Hello people! Don't wanna delay u! So read on fellow brethren's! But what about sister's? Hm… I know I'm weird ;) o also here's the video 4 the last chapter I got SO mad when I realized I didn't have a vid 4 my last chapter so here it is …. Everything Kevin does, it's for Gwen (Gwevin) By SevenLevin

In heaven…



No I'm just kidding! Sorry I had to!

Back to Ben and friends…

Ben could barely keep his eyes open, he heard voices. One that was very familiar too. He struggled to open his eyes. Ben saw Gwen and Kevin against the wall.

Kevin was covered in blood. His shirt looked more red then black. One of his eye's was black he had a bloody nose the back of his shirt was completely torn showing a huge black bruise with small cuts surrounding the wound. A large dark cut ran down his chest and blood dotting his ebony hair from being knocked into the wall. He had quite a few cuts on his legs too. And dark bruises on his pale skinned arms.

Kevin slowly, slowly lifted his head. He moved some of his fingers. The best hand wave he could give. Ben sighed of relief, Kevin was okay. But was Gwen?

Kevin slowly quietly crawled over to Gwen wincing most of the time at the movement. At one point he fell and didn't get up for a few minutes. Kevin took some shaky deep breaths and after a few more minutes he was next to Gwen. Ben was wondering what was the heck was distracting the Garpatheums.

'Probably aliens here to take us.' thought Ben.

But Ben knew who was talking. He couldn't think of the person's name but Ben knew he knew the person. Was it an enemy of his? Vilgax? Vulkanus? Darkstar? Charmcaster? But I'll let you know Ben was very far off.

Kevin pulled himself closer to Gwen, it hurt to even do that, oh how it pained him. His chest was burning at the moving of his back, so was the rest of his body. But Kevin didn't care he was worried about Gwen. She had a nasty bruise along her cheek. Her skin was very pale. Her eyes were closed her breath's were quiet raspy. Parts of her shirt were torn showing more bruises and a few cuts. Along her right arm her sleeve was practically torn and what little cloth that was there was stained red. She also had a rather large bleeding cut on her leg.

Gwen looked completely drained of energy and mana. Parts of her hair were red not normal red, it was blood. Coming from a cut on her head from being slammed against the wall. Kevin quietly absorbed the piece of metal he saw on the ground which was enough to cover an arm. His hand turned into what looked like scissors he cut a part of his shirt that wasn't covered in blood. Then his hand morphed back.

He wiped the dirt, sweat, and blood off her face. Kevin wasn't a doctor but he knew if cuts weren't kept clean they would get infected. Then Kevin noticed the voice he would've noticed earlier but he was too busy with Gwen. Kevin recognized the voice immediately.

Kevin slowly turned. As soon as he did he saw a bright light. A bright pinkish purple light. Grandma Verdona.


Kevin smirked 'Grandma's cussing, classic.'

"A-a-and Levin?" asked Armanda.

"NO! YOU CAN'T TOUCH HIM EITHER! LAY A HAND ON THAT BOY'S HEAD, AND I WILL FIND YOU! WHETER HE LIKES IT OR NOT." She chuckled "We'll probably be related soon anyways."

"You like him?" asked Gazelda.

Zandam sighed "Gazelda, shut up!"

"I know what you people do, now I am a trained professional anodite. If you want to try and stop me I applaud your courage and welcome you to mess with Granny." she chuckled again.

Zandam shrugged and smirked "I love a challenge."

She began to fire at Grandma Verdona who easily dodged them. She glided across the room while Zandam tried to shoot her. Unless Zandam's target wasn't standing still or in her extendable arm, the Garpatheum had terrible aim. Gazelda had better aim and took the gun she had her aim right on Verdona she aimed and fired. Then Verdona made a pink shield in a matter of seconds.

Armanda shot her arm towards Verdona, Verdona easily broke it with one mana discs. The 3 teamed up against Verdona and attacked together. All going at once at one time Gazelda did manage to shoot her target on her arm. Verdona started to fall out of the air she smirked and made a single pink stair and landed on it. She stood up and blasted the 3 away with her own lasers. She came over to them waved her hand and the Garpatheums rose into the air.

Verdona muttered something and the fake anodite forms fell of their masters. Gwen was awake by now. She watched the Garpatheums. Underneath their skins their forms were different but they had the same colors. The Garpatheums right hand was huge and covered with bumps. Their hair was black super short and crazy curly. Their bodies were rather long and skinny. Instead of legs they had wavy tentacles. They all had yellow eyes. The only thing the same was their skin colors. Zandam was still dark purple. Armanda pink. And Gazelda hot pink.

