This was just a little something I thought up. My latest story went so well that I decided on another. I try to keep the cursing down but this story has a lot of swearing. Please enjoy like you enjoyed my others!
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, just the plot.
911 Emergency!
Chapter One
The ice fell in the glass followed by the clear liquid of the strong vodka. The pink haired girl lifted the glass to her lips and took a small sip before grabbing the bottle and moving herself into the frontroom. She positioned herself on the couch and drank more of her drink. Her emerald eyes looked towards the door and her full pink lips stretched into a frown. Was she not good enough? Is he not satisfied?
The young woman heard the car pull into the driveway and clutched her glass tightly. She stayed on the couch as she heard the keys jingle on the other side of the door. A blonde man stepped in and locked the door then turned her, his sparkling blue eyes confused as to why she was still up.
"Sakura? It's two in the morning. Why are you up this late?" the man asked and she only continued to stare at him. He felt an eerie feeling in his stomach and started to cautiously approach her. "Sakura?"
"How was she...?" the pinkette finally said, confusing the blonde more.
"Don't play coy with me, Naruto. Was she good?" the man, Naruto, slightly tilted his head.
"What are you talking about? I- Oh no, I am not cheating! Why the hell would you-!" Sakura stood up and threw her glass. She stormed over to him and suddenly slapped him across the face.
"I saw you with your secretary! Flirting with her and playing with her blonde hair!" she screamed.
"Ino had asked me on a date but I told her I was with someone! You need calm down, your drunk!" Naruto could smell the liquir on her breath. Sakura gave a frustrated cry then stormed upstairs. Naruto followed and entered their bedroom to see her packing her things. "What are you doing?" he asked, suddenly worried she would actually leave him.
"Getting away from your sorry excuse of an ass! My mother was right, you are a waste of time!" Naruto went over to her suitcase and dumped it out. Sakura glared at him then grabbed her cell phone and left the room. The blonde hurried downstairs, just in time to see her open the door and storm out. He chased after her. Sakura was already half way across the street, outside of their apartment.
"Sakura please wait!" he called and ran after her. She stopped when he grabbed her arm and spinned her around. "We can talk about this..." The pinkette growled then pulled away from him."Go to your little slut! I'm not waisting another second on you! And for the record...I slept with Sai at that christmas party last year!" she screamed then took a step away from him.
Naruto saw the bright lights before she did and called out to her. All Sakura had time to do was look at the oncoming bus before she was hit dead on.
A phone rang through a dark house. It's annoying screech played for a matter of minutes before a pale hand shot out from under a comforter and grabbed the noisy thing. "Sasuke Uchiha speaking." a smooth deep voice said into the phone. His half naked body snaking out from under his warm bed as the person on the other line continued to talk. "I see...I'll be there in ten minutes." he hung up the phone then put it back on the reciever.
Sasuke threw off the blanket and stretched, in all his naked glory. He nudged the lump still on the bed and it stirred. "Hey..wake the hell up and get your clothes on." A small boy rose and looked up at him. He rubbed one eye then smiled. "Hey-" his wrist was grabbed and he was pulled from the bed and handed his clothes. "Shut up and get dressed. I need to go to the hospital."
The boy looked slightly disappointed but dressed anyways. Sasuke was already fully dress and drinking a cup of coffee when the boy came down. He ushered him to the door and locked it once they were outside. The boy clung to his arm. " promised we would talk about our relationship in the morning~" he tried to purr sexily but Sasuke only pushed him off and scowled.
"I was drunk and you were a one night stand. End. Of. Story. Do I need to spell it out? Get lost kid." Sasuke got into his black SUV and sped off, failing to see the tears in the boys eyes and the hateful glare they contained. The boy pushed up his thick black rimmed glasses and sniffled. "You will be mine..."
The Uchiha made it to the hospital two minutes late, much to his dismay. He strode in through the doors and saw a scowl. "Yeah yeah...I had some unwanted weight clinging to me." The brunette shook his head then sighed as Sasuke put on scrubs. "You really need to stop with the one night stands, Sasuke. It's not healthy."
