
If anybody is still hanging in there after my long hiatus, I send you virtual cookies. Millions of them! Heck, I send you a freaking bakery! But I hope this makes up for it!



Losing your innocence is never easy. Actually, it's probably the most painful thing you will ever have to go through; and I can't decide if it's easier to lose it all in one fatal swoop, or over a long period of time. Looking back now, I can see that losing my naivety was a bit of both. The tension built over a whole few months and then wham, I tumbled over the edge. I honestly wish for you, stranger, that you will never lose your innocence. I hope that you'll just grow up a civilian, not knowing all the attacks there are around the world. The ones we conveniently save you from. Maybe then, our job will be worth it .



The cold breeze rustled my plaid skirt as my breath condensated in front of me. It hurt, drastically, to have your world disbanded; to have it decimated; to question all you ever knew.

I had gone to my mother's after class, seeking answers and boy, did I get them. Sitting on the edge of the tower with my feet dangling serenely, I simple could not get the picture of my mother's guarded eyes as she had stared into my face and said, "I guess your ready..." her hesitance had been obvious, "your father began a mission before he died, one that now leads to you."

I remember my question, one I will probably ask over and over, "Why?"

I held her gaze steadily until then but when the words, "I don't know." came from her mouth, I faltered. How could my mother not know why I was involved with my father's mission?

Then, it got worse, "Kiddo, Cam, they want you. This group wants you... they want you..." her glazed expression devoured all my features, almost as if she would never see me again, "dead or alive."

I remember sitting there for a moment, digesting this knew concept. Somebody wanted me, but not for my own gain.

Now, with the first snowflakes of winter falling across the landscape I felt a single tear come out of my eye. Nothing would ever be the same, I'd always be in danger.

A slight shift in dust patterns alerted me to somebody standing behind me, then said person flung themself next to me.

"You weren't in Cov. Ops. today." Zach said in a tone that clearly meant he wanted me to explain.

The stars twinkled as I pondered how to answer him for a moment, wondering what exactly how much I trusted him. Internally I scoffed, because you could never truly know if someone was trustworthy in this business and Zach was no different.

"I... I had some things to take care of?" It came out as a question and I knew my eyes were asking him to drop it, to not push the subject.

But Zach being Zach had to know, "And why exactly, are these 'things' making you cry?" With his thumb, he gently wiped away my one tear and then lightly traced his hand across my jaw with astounding gentleness.

I closed my eyes and leaned back, allowing the snow to dance upon my skin. "Do you ever wonder why the earth only has one moon but other planets have more?" I knew that I was vulnerable and that if he kept asking, I'd tell him... but I hoped, somewhere deep down inside of him, he'd understand the power of keeping a secret. How it makes it seem less real, even if it's only for a moment. Then maybe, he'd take that knowledge and just answer my question about the moon.

He sat there, looking like he was having an internal debate and finally he said, "Nope. Not really, but maybe it's because whoever is up there decided one was enough, that having one moon shining at night was better then two."

I let out a single bark of laughter, "Yeah, I can just imagine God sitting on a chair, scratching his head, deciding if one moon was prettier then two." I looked at him with mirth.

He pushed a hand through his shaggy brown locks and smirked, "Yeah, maybe."

~Beginning of entry~

Kindness and thoughtfulness is an uncommon entity in the world, remember that and never let a moment when they are plentiful, pass you by unnoticed.

~End of entry~

I watched my breath fog up in front of me, it blended seamlessly with the worsening snowfall that was cascading in front of us. An involuntary shiver crept up my spine, causing me to notice just how cold it was outside. Rubbing my un-gloved hands together, I started to get off the ledge, "It's getting cold out here and my roommates are going to get worried..." An awkward silence ensued, we both did not want to leave but knew we had to.

Zach nimbly jumped off of the ledge and landed almost catlike on the cold rock floor. "No they actually wont, your mom told them that you two were going out on the town together."

I raised my eyebrows as I started following him to the door, "Then pray tell, why exactly did you come looking for me?"

He didn't glance back as he answered but I could tell a smirk was pulling at the edges of his lips, "Who said anything about looking for you? I just came out here to enjoy the view."

Then for the second time that night, Zachary Goode made me laugh, "Sure Mr. Goode, whatever you say."

He stopped walking and looked at me, "Well Ms Morgan, it's the truth," as I was passing him he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and whispered, "by the way I like the sound of that, you calling me Mr. Goode."

I let his arm rest around my shoulder, it felt stable as my world was slowly crashing down around me and put my own lips to his ear, "Well Zachary, don't get used to it."

Hello again,

That moment, when he put my needs in front of his crumbled some of my walls. It was the start of something... I could just tell. So can you, probably, from the way he held me close to him and teased me.


The spy