They growled. Floating in the air. Gwen wanted to help her Grandma she struggled to stand. Her legs automatically gave out on her, too weak to stand. Kevin grabbed her hand. He shook his head.

Gwen glared at him "I-I-I'm fine K-Kevin and I'm going."

She coughed and grabbed onto the wall, and shakily stood she slowly tried to walk over only for her to fall. Kevin was right there and caught her in his arms bridal style. She tried to stand up. But Kevin wouldn't let her go.

"Kevin, I'm g-going. I'll cr-crash your car if you don't let me."

Kevin snorted "I've never trusted you with my car and that death threat is definitely not h-h-helping you." he said hoarsely.

"Well I'm going to sneak in and destroy it, or a-after a mission. Now let me go!"

"Gwendolyn Catherine Tennyson!" Kevin whispered in his most threatening voice.

Gwen turned around surprised Kevin had used that tone with her. Kevin had a look of determination on his face. He wasn't going to let her go. Sometimes he just simply let Gwen have her way. But now he was putting his foot down.

Kevin smirked "It's nice to say your last name for a change." He coughed a few times and said hoarsely Now sit down."

Gwen sighed and sat down, well fell really. Gwen knew she didn't have a chance this time.

"I-I like it when I say your middle name better." said Gwen pouting.

Kevin chuckled "T-Too bad."

She looked at him. Saw his cuts, bruises, blood. She gave him a light hug. Kevin was so good to her. Some people thought he was no good. But Gwen knew he was a good guy. She inhaled his sweet scent. Oil from working on his car so much and pine needles.

"Kev, you sh-should rest too. You got banged up pretty bad too. Probably worse than me."

She looked at his chest and gasped.

"Definitely w-worse than me." she muttered to herself as she took Kevin's ripped shirt piece and put on his chest.

"Gwen have you seen yourself? You have a huge cut along you arm and one on the back of your leg." said Kevin.

"So? You have a cut from your chest to your stomach. Tons of scars on your arms and on your legs." she said.

"Gw-Gwen, your beat. It's okay to relax." Kevin chuckled.


Kevin coughed, his whole body shook as he did which caused him to shout a few choice words Gwen would rather have not heard. He coughed again.

"Re-relax." he said again.

Gwen nodded. The conversation had taken a lot of energy out of the two. For a while Gwen sat and listened to Kevin's slow quiet shaky breathing. Sometimes he would cough for a minute or two and Gwen had to help Kevin breath and help him calm down. The cut on Kevin's chest had gone from the middle of his throat to the bottom of his chest. So his breathing was the hardest thing for him.

They were both pretty banged up and whether Verdona won or not there was a high chance Kevin might stop breathing. Which definitely scared Gwen, and Kevin he was worried that he would die on Gwen and leave her to die as well. Which cause his heart to speed up and make it even harder to breath. Kevin's chest was getting worse. He was losing a lot of blood and Gwen was too weak to help. She was bleeding too but her anodite form had slowed her bleeding, if it wasn't for her powers she would be dead.

Gwen tried to get Kevin to absorb something, thinking that would ease his pain. But absorbing took energy out of Kevin and (as you know) Kevin releases whatever he absorbs if he hurt very badly. So every time he would absorb something about a minute later he would slowly go back to normal. Using his powers, as I said earlier, took energy and Gwen didn't want Kevin to waste it so she had him relax.

Gwen felt a cool breeze inside her body ,suddenly she felt more whole some of the stinging was gone. The anodite looked down at her body some of her scars were going away, but she felt extremely dizzy from the use of power.

"No. No! I have to help Kevin!" said Gwen.

She tried to focus her powers on Kevin, but her body was healing itself against her will. She didn't intend to help herself but her alien powers were saving her involuntarily. Gwen's powers were healing her, all her powers were saving her. She didn't intend for this to happen, it just did. If you scraped your arm your body would involuntarily cover your cut with a scab. It was like that. Gwen felt the energy draining from her body. Gwen tried to meditate and control her powers on Kevin but she felt herself slipping into blackness.

Gwen heard faint voices as her eyes closed.

"Gwen? Gwen can you hear me?"

She knew it was Kevin, his voice was very faint but she could make out a few words.

