"We're not supposed to be out after curfew," said Trisha.

"Don't worry. We wont get caught," said the other girl.

"Don't worry? With Death Eaters roaming the castle? And you said 'Don't Worry!'"

"Trish, don't move," said the girl.

"Why?" she asked turning around. "That's a really big snake."

"No that's a giant snake," said the girl.

"Stanza, that's a really, really big snake," she said slowly backing away

Then snake slowly made it's way towards the girls.

"Stanza, make it stop!" said Trisha.

"I don't speak snake," said Stanza.

"Ladies, out a bit late aren't we," said a voice from behind. "Nagini, find dinner elsewhere."

The snake turned away reluctantly and slithered down the hallway from the three people. The girls turned to face the man behind them.

"Ms. Tinwood, 50 points from Ravenclaw for breaking curfew. Return to your dorm immediately," he said.

Trisha looked at Stanza before she took off towards the Ravenclaw dorms. Stanza stood there in the hallway looking at the man.

"What to do with you," he said. "50 points from Slytherin for breaking curfew."

Stanza lowered her head and looked at her feet. She was slightly upset with herself that she had caused her house to lose points. She usually won points for her house.

"To your dorm, Ms. Crosswright," he said.

Stanza nodded her head and turned and walked away from the professor. Snape watched as she walked away. It was clearly written on her face that she was upset.

Stanza walked through the portal into the Slytherin Common Room. Sitting in one of the armchairs was Draco Malfoy. When he heard the door close he looked up to see Stanza walking in.

"Where have you been?" he asked not moving from the chair.

She ignored him and kept walking towards the stairs. Draco stood from the chair and walked over to her, grabbing her arm.

"Constanza, where were you?" asked Draco.

"None of your business," said Stanza.

"Stanza, please tell me where you were. I was worried," said Draco.

"I was out with Trisha, Draco. No need to be worried," said Stanza. "Can I go to bed now?"

"If you were out with Trisha, why are you back now?" asked Draco.

"Because I'm tired," replied Stanza.

"The truth, Stanza," said Draco moving a hair from her face.

"I was caught. 50 points for breaking curfew," she said. "Now I'm quite tired and going to bed."

Stanza pulled away from Draco and walked up the steps to her room. Draco sighed and walked back over to the chair. He pulled a piece of parchment from his pocket. He unfolded the parchment and read it again.

'Draco, by this Christmas you need to be on better terms with Ms. Contsnza Crosswright. Your father has convinced her family to let the two of you marry. ~Love, Mother.'

Draco folded the letter up and walked to his room. He had two months to get Stanza to like him and it was going to be difficult.