Alec Pov
The drive back from detention was a quick one. It mainly consisted of me turning the volume up on my 'My Chemical Romance' CD, and privately and belting out the lyrics not very well.
Despite the situation I was feeling pretty darn good.
I wasn't even sure why I was feeling great. I had been in detention with Magnus, doing my work. We didn't even speak that much but I found just sitting there with him, in silence… fun?
I didn't get it. I found myself concentrating less on my work and more on the fact that Magnus was beside me, watching me. At first I was a little self conscious. Did he really have to keep looking at me… like that?
But I found myself occasionally stealing glances at him too. I mean Magnus was very, attractive. In a flamboyant kind of way. But I was still allowed to look, to notice. I mean it was hard not to.
I remember the way he was leaning back in his chair casually, one leg crossed over the other. His pen scribbling furiously in the margin of his sheet. He was doodling in the side of his work, the actual work remaining untouched. His lips pursed and his green-gold, glistening eyes focused on the task at hand. I had learned something about Magnus today.
Magnus Bane was a good drawer.
A couple of times during detention our eyes met, but I made sure to look away first. I mean, it was me who said we couldn't be anything more. I liked Magnus, sure. But there was a difference between thinking you liked liked someone and actually liking them.
Wasn't there?
We didn't even say much when detention was over. I already got a hurried message from Izzy asking what I wanted for dinner. Which I hastily ignored. I would grab something on my own and claim I never got the message.
Detention had ended with Malachi dismissing us. I found myself making an effort to be extra slow with packing up my stuff, as Magnus too finished up his drawing before folding it neatly and placing it in his pocket. He had turned to me his smile wide.
"We really must do this again sometime Alexander" He had said, almost purring my name. I shivered involuntarily.
I decided to let the name correction pass. The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them, I felt my face and neck grow hot as I half whispered them.
"Maybe we can. You know, without the looming oppressive teacher and the unnecessary silence?"
Magnus smiled he clapped my shoulder gently- which made me jump at the almost electric contact -Cliche I know- before walking past me calling out. "Sounds like a plan to me Lightwood"
I felt my self blush. But I felt a surge of courage, feeling giddy when he smiled at me. Before following him out of the room and catching up to him.
"Are you busy tomorrow after school?" I asked settling into an easy pace beside him.
Magnus stopped walking causing me to stop also. He flashed me a genuine smile that made me smile in turn.
"After detention, I don't know ask me later tonight."
I was caught off guard by his words. "But how will I do that?" Magnus laughed at my confused look.
"You may have been too drunk to remember, but I did ask you to call me" He raised an eyebrow slowly gauging my reaction.
I did remember, his hand slipping into my pocket for the briefest of moments delivering the small slip of paper. His phone number written in glittery purple pen. His lips, his body pressed against mine. The bubble of regret and guilt I felt in my chest when I usually thought about being with Magnus was smaller then before and I found myself grinning at the memory.
"I remember" I said my voice sounding breathy, despite my efforts to make it sound normal.
Magnus smiled a knowing smile. "I thought you might."
"I'll be waiting" He said before strutting down the hallway. Hips swinging in tune with his music that was now being played by his iPod.
I reached home just as my phone vibrated in my pocket. I found myself humming gently to 'The Black Parade' while I whipped it open. (I usually didn't whip anything open so I was defiantly in a good mood.) My mood was only slightly downed by the number that appeared. Aline.
I sighed ignoring her ten millionth text to me since detention had started, parking my car before heading up the porch steps to my house.
It was then I noticed a car in the garage. A big black four wheel drive.
My parents were home.
I entered the door shutting it quietly behind me placing my car keys on the table next to the door.
Maryse lightwood could only be described in one way. Intimidating.
My childhood was not filled with flowered aprons and packed school lunches. From a young age my mother had reinforced the principals of tough love.
And love us she did, in her own way. I remember as a small child, having trouble sleeping or being afraid of the dark. What helped me most in those times was my mother cradling me in her arms, she sung an almost French sounding song. This beautiful song that I couldn't exactly recall, but I remembered the feeling of listening to her sing to me gently till I was unconscious in her arms. Those were the memories I loved most that involved my mother.
