A/N: Hey guys! Another update here. :D I'm currently 3/4 done with this. I am thinking of writing another series of fics like this one, except it will be centered on Artemis. She's just such a great character to me. I can definitely see her doing innovative things with the rest of the team and with Roy especially. I had a dream where Roy asked her to back him up on a personal mission. If you'd like to check it out, it's called "Arrows from the Same Quiver." BUT if you mind being spoiled for the finale of season 1, (I watched the leaks, and I regret it horribly, but I can't change that now) then do not read it. Wait until you watch the finale and THEN read it. It would make a lot more sense c; A few replies to the reviews.

youngtitansevolution: Thank you for reading this story. Unfortunately, I don't recall ever writing about Conner and Artemis liking each other. I suppose you are referring to the chapters in which they were the two central characters in a few prompts, but I wrote it in a way that leans more towards friendship and comradeship. I also see that you've reviewed for chapter 15. I think you're talking about Mother Nature, correct? For that prompt, I evidently wrote nothing about Conner and Artemis liking each other. I DID, however, write about Conner falling in love with and admiring Artemis AND M'gann's beauty. As for Conner liking Artemis romantically and vice-versa? I wrote nothing of the sort. I agree with you though; I am a huge spitfire fan and supermartian fan myself, but I wouldn't go on someone's fanfic and comment on how I don't like the way the writer has written a pairing other than the ships that I support simply because I do not support them. If you do not like the way I write Conner and Artemis and M'gann and Wally, then this is not a fanfic you should read.

Lee Aemilius: Thank's for the welcome back! I am glad that I finally had the time to sit down and write several more prompts. I almost can't believe I'm nearly finished with this. Thank you so much for coming back to read this again! Temptation is actually based on an incident that occurred back when I was in kindergarden. I had really short hair and I was jealous of this girl who had long brown hair. I had urges to pull it, but I stopped myself most of the time. As for version 2 of Temptation, I just wanted to write something sweet and cliche, haha. Hero was originally supposed to be about Robin, but I opted for Artemis because of her interesting background. I think the writers of the show did a good job shrouding her past and making her mysterious character. Fire is something that was a feeling I had when my best friend and I fought. She walked away from me and I was really angry, but my stomach and chest felt cold and I wondered why because I mentally feeling so heated. Robot was based off of a playful argument my sister and I had. She pissed me off and at the time, I was on my computer, I looked up at her and dragged my mouse to "close" her. After realizing what I was doing, I laughed like an idiot and told her about. Then she picked up the remote and pointed at me pressing the "power" button trying to get my to "turn off." Anyway, I hope you enjoy this update!

Enjoy, guys.


"To think of such a thing; a world with no sea—or river. No moisture to soothe the dry and cracked Earth. No water to invigorate the desolate, lifeless land. At the surface, breaks deep fractures. Beneath that lies a heated core; never will it lull on its own."

"Are you reciting some kind of poetry, Artemis?" Kaldur asks.

"It is only when, by the pity of the angels, storm falls, that the Earth's fractures are mended. Her heated core begins to slumber. The empty spaces are filled—life is flowing, the Earth is a vibrant green oasis, pristine and lively. Her heart now beats from the drops of life he so generously offered. A gift so sublime, it is undeserved."

"That is beautiful." Kaldur nods, a smile forming on his face. "An original?"



"When I Met You."

A/N: A lot of people say that Artemis is like a bird and associated with the wind. I can't tell you guys how much I disagree. Artemis is like the Earth to me. The Earth is a heated mass with faults, dry cracks and craters on its surface. Only when water settles in, does the Earth truly become a place of solace. She's rough around the edges and hides dangerous secrets like how the Earth hides its violent core, but when she's surrounded and dependent on her teammates, she softens up. Thus, the creation of this poem. ;)


It was Conner and M'gann's first Valentine's Day. The boy of steel wanted to do something special and Robin opted to make cards from scratch. "Girls dig that." Robin insisted.

After gluing pieces of paper together and sprinkling everything with colorful glitter—though Conner hated that the sprinkles stuck to his fingers, hair and clothes—he casually gave his hand crafted Valentine's Day card to M'gann.

"Oh, Conner!" she shrieked in delight at the messily glittered words. Will you be my Valentine?

"Man!" Robin moaned. "I wish I had thought of that!" he slapped his forehead. "Mines just says, Happy Valentine's Day, Zatanna!"

A/N: Um. I don't know, I just couldn't write this well? I don't like Valentine's Day. Totally Half-assed this one. Sorry, guys.

Shooting Star

"When a star falls, it is because a stunning woman has gazed upon them. The stars become so entranced that they fall towards the Earth in hopes of finding that beautiful face." Kaldur says quietly, enjoying the sight of the landscape atop the summit of Mount Justice with Artemis. They'd do this once at the start and end of every month, discussing their feelings during missions, aspirations, stories—anything.

"Pft, right." Artemis scoffed, a smile on her lips. "Then explain why I see them so frequently." she shifted her gaze in the direction of the sky before them.

And suddenly, a moving star faded into view and faded out into the darkness as abruptly as it had appeared. "A shooting star! Did you see that?" she gasped, pointing at the sky.

"I have not." He replied, a growing closed-lip smile on his face. "But surely, if I were a star, I would fall for you as well."

A/N: I ship Kaldur and Artemis so hard. His tone of words and calm demeanor are his charm. He and Artemis really fill what the other lacks.



Jade looked away. She hated when Artemis did that. "Please, Jade, please?" the little blonde clasped her hands together.

"For the last time Artemis, no!" Jade scowled. "You're a big girl now. Don't ask me to do this!" she tried to avert her eyes elsewhere, but failed horribly when she caught a glimpse of her younger sister's pleading face. Artemis was making what she called her cutesy face.

"Quit doing that!" she snapped.


"…Nothing, just get on."

Artemis climbed onto her sister's back and laughed.

Jade couldn't keep giving in to those looks anymore. If she planned to leave, she was positive Artemis could not come along. She'd slow her down—and above all, she'd be in too much danger.

A/N: In my head, Jade is that kind of sister that was a bully but she loved her sibling enough to go to the ends of the earth and back.

Look out for the next updates! Don't forget to review! :)