Finally, some vampire justice! Josef and Simone have a talk and Beth reflects on the previous year. This is the last chapter, and thank you for reading~~~~~

Chapter 18

The roads were crowded and Mick maneuvered through them gracefully. Guillermo was in the passenger's seat with the GPS, navigating for them. Guillermo was pleased that Mick wanted his help; it had been a while since he'd done any tracking. Mick filled him in on all that had happened and he was irate that Simone had been threatened by the same scum that blew up his store. He looked forward to payback. The GPS beeped.

"Hey, Mick, he's stopped up ahead." Guillermo stated, looking at the street signs. Mick pulled over into an alley. "How far away is he?" Mick asked, peering at the small screen.

"It looks like about two blocks and around a corner." They got out of the car, drawing on gloves, getting out stakes and semi-automatic handguns with silver loads. They were hoping to catch the vampire by surprise and take him down. Mick moved stealthily up the street of closed storefronts with Guillermo following, making sure they were undetected.

Around the corner, they spotted an older model sedan. It was parked in front of a small store that still had lights shining from the front window. Mick frowned. "What street is this?"

"Uh, it's South Weston."

"Thought I recognized the address. It's a blood supplier. Maybe our guy stopped for blood."

Guillermo grinned sharply. "Good. It'll be the last stop he makes."

"Let's take him while he's inside. That way it'll be less public and we can keep it from the humans."

"What if there's anyone with him?"

Mick's eyes narrowed. "They'll cooperate."

Guillermo went to the back of the store and Mick was at the front door. He heard Guillermo crash in at the back, distracting the occupants of the store as Mick came in the front. There were three vampires inside, two males and a female. With eyes silvered and fangs out, Mick and Guillermo advanced on them from two different directions.

"Wait," the woman cried, "what do you want?" She was a young vamp, and clearly terrified.

"We want Eddie." Mick growled, waiting to see which of the males would give himself away. One of the vamps, a stocky blond, looked around for a way out, and ran toward the back of the store. There was clatter and Guillermo pushed the blond forward, clicking on silver handcuffs that made the bound vampire roar with pain.

"Eddie, I presume." Mick snarled with fangs extended.

The blond vamp was frightened. He didn't know who these vampires were, and he appealed to the two who owned the store.

"Hey, you gotta help me, these guys are crazy." He said wildly.

Guillermo pushed Eddie down on the floor, pointing his gun. The male store owner tried to take control of the situation. "What's going on, what's this guy done?"

Mick turned to them. "He's a criminal. He kidnapped Josef Kostan's fiancée and bombed some buildings."

The owners shrank away. They recently bought the store, having moved to LA from another state. They didn't want any trouble with the Elder of the city, and they'd just opened again after the lockdown.

"It would be better if you closed for the night and left." Mick continued, still vamped out. "Come back tomorrow night."

They left quickly, and Mick pulled out his phone to call the Cleaners. Giving them the address, he turned to Eddie who was still on the floor.

Eddie regained some of his composure. "Listen, you guys. I'll give you back the money and I'll disappear. You know Kostan broke a blood oath sending you after me."

Mick gave him a deadly smile. "He didn't come after you and he didn't send us."

"You had a chance to leave and you didn't take it." Guillermo chimed in. "We didn't even know about you till you grabbed Josef's fiancée. Bad move, dude." Guillermo reached into his jacket for a short sword and gave it to Mick.

With a quick slash, Eddie's head fell from his shoulders. Mick was enraged when he thought of Simone and he flashed back on when he and Beth were taken. It felt good to make sure one more threat was off the streets. "That's done." He said.

Guillermo nodded grimly. He knew Mick didn't like taking any life, but they couldn't let this vampire go, not after he'd threatened Simone, and by extension, Josef.

Two women in black leather came in warily, their guns drawn but they relaxed when they saw Mick. Stowing their weapons, one of them said, "Hey, Mick, what's going on? You rarely need a clean-up."

Mick bent over, wiping the blade on the dead vamp's chest. "We were taking out the trash for Josef. Send him the bill."

The Cleaner nodded, and called in the team. She addressed Guillermo and Mick. "Okay, you guys can go, we'll handle it and make sure it's all good. When do the occupants come back?"

"Not until tomorrow night." Guillermo responded. The Cleaner waved them off, and they went out the front. After rummaging through Eddie's car they found the case of money. Guillermo opened it, and it looked untouched. They headed for the waiting SUV and stowed their gear. Then Mick called Josef, but got no answer. He tried James instead.

"James," Mick said. "I tried Josef, but he's not answering."

"Ah,heretiredwithMissSimone.Doyouneedsomething?" James asked, slightly concerned. He knew Mick had gone after the kidnapper.

"No." Mick responded. "Just tell him everything's been taken care of."

"Iwill." He could hear the satisfaction in James' voice.

"We're driving back to the house now. Is my car still there?"

"Yes, sir. I drove Ms. Turner home right after you left."

"Okay, we'll be there in a while."

Mick turned to Guillermo, who was sitting next to him contemplating Eddie's destruction. At least the stores were safe now and he could get back to business.

"Can I drop you off?" Mick asked, interrupting Guillermo's thoughts.