The rest were filled with her stern voice, her pencil skirts and business suits followed by her incredibly high, high heels. That was a trait that both Isabelle and her had in common.
Though now that I was older I found myself almost doing anything to please her.
"Alexander is that you?" My mothers voice sounded from her office down the hall. I obediently answered a yes before heading to her office, which was practically her bedroom. I had found her asleep by her laptop light too many times to count. Even when she slept she still looked stern, serious. I always wondered what she was like as a child but never had the time, nor the opportunity to ask her.
"Hello Mom" I said standing in the office doorway before I was motioned to come inside.
My mother sat in a large leather computer chair, she turned it around to face me and for the briefest of moments I imagined her as an evil mastermind stroking a white cat in her lap. I shook those thoughts away as my mother gestured me closer.
"Alexander, where have you been?" She asked, her piercing blue eyes examining me only seemed half interested. I could see behind her, the light from her laptop shining.
"I was with Jace after school for a bit" I mumbled looking at my feet. This wasn't exactly a lie. Jace was at detention, just not with me. There was no way in hell I would actually tell her where I had been.
Her lips pursed in a thin line before she nodded and turned back around to face her laptop. The discussion was closed.
I found myself stepping futher into my mother's domain. This room was strictly off limits when mom or dad weren't home. It wasn't exactly forbidden, just that we had all silently agreed that this was Parent territory. And wasn't meant for us to meddle in.
"How was your trip?" I asked my voice sounding horse. It always seemed to be around my mother.
"Long" Was all the answer I received. I heard the clicking of her fingers working solidly over the computer keys.
I nodded not that she could see me. "Where's dad? I thought he would come back with you?"
I heard my mother sigh when I mentioned my father, as if the question saddened her.
"Your father, unfortunately, is still at Alicante. There is some business that required his immediate attention."
Alicante was the corporation my father and mother worked for. I wasn't exactly clear on what it actually was, all I knew that it was linked closely to computers and weapons design. They constantly were going to the city for work, often gone for weeks at a time. I had once asked why we didn't just move to the city, to save all the travel time. But mum replied that this was dad's family home and he didn't want to loose it.
I didn't persist the matter.
"Have you had dinner Alexander?" She asked not turning around.
I wasn't all that hungry. So I muttered a no, before turning to leave my mothers voice caught me.
"How are you and Aline?" She asked and I felt my stomach drop. Aline was the only thing in my life that my mother seemed genuinely interested in. Another reason I couldn't find it in myself to end it.
"Fine" I answered. Wincing at the lie.
"That's good to hear. She is a nice girl, she comes from a good family."
I nodded saying nothing more on the subject. "Good night mom."
I got a grunt in return. With a small sigh I headed back up to my room, hearing my mothers fingers work over the keyboard furiously as they would for the rest of the night.
When I made it to my room I instantly dumped my school bag on my bed hastily making my way to my washing basket. Searching for the Jeans I had worn the night of the party. I figured after I would get an early night so I slipped on my Pj's quickly while still looking for the damn jeans.
After trekking through my laundry basket for a good half hour, when mum and dad were away laundry tended to pile up. I resulted to looking under my bed.
Lifting up the sheets I poked half my body under the bed grabbing at clothes that I had thrown under here.
"Alec what are you doing?" Izzy asked from behind me scaring me so I jumped, my head collided with the bottom of my bed.
"OW!" I said rubbing the top of my head, ignoring Izzy's giggles from behind me. I eased myself out from under my bed to look up at my sister.
"I'm searching for the pair of Jeans that I wore to the party." When Izzy made a small 'o' shape with her mouth I frowned. "Have you seen them?"
Izzy shrugged, smiling, her voice filled with fake innocence. Innocence that annoyed the hell out of me. "Maybe, why?"
I stood up stepping right in front of my sister my teeth gritted. "Because. I. Need. Them!"
Izzy smiled mimicking my tone. "Why. Do. You. Need. Them?"
