This is my first proper fan fiction. I might mess up but please bear with me. I've based the names of the chapters on the songs of an album by Elbow called Build A Rocket Boys!
A few things before I start. What I write is based on the English school education system. So if there's something that confuses you, don't be afraid to ask. Secondly, some of the things in this story are based on real experiences I've had and other have had. Some are far from funny, other's are just a laugh that I thought would be interesting to throw into this. Okay, let's start now.
Build A Rocket Boys!
Hetalia AU fanfiction.
Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia Axis Powers. All characters (c) Hidekaz Himaruya
Chapter 1: The Birds
'What are we gonna do with you?
Same tale every time
What are we gonna do with you?
Come on inside
Looking back is for the birds'
Lyrics from The Birds by Elbow
Beep beep beep beep … "OI! WAKE UP!"
Yao was woken up by the sound of his noisy alarm clock and the loud voice of his demanding mother. A hand groped around on the bedside table for his alarm clock. He could feel the cold, hard metal at his fingertips. Quickly, he slammed his hand down on the button on the wretched clock. The beeping ceased. He grabbed the clock and sat up. Hands rubbed his eyes before opening them. Yao had beautiful golden brown eyes. Eyes almost like ones of a girl. "…Dammit…" He mumbled as he looked at the time. He was late. "Shiet…Yong Soo's going to be waiting…" 'Shiet' was the new 'shit'. So being the behind times fourteen-year-old Yao was, he broke himself into saying it.
After getting changed into his almost completely black school uniform, Yao tied his hair back with a crimson hair band. This made him look even more like a girl. His petite figure made it worse. Thus the teasing hit him. But after years of it, he was used to it.
Before leaving his room, he looked at the state of his room. Books on the floor, sketchbooks, comics, pens, papers scattered all over his desk, completely hiding his scanner. The only things visible were the desk light and computer (which everyone thought was massive). Even the tablet and keyboard were hidden away by the endless mess. He told himself he'd clean it up later. Later meaning never. Never meaning until his mum forced him to clean it.
He opened the door to his room only to be greeted by this younger brother Kaoru. Who was standing with his hands behind his back.
Kaoru was 7-years-old and adopted. Well, after Yao's mum's friend dumped him on them after she divorced her Japanese husband (hence the Japanese name) and ran off God-knows-where, they kind of had to take the poor child in. He was an odd child, but he was sweet.
"Good morning Gēgē." He said in a sweet monotone voice, coated with a thick Hong Kong accent.
"Oh, good morning Kaoru. I have to get going soon, so you need to move," Yao sighed and tired to move his brother. He glanced down at his small hands. "What's in your hand Dìdì?" Yao's Chinese accent was slowly fading. He had been living in England for a while now.
"Water gun." Kaoru mumbled.
"…Water wh-" Before he had a chance to finish, icy cold water was sprayed in his face.
There was a moment of silence.
"Have a nice day Gēgē." Said the smaller boy before walking off. Yao would normally yell at him but his mum was still sleeping. She had the day off work today. Kaoru also had the day off because he was sick.
Yao was just finishing brushing his teeth when the doorbell rang. It was most likely Im Yong Soo (or just Yong Soo). Yao rushed downstairs to open the door, toothbrush still in his mouth. "Hyung~! Morning~" A cheery voice called.
"I'm not even your brother," Yao said coldly, trying to speak with the toothbrush in his mouth, "Just wait here." He walked upstairs again.
"Aw, Yao's being mean again!" Yong Soo jokingly pouted and laughed. But even though they weren't related, Yong Soo insisted he called Yao 'hyung'. Which was the best way you could call someone 'brother' in Korean. Well hey at least someone respected him. Yao admitted Yong Soo was noisy and annoying but he was funny, kind and energetic.
Minutes later, Yao came back down with his school bag on his back, he slipped on his shoes and looked up at Yong Soo. Even though Yao was older than him by a considerable amount he was still much shorter than the Korean. That irritated him. "Hurry up let's go. Or we'll get yelled at by miss again…" Yao tugged on Korea's sleeve.
"I was only waiting for you! You're the one that's late!" He laughed as Yao pushed him out of the house.
Yao was well aware he didn't eat anything for breakfast. Which bothered him but he tried his best not to show it. He often got pains in his stomach for not eating well and he was in serious pain right now. Yong Soo gazed over at his friend, who seemed to be struggling to walk.
"Yao stop." He stopped and looked at Yong Soo.
"What?" He scowled. The Korean just sighed as a response and stuck a hand into his sling bag and pulled out an energy drink and a cereal bar. "What's this for Yong Soo?" He raised an eyebrow as Yong Soo shoved them into Yao's hands.
"I'm not oblivious to the fact you're not eating well. You're lucky I remembered to bring this or you would've starved yourself," Yong Soo seemed serious. This was a side that Yao hardly ever saw. "I can read you like a book hyung!" He grinned stupidly. Breaking the serious mood. Yao wasn't surprised if Yong Soo could do that. He wouldn't even be surprised if Yong Soo had a giant notebook in which he kept notes about Yao.
"Thank you…" Yao mumbled and took a bite out of the cereal bar.
"No problem hyung~" Yong Soo smiled brightly and watched Yao scoff down the food he gave him.
Yao and Yong Soo became friends in year 7, straight away as soon as they got into secondary school. But it seemed as if Yong Soo knew Yao more than Yao knew him…he even knew more about Yao than even Yao knew about himself. It made Yao feel rather stupid, and bad because he didn't that much about Yong Soo. What sort of friend was he?
Yao and Yong Soo were almost at school. They were walking down the road that the entrance was situated on. Around them, the cherry blossoms were in full bloom (Yao pointed out that they were late this year and it was all global warming's fault).
The birds were singing and chirping the beautiful song of spring as the two walked down the road. It was like the birds were singing a million blessings to the world. As much as it was beautiful, it felt like the same tale every time. But Yao wasn't tired of it yet. You cannot get tired of beauty. Yao looked at Yong Soo, "Annoying yet kind and caring. Loud yet gentle. You're just like the birds you know that?" Yao smiled.
"R-Really?" Yong Soo blushed a bit. It was hard to get a compliment out of Yao.
"Why would I lie to you?" Yao smiled as the two entered the green gates of school.
Woo there we go~
Right. Hong Kong is Kaoru because apparently a lot of fans know him by that. Or something. I went on Hetalia wiki so yeah...
Gege = Big brother in Chinese
Didi = Little brother in Chinese
Hyung = Brother in Korean
The road where they were walking down is one of the paths to go to my school. I don't take that route because it's longer...and my form is nearer to the other entrance XD
Please look forward to the next chapter! Reviews are much appreciated~
-Lemonade from Darkness