Sasuke only rolled his eyes and motioned for the chart sheet. His onyx eyes scanned it quickly before he strode quickly to operating room 4. He washed his hands in the sink next to the room then entered. "Information now." he said clearly and an intern perked up. "White female, hit in head on collision." Sasuke nodded then put on his operating gloves and moved the intern out of the way. This women was losing to much blood to quickly. The doctor had to act fast or her life would be lost.
Naruto sat in the waiting room, his hands buried in his hair and his foot tapping nervously against the tile floor. It had been two hours since his girlfriend was brought in here and he had yet to be notified about her condition.
"Oh god...oh god.." he muttered then ran a shaky hand over his tanned face.
"You!" the blondes head snapped up and saw a pink haired woman. She resembled Sakura in many ways but lighter hair and brown eyes. Her hateful mother who thought her daughter was a goddess. "You stupid fucking boy! I told her you were a good for nothin' and now her life is on a thread!" the woman came towards him in a blind rage.
Naruto quickly stood. "M-Mrs. Haruno! It wasn't my fault she walked in front of it!" he said and winced when the enraged mother grabbed him by the collar and squeezed. "Like hell it wasn't your fault!" she yelled and brought her hand back to slap him. A hand gently wrapped around her wrist and pulled her back. Mr. Haruno stood next to his wife, his face stern. "My dear...calm down. We wouldn't want to be kicked out."
The blonde sat back down and silently thanked the man. Mr. Haruno had dark red hair with emerald eyes, he was tall and always wore a suit. Sakura's parents had always hated him and he believed that the love of his life loved him but now he wasn't so sure. The pinkette had been acting strange the past week and he had his own suspicions. He knew she had slept with Sai, he had told him the day after thay had sex.
Naruto sighed and hung his head. His hands came over his face again. Sai had been his good friend since college, no matter how perverted he was, and he was totally wasted that night. Sakura had taken advantage of him but the blonde still didn't leave her because he loved her and believed she would come clean and say sorry. It was mid-February now and she still hadn't said one word. Why did she have to test his love? The blonde shook his head again. Maybe their relationship was all smoke and mirrors.
But why was he doubting their relationship now? She had cheated on him almost two months ago with his close friend and now he was starting think she was a no good slut. Naruto smiled a little, Sai always said he was thick headed sometimes.
"Ahem." The three people in the waiting room looked up to see a raven haired man in dark blue scrubs with a clipboard. "Are you three here for Haruno?" Sakura's mother stood and went over to the man. "Please tell me she's okay!" Naruto saw the disgust in those pretty onyx eyes. He stared into the mans eyes and felt like drowning in them- wait? What? The blonde sat up erectly and gulped. He was not going to his college days again. No more homosexual shit.
"Ma'am, could you please refrain from clinging to my arm and back away." the doctor said and she backed off. He cleared his throat. "Ms. Haruno has suffered minor head trauma with both legs broken and a completely shattered arm. She will live but will have difficulty walking the rest of her life. She still has not woken up and I highly doubt she will for awhile. Now, if you'll please follow me then I'll take you to her."
Naruto stood but Sakura's mother glared at him. "Oh no! You are not going to see her! This is all your fault anyways." the blonde sighed and sat right back down as the doctor curiously raised an eyebrow then took the couple down the hallway. The business man ran his hand over his face again and heaved a heavy sigh. "What a bitch." someone beside him said. Naruto looked over to see Sai.
"Ah you got my text message." Naruto mumbled.
"Karma finally caught up to that bitch. You shoulda' left her when you had the chance Naru-chan." The blonde punched him in the arm lightly.
"Asshole...I told you not to call me that. I'm not a girl."
"I thought you had no penis dickless?" Sai smiled his oh so fake smile.
"Why am I friends with you again?" the raven shrugged but dropped the fake smile and put on a real one. Naruto smiled back then sat up straight when Sakura's parents were walking, talking to the doctor from earlier. Sai wolf whistled. "Damn he's hot." he looked over at Naruto and saw the blonde just staring at him then shaking his head. "And it seems you want a piece of that ass. I'd tap that Naru-chan." A blush spread across his cheeks.