I crossed my arms over my chest not falling for Izzy's game. "I just do okay? Please if you have seen them tell me?"
Izzy shook her head. "Alright I haven't seen them… recently, but I think I know what you're looking for."
I raised an eyebrow, challenging her.
She smiled pulling out a thin slip of paper, THE slip of paper. I felt my pulse quicken.
"Give me that!" I said almost pouncing on her. But she quickly dodged out of my way making me fall into the door frame, none too lightly.
"Why is it so important?"
"It's a phone number" I said reaching out for it again. Izzy scurried away with a laugh climbing onto my bed holding her hand and the slip of paper high in the air.
"I know that stupid I meant whose is it?"
I sighed sitting on the bed next to her. "It's Magnus'." I felt my face flush slightly just by saying it. Izzy's eyes popped out and she gave a squeal of delight.
"Oh my god really?"
"Really! Why would I lie about that?" I said sneakily snatching the paper out of her hands she make a sound of protest but didn't try to steal it back.
I looked down at the paper the slightly smudged purple digits burning their way into my retinas.
"So," Izzy said clicking her tongue. "Are you going to call him?"
I leaned back on my bed post, feeling my phone in my pocket.
"I don't know Iz, maybe" I had lost some of my confidence. I could feel nerves settling in my gut threatening to take me under in a cowardly tidal wave.
"Well you should!"
"He's just a friend" I said weakly Izzy didn't believe me. And I didn't blame her, sometimes I wondered if I believed myself.
"Yes," She said nodding enthusiastically. "-a sexy sexy friend!"
I flushed. It was good to know I wasn't the only one who thought so. I took my phone out and gripped it in my hand. "I'm not going to call him with you sitting there."
"Plwease Alwec!" Izzy pouted and grabbed my arm. "I promise I'll be quiet. You won't even know I'm here!"
I shook my head pointing out to the door. Izzy frowned sliding off my bed her bottom lip pretending to tremble.
"You have to tell me everything after, since I was so nice and saved that from the washing machine" She said, blocking my door way. Her black eyes trying to stare into my blue ones. I dodged her gaze waving my hand. "Shut the door please!" I said as she strutted out of my room.
When the door clicked shut I flipped open my phone, staring at the key pad.
I could do this. It was just a number. I was just calling a friend. People did that all the time.
My fingers hovered over each digit just touching the buttons but not pressing them
Come on, I had rung friends before. I rang Jace all the time.
I quickly dialed and held the phone up to my ear, feeling my heart quicken and my breath catch in my throat.
It wasn't until I heard the phone on the other end pick up that I realized I had just thought of Jace as a friend. Nothing more. No fluttering of my heart of butterflies in my stomach just Jace. A guy, a friend.
I gulped in a huge amount of air, far more then was necessarily for any human being as I heard a silky smooth rich voice answer the phone with a simple 'hello'.
Magnus Pov
"Hello?" I said into the phone as I shoved Chairman Meow away with my foot. He danced playfully around it, grabbing onto the edge of my sock and pulling.
"Uh... is this Magnus bane?" Came Alec's voice, he sound nervous. It was adorable!
"Depends is this Alexander lightwood" I said bending over, the phone pressed against my cheek and my shoulder as I grabbed Chairman Meow. He squirmed in my arms but I pulled him flush against my chest, prying my sock from his mouth.
"Ha-ha very funny" Came Alec's reply. He was sounding more relaxed now, which was a good thing. I wanted him to feel relaxed around me.
I smiled into the phone. "Honestly Alexander did you think I would go and give you the wrong number?"
"No, it's polite just to check okay."
I laughed. "Yes and your all one for politeness."
I could almost sense Alec blushing down the line. "So what are you doing?" He asked casually.
"Apart from being my awesome self?" I asked jokingly.
Alec snorted and I imagined him rolling his eyes. I looked down at Chairman Meow who was gripping at my pants leg, looking up at me and meowing pitifully.
"Yes, yes I'll get your food in a moment!" I said walking into the kitchen dragging Chairman Meow with me as he gripped my pants tightly.
"Sorry?" Alec's voice came through the receiver, confused.
