Request BBS Chapter 1

It was a peaceful day in DenTe- "HAH! IN YOUR FACE SUCKA!"

The boy who disturbed the peace was none other than Lan Hikari, who "I won! I won! I finally beat Chaud at netbattling!"

Chaud scoffed, "If you want to fight me at my true power, meet me in classroom 6-1 after you've proven yourself worthy."

"Wait, why can't I just netbattle you right now?"

"Because I said so."

Lan chuckled, "I get it. You're scared of beating me at your 'full potential' huh?"

Chaud scoffed, "Please, Protoman FZ can easily beat you with me having both hands behind my back."

"Then let's go right now!"


"Why not!"

"Because that's not the way it works! You can only netbattle me when you've proven yourself worthy."

"That's stupid! Let's go right now!"


"Then how do I prove myself worthy?"

"Figure that out yourself."

Megaman spoke up, "Lan, according to GameFaqs, we can only fight Protoman FZ when we complete all the request BBS."

"That's stupid! He's right here, right now! Let's just netbattle him now."

Chaud smacked his forehead in frustration. "I told you. You can't netbattle me until you've proven yourself worthy!"

Lan growled, "Fine! But when I come back, you better be ready for a good ass-whooping."

Megaman gasped and covered his mouth. "Lan! You can't say 'ass'! This is a rated T game!"

"Phft, who cares? Everybody already knows Mayl and I get married, get jiggy with it and have some children. That's much worse content than a simple curse."

Later, at Higsby's shop, where the Request BBS is at for some strange reason, Lan read through a couple of them. "Okay, here's one. The request is from a construction worker. Apparently, there are viruses in his computer. Let's do it."

"We can't Lan. This is a two star mission. We can only do it after we complete all the one star missions."

Lan punched the screen, but being a weakling, the glass didn't break. "What the hell! This is stupid! Fine, one star mission: Request from some old lady. 'Please help. I have some viruses in my PET.'"

Lan ran to meet the old lady outside his house. "Why the hell are you waiting outside my house lady? Are you being perverted by trying to sneak glance inside my house while I'm changing? Pedophile! It took me a while to buy curtains for my old house so Mayl wouldn't peak on me, so the last thing I need now is for you to do the same thing!"

"Why sweetums, I'm just hear for you to help me with my virus problem."

"Don't do it with random guys! That's your help!"

Megaman coolly talked, "Lan, calm down. Let's just help the lady and be on our way."

"What's the problem, hag?"

"Well, like I was saying, I have viruses in my PET, and for that I need your help."

"What happened to your navi?"

"He was overwhelmed by the viruses."

"Fine, jack in, Megaman!"

"...Lan, you forgot to say 'power up.'"

"Just frickin finish off the viruses will you?"

Megaman gulped and walked around, "Where could those viruses be? Oh here they are."

"What the hell! They're just three mettaurs! Your navi couldn't handle three mettaurs?"

The lady cowered in fear, "Well, they were moving all over the place and shot some scary shockwaves."

Lan groaned, "This is the reason why Megaman and I have to risk our lives all the damn time- because old coots like you don't know how to make your navis stronger. Did you guys ever think, 'Oh hey look! There's trouble! Let's make our navis powerful so we don't need fourteen year old boy save our butts for us. I mean, he has his own life and should worry about hanging out with his friends.' But no! You guys are only there, sitting on the sidelines thinking, 'Oh look. Danger! It's alright, I'll let some fourteen year old kids handle it for us.' I'm the kid! I want my frickin share of fun! You old people should be working! Not me!"

"Uhh, Lan? I'm done here."

Lan huffed and puffed. "Okay lady. Just give me my signature, and I'll be on my way."

The old lady sniffled, "I suppose I should give you a prize in return too. Here's 500 zennies."

"Only 500? You cheapskate! You're holding out on me!"

"Lan! Let it go!"

The old lady fell and scuttled to a corner, "I only have 5000 left, and it's needed to pay my rent."

After five more minutes of yelling to the lady, Lan finally left.

And here I am, a program watching this unfold from the deep recesses of space, asking you, my fellow viewers, that if you have anything you would wish to see Lan do, please don't hesitate to send in the request that he has to do in order to fulfill his dreams of fighting Protoman FZ. In laymen terms, send in reviews telling Lan what to do and I'll add it to the BBS. In other words, this is pretty much a "Truth or Dare" fanfic where you mostly dare people to do anything you want. I suppose I can add in interviews to answer questions you're curious about too. For the first few chapters, Lan will be our unlucky victim and it will extend to other characters soon. I hope this first chapter wasn't too disturbing- I was kinda out of it while making it.