Stanza was sitting in the Weasley kitchen with Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Harry and Mrs. Weasley. They all had sad smiles on their faces.
"We ready?" asked Mrs. Weasley.
"Yeah," mumbled the somber group.
"Alright. Hand that baby over to Fleur and let's go," she said.
Stanza looked down at the dark haired child in her arms. She had lost one love that night so many months ago, but had gained another. She kissed the girl on the forehead and handed her off the to the Frenchwoman.
"She looks like him," said Hermione.
"Yeah," said Stanza.
"You going to be okay?" asked Hermione.
"Yeah," replied Stanza.
The group disaparated from the Burrow. They appeared in a graveyard not far from Hogsmeade. The Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione walked over to Fred's grave. Harry split off from the group and walked down to Remus and Tonks' grave.
Stanza walked in the opposite direction and found the headstone she was looking for. She pulled out her wand and whispered something. The sound of stone etching filled the cemetery. Stanza smiled and laid down a single rose.
"You okay?" asked Ginny walking up.
"Yeah," she said.
"A missed father," read Ginny.
"She doesn't know him yet, but she will," said Stanza.
"I think Trisha would've loved him," said Ginny.
"Me too," said Stanza.
What's her middle name?" asked Ginny.
"Eileen. It was his mother's name," replied Stanza.
"Patrisha Eileen Crosswright-Snape," said Hermione. "What a mouth full."
"I think he would like it," said Stanza.
"Me too," said Ginny.
"Come one, before your mother kills us," said Hermione.
Ginny and Hermione walked back to where Mrs. Weasley was standing.
"I know you loved him first," said a man. "But I hope you could love me as well."
Stanza turned around and saw Charlie Weasley. She smiled and hugged him.
"We'll see about that, Charlie," said Stanza. "But I think I might be able to love you too."
Stanza smiled as the two disaparated from the cemetery.