"Hang on Gwen. Please, Gwen hold on."

Kevin was doing his best to stay calm but he was still having trouble breathing, Kevin had lost more and more blood as time went by. His breaths were short, quiet, shaky, and wet? Gwen felt something on her cheek.

'Oh Kevin's crying.' thought Gwen.

Her heart ached for him, but she didn't know what to do. Her vision was covered with a thick black cloud that she couldn't push through. Whenever she tried to shout no sound escaped her lips. Kevin shook her shouting her name. She tried to shout but her throat had gone dry. By this time Ben had ran over (He wasn't as badly hurt as Kevin or Gwen). He whispered her name.

"Gwen?" they both asked.

"Kevin d-do you think she's-"

"No. She can't be." said Kevin.

He wouldn't let Ben say it, not around him. Then Gwen felt tears trickling down her face. Kevin.

"Kevin there's nothing we can-"

"There has to be!" shouted Kevin.

"Maybe she's in Acoma." said Ben.

"Maybe." said Kevin.

Gwen wanted to say she was fine, but the voices were fading the black was swaying in her eyes getting fuzzy. The words were slurring and leaving her.

'No, don't go. I'm lost with you Kevin. Please, both of you stay.' thought Gwen.

Gwen heard something very very faint. It sounded like someone breathing. But not like normal breathing. It sounded like someone was gasping for air. Coughing. Crying. Taking in sharp quick breath's. Or attempting to….

Outside of Gwen's thoughts…

"We can't help her anymore Kevin!" shouted Ben.

Kevin was still clinging to Gwen's body. Whenever Ben tried to get him to move, Kevin yelled at him. Or attempted to yell at him. Kevin's voice was very hoarse. He was stuttering and trying to breath.

"W-W-We have to h-h-help her!" he shouted.

Kevin coughed and took in a shaky breath, refusing to let Gwen go.

"Kevin we. We can't. There's nothing else we can do for her." said Ben. "And you need to calm down, I'm not blind I see your cuts. Your having trouble breathing as it is. Kevin you look like crap." Ben chuckled.

"Th-This isn't f-f-funny Ben! It's no time to make a joke! Your cousin could be dead. I'm t-to weak to even stand up. What are we gonna d-do?" asked Kevin.

Ben hadn't noticed till now but, he saw Kevin was crying.


"What?" he asked his body shaking.

"Are you, crying?"

Kevin nodded "Y-you know, you're probably th-th-thinking this will be hilarious and we'll laugh about this s-someday. Maybe even t-t-tomorrow. Ben? Has it ever occurred to you there m-might not be a tomorrow?"

"I'm just saying, there's no point Kevin. We. Cannot. Save her. I want to Kevin, but it's a lost cause." said Ben his eyes threatening to spill.

Then Kevin started to get mad. Ben talked about Gwen like she was a broken toy. Gwen would know. Gwen would understand. Because she would feel exactly the same towards Kevin.

"Is th-that how it i-is with you Tennyson? You just g-g-give up, on what you c-call a 'lost cause'. Any time someone may have something wr-wrong with them you just call a quits? You think someone's gone and you l-l-leave them! How could you do that to her! J-j-just like you did with me! I'm o-o-one thing, I was a p-p-possessed monster! She's your own flesh a-and freaking blood! How can you call yourself a hero, when you're ab-about to let the innocent die! You can't just g-give up on people!" shouted Kevin.

Kevin's body was trembling and he was taking deep breaths. Ben was worried this was the last time he would ever talk to Kevin and he didn't want to end it like this. Kevin coughed a few times. He breathed quickly and clung to Gwen even tighter.

"Kevin it's not like that." said Ben.

"Then t-tell me what it is like Ben!" he shouted.

"I… I don't wanna hope only for her to die! Kevin you ask me what we should do. There's nothing we can do. I'm not going to get your hopes up. I don't want to hurt you anymore than I already have. You absorbing that energy. That was my fault. I was too weak to stop Aggregor. I was to blind to see this trap. I almost killed you. I may have killed Gwen through my decision." said Ben.

" I h-have to try. Dude, you're my b-b-best friend. But, if I lose her, there will never be a tomorrow. B-b-because the sun won't come up." said Kevin.

