You're the only one who matters, and the only one for me,

Now I'm lonelier than ever only your love can save me.

I've wanted this forever, but I want you all for me,

You can put me back together, only your love can save me.

My Darkest Days-Save Me

"Oliver, look, I know it was your son, but we don't need Charming."

The older man glared at the much younger one in front of him. If he worked for him he would punish severely for his comment. But, he didn't. The man in front of him was a neo Nazi with an attitude. The only reason he even dealt with him was the product. He shook his head and sighed, "You mean to say you have no intuition, no need to further yourself? You don't want the new consumers coming from that shit town?"

Tyler Wilkes sighed. The old man was blinded by his son, and the sad part was that the kid did it from the grave. From what he'd heard it was a very shallow one. "That's not what I said. Charming is a nice piece to think about owning, yes, but the Sons have worked too damn hard to let anything run inside their borders. It's not smart."

"Maybe, but it's what I intend to do. You're either with me or on your way to finding someone else to deal your product."

Tyler shook his head, already thinking that this meeting had been a bad idea, the first one four years ago too. "Fine, but I want to perfectly clear: I take charge of my men. Not you."

He nodded, "Fine."

"You what?"

The chapel was filled with a low laughter. Happy had explained the situation of the morning with his brothers and they'd found it funny. Hell, it was funny.

"The guy wanted to piss his pants."

Clay shook his head, the smile now fading from his face. "But now he's probably gone and told Oliver what happened to the kid." HE looked around the table, "Things could get pretty bad."

Tig nodded, "Maybe we strike first, hit em hard and fast."

A chorus of agreements came from Chibs, and Happy. Juice shook his head, "Not really smart," he turned to Clay and shook his head, "I dug through records like you asked, found the Oliver house. It's a damn fortress, high end security, dogs…"

Jax sighed, "Yeah, that's definitely not smart."

"But what about a street attack?" All eyes went to Tig again. "We know they run drugs for those skinheads, we hit em all and hurt business. He'll come to us."

"We don't want this shit in Charming" Clay made eye contact with him; "we can't do it here."

Haley stacked the last of organized paperwork on the edge of the desk, "Done and done."

Gemma smiled, "Good, me too… Hand em over. I'll get rid of it."

Haley handed the stack to her and watched as she filed it all away in the newly labeled folders. She'd been in the office for hours, and was ready for a break. Turning her attention towards the door she smiled. Happy was leaning against the doorway.

Gemma turned and sighed, seeing them both. "I'll go see what Clay's up to."

Haley smiled and watched Gemma leave before standing and moving closer to him. He stepped inside and closed the door before pulling her into his arms, "You done in here?"

She nodded, breathing in the familiar smell of leather, oil and him. "Yeah."

He sighed, "You wanna go for a ride?"

She smiled and nodded, "Sure."

He let her go and turned for the door while she tossed her water bottle away before following him. HE was already on his bike with a helmet for her waiting. Once she had walked over she put the helmet on and climbed on behind him. Being on the back of the bike with her arms around him was relaxing and an adrenaline rush all at the same time. It was like nothing she ever wanted to end.

He liked it too. The feeling of how close she was to him, how he could sometimes swear he felt her heartbeat on his back even through his cut. Pulling out of the garage lot, he made quick work of the streets, stopping at one red light before leaving the little town all together. Once on the more open roads he relaxed further.

Twenty minutes later the bike came to a stop. They both got off the bike and he took her hand, leading her towards a picnic table. It took a split second for them both to relax, his arms around her and both of them watching the sunset before them. The sky was a swirl of pinks, orange and purple, it was great.

Haley could imagine never leaving this place, it was so peaceful. But Happy had other ideas. He'd brought her up here to talk, not one of his favorite things but something that had to happen. He had thought about the first night she was back, when he asked what had happened to her. It was driving him remotely crazy that he didn't know.

"Tell me about your life before."

She looked back at him with a confused look on her face, "Why?"

"I need to know."

She nodded, now not so sure she wanted to stay up here forever. "I got a job, an apartment and then a boyfriend a year later."

It took her a whole year to push past him? He'd initially thought she'd moved on right away.. he was wrong. "Tell me about him."

She froze up momentarily, something he felt pass through her body. "Um… like what?"

"What did he do, Haley?"

She nodded, "HE was sweet for the first three months, and then…" She shook her head, "My apartment building suddenly burned up. HE asked me to move in and I did. A week later he hit me and… I guess you know the rest."

He did know a portion of the rest. But there was still one question sitting under the surface. "Why him?"

She stood up from the spot in his lap and crossed her arms, "Most girls don't like talking about ex's Hap."

He stood up too, now more curious as to her answer. She'd been calm one second and defensive he next. "Most girls don't have your history. Answer the damn question."

She shook her head, "No, you don't need to know."

"Yeah, I sure as hell do. And now that you don't want me to know, I need to know."

She sighed and turned away from him. Sometimes he drove her crazy, and now was one of those times. She wanted to forget all of this completely, everything about Jeremy. Talking about him only made it more impossible. She turned back to him and shook her head, "I want to forget about him Hap, I want to be happy with you and not think about that time ever again."

He nodded, moving forward to stand in front of her. "I just need to know why you thought he could take my place. Why him?"

She smiled slightly, "No one could replace you… ever." THE smile dissolved and she looked up at him, "I was looking for you in everyone I think. Whether it was the way you act or… with Jeremy, the way you control people sometimes…" she shook her head, "Or the stand offish way you were. I'd heard from the other girls that he was bad, and I knew everyone thought you were bad too. I didn't realize the different types of bad."

HE nodded, "What kind of bad was he?"

"The kind with no mercy. The kind that needs to control everything and everyone all the time."

While she said that he could see it. He liked to control the situation too... but one situation he never tried to control was her. She was the one piece of his life he sat back and watched, didn't try to contain or control. He lifted chin with his index finger, "He tried to control you."

She nodded. "Yeah, and after a long while… he did." She swallowed hard and looked up to meet his eyes. "It was the biggest mistake I'd ever made. Even bigger than leaving."

HE nodded, knowing she was telling the truth. HE didn't know why he'd asked, only that he needed to know. A part of him was screaming that this relationship was dangerous, but a bigger part of him knew that he didn't care. She was too much a part of him to let go. Too important in his life to let her walk away again.

It's been forever, I know, and that's kinda my fault, a major block that is hopefully all gone. Review, please, let me know if it's any good.. or if anyone's even interested anymore. :)