? As long as Tsunade doesn't find out, you should be fine."

Senju Tsunade, the principal of Daichi. He hadn't even thought about her. She was only a human and yet, he was more frightened of her than any of the junchi vampires. Kakashi gave her a look. "Does she know?"

Anko shrugged. "As far as I know, no." She then smirked. "But if she does, say goodbye to your fangs and your balls."

No kidding. He was nauseas just thinking about it. Not only had he tampered with the peace between vampires and humans in Daichi, he had turned her favorite student into a henkōchi. It wasn't just the other students and turned student's family at risk but the very thin cloak shielding all vampires' existence as well. Kakashi wasn't going to deny he had really screwed up this time but that didn't mean he was willing to be turned in to Tsunade either. She had a special connection to vampires, having been adopted by a family of a junchi male and a human female. If anything were to disrupt the peace… well, he didn't need to seriously think about what would happen to the person responsible.

"So why Haruno, Kakashi?" Anko asked, her fingers tapping against the table. "I mean, she's cute and has some nice legs but…"

"I hadn't had any blood in two weeks," he interrupted. It was bad enough people knew he had turned Sakura, he didn't want them thinking that he had chosen her on purpose as well.

She grunted, probably a little disappointed there weren't some more scandalous details to add into the already bubbling pot of drama. Even though he wasn't looking at her anymore, choosing to instead stare off into the lights of Tokyo city, he could feel her eyes sloping down from his face and to his chest, then his stomach and lastly his crotch. He knew what she was going to ask next.

"Did you sleep with her?"


He sighed. "No, of course not." There was no need to mention Sakura being naked and trembling as his finger dipped into her. Nope. No need, whatsoever.

Her voice sounded surprised. "But the blood is always better when the victim is turned on; it flows faster and is sweeter. I was pretty sure that was common practice with you."

It was something he did do often but Sakura was his student and he guessed that even in the control of the beast within him, he couldn't get himself to take what wasn't his. Or it could've just been he didn't have enough blood in him to produce an erection.

Either way, he didn't have sex with her and he was grateful for even the slightest detail in which he didn't screw up.

Kakashi turned to her and gave her one of his smiles he reserved for conversations he wasn't enjoying. "Besides warning me of Tsunade's possible wrath, I'm sure there was another reason you came here, Anko-chan." He eyed her fangs that had been bared since she had arrived on his balcony.

She snickered and stood from the chair, walking towards him until her breasts flattened against his chest and their noses were only centimeters apart. "It's been a week since I fed last," she whispered.

Kakashi chuckled. "I see, so you could care less if I get caught by Tsunade, you just came here for a free ride."

Anko nuzzled his neck and dragged her tongue down to his collar bone. "You don't mind." She brought her gaze back to his. "Let's help each other out."

A little sex and blood would be a nice distraction and he decided to take her up on her offer by pulling her into his apartment.

Sakura could wait until morning.

Author's Notes: Ohmygoodness, I actually finished chapter two! And I finished it before my set deadline! (June 8th) Yeah! Was it any good? If not, please be honest. I won't be offended.

First thing I'd like to talk about: Yes, Sakura and Sasuke were only around thirteen-fourteen when they had that steamy moment. Don't call me twisted or anything because believe me, that stuff happens all the time. I thought it was in character and it's not like they had actual sex so don't get your panties in a twist. If that stuff offends you, please don't read. (Although, I think that's the only moment we're going to have like that in this story.) Also, I do not think the love that Sakura had for Sasuke was healthy and I really don't believe that the relationship they had was healthy so don't accuse me of encouraging young girls to engage in situations like this.

I didn't think I could have Kakashi and Sakura face each other yet because there's going to be a lot of awkwardness and confusion so I figured I needed to keep them seperate so I could get a good handle on what they're feeling. But in actuality, you don't get a clear idea on what either of them are feeling. (laughs) Sorry about that... oh! And I got to bring in Anko and Tsunade, which for some reason is very exciting for me. I've never successfully written them into a story before so this is like a big accomplishment for me. (laughs)

If you were confused, vampires can drink blood from one another as well and that's what Kakashi and Anko are planning to do at the end of the chapter. Sorry if you guys were hoping for some KakaAnko sex when you got to that last section but since it's not really important to the story, I thought it would be better to imply it rather than write another ten page lemon. (laughs)

Oh, here's my replies to Krozz and eurlynx: (I couldn't send them review replies so here they are.)

Krozz: Thank you for the review! The ring in the first version of Bloodthirsty was to keep them from burning in the sunlight but I figured that would be a rip off of the The Vampire Diaries (the book version) so I cut it out. I'm surprised you remembered that, thanks for being a good reader!

eurlynx: Thanks for the review, I really appreciate it! Yeah, I hope their relationship stays interesting and doesn't go astray. It's hard for me to keep Kakashi in character while I'm writing so I'm really trying to keep the relationship fresh without entirely changing the character. I know I don't update as fast as some writers but I did update and that's an accomplishment all on its own. (laughs)

Thank you, all ten of you that reviewed, I was very happy to see I had good responses. Reviews really keep me inspired so hopefully you guys will stay with this story.

Look out for chapter three, I'll try my hardest to have it up by June 31st! (at the latest.)


- Nini

P.S.: Chapter's title is from Rumor Has It by Adele.


Sensei – honorific for teacher, manga-ka, etc. If you want to be a writer and you're getting advice or help from someone else, you would refer to them as sensei. (Or their name-sensei.)
Chan – honorific usually used for girls, lovers or children. When the girls left that little chalk drawing on Kakashi's chalkboard saying, "Shi-chan love!" that was highly inappropriate but because Kakashi is so laidback and friendly, he allows it.
Daichi – "Dai" means "large, great" and "Chi," depending on which character you use can either mean "wisdom, intellect" (which is how the school's name is written) or "earth, land."
Kun – honorific usually used for boys but can also be used for girls with boyish names like Tohru.
Tokyo University – the most prestigious school in Japan. If you've read Love Hina, you know exactly how hard it is to get into.
Junchi - "Jun" means "pure" (can also mean "obedient" depending which character you use) and "chi" means "power, blood." (And if you look above, "chi" can mean other things as well.)
Henkōchi - "Henkō" means "changed." You already know what "chi" means.