"What do you mean the sun won't come-"

"Because, Gwen is my sunshine. She has a w-way of brightening the darkest of rooms. I've always thought of myself as a m-monster. I know she doesn't like it. But B-Ben, I ruin everything. If I had been stronger maybe sh-she'd be okay ri-right now. Do you know how many times people have almost died because of m-me? I almost killed Gw-Gwen, I could've killed you. Like I said Gwen has a way of brightening the darkest r-rooms." said Kevin.

Ben just stared at him, he knew Kevin didn't talk about his feelings. Especially not to him.

"B-Ben, I've known you for 6 years and there's still th-things you don't know about me. Some of them I don't ever w-want you to hear. S-some kids have things in their room that reflect on them. For me if I had a room reflecting off me it'd be like sitting in pitch dark, a bl-black room with only one other c-color blood red. Do you know how many people I've h-hurt Ben? It was dark then Gwen came and brightened everything up. I c-can't lose her, I can't." said Kevin.

Kevin stared at Gwen the whole time. His eyes were blood shot and full of fresh tears his face was covered in old ones. He was shaking too and holding on to Gwen like he was the last thing he had to hold on to. Ben knew he couldn't leave his friend alone.

"And you never will." said Ben smiling.

Ben put his hand on Kevin's shoulder.

"I'm gonna help you get out of here." he said.

Kevin smiled "Let's get the hell outta here."

Ben ran to help Grandma Verdona. The Garpatheums weren't as strong as Verdona but they were keeping her busy. Zandam saw Kevin limping with Gwen he was holding on to what was left of the side of the wall and slowly moving. She smiled.

"Don't worry I won't touch them." said Zandam.

She fired at the top of the ship's ceiling. Through the hole she could see Kevin falling and hear him shouting Gwen's name. Verdona's eyes went wide.

"ENOUGH!" she shouted.

She fired disc after disc at Zandam pulling huge rocks off the ground with her mana and firing them at Zandam, with Ben attacking the other two. Verdona fired and fired, she had never been so angry in her life. Zandam knew not to get an anodite angry, but it was too late. Zandam was shot out of the sky. She fell to the ground. Zandam screamed as she was shot while falling! (You don't mess with Grandma) Zandam shot out her extendable arm and her hand was strong enough to slow her fall.

Her hand hit the ground very hard though. But she didn't break any bones.

"Well at least I didn't break any bones." said Zandam.

"Crack. Crack."

Zandam screamed she didn't know what hurt, after all she hadn't broken anything. And the only thing that touched the ground was….. her hand. Zandam looked at her hand. Broken. She screamed in anger and agony. While Verdona laughed. She rushed to join Ben. The two Garpatheums were no match for Ben and Verdona.

Over with Kevin and Gwen….

Kevin heard the noise of the gun being fired. He had Gwen thrown over his back, Kevin quickly took Gwen off his back. He hugged her so she was covered from the falling walls. Kevin was too weak to absorb anything and he knew it. The walls of the ships broke. The metal crashed into everything within its reach. Shattering glass goblets, breaking shelves, crushing everything within its reach. Including Kevin.





Back to Ben and Verdona…

"Yeah Grandma way to pack a punch!" said Ben as Humongasour (Which sounded extremely funny with that voice.)

"Ha-ha! Granny isn't dead yet!" said Verdona.

Ben ducked and managed to miss Gazelda's laser. Ben was actually worried about Kevin and Gwen. He'd heard the crash and he had turned to go help them but then he had been attacked by both Garpatheums. Verdona and Ben knew they had to finish the Garpatheums before they had a chance at finding Kevin and Gwen.

Ben ran at Gazelda and grabbed her by the waist. He threw her down next to Zandam who had been thrown down after breaking her hands so many times she had fainted. Gazelda noticed Zandam and tried to help her up. A pointless action. Armanda was on her own. Ben punched her.

"Looks my somebody can' beat the awesomeness!"

Armanda growled at him (Yes growled.)

"Has it ever occurred to you how annoying you are?"

"Has it ever occurred to you that you sound like a bear. No wait a monkey smells like on too." said Ben he laughed.

Armanda did hold up a good fight. For a few minutes. After being blasted so many times though she yelled in anger and thrust her extendable arm/hand at Ben. She didn't think that through, Ben quickly grabbed her hand in his huge fist and threw her to the ground by it.

Ben's grip as Humongasour was very tight so Armanda broke her hand and fell to the ground. Luckily Gazelda was there to try and catch her. She had woken Zandam p after about 10 minutes and Zandam help catch her too. They were alive but they weren't in a position to fight. So they sat there waiting for prison. But Verdona and Ben were worried about something else Kevin and Gwen.

