A/N: I actually had another story written out for the next chapter but I wanted a snip of something to show that their relationship was all about their "private relations". So I wrote this instead.

Lazy Morning Competitions

By: Amnesty

The digital clock on the wooden nightstand switched over to 6:38 am as the morning light slowly began to fill the cozy bedroom where Shikamaru and Temari were resting on their bed. Their limbs were intertwined with each other as Temari stiffly leaned into Shikamaru's bare chest. Temari held open a recent print of Konoha's newspaper and was hastily reading through the columns as Shikamaru looked over her shoulder and calmly read with her.

"Finished," muttered Shikamaru casually.

Temari shot him an annoyed look before turning back to her paper and finishing the current page while Shikamaru idly played with her golden loose hair. Shortly after she turned the page and went back to quickly scanning over each column trying to read the articles as quickly as she could. Not even a minute passed before Shikamaru planted a soft kiss on her shoulder.


Slamming the paper flat against her chest she shot Shikamaru an accusing glare toward Shikamaru's smirk.

"There is no way you're already finished. You're cheating."

"I'm not cheating. I'm just a fast reader when I want to be," he countered triumphantly.

"Okay then," she said as she turned to where she knew Shikamaru couldn't see the words. "In the article 'Fall Festival Highlights', who was the second place winner of the 'big' raffle drawing and won that ugly quilt the senior center made?"

"Hamasaki Ayumi. First place of the cash prize: Makoto Owa. Third place winner, Muranaka Rika: who won a night on the town coupons."

Temari scanned over the frivolous article before rolling the paper and smacking Shikamaru in the arm.

"I hate you so much," Temari said.

"No you don't," Shikamaru murmured as he pulled a fuming Temari closer.

"Fine, I don't hate you… But, I hate that I can never beat you at this."

"You're the one who turned reading the newspaper into a competition."

"Doesn't matter," Temari replied as she folded up the newspaper and laid it on the nightstand. "I have a better idea."

"Does it involve getting out of bed," Shikamaru questioned as he retained a tight grip around Temari's waist.

Temari rolled her eyes. "Yes."

"Then I'll pass."

"Come on Shikamaru."

"Can't we just lay around and be lazy for a while?"

Temari tapped a playfully thoughtful finger on her chin as she thought. "Five minutes."

"Ten," Shikamaru crossed offered. "Then I'll do whatever you want."

"Six then. And I can make you do whatever I want anyway. I'm stronger than you."

Shikamaru frowned. "You're not stronger than me."

"Oh yeah?" Temari said as she skillfully rolled on top of him with a playful grin. After lacing her fingers with her husbands in a tight grip she began to press down, challenging his strength.

Shikamaru groaned. "Troublesome," he muttered as he began to press back. "Temari, this isn't resting."

Temari giggled as she pinned his arms down beside his head and smiled over him triumphantly. She leaned in close to where there faces were almost touching.

"You had the higher ground," Shikamaru defended.

"Right," she said smiling as she closed the gap with a soft kiss.