I laughed shaking my head. "Not you darling. Meow he's pestering me for food."
"Oh, then you should feed him."
"Thank you for your guidance Alexander" I snorted rummaging through the cupboard until I found the cat food. Hastily I tipped some into Chairman's bowl, he instantly left me alone jumping on the food.
"Ungrateful Cat" I said heading up to my room, holding the phone close to my ear.
"Cat's are naturally selfish creatures" Alec said.
"Sometimes I wonder why I love him so" I sighed flopping onto my bed examining my nails. I should really give them another coat. "So what are you doing" I countered.
"Lying on my bed talking to you."
I smiled; a brief fantasy of Alec on his bed thinking about me popped into my head. I pushed that away. We were friends. For now. "And what are you wearing" I asked wondering if he would get the hidden innuendo.
"And that is relevant how?" Alec asked, obviously he didn't get it.
I smirked at his innocence. "Just curious, but I'm pretty sure I can guess."
"Try" He said defiantly.
"Black sweater, blue jeans, and a cute blushing expression" I answered I heard Alec stutter at the last part. I tried to imagine his adorable blushing face.
"N-o, no."
"About the clothes or the adorable blush?"
It took a moment for Alec to answer. "The clothes" He said finally. I wish I had video call.
"Oh, what are you wearing then?"
"…. You'll laugh at me" Alec said sounding like a child. I smiled and rolled over so I was lying on my side, the phone on speaker.
"Would it help if I promised you that I won't laugh?" I said making a cute little pouting face even though he couldn't see me.
"Are you crossing your fingers?" Alec asked making me outright laugh. I crossed my fingers behind my back before answering.
"No" I lied, really curious now about what he was wearing.
"I don't believe you."
"Be still my breaking heart. Alexander that's cruel, I'm heart broken! How could you not trust me?"
I waited for Alec to answer I heard him take a deep breath.
"I'm wearing pajamas" He finally said. I sniggered but didn't out right laugh. I mean Pajamas weren't that bad, everyone wore them
"See that wasn't so ba-"
Alec interrupted me. "Spiderman pajamas."
Spiderman! I covered my mouth when laughter began to bubble in my chest, but I couldn't hold it in. It spilled past my hand filling up my empty house.
"YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T LAUGH!" Alexander yelled. Probably mortified.
When I had controlled my laughter I brought the phone back to my ear. "I'm sorry, but really… Spiderman?"
"Hes a great comic book character, in my opinion the best."
I clicked my tongue at Alec's defensive tone. "I don't know, Superman is pretty good."
What I really meant was Superman was hot.
"Superman is overrated," Alec said. "Plus he's an alien. Spiderman was just your average guy, turned hero. That automatically makes him cooler, he had to adapt to his powers. For Superman it was more natural."
"Your such a nerd" I teased, knowing it would make him blush. I heard him grumble down the line which made me only smile wider. "It's okay. It just makes you cuter."
"I'm not a nerd" Alec said. His voice monotone.
"Do you remember why you called me?" I asked absently down the line, waiting… wanting him to ask me. I had known I was free all along but I wanted Alec to ask me over the phone, like in the movies. And I wanted him to have my number, and for him to know that he can use it.
"Yes" Alec said his voice on the verge of hesitation. I felt my gut tighten, had he talked himself out of seeing me already? I had already picked out my outfit!
After a few moments crackling silence on his end I heard Alec sigh then mumble something like; Magnus you busy tomorrow night? I wasn't even sure that qualified as a sentence.
I rolled my eyes at his lame attempt. "Oh come on Alexander! Put a little enthusiasm into it!"
I pulled the phone further away from my ear when Alec's voice got louder. "Look I'm not used to asking guys out okay! Give me a BREAK!"
I sighed giving Alec time to calm down. He was breathing heavily down the line and it would have been incredibly hot if it wasn't for the fact it was out of frustration.
"Alec-" I finally said breaking the silence. "-you have a girlfriend. You can't keep dancing around that like it doesn't matter." And what about Jace? I felt like asking but I pursed my lips shut.
