A/N: Okay, here you get to know where Norge went and *gagged* mpphpphhhnn~! Mpfffffhnnnnghhhhghghhhhh! (Mr Puffin hold up a sign that says :'No spoilets allowed') Mpfffff! *Waves white flag and scribbles on a piece of paper nearby*: [I love all of you who review for this! I'm trying my hardest to improve my writing skills! L-U-V you all sooo muchie~! 3]…lol.

And Norway did not appear even until evening fell and the Denmark and Iceland were starting to worry. Nikolai would always tell his brother where he was going even if they fought. But this time he didn't. He NEVER left the room according to Mr Puffin so obviously, he had somehow managed to sneak out through the window, which made fine proof to why the window was open.

"OH ODIN WHAT DID I DO? NORWAY IS MISSING AND IT'S MY FAULT! WHAT IF HE NEVER COMES BACK?" Denmark flailed his arms helplessly at Iceland who only stared at him, thinking to himself. Mr Puffin stood at his feet, munching on a carrot. They exchanged glances like talking to each other by means of telepathy. Matthias looked at the both of them, "Don't do that! It's freaking me out! Especially you! You…weird bird!" he pointed accusingly at the puffin who looked back at him innocently.

Iceland whacked him on the head, "Can you calm down? Stop freaking out over me and my puffin and think." Mr Puffin seemed to nod at him, shaking his head. Matthias winced. That bird freaked him out for some reason…only today though… maybe he was just looking for some lame reason to shout. Shout out all his worries all over the place.

"Do you think he might have gone somewhere just near in town? He wouldn't go too far." Erik stated, chewing on a fingernail.

"Somewhere of where in town?" the Dane asked receiving a shrug as a reply.

"We'll just split up and search then… You go to town, me and Puffin will search around the forest with Tino and Berwald or someone, okay?"

Denmark nodded. No time to think some other thing. Now he just wanted to find his Norgey back. And he was going to the ends of the world just to find 'her'. Tears came to his eyes as the cheesy fairytale lines went through his mind. Iceland stared at him. What was his problem? Ugh… really. Should have sent him to the asylum the first time they have ever met.

Without even saying goodbye or good luck, Matthias ran out of the house all the way to the town.

The street lights lit the dark streets. People still walked around, going about their own business. Matthias stopped at every corner of every street, mumbling to himself 'Norgey, I will find you.' All the while he was running. No one he had seen so far looked like the Norwegian.

"Shit, Nor, where are you?" Squinting his eyes to see, he ran along the sidewalk and when he passed by a small alleyway, he saw a tiny flash of light that shone in the corner of his eye just for a while. And at the same time, he heard a familiar voice that sounded… exactly like Nikolai's!

"N-no…" the voice was slurred, like the speaker was drunk.

Another voice answered in a heavy French accent, "Mon Cher, you know you want me too, you didn't tell me zu stop when we were zat ze bar."

"No, dammitttt~"

Denmark ran over. His eyes widened with shock. Nikolai was pinned to the wall by some hobo in a blue…dress? Blood boiled in his veins.

"Hey you! He just said he didn't want it, leave him alone! You womanish freak!" he shouted at the person.

The man huffed indignantly, and glared at him, "Who zu you zink you are? He said he wanted to just moments ago at the bar!"

Bar? Norway went to bar? To drink? Whoa, was he that sad or what? This made a small surge of happiness pass through him. But he was too angry at the moment to think about that now… The French had slid his hand down Nikolai's waist to his thigh in a seductive way and ignored him completely. How dare this weirdo touch 'his' Norge?

Without thinking twice or about the consequences, he barred his teeth at the Frenchman and growled, "He's my boyfriend you bastard! You lay another hand on him and the last thing you'll ever see will be my axe!" he threatened.

"Whoa there, he said zat he did not 'ave a boyfriend or mention anything about a boyfriend. Did you not, mon cher Nikolai?" he put his hands off the Norwegian and backed off to avoid an axe in his face. As soon as he let go, Denmark pulled him into his arms.

Scowling at him, he growled again, "Go away, you."

