A.N. I do not own Inuyasha. Last chapter guys! Thanks for sticking with me!

Akimi swallowed thickly, electric blue eyes landing on the calendar. One year... Will she be back today? The idea made her heartbeat quicken, anticipation lacing her aura. Tensing, she realized she was being watched.

"What is it you wait for, Akimi?" Ginta inquired quietly as he observed the young woman in her study. She had been remarkably responsible since the miko's departure, as if she was proving herself, preparing for something. He glanced to the calendar thoughtfully, noting the date.

Gesturing for him to come in and shut the door, she sighed. "I'm waiting for Kagome-sensei." At his sad look, she frowned. "No, she's coming back. In my letter... My letter was different. She said she'd be back, in a year. It's a year today, Ginta." She smiled a little at her late father's advisor. "Just, don't say anything. I don't want anyone disappointed." In case she came the next day. She'll come though...

Eyes widening, the ookami was shocked. He had tried several times to reach out to her, yet not found a trace. Kagome was indeed a woman that had her resources. "I will keep this to myself."


"We went everywhere, Obaa-san! First, we went to China with Jinenji and from there, we went across to Europe and we visited foreign embassies for youkai and saw old friends-We even went to America." The kit was proud as he told his surrogate grandmother of the adventures they'd had in the last year.

"That's so cool!" Souta chimed. "How come Kags always goes on all the adventures?" He stuck his tongue out at his sibling childishly, the action looking particularly silly as he was now as tall as she was.

"It is amazing." Smiling at her grandson and son, the Higurashi matriarch ushered them out of the kitchen. "You should show your uncle pictures."

Taking the hint, Shippou lead Souta from the room so that the two women could talk.

Kagome sighed as she felt her mother's disapproving look. "I know, Kaa-san. I know. I am not setting a good example by running. But I honestly felt it was the best course of action. For everyone involved." She peered at her, blue eyes shining with a need for her to understand.

"They called here, looking for you. Did you really get involved with a woman?" There was not anything disapproving in her eyes about that, just confusion. "Kagome, are you... Are you a lesbian? I mean, I thought you and Inuyasha..." She flushed, not sure how to go about saying she had thought her daughter had been engaging in a sexual relationship with the hanyou.

"I loved Inuyasha, dearly. I really did. Yet, I do have feelings for Ayame too. I'm not sure what that makes me, really. I guess I'm bisexual." It was odd, yet the realization made sense. To her human self, it was strange, taboo. But to the part of her that had been a fighter, that was an immortal with the lifespan of a youkai, it was easily acceptable. Demons were often far more fluid in that regard, from what she'd seen in her travels.

"You're my daughter and I love you no matter what, Kagome-chan." Kissing her forehead, the older female smiled. "So, will you go back? Will you stop running?" She accepted her daughter regardless, but she knew that she did not necessarily belong in the human world anymore. If she ran from the community that embraced and identified with her... Well, as a mother, she was very worried.

Smiling, the miko hugged her mother tightly. "Of course I'm going back. Here now, aren't I? You didn't raise me to run away." Kissing her cheek, she pulled back. "Watch Shippou for me?" She wanted to clear the air before bringing him in.

"Be happy to."


By the time the taxi arrived in front of the Takanaka household, her scent and aura had brought down the eldest child. Of course she would be first. She was the only one who knew she was coming.

Not waiting, the ookami female darted forward and lifted her sensei off her feet, hugging her tight. "We've missed you, Kagome-sensei." She released her as she sensed her siblings.

It was Etsuko barreling into her stomach next and she hoisted the little girl onto her hip. "Hello." She stroked her hair, rocking her back and forth as she felt wet tears hit her neck. Guilt flooded her, but she already saw the changes. These were tears of happiness. And the child who clung to her was not desperate, but joyful. Her blue eyes skimmed over to Kazeji next.

More sure of himself than the year prior, the male stepped forward. He seemed to be a little torn. As if he was ready to decide, he stepped in and hugged her next, resting his nose against her shoulder. He was welcoming her back to the pack. "You were sorely missed."

Next to appear, Ginta smiled at his longtime friend. "You've returned to us." While it was a statement, there was a definite question in his eyes. Have you returned for all of us?

Setting Etsuko down on her own feet again, she straightened and hugged the male. "I've missed you all." She glanced about, curious where his brother and the Lady were.