Back to Kevin and Gwen…

Kevin kept Gwen tucked under his chest. During the crash his cut chest had gotten worse and every other part of his body. Some glass had managed to fall into his cut chest. He had small pieces all over him. All the falling things had bruised his already beaten back. A shelf had fallen on his legs, it didn't break anything. It definitely left bruises though. Also he couldn't pull his legs free. He pushed some of the broken things to the side and tried to pull him and Gwen up.

He took a quick breath.

"This just gets better and better doesn't it?" said Kevin.

Luckily Gwen was tucked under him, Kevin had been very careful with her. So his weight hadn't crushed her. He had made sure of that. Kevin coughed. He definitely wasn't getting any better. Gwen stirred under him.



Her words were slurred and quiet but they were still words. Kevin hugged her.

"Gwen, I thought you were dead."

"No I just fainted. I think hit my head."

Kevin eye's went wide "Gwen. How are we going to get out of here?"

Kevin starting breathing quicker. It sounded like something was wrong with his lungs or something. She looked at the cut on his chest.

'Crap.' she thought.

"Ke-Kevin calm down. We're going to be fine." said Gwen.

"Gwen we're not going to be fine! Everything backfired on us! Ben and Verdona could be dying out there!" said Kevin.

"Kevin, this my grandma and cousin we're talking about. They're not going to die." said Gwen.

"Verdona wouldn't have even had to come here if I hadn't been so stupid! I should have never let us all come here! Gwen I don't know what else we can do. My legs are being crushed by shelf's and other crap and your to banged up to make it on your own." said Kevin.

"Kevin don't talk like that! I'll never have to go on my own and neither will you because I'll never leave you. Please don't think like that."

"Gwen, we're not gonna make it. You have to leave me. Or your gonna die, Gwen I've got shards of glass inside me I'm gonna die either way. Don't try and pull my dead weight and get us both out of here. We're not gonna get to the doctors in time anyway." said Kevin.

Kevin coughed again. And again, and again. He took in a quick breath of air. The cut on his chest was slowly turning black. Some of the glass had gotten very close to his throat too. He coughed again his whole body shook. Kevin kept coughing and coughing. He tried to breath but he kept coughing.

"Kevin stop thinking like that your scaring yourself, and your making your heart go crazy. Stop it! Please don't leave me Kevin. I'll miss you. So much if you do. Don't give up yet. You wouldn't give up on me and I won't give up on you."

"Gwen I want you to let me go. It'll be safer for you. Please."

He coughed again. His face was getting paler and paler.

"Kevin stop it please. You're going to be fine." said Gwen.

"Don't you see Gwen? It's not just that I'm scared, I'm beat done. Over."

"No you're not Kevin! Stop it! Please I can't stand to watch you give up on yourself."

"I'm not giving I'm accepting the facts."

He coughed again and again and again and again and again. He didn't stop. His whole body was shaking. He had bags under his eyes. His eyes kept slowly closing and then he would open his eyes and sometimes smile just a little.

"I'm still here. I'll stay as long as I can. This is better than where I'm going next anyways."

"Kevin. You're not going to-"

"Yes I am."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because I have to go through the consequences Gwen. I have a lot to pay."

"Kevin I love you, but I hate when you say stuff like that. Why do you believe other people's lie's? If someone said that, there wrong. I know you. You've changed your whole life. You. No one has to suffer. Especially not you. You've gone through so much as it is."

Kevin coughed again. Sometimes Kevin would cough for almost a minute. He would speak hoarsely to her. His chest was bleeding in many places he was losing a lot of blood. He didn't care. He was with Gwen. It was worth it all to have a few more minutes with her. He coughed again. he didn't stop for a while. He closed his eyes and tried to quiet his coughing, he didn't want to worry Gwen anymore.

"Kevin, fight. Please I don't want to you to leave me." said Gwen.

"Gwen, every man has to die it's the way of life. All a person can really do is love the people in their life and that's what you've helped me do. Because I do love people, but most of all, I love you." said Kevin.

Gwen hugged him.

"Whoa careful!" said Kevin.

Gwen smiled.

"Gwen don't be sad, please."

Kevin coughed a few times. He kept coughing.


"I'm (Cough) I'm (Cough) I'm still (Cough) I'm still here (Cough)."

"Just hang in there Kev."

