(Disclaimer: I do not claim to own Hetalia: Axis Powers in any way.)

Curse that stupid Russian with his stupid wall. What did he think he was doing erecting this monstrousity overnight? Of course, that had been years ago now.

Germany glanced behind himself. He shivered lightly in the cold, something that had never bothered him before. He could see the skyline in the distance, forlorn against the snowy grey sky.

"Prussia!" Germany shouted loudly.

The blond nation received no answer. There was never an answer. Germany came to the wall everyday int he vain hope that the albino would finally answer at some point.

He would never admit just how much he missed his brother. The tales from the east had reached him from the immigrants that had made a break for freedom before the wall had been erected. Life in the east wasn't pleasant.

"Prussia!" Germany shouted again. He couldn't bare the thought of giving up trying to get Prussia's attention. He had to know he was okay. "Gilbert!"

The sounds of jets overhead caught his attention. He'd been out here a long time, the airlift had started. America and England's jets chased each other overhead, dashing across the wall.

Soon the sound died down until he was alone in this quiet place again. Vainly Germany shoved a hand deep into his pocket trying to warm himself up. He cupped the other hand around his mouth. "Prussia! Gilbert!"

Prussia shoved his hands deeper into his pockets. He burrowed down deeper into this coat more out of shame than from the cold. He couldn't shout out to the other.

Shame, that's what he felt. He was ashamed of what he was letting Russia do to his people. He was being very un-awesome. "Sorry, west," Prussia mumbled to himself when he heard the other shout again.

He glanced up at the heavens as America's jet darted playfully after England's. Soon they were gone, continuing to play their game of cat and mouse. Germany called again before the other side of the wall went silent.