"Sure." Guillermo smiled. "Thanks for asking me along. It was fun—and I'm glad that bastard's dead."

Mick nodded. "Yeah. We don't need any more crazies around here."

After Mick left Guillermo, he drove to Josef's dropping off the money with James and picking up the Benz. It was a few hours until dawn and he hoped Beth was still up. It had been a long night, and all he wanted now was to see Beth, to see his girl. Mick smiled as he dialed her. That's what she would always be—his girl.


Josef turned off the water in the large bathtub in Simone's suite. She spent time in his room and bed, but she had her own space in his house. He tried to call the doctor, but Simone insisted she was fine, just a little shaken up. He peeked out into the bedroom and said, "The bath's ready, babe."

Simone came out of the walk-in closet in a plum colored silk robe and Josef caught his breath at how lovely she was.

She smiled at him. He had gotten her something to eat, hovering until she shooed him away. Now he asked, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Josef." She replied as she came over to sit next to him. He put his arm around her and she leaned her head on his shoulder. "I'm still a little freaked out but I'll get over it."

Josef frowned. "From now on, you have a security guard with you when you leave the office."

She rolled her eyes. She wasn't going to put up with being followed around everywhere she went, but she didn't want to start that battle now. Plenty of time for that later.

"There was something I wanted to talk to you about, Simone." Josef shifted uncomfortably. "Uh, I know we've never discussed it, but I was wondering….I mean if you'd want to…if you've ever thought about joining me, uh being turned?"

Simone's eyes became huge and she looked at him with disbelief. "You want to turn me?"

"If you want me to." He said hesitantly. It was a delicate subject, which was one of the reasons they hadn't really talked about it since her return from Canada. When she didn't respond right away, he asked worriedly, "Isn't that what you wanted?"

"Yes, Josef. But I didn't think you wanted to….it's just a surprise, that's all."

Josef looked relieved and blurted, "I just want you to be safe and if you're a vamp, you won't be as vulnerable."

Simone's excitement drained from her. She dropped her head in disappointment, then looked at him. "Josef, I don't want you to do this because you're afraid for me." He started to protest, and she put her fingertips over his mouth. "I want to be turned, but only when you're ready for that kind of commitment."

"But…" Josef stopped, realizing her point. Where was this idea coming from? He hadn't thought about turning Simone until she was in danger. Was he ready for that kind of responsibility? "You may be right." he commented ruefully.

Simone gave him a small smile and wrapped her arms around his neck. "It's all right, baby. We'll know when it's time. Besides, we still have a wedding to plan."

Josef grinned and pulled onto his lap. She always knew what he was thinking and feeling. Simone whimpered when he started kissing her neck, wanting her blood. He hadn't planned on biting her tonight, but he needed the reassurance of their connection. Simone felt his hunger and adjusted toward him. "Go on, Josef," she whispered, "I want you." She sighed in contentment as his fangs punctured her delicate skin, drawing out her pleasure.

She felt him harden under her, and she suddenly wasn't tired anymore. He only drank for a few moments and licked away the droplets, closing the wound. She kissed his neck in return, nibbling his ear. "Take me to bed." She whispered again.

Josef smirked, and said. "First you need to relax. I think the bathwater's cold, but you could take a shower."

Simone giggled. "That's a wonderful idea. I'll probably need some help."

"Anything you want." Josef replied in a low, sexy voice, carrying her to the marble bathroom.


There was a small light on in the kitchen when Beth returned to the loft. She mixed herself a vodka and blood, a real Bloody Mary, she smiled to herself. She was worried about Mick, but knew he could take care of himself. He'dbettercall.

She went out to the balcony to watch the night sky, sipping her drink. It had been almost a year since she was turned and she looked back on the time with amazement. She had been so busy learning to be a vampire, her new job, and then the blood supply project that she rarely took time for herself. When she did have free time she preferred to spend it with Mick in various exciting ways. Beth shivered at the thought, feeling the heat pooling in her belly. All she had to do was think of him and it got her mind and body off track.

Enjoying the cool air, she remembered the time she'd taken the Black Crystal and walked to Mick's to 'feel the night.' She had no idea then that being a vampire would be more intense than the drug ever was. She didn't regret her decision and was happy Mick accepted it, too. Beth was determined not to lose touch with humanity, even if she wasn't human—she agreed with Mick on that point. She no longer felt guilty about Josh or his death, just regret that his life was lost. She had loved him once, just not with the intense connection she shared with Mick.

Many months ago, Ewan asked her if she wanted to be a vampire. Not for anyone, but for herself. She didn't have an answer then but now she felt at home being a vampire. She loved her enhanced senses and strength and knowing she had all the time in the world to be with Mick and do anything she wanted. At some point they would have to leave LA and change identities but she hoped that would be far in the future.

Her life had taken a direction she would never have thought of and she was sure there would be challenges, even with Mick, but their bond would see them through any difficulties. It was her life now and she was content.

Beth heard her phone ring and saw it was Mick. She smiled, hoping he was coming home soon.

The End

Thanks again to all of you who have read and followed this story! I loved writing it, and will continue this universe with another story, 'Somewhere Tonight.' I'd also like to credit the titles for my stories to the songs of the fabulous Mr. Bob Seger, from my home state of Michigan.