This is somethignew I wanted to try. This is all human REPEAT this is all human. Chloe goes to school in Montrose, Pennsylvania. She has been talking to a guy in a school provided chatroom and also chatting on another web chat thing like im-ing*weird right* any was she doesn'tknow who he relly is and vise verse (aka he doesn't know her) Derek and Simon were new last year. Alright so yea let's hope this is good tell me how you really like it.

P.S- all in Chloe's pov(possibly one future other pov, but for now its all chloe.

My name is Chloe Saunders. I'm 16 years old(AU/N i'm making her a bit older yes) I go to Montrose high. I'm a Sophomore. I have been recently chatting with a guy in this school chat room and on another all the time. I some how have a crush on a guy I haven't met...I think.


As I walk into the school's library I see that no one is in there, not even he librarian. I slowly walk over to the computer and sling my bag over the back of my chair. When I first get on, I have a message from my so called "secret friend"The internet is an amazing. The guy who invented it must be sitting on his chair made of money blessing the fact he had no life so he could invent it (unless he's dead, which he possibly could be). I've been using this school chat for a while now, but i just recently met this guy on it. He's sweet, nice, kind, funny, ignorant and sarcastic at times, but I really like him. Even though I don't know his real name I know he is not lying to me

Whocares101: Hey how are ya this morning?

Moviegirl16: Fine, bit sleepy and my head hurts, yea I've been better.

Whocares101: y does ur head hurt? Thinking to hard again :P

Moviegirl16: Ha Ha, no I fell of my bed this morning. Well more like rolled off.

Whocare101: ouch hope ya feel better. Anyway... my morning has been sucky someone spilt their drink over all my books so now I've got nothing...

Moviegirl16:that does suck

Whocare101: Yeah but who cares, heeheh, am I right? :)

I chuckled to myself. I gaze over to the desk, and notice the librarian coming in finally.

Moviegirl16: ahhaha very funny sarcastic ass.

Whocare101: Hey don't be mean it can hurt.

I some how already knew he was joking. I always know what's going on. It like we have a special bond together.

Moviegirl16: Well the truth can hurt.

Whocares101: so anything big happening today 4 you?

Moviegirl16: Nothing really except Mr. Foley is giving us a project in math.

Whocares101: whats so bad about that

Moviegirl16: well he always pairs the worst in the class and the best in the class together. And i'm one of those who are on the breaks of failing so I'm either getting paired up with a nerd or this arrogant guy in my class that barely ever talks to anyone ever. He's such a jerk

Whocares101: maybe you just don't know him well enough to know the real him.

Moviegirl16: So now your siding with him?

My anger began to rise the more he talked about it.

Whocare101: you kinda sound mad

Moviegirl16: I AM! whatever I've got to go to my locker and the bells gonna ring soon tty after school regular time?

Whocares101: sure I'd like that ;)

I log off the computer, and quickly made my way out of the library. I took a quick glance at my watch and the time reads 7:59. I'm gonna be so late dang it. I quicken my pace a bit faster so I won't be to late. My mind was to set on being late, I completely forgot about the crazy loud bell, and were I was going. The bell soon rang and shot drum piercing screeches through my head which made me bump into some one and fall over dropping all my stuff. My head banged against the floor, so as I sat back up, I winced in pain.

"Watch were your going," said a low voice. I look up to see who it was, but he was turned and was walking away towards the library. I shuffled the loose sheets of paper together and went to my locker. I tossed my book onto the floor, and it skidded to a halt right in front of my bottom locker. I slid on my knees,lucky I put on these skinny jeans, to my locker and quickly opened it. I threw in my bag and pulled out my math book and binder. As I hopped up I felt another clash to the back of my head. This time making me fall into a guy.

"Ow if this keeps happening today I'm gonna be going home with a concussion," I said. I heard a chuckle from behind me. I shot out of his arms the first second i relieved i was still in them. I blushed. I looked up into the eyes of Simon sweet, caring, athletic but arty guy who started her just a year ago. I never really became friends with him, but I have caught him staring at me once or twice. Maybe he could be Whocares101. Nah In your dreams Chloe, I tell myself.

"I'm sorry," he said " I didn't notice you down there. Are you okay?" Simon asked me. He was actually talking to me. Simon BAe is one of those guys who date the cheerleaders and can get any girl he wants. HE is lucky all ready because he has nice blonde hair that lays a bit flared out from toned cheek bones. Yet his eyes are Asian, Possibly Korean. I nodded my head and run off. I was barely breathing when I took my seat in math. had out day planned out on the bored number one was project. oh no.

Mr. Foley sat down with a clipboard in his hand and crossed his legs. You know sometimes I truly think he's a Homosexual. He has earrings, and wears pink and purple shirts, he also has a high pitched voice, and he sits how a girl may sit in a chair. Sometimes scares me.

" Alright class," he looked over at the back corner and yelled " ANGELO, BRANDON, turn around and pay attention or it'll be another call a parent home for you boys!" I actually don't think they care. "OK as I was saying, I will choose your partners mainly by what you scored on the test." Oh no I'm screwed. He went through the list. I still haven't heard my name yet or..his. After all the other names are gone the only people without partners are me, him, Eric a nerdy boy, Harriet, some red headed girl, and Jerry the so called class clown.

When I heard my name being called, I turned quickly and waited and waited and waited."Chloe Saunders you'll be partnered with" please not Derek Souza. Simon Bae's arrogant jerk of a half-brother

"...Derek Souza."

Oh Shit

How did you like it good, bad, dramatic, just review and stuff ..yea...This maybe a fairly short story but idk...this is only the first's your decision if I keep going with it or not,