Sleepless Night 4
Author's Note: I'm so sorry for the delay (T-T). I've been busy searching for a new job and finally got one (^-^). Here's the last chapter and I hope all of you enjoy it! (^_-). Thank you so much for those who wrote reviews for this fic! I wouldn't have made this far without your support.
"How did you enter this room?" Mei shot a look of disbelief at Shinobu.
"Well, you're the one who forgot to lock the door." An evil smiled appeared at his face.
"What do you want from us?" Mei glared.
"I'm here to inform you that Shiori sama died yesterday." Mei and Rihito's eyes widened in shock.
"She jumped off the window from our apartment when I went to shop for daily goods. It seemed like she noticed that I wasn't the real Shibata Rihito." Shinobu pulled a chair and sat on it. He gave the couple in front of him a look of hatred before he took a surgical knife from his front pocket.
"Don't you dare to come closer!" Rihito stood in front of Mei and stretched his left hand as he tried his best to protect her.
"There's no way for you to win this fight, sick man. Look at you!, you're shaking." Shinobu let out a cynical laugh while he eyed his opponent confidently.
"Rihito-san, are you alright?" Mei asked anxiously.
"I'm fine, Mei-sama. No need to worry." Rihito replied promptly. Mei noticed the sweat on his temple and his harsh breathing was enough to prove that he was having a high fever.
"Shinobu san, I believe that Shiori san won't be happy to see you in this state." Mei explained.
"You know nothing about Shiori sama's feeling! You're living a happy live with your butler while she suffered until her last breath!" Shinobu snapped at Mei in a loud voice. Mei gasped when she saw tears escaped his eyes.
"You have no right to yell at Mei-sama, Shinobu." Rihito stretched his tone. Shinobu gritted his teeth before he moved forward and swung his surgical knife madly. Rihito managed to duck the attack and he was about to grab Shinobu's hand when he lost balance. Rihito leaned on the nearest chair as he tried his best to stand up though he was still wincing in pain from his fever. Shinobu walked closer as he prepared to give his inveterate enemy another blow. Mei immediately blocked his way by stretching both of her hands widely.
"I'm sorry to hear about what happened to Shiori-san and I apologize for disappointing her in the past but, I don't think that violence will solve the problem. So, let's stop this useless fight, Shinobu-san." She requested calmly.
Shinobu clucked his tongue at the smaller figure in front of him then he leaned forward. He tilted her chin up with two fingers roughly and said in a cragged voice, "I'll think of it if you give me the chance to slit the throat of your newborn as the token of your apology." Mei turned pale when she heard his hideous voice and she was convinced that Shinobu had lost his logical mind due to a large amount of hatred in his heart.
Rihito stood up and pushed Shinobu's hand away from Mei before he placed a hard punch on his face. Shinobu winced in pain before he threw his surgical knife toward Rihito. The golden batch butler tried to duck it but unfortunately it scratched his right cheek.
"Rihito-san!" Mei spoke out nervously when he saw Rihito bled from his cheek. She was about to proceed her way toward Rihito when she felt her water broke and an extreme pain struck her body. She winced in pain as she held her stomach with trembling hands. "Not now, please." She muttered hopelessly.
"Mei sama!" Rihito caught her waist to prevent her from fall then guided her to the nearest bed. Mei carefully lied on the bed and tried her best to adjust her breathing pace. Shinobu came closer before he touched Mei's bulging stomach as he examined her recent condition.
"She's having a breech baby." He claimed.
"What?!" Rihito's said, his eyes widened in shock.
"I'd be happy to help her in labor if you beg on your knees." Shinobu grinned.
"Don't…listen….to him, Rihito…san." Mei uttered weakly as she tried her best to keep conscious.
"A surgery is necessary to get the baby out but some people refuse to have it since they are afraid of the side effect. Let me tell you what happened to those who refuse to have a surgery." Shinobu smirked before he continued his words, "Those with an outstanding physical strength managed to survive but those who weren't died from exhaustion." Rihito bit his lip in anxiety when he heard the statement.