"S-shut up pervert..." Sai smirked in triumph and whistled again, this time getting the other ravens attention. He excused himself from the parents and went over to the two friends.
"Uzumaki was it? You made the 911 call?" the blonde nodded dumbly and the doctor pinched the brim of his nose. Stupid people gave him headaches. "I understand your this womens boyfriend so please follow me and- and tell your friend to stop checking me out or I'll knock his ass into his stomach." Naruto looked over at Sai and rolled his eyes before following the doctor.
"Are doctors suppose to talk like that?" Sai asked curiously and Naruto could feel the murderous intent. "Sai just shut up before we get kicked out." This blonde wasn't as stupid as he first thought. The doctor opened the door for them and couldn't help but stare at the blondes ass. No so dumb indeed.
Naruto stared at his girlfriends face in horror. Black bruises covered her once beautiful face. She looked so fragile in that bed with both legs hanging from the wall with huge white casts covering them. "God Sakura..." he said and sat by her side. Why did he feel so bad? It was her own fault she was like this. She pulled away from him and she accused him of cheating.
"Mr. Uzumaki. May I have a word?" the doctor said and the blonde stood. "She had high levels of alcohol in her system. Know anything about that?"
"S-she was drinking before I guess...I could smell it on her breath when she was yelling at me..and I.." Naruto ran a hand through his hair then cleared his throat. "Doctor...she accused me of cheating or whatever and I guess she drank before I got home from work..."
"Hmm..sounds like a rough night. I suggest you get some sleep."
"No no...I have to stay here but thank you doctor..."
"Dr. Uchiha but call me Sasuke." Sasuke reached out and shook his hand then brought it to his lips and kissed his knuckles. The blonde blushed and pulled his hand away quickly. The raven licked his lips and finally got a good look at the blonde. He wouldn't mind having this blonde in his bed at all. Probably still a virgin.
Sasuke loved virgins. Especially blonde virgins. It is going to be a pleasure to seduce this firecracker.
"N-Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto blushed yet again as the raven smirked.
"I'll be seeing you then Naruto." with that, the doctor turned his heel and left. Naruto blinked a few times then went to go sit back down. He saw the smug look on Sai's face and instantly wanted to wipe it off his pale face. "Shut it and don't even-"
"Damn blondie, cover that erection or you might scar the young nurses here with your small penis." Naruto groaned and covered his face.
"God damnit Sai! I do not have an erection and I do not like that smug bastard!"
"Suurrreee~ You so wanna bang him or...get banged yourself." The pale man smirked when the blondes face lit up a nice shade of pink.
"I know you wanna get fucked by him. No need to tell the world Naru-chan."
"You shouldn't be saying my name~"
Naruto gave up in trying to tell him off because Sai always twisted around his words. Perverted as always. Sai smiled at him once again then bent foward a little. "You seriously need to get laid. We all know Sakura hasn't given you anything."
"Sir please be quiet! There are other patients!" a nurse said from the hallway and Naruto turned pink. Sai smirked once again in triumph. "When will you learn Naru-chan. I am the master at insults~"
"Fuck off Sai."
"Love you too buddy."
Sai and his evil ways. I've decided to make Sai Naruto's good friend because he's fun to type about. This is a SASUNARU not a NARUSAKU. Got it? Her "tragic" accident is how they meet and it is NOT love at first sight. Naruto just thinks he's hot and Sasuke only see's him as a piece of hot ass he wants to ravish then leave the next morning mk? And the boy at the beginning will make another appearance and you all will probably hate me for this but it fits all in the story. So bear with me please~ I hope you find the end funny becasue I do~ Read and review! Thank ya! Reviews fuel my fingers to type the next chapter hehe.
This chapter is really short or at least not as long as I want it to be but it can't be helped. I'm hoping the next will be longer but it'll play out the way it plays out. Anyways...enjoy once again! -Snow