Alec's voice was quieter then before. "I know… I'm sorry for snapping at you. It's just... I want to spend time with you Magnus, I really do. I don't know whats going to happen with me and Aline. Seriously I was going to break up with her, I swear. But she got these watery eyes and she was watching manga with Max and she asked me to the formal… and my mom really likes her..."
His voice was wavering now almost as if he was going to cry. I wished I could reach into the phone and hug him. I had to remember to be patient with Alec, he was confused, but he was trying to have everything he wants without the repercussions that followed. This wasn't going to happen. As much as I secretly wanted it to.
Alec cleared his throat, but it didn't clear the vulnerable tone behind his words. "I'm just in a confusing place right now, and I don't know much. But I do know I like you Magnus. I know you said we can be friends and that's what I want, to be your friend. I just don't know how to do that yet, so please say yes. Just hang out with me for a little bit, without school and parties and alcohol and Jonathan…"
I didn't answer for a moment letting what he wanted sink in. Did he want to be genuine friends? Or did he want a little something, something on the side. I didn't want to be Alec's dirty little secret. I had been with guys like that before and it never ended well.
But I was already too deep in this. I liked Alec more then I would care to admit. My infatuation for things I couldn't have would always be my downfall and I hated to say it but, Alec made me feel vulnerable. More… human. More alive then anyone had in years.
I closed my eyes as Alec's voice came out as a plea that sent shivers down my spine. "I just want to get to know you" He said. His voice quiet and shy. It was gorgeously cute.
All I heard was: I just want you. And it made me feel elated.
I smirked down the phone line. "Sorry could you repeat that. Project Runway was on."
"Magnus!" Alec implored as I started quietly chuckling on my end of the phone.
"Calm down, I'm kidding."
"So?" He said cautiously.
"So?" I repeated making Alec sigh and probably roll his eyes.
"Magnus Bane will you do me the immense pleasure of hang out with me tomorrow night?" I loved the way he said my name and pleasure in the same sentence.
I clicked my tongue shrugging. "Hmm I don't know. Let me check my schedule."
"Magnus!" He said again his voice growing higher.
"Okay I guess I could squeeze you in" I laughed. I was anxious, yet strangely happy. Though I was a bit apprehensive to how this would turn out. It would be a challenge to only be friends with Alec. Especially when he looked like he did and blushed like he did and stared at me with though large blue eyes that seemed to swallow you in a swirl of pale blue ocean.
"Good" Alec said and that was that. I had a not date-date tomorrow night. But I couldn't help but feel a little dread at the words 'get to know you'. I had only known Alec like what… 72 hours? Was I ready to divulge my past to him?
Probably not. But I could worry about that tomorrow night.
"So you really want to do this, get to know me" I said speaking slowly. Almost telepathically trying to get Alec prepared for getting to know Magnus Bane. "I'm not all glitz and Glam you know" I said more quietly.
"Nobody's perfect" Alec said defiantly and that was the end of that.
I heard the rustling of blankets or sheets or something on Alec's end before Alec's whispered voice came through. "Look I have to go my mom's doing the room checks."
"Are you hiding under the Blanket?" I asked stifling a giggle. Again I guess Alec was frowning.
"Maybe" Was all I got in reply but it satisfied me. In my own twisted way it was like I was there with him.
I sighed looking over at my clock, it wasn't too late. Which made me wonder if Alec had a really strict mom. The large pile of folders caught my eye sitting on my desk and I groaned "Okay I guess I have to go too. I have masses of homework and it's only my second day!"
Alec chuckled it was hearty and pure and incredibly hot. Damn this boy with his natural beauty! "Welcome to Idris high. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Good night Alexander" I breathed into the phone. It felt good saying good night to him. I could get used to that feeling.
"Night Magnus" Alec whispered before I heard the definite click of the call ending.
I smiled glaring at my desk full of homework. I was too giddy to do that now. I turned away stripping down to my 'birthday suit' before slipping under my canary yellow bed cover.
Dreams of Alexander Lightwood filling my brain.
AN: there you go im in the middle of writing the next chapter as we speak!