"Oh Gwen?"


"If I don't make it-"

"You will."

"I said if, will you tell my mom and Harvey I love 'em oh and Ben. As annoying as he is."


Kevin started coughing again, when Gwen saw a faint light. It was Grandma Verdona! And Ben!

"Grandma! Ben! Hurry help me with Kevin!"

Kevin looked up at Ben and Verdona "Sup st-still scary Grandma." He coughed.

Verdona smirked "Save the sarcasm for when you're feeling better. "

The group called over some plumbers. The group of plumbers stole the Garpatheums stole ship.

"What took you guys so long?" asked Gwen.

"You try defeating all the Garpatheums and then after that having to defeat some of their um, customers! They were pretty mad they couldn't buy any powerful aliens so they tried to stop us. We took three of them down, then two more. Then there were five more we called in some backup plumbers though. Cooper and Grandpa Max. They said they could handle the five of 'em. Then we came and found you. Now all the Garpatheums and the aliens they trade with are being put in the null void. And all of their victims can be brought back home. " said Ben.

Verdona hugger Kevin and Gwen "Oh Gwen! I'm just glad you and Curtis are okay!" she said.

Kevin grunted "Kevin." He coughed.

Verdona smiled "Oh! It doesn't matter!"

"A-actually i-it does." said Kevin and he coughed.

"Well the good news is you kids can go to the doctor." said Verdona.

"What are gonna tell them?" asked Gwen.

"Hmmmmm" said Ben. "I've got it! They'll believe this easily! It's the perfect excuse! We'll say… we tripped."

"W-we should say that!" said Kevin. He coughed.

Gwen frowned at him "Kevin did you your head get hit when the walls fell?"

"No, I just want to say the doctor's face when we say that." said Kevin.

Verdona walked over to talk to Grandpa Max. Ben walked away.

"Where ya going?" asked Kevin.

"TI get away from you two, I know how lovey dovey you get after escaping a death mission." said Ben.

Gwen rolled her eyes. Then from the corner of her eye she saw someone. Cooper. Cooper blushed a little when he saw Gwen. Then noticed her cuts and came over to ask if she was okay. Kevin smirked, he raised his eyebrows up and down.

"Hey Cooper. Don't worry the doctor's here. I've got Gwen." he said.

Kevin coughed again. Cooper blushed, embarrassed. Then he looked at Kevin's smug expression and glared, he turned around.

"For who, Gwen, or you? You sound sick Kevin. Too bad." said Cooper with fake sympathy "You should probably give Gwen to someone who can protect her. Seeing how your helpless and can't take of her."

Kevin glared at Cooper "If there r-really was a doctor you know why he'd b-be here?"

"Why?" asked Cooper.

"T-to fix your me-messed up face." said Kevin.

Cooper grunted and walked away. Gwen glared at Kevin. Kevin coughed.

"Why'd you do that?"

"C-cause the kid was getting (Cough) on my nerves. Gwen you k-k-know you know (Cough cough) that was getting on your nerves too. Cooper al-aways blushing, with his w-weird compliments (Cough) and always bl-blushing like a girl. You c-can lie and say you liked it but I know you don't like it I can see it. You like him a-as a friend and the f-fact that he doesn't know that b-by now (Cough Cough) is a-annoying y-you." said Kevin, he smirked knowing he was right.

"T-that is…" she hugged Kevin "Completely true. I'll admit it I'm just glad you're going to be okay.

He smiled "Me too." and hugged her back.

"But Cooper really did deserve it." said Gwen.

Kevin stared down at her, shocked "Did you just say Cooper deserv-"

Gwen kissed him.

"See what I mean?" said Ben.

"How 'bout you stop talking and kiss me?" said Gwen.

"T-that could work." said Kevin.

He kissed her. Ben and Cooper walked over.

"Now that's what I call a happy- hey! Why do I get the feeling I've said this before?" said Ben.

Ben shrugged "Oh well."

Everyone laughed.

The End

Okay guys I'm sorry I had to end this. But all good things must come to an end But I have to say, this has been the most fun story to write by far! And thank you for all the wonderful reviews everyone! You've all been very nice. Thanks you for all the encouraging reviews and the messages telling me how I did such a good job and asking me (Some of you begging) for me to update very soon. I really appreciate it. My last video for this story will be Gwevin Ache by RoseAerin Hey that's me! Please review both my video and story! Shlove ya guys!