"He's… lying… There's no way that...a doctor who lost his...mind...could save his patient." Mei said weakly.
"Shut up!" Shinobu slapped Mei hard on her right cheek.
"Mei-sama!" Rihito screamed in horror.
"I'll slit her throat if you dare to come closer!" Shinobu shouted as he pointed his surgical knife to Mei's throat. Rihito had no choice but to stand still at the spot.
"On your knees, Shibata." Shinobu commanded.
"No…Rihito-san…please don't listen to him..." Mei pleaded in tears.
Rihito clenched his fists in despair and started to kneel down. All of sudden, the room door sprung open revealing several butlers and their mistresses.
"Not so fast, filthy butler!" Kento busted. Shinobu turned around and was about to throw his surgical knife when he heard a loud sound of gunshot. He winced in pain and noticed that his right hand was bleeding. The surgical knife he was holding had fell to the floor.
"Nice job, Daimon!" Miruku patted her butler on his shoulder.
"I'm flattered, Miruku-sama." The giant butler replied merrily as he flushed before he put his gun back to his pocket. Some minutes later a number of policemen entered the room and arrested Shinobu who struggled like crazy.
"You'll pay for this, Shibata Rihito and Hongo Mei! I curse the day you were born and…uhhh!" Shinobu had not even finished his words when Nezu hit his stomach causing him to lose his conscience.
"You talk too much, lad." Nezu verbalized while wiping his right hand with a handkerchief and made a grimace as if he had touched a slimy creature with bare hand.
"Nezu-chin, you're so brave and I'm very proud of you!" Fujiko beamed in joy before she circled her hands around her butler's neck.
"Well, Fujiko you owe me a nice hot massage today." Nezu winked at his mistress.
"Mei-sama!" Rihito called his mistress anxiously when he saw Mei nearly losing her consciousness due to pain and exhaustion.
"We need to bring her to the hospital right away." Miruku said tensely.
"Shibata, bring her to the heliport. Kanzaki san and Tami hime are waiting there." Nezu instructed. Rihito nodded before he lifted up Mei in bridal style and proceeded his way to the rooftop.
Mei screamed in pain as she squeezed Rihito's hand for dear life. She had refused to take the surgery and had been struggling in labor for five hours. Fortunately, her baby managed to return back to its proper position after she received a medical massage.
"I can see the head, Hongo-san. Push harder." The doctor commanded.
"I can't…I…" Mei muttered in pain as tears fell to both of her cheek.
"You can do it, Mei-sama." Rihito whispered as he wiped her tears with his handkerchief. Mei took a deep breath before she pushed as hard as she could using all of her strength she had left. She let out a sigh of relief when she heard a loud cry from the newborn.
"Congratulations! You have a beautiful baby girl here." The doctor gently placed the crying newborn beside Mei.
"You did a great job, Mei-sama." Rihito whispered before placing a kiss on her forehead.
"I wouldn't have made it this far without your support, Rihito-san." She replied with a weak smile. She moved her glance to the baby then caressed her cheek lovingly. The baby stopped crying and started to glance at her parents.
"She has your beautiful eyes." Rihito said daringly as he patted his daughter's head.
"And your high-bridge nose." Mei added with a smile.
"You should take some rest." Mei nodded as his advice before she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Rihito silently rose to his feet then headed to the exit door. Rihito's primary doctor who was waiting outside smiled at him. "Are you ready for your final check-up, Shibata-san?"
"Whenever you are." Rihito replied firmly before he entered the examination room. It took more than an hour to finish all the examination and Rihito felt nauseous from the side effect of the medicine he took. He took a deep breath and exhaled it to prevent himself from throwing up in the room.
"It's surprising but the result proved that there are no more cancer cells inside your body." Rihito raised an eyebrow at the announcement.
"It's a mere case but miracle does exist and I know some patients who managed to overcome their disease just like you. Congratulations, Shibata-san you're a healthy man now. You just need some rest until the side effect of the medicine gone." The doctor patted Rihito on his shoulder. Rihito let out a sigh of relief before he bowed politely and expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, Doctor Yamashita. I owe you my life."
