Hello this is the first story I have ever written about Rin and Sessshomaru. I hope that you will like this story but I guess it's ok if you don't I understand. I've never been a good writer but I hope that you might help me out a bit. If it doesn't seem interesting and know something that will help make it interesting go ahead and speak up and when you help I will make sure that everyone who reads knows about your great ideas. Thank you and enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or its characters.

Chapter one: a hectic day and the surprising news

Hello my name is Rin. I have brown hair that reaches my waist and chocolate brown eyes. I'm 17 years old and have just moved to japan close to my cousin Kagome. I love all kinds of art and hate history, during my free time I will draw, paint, write, dance, sing, and read depending on my mood. My mom is a lawyer and my dad is an FBI agent so they work late and sometimes even when they are home they have to work. So because of this I have a lot of free time so it's a good thing I like art. My life before I moved wasn't very interesting that is until the day I learned my parents were thinking about moving. The day I learned we were moving was probably the strangest day I ever had.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I started my day the way I always do waking up late and having to rush to get ready for school. "Ahhhh!" I screamed as I looked at my clock and saw the time. "Oh no I'm going to be late!" I yelled, I dropped my clock and quickly got up and pulled my school uniform out of my closet. "I won't have time for a shower today." I said as I undressed and put on my uniform then put my hair up into a side ponytail. I ran around my room and gathered my stuff, before I left my room I looked in the mirror to make sure everything was in order then headed down stairs. I got down stairs and headed to the door," Rin what about breakfast?" I heard my mother ask," I don't have time. I'm late." I called to her before putting on my shoes. I fixed my shoes and headed out the door," bye." I called before shutting the door.

I ran down the street and was panicking," ok Rin calm down and think about the best route to take so you're not late." I mumbled. "Let's see at the end of this street if I turn left, head through the park, pass the bridge, and head across the street then I'll be at school." I mumbled again. "Yes that route will take me 10 minutes." I said and looked at my watch. "20 minutes. Perfect that will give me 10 minutes before I have to be in class which means I have time to put my stuff in my locker." I said and smiled.

I got through the gate a minute earlier than expected and quickly headed to my locker, I opened my locker, picked out the stuff I needed and put the rest into my locker before heading to math. I got in to my class and headed to my seat. "Wow Rin I didn't think you would get here on time." My best friend Kisa said with a smile. Kisa is a tiger demon; she has short red hair that stops just above her shoulders and bright green eyes. "Morning Kisa. How are you?" I asked as I put my stuff down on my desk. "Morning and I'm fine. What about you?" she asked," I'm fine if you don't count being out of breath and almost being late." I joked after sitting down in my chair. "Alright class time to work." Mrs. Dillpickle said," yes Mrs. Pickle." The class said.

Well that was the start of my day because I don't like school I'll leave it at that. Anyways after school me and Kisa walked home together like we always do and we went our separate ways as we passed by her house. I was almost to my house when suddenly I heard a scream coming from the house next door. I ran quickly through my front yard over to the Kazaki family's yard. I looked around but didn't see anything then I heard crying. I slowly moved towards the sound and spotted Mr. and Mrs. Kazaki's daughter, her clothes were ripped and she was holding her side. "What happened here Lisa?" I asked, Lisa is a 12 year old half demon with blue hair and brown eyes, she looked up at me scarred," Rin." she said quietly.

I sat down beside her and saw that she was bleeding," some guy showed up and tried to rape me and fought back but it wasn't until I screamed that he did any real damage, he stabbed me and ran off." She explained sobbing. "Are you parents at home?" I asked, I rubbed her back to help her calm down. "No they're still at work." She sobbed; I nodded then moved to my back pack and pulled out some bandages. "here let me stop the bleeding and wrap it up." I said, she nodded and removed her hand from the stab wound. I took some stuff out of my backpack to clean the wound then I put some of it on a wash cloth and pressed it to the wound. When it finally stopped bleeding I took the bandages and wrapped the stab wound. "There just don't move too much and it will be fine. "I reassured her.

When she finally calmed down I quickly called my parents to let them know what happened. My mom told me that she would be home soon then hung up and my dad told his boss about the incident which lead to an investigation to find who did it. After that I put my phone away and looked at Lisa who was now asleep on my shoulder. I put my arm around her and rubbed her back. Soon after my mom pulled into the drive way and quickly made her way over to me. "How is she?" she asked," I think she is fine. I disinfected the wound and stopped the bleeding but I don't know how much she lost." I answered. "That was very smart. Now come on let's get her inside." She said, I nodded and shook Lisa's shoulder a little bit and called her name.

When she woke up me and my mom helped her into the house and sat her down on the couch. My mom went to the kitchen to get Lisa a glass of water. "Here you go sweet heart." My mom said handing the glass to Lisa," thank you." Lisa said. "You're very welcome." My mother said giving Lisa a loving smile," would you like something to eat?" my mother asked. "A sandwich would be nice please." Lisa answered with her own smile, my mother nodded and headed back to the kitchen. "Thank you Rin." Lisa said suddenly which took me by surprise. "Oh there is no need to thank me Lisa you would have done the same thing in my situation." I said," I still want to thank you." She went on, I nodded in approval.

When Lisa's parents finally came home they were worried, my mom told them what happened but Lisa told them now I helped her and they thanked me before heading home. Me and my mom walked back into the house, she went to cook dinner while I sat on the couch and turned on the TV and turned it to NCIS. An hour latter my dad came through the door and headed to the kitchen and talked to my mom. When he was done he walked into the living room and saw me watching NCIS and laughing at a funny Tony and Ziva moment. Then I looked at him and smiled and he smiled back. He walked over to the couch and sat down beside me then pulled me close and kissed me on the forehead," I'm very proud of you Rin." He said. I smiled as he let go of me," you did well helping that girl without you here something bad might have happened." He said.

During dinner my parents were talking about something I couldn't hear but they looked worried. I stopped eating and put my fork down on my plate," what is it?" I asked. They looked at me then each other, my mom nodded then they looked at me again. "Rin me and your mom were thinking that maybe we should move." He said," what!" I yelled. I stood up abruptly," I don't feel it's safe here for you after school besides we were thinking of moving to japan close to your cousins." He explained. I stood there for a while blinking and taking in his wards," you mean Kagome and Sota?" I asked excitement shown in my eyes. They nodded and flopped back in my chair' I haven't seen them since I was ten' I thought.