"Hakaku and Lady Ayame are attending business meetings. Please, stay for dinner. They'll be back by then." The man gave her a meaningful look.

"I'll definitely stay. Now come on-Catch me up!" She walked with the children towards the house, feeling a bit like she was coming home.


"Are you serious?" Shifting nervously, the male held his cell phone to his ear, watching to make sure his Lady wasn't listening in. Youkai hearing easily detected phone calls, after all.

"She's sparring with the kids right now. I got her to agree to stay for dinner. I think you should prep Lady Ayame." Ginta's voice was quiet, keeping it low himself.

"Well, what does she want? Is she trying to come back and work? Or is it... Do you think she's ready to get serious?" Hakaku questioned, nervous about what all this meant for his Lady. Anything could happen with the miko back. If she was here to stay, things could be very good. If not, Lady Ayame could regress-He'd rather her stay gone than dance in and out of their lives.

"Seriously doubting she came back for the job. Look, just get her prepped for dinner, and we'll let them talk it out, okay?"


Sighing, the ookami eyed his Lady, fielding questions and acting the part of Takanaka Natsumi. He was more than a little worried about what to say. Letting her conclude the meeting, he walked in close. "Natsumi-san, a word?"

Surprised, the orange haired woman nodded and followed her advisor into the private offices. "What is it?" She could tell by the tension in his shoulders that he was not really certain how to go about beginning. "Are the children alright?"

"Yes. They're fine." That was one thing Hakaku was certain of. While he didn't agree with the methods, Kagome had insured those children grew, even in her absence. "I took a call from Ginta. There's nothing wrong, but I need you to sit a minute." When she complied, he gave her a gentle look. "My Lady... Kagome-neechan has returned. She is at the house now, with the children." He rested his hands on her shoulders when she stood. "She'll be there when we go home for dinner."

A wave of emotions hit her as she slumped back into her seat. Part of her was thrilled, wanted to return to her home immediately and talk to her. Another part of her was very anxious, completely at a loss for what to do. The year had given her a lot of time to think things through and she realized she had been rushing things. This time, I'll get it right... I have to.


Standing outside, the miko was not surprised when she was joined by an unwelcome guest. "You here to stir up trouble?" She had run into him once or twice in the last year and she was uncertain if he was ready to take no for an answer,

Stoic as ever, the inu taiyoukai frowned. "Miko, I am not accustomed to being refused." However, her message was clear. She had avoided him, rejected him and upon returning, came to this household. "Do you desire to be the mate of the ookami?"

Sighing, she turned to look at her old ally. "I want to be left to decide things on my own. I want to be allowed to fall in love at my own pace, my own time. Sesshomaru, we're too different and you're a pushy ass. But once upon a time, we helped each other. So... Friends."

"Hn." Inclining his head, he disappeared.

"So, at least I know some of my competition is gone," a female voice commented. Coming to stand next to the miko, the Lady of the house looked at her out of the corner of her eye.

Color tinted her cheeks at the realization that the other female had been listening in. "Ayame..." Swallowing, she turned to look at her, her manner both repentant and hopeful. "Listen, I needed to go. Everything was-"

Cutting her off with a finger to her lips, the youkai woman rested her forehead against hers, jade irises locked on sapphire. "I know." She pulled back and sighed softly. "You were right. I was using you. I was grief stricken and I refused to deal with it. Then you came along. Beautiful, powerful, perfect Kagome. You naturally attract youkai. It's just you. I don't know what it is, but it's there. I latched onto you. I wanted something to make the hurt go away, and there you were.

"I recognize that. But I also know that I do have some real feelings. You care about me, you care about my kids... You care about everybody and it's a quality that I admire. You're also smart and sweet and just... I can see why Kouga loved you. Wolves, we're quick and we choose our mates for life. I want you to choose me. So let's go human. Be slow, be steady, go on dates... Let me court you." As she finished, she squeezed her hand.

For a moment, she was silent. Finally, she squeezed back and kissed her cheek. She belonged in this world, yet the youkai was willing to slow and move to the pace she would be more comfortable with. "Well, lets have dinner then. And tomorrow, maybe we'll go out?"

Happiness warmed the Lady's heart. Slow and steady... Until you're mine.