Five years later
"Dammit, Daimon! Get your ass here before I lose my patience!" Miruku yelled in rage before she pushed the disconnect button of her cellphone.
"Language, dear." Fujiko warned her junior while she tied her golden obi (kimono belt).
"I told that giant to buy Japanese sake but he mistook it for a white wine." Miruku grunted.
"Hey! The groom is ready!" Kento announced happily while he dragged his elder brother who was dressed in his black kimono wedding.
"The bride is also ready and she's waiting at the changing room." Izumi said gracefully as she walked in.
"Clarisse, your idea of holding Western style wedding ceremony with kimono as the dress code is brilliant!" Miruku praised as she raised two of her thumbs up.
"I told you I'm good at arranging event." Clarisse made a peace sign with his right fingers.
"Miruku-sama! I got the sake!" Daimon raised a huge sake bottle in the air after he entered the room.
"Give it to the kitchen staffs. We need it for the dinner party afterwards." Miruku commanded briefly. Daimon gave Miruku army style salute before he ran to the kitchen.
"Shibata-san, stand there. We'll be starting the ceremony soon." Aoyama pointed at a spot in front of the altar. Rihito complied with the request and stood at the spot. Rika who was dressed in a bright pink kimono with water lily pattern took the microphone and said, "Ladies and gentlemen please stand up and give a big applause to our beautiful bride." The entrance door of the chapel sprung open along with the Wedding March revealing the old Kintaro and Mei who was dressed in her white wedding kimono. In front of them a five year old little girl with dark brown hair walked carefully as she hold the ring pillow with her tiny hands.
"Geez, Mei's miniature has grown up." Leon whispered.
"Stop calling her miniature, she has a name and it's Ayaka." Clarisse elbowed Leon at the rib.
Rihito smiled at Mei and Mei smiled back before she entwined her arm with his then proceeded their way to the center of the chapel. Both of them nearly chuckled when they saw Nezu who was wearing a priest costume. The butler with untidy beard cleared his throat before saying, "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Shibata Rihito and Hongo Mei in matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and therefore is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace."
Nezu moved his gaze from the audience to the happy couple in front of him. " Shibata Rihito and Hongo Mei. Do you together promise in the presence of your friends and family that you will at all times and in all circumstances, conduct yourselves toward one another as Husband and Wife?" He asked.
"Yes, we do." Rihito and Mei replied in a chorus.
"Do you together promise you will love, cherish and respect one another throughout the years?"
"Yes, we do." Nezu smiled at Ayaka who smiled back at him cheerfully before he took the ring pillow from her hands and placed it on the small table in front of the couple. Ayaka bowed politely then turned back and sat beside Rika who welcomed her with a warm smile at the front row seat. Rihito took the platinum ring with their initials engraved on it and took Mei's left hand before saying his vow, "I give you this ring to wear with love and joy. As a ring has no end, neither shall my love for you. I choose you to be my wife this day and forevermore."
"I will forever wear this ring as a sign of my commitment and the desire of my heart." Mei replied as she fought back the tears welling up in her eyes. Rihito slipped the ring into her ring finger and when he's finished Mei slipped the wedding ring into his left ring finger.
"You may kiss your bride on the lips." Nezu stretched his tone as a naughty smirk appeared on his face.
"We're in Japan, man!" Tami complained.
"Tami-hime, Japan was Westernized since Commodore Perry's black ship entered the port." Kanzaki mumbled.
Mei blushed when Rihito gently tilted her chin up and placed a soft kiss on her lips.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife." Nezu said. Mei could no longer hold her tears of joy back that she silently sobbed. Rihito took a white handkerchief from his black kimono pocket and lovingly shed her tears. They smiled at each other before they faced the audience and gave a polite bow as their token of gratitude. The audience gave a loud applause to cherish the couple who has overcome the spectacles during maintaining their love relationship. Mei looked up to the window at the upper side of the chapel with glassy eyes and whispered in her heart, Mom and Dad thank you for raising me up. I'm now the happiest bride on earth.
The End