Super Smash Bros. Brawl

How did Lucas get glued to the ceiling?

So how did he?

Well here goes!

Lucas was fighing Wario and when Lucas won.( Using E.K star storm) Wario got angry at him.

Wario: Bowser, go get four hundred glue sticks!

Bowser: Why?

Wario: Because I need them! Now go!

Bowser:(Growls) Fine!

(Bowser goes to steal some glue sticks)

Marth: Finaly! I have finished my collection of limited edition glue sticks! All four hundred of them!

Bowser: And i'll take that!

Marth:Noooooooo! It took me ten years to get those glue sticks!

Bowser:(Evilly) Bwahahahahah!

(Bowser takes glue sticks to Wario)

Bowser: Now what?

Wario: Ummm...Leave.

Bowser: WHA-!

Wario: Leave!

Bowser: (Growls and leaves the room)

(Wario starts throwing glue sticks on the ceiling)

Wario:(Finishes throwing glue sticks) HEY LUCAS!

Lucas: Huh?

Wario:(Throws Lucas to the pile of glue on the ceiling)

Lucas: Wha- What the?

Wario: whahahahaha

Authors notes: And that.. That is how Lucas was glued to the ceiling!

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