Spies have to be smart. How else would we know how to persuade random people our fake stories in practically any language we wanted?

Spies have to be quick. Getting away from tails and possible international terrorist-organizations trying to kill you definitely requires that.

Spies have to be careful. We can't mess up. That would mean disaster for not only us, but our employers, CIA, m16, etc. We could be caught, or tortured, or killed. Yes, killed as in, not living anymore, being gone for the rest of eternity, and never seeing anyone we loved ever again.

But most importantly, spies can't show emotion. This is the hardest of all because, as humans, we are made to have emotions and feelings, hiding them under our skin, and trying not to show them in our movements and speech takes a whole lot of skill and practice.

Maybe all of this is what made living on a small island off the eastern coast of Greece hard. I left my school, family, friends, and my life in Roseville, Virginia. I also left my curiosity, wonder and as previously mentioned the all important emotions.

I had left after my junior year of high school. I was at the ripe old age of 17, and now I know that I didn't know anything. After an unfortunate turn of events surrounding on an international terrorist organization, the Circle of Cavan (COC for short) (they tried multiple times to kidnap me) and my crazy school, which required exams after each semester (not the regular exams you are thinking about), I disappeared. I also found out that my maybe-maybe not-spy-boyfriend-crush's mother was the head of this said international terrorist organization. Not something that you walk away from without emotional and physical damage. Well, the physical was from running out if a burning cave and then jumping off a waterfall.

Anyways, after running away, I was certain that someone would catch me, but nobody did. I had multiple covers, and changed about 7 times a day. I was a blond haired brown eyed Russian, then a black haired Native American from southern Arizona. The possibilities were endless. Going from town to town, city to city really wore me out. I didn't find anything I wanted to, and soon I just gave up and traveled the world. I met some very interesting people, each with their own histories and personalities. I was 19 when I decided to slow down and settle somewhere. I knew it was the best decision, because I didn't want to go back to Gallagher. For one, I knew we would have graduated by then, and two, I was scared out of my mind. I didn't want to know what my best friends would say to me. Sure my mom would have some harsh words for me, but it was my best friends who scared the crap out of me in normal circumstances. I may have taken college level physics in freshman year of high school, but I had no dreaming idea of what they would do/say to me.

So going incognito was my best idea. I chose this island because of the cozy atmosphere I hadn't felt since I left Gallagher. I bought a little cottage type thing on a little hill where I could see the bay and mountains beside me. I met all the locals, and to them I was Megan Morris, an American, who had just graduated from college and wanted to start something new. Of course I spoke Greek, so that wasn't an issue. I died my hair dark brown and I always wore brown contacts. I got pretty tan early on, which helped with the disguise, and got a job at the local bakery baking traditional Greek cakes and pastries for the civilians here. As more and more days passed, Cameron Morgan became more and more distant in my soul. I lived and breathed Megan Morris, Meg for short. I never changed my contacts, and only had to die my hair once every three months. I started to worry about being short on flour or weather I would have time to plant my small flowers in the pots I had bough at the market to put by my front door and not about weather someone would find me, or worse, I would find them. Don't worry, the spy in me never left, because it was still possible that I could be found, but like I said, it wasn't my top priority. Until he showed up.

Hi everyone, my name is Rosie, and this is my first fanfiction. GAH I AM SO EXCITED! Aaaanyways, I hope you like it and I hope it will make sense to you soon, because it does to me! But then again, I know what happens. He he he.