Disclaimer:I own nothing that involves Hetalia~!

I bit my lip. Older brother just asked me to marry him…I glanced at the door…America…where are you?

The Revolutionary's ears perked a little. He smirked darkly, this was it…they were just going to give up now? Like hell, I'll lose another person for stupidity.

The Revolutionary walked past America and sneered. "Giving up?"

The American glared the Revolutionary angrily. "Not now…"

The Revolutionary's face grew dark and his smirk grew. "Some hero…giving up and letting the villain win…hehehe…figures…"

The American stood again. "What?"

The Revolutionary only glanced at the American before walking away slowly. "Nothing, nothing…you probably don't love Belarus like Russia…maybe it would be better if she would marry Russia…Better than some low life; who thinks he's a hero…but really isn't…"

The Revolutionary felt a rush of triumph when the American started to run again and much faster now.

"Guess Older Brother England was right about me…" The Revolutionary started to walked slowly behind the American.

All the lights aren't on up there…

My eyes drifted downward. Answer him dammit…why is this so hard…Why is my head screaming yes…but…everything else is screaming no…

I have been waiting for this my entire life…I have worked so hard for this day…and yet…I don't…really want it anymore…

"Belarus?" Older brother asked confused.

I made a small smile at him. I can't…I just can't… I couldn't look older brother in the eyes. I just couldn't…I loved America…

The American gulped when saw the large, plain building where the ball was being held. Please…please…please say I'm not too late….

I took a deep breath from my nose and sighed it out. "Older brother…" I looked him in the eyes and for the first time ever felt love for him, but only as an older brother. "For the longest time I've wanted and wished for this moment…But…I don't wish for that anymore…"

"What? Why?" Older brother asked shocked.

My small smile grew when I thought of America. "When I went after you…you were the only one I had…Now, there are many people I have—"I glanced at Pocahontas and the two drunkards dancing on stage—"Even if I still deny it, I can't hide how much I think of another…"

"And what is this 'another' like?" Older brother asked.

The American ran into the ball room and saw Belarus with Russia. D-dammit…

The American sighed and hid behind a large oversized beam and quietly listened. At least he would hear her happily accepting the Russian's offer.

I glanced at the door deep in thought. Someone maybe just left. I shrugged it off and turned back to older brother seeing a darker aura than before.

I paid it no mind and explained to older brother how America was, "This person is quite loud and annoying when you first meet him, but then you see the sweetness and innocence that most do not see…When he smiles you—you see the true love and happiness he has for you and…you realize how truly naïve you've been for so many years…"

The Russian was shocked by the way his little sister was explaining America…But what shocked him most was how her face was lighting up from just thinking of the American. She must truly love him, da.

The American tilted his head confused. Bel~ is in love with someone else….I wonder who made her feel this way…

The Revolutionary felt his eyes twitch at how stupid his older self was, but refused to explain anything to him. It would just be too hard.

I watched as Russian made a small smile at me…A true smile…. "So, will you go after this someone?"

I felt my face heat up a little thinking about if I would. My head was screaming 'don't do it, you'll just scare him away'…but… my heart screamed to 'trust him...he will love you as well.'

Slowly I glared the ground. Should I go after America? Would he like me as well? Do I even love him like I think or is it like how I loved Russia and later on I'll find out I love him in a different way.

My eyes quickly went to older brother when he was laughing.

"What?" I asked upset and confused.

"This is the first time I've seen you so angry and not about to kill someone or take out your knife…You'd never get this angry and not take out your weapon; even if only to stab the table or wall…"

I raised my eyebrows confused. "Huh?"

"I know you very well...I mean I am your older brother…You must be completely 'taken' by the hero." Older brother smiled at me. I tilted my head, deep in thought. He knew…But…how?

I shook my head. It didn't matter. At least not at the moment.

The American fumbled a little hearing Russia's words. He wasn't that much of an idiot. He knew what the Russian was saying. Bel~…loves me?

The American laid his back on the beam, but from the initial shock missed the beam and fell the ground and in front of Belarus and Russia.

I stared at the ground; where America was rubbing his head and complaining on how it hurt.

"I guess I'll leave you two alone." Older brother said rolling his eyes. I sighed. Looks like Older Brother doesn't like America. Oh, well. He's not in love with him.

My face turned red. This was the first time I was really being honest with those words. I bit my lip and kneeled down next to America. "Are you going to live?" I asked checking the back of America's head if it had cracked open. Luckily it didn't.

"Y-yeah…I'll be good…Ummmm…" The American turned to me blushing and seeming nervous. I moved my hair away from my ear noticing for the first time America's voice was quiet. "Ummmm…Bel~….Ummm…I'm the hero and all…but…" America rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "But…Bel~…would you…I mean will you…Ummmm…"

This seemed familiar. Where have I seen this before? Seeing America all nervous like this….My mind went to the dream I had a week before. Ah! That's where. I noticed America was still trying to say what he wanted to say…having a lot of trouble.

Slowly I captured his lips with my own. It was annoying watching America all quiet and nervous. I was happy…Truly happy when America took control of the kiss and made it deeper. His hands felt so right in my hair…so gentle…and yet so rough…

America stopped the kiss and whispered out of breath. "Will you go out with me?"

I rolled my eyes. Right, in America it wasn't normal just to get married…but…I looked at America's eyes and felt a smile appear on my lips. I'll be a good girl and wait. I nodded my head, tears leaking from my eyes…but…

When I went to dry them; America took my hands. "It's okay to cry…when you're happy."

America kissed me lovingly. I gasped and pulled away from his lips when he picked me off the ground and twirled me around. I couldn't help, but laugh out loud. I pulled America's face close to me and he smiled up at me, brightly. I smiled just as brightly as he did.

"I love you, Bel~…" America said smiling.

"…" I tilted my head before seeing the brightness and truth in his loving blue eyes. "I love you as well…"

America gave me the brightest smile in the entire world and kissed my with all the passion he had. He'd probably made Spain and France go running for their title just now. Just with these small gestures of love and passion. I still felt the tears falling down my face, but I didn't try to dry them. Because…

I found someone who wants this crybaby for a wife.