"Okay, okay!" the man put his hands up in surrender, turning to Norway he said, "If you had told me you had a prince charming, I wouldn't 'ave zunn zat." He quickly walked away, out of the dark alleyway.

Matthias stuck his tongue out at his retreating back, turning to the Norwegian in his arms

"Norge, what are you doing here?"

"Shut up and…go away you…moron!" he somehow still managed to shout at him even though he was wobbling on his two feet, obviously very drunk. He shoved at him and pushed him away, hobbling over and grasping the wall as support before he fell down. Matthias ran over to help him but rejected with another push.

"Norge, I just want to say I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry for slapping you! And you got it all wrong! I don't-"

Nikolai cut his sentence off with a chuckle, " That's all?" he scoffed, "You… you keep telling me you love me. But you don't… Nope… not all all!" he turned to glare at the Dane through his narrowed eyes. Then his voice started to waver, "Y-you lied…," Denmark stared with horror as tears started to splash down his cheeks.

"I didn't lie! I always loved you, Nor. Since forever! Just let me explai-"

"No! You lied! You…" Denmark never got to hear what Norway had to say when he suddenly fell unconscious into Denmark's arms.

"Nor!" he heard tiny breaths and sighed in relief… "Sleeping huh?" he looked at Nikolai. The hairclip holding his bangs up was askew, letting his hair loose, hiding his beautiful blue eyes from the world. Denmark slowly brushed those blond strands away from his face "Nor… oh Nor…"

Sunlight fell on his face, causing him to stir, he slowly opened his eyes. The pillow he was sleeping on smelled funny. It smelled like a certain Danish man. And this room… it… wasn't his… where the hell…? He slowly turned to his side and saw some blond hair sticking out of the mound of blankets pulled over a big thing… half awake, he pulled down the blanket and…

"AHHHH! OH MY GOD ODIN!" he screamed, picking up his pillow and bringing it down on the 'thing' whacking it mercilessly.

The thing cried out and jumped up, "What the hell! Norge!"

"WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE? AND YOU ARE NOT WEARING ANYTHING!" Nikolai cried… What happened after he got drunk yesterday? He was sure that the guy who picked him up was someone in a blue coat or something. Not a Dane, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?"

Denmark couldn't answer being assaulted by a pillow. Every time he tried to talk, the pillow got him in the face. He grabbed at the pillow and snatched away easily from the Norwegian's hands. Nikolai scrambled to the side of the bed, pulling the blankets up, hiding half of his face in them. His blush still visible.

"Norge! I'm wearing pants!" he pulled the blankets off him to prove his statement, "And we did not do anything, okay! You got drunk, was being harassed by some weird French dude and I saved you after you passed out on me yesterday!"

"THAT'S NO EXCUSE FOR YOU TO SLEEP NEXT TO ME!" Nor cried, his face turning redder.

"You never let me explain!" Denmark moved closer to him, causing him to shrink back until his back touched the wall. He looked like he was going to make a hole in the wall and try to squeeze himself into it.

"You don't need to." Nikolai muttered, whatever memories of yesterday flooding back to him, "You lied to me. That's enough-"

Denmark silenced him off with a kiss. Norway's eyes grew wide. Denmark's tongue slipped between his teeth and on instinct, his mouth opened a little more to allow him entrance, melting into the kiss. But when he realized what he was doing, he quickly pushed him away.

"No. Don't lie to me anymore. I don't want to hear any more of it." Tears threatened to spill out again. He looked away, avoiding Matthias's gaze. He hated himself this very moment. He used to be so good at hiding all his emotions, so good at keeping a poker face… but now, all it took was a stupid Dane to reduce him to an emotional mess.

Denmark gritted his teeth. He slammed the wall on either side of Nikolai's head with his fist, causing the Norwegian to jump a little. "You just won't give me a chance to explain! Please listen to me! There's nothing going on between me and Ice! We were just talking! Feliks suggested that I should ask him about the things you like so that I can impress you. That's what I did! Then you had to come over in the wrong time and… oh heck! Would you even believe me? I was so worried when you went missing! I looked all over the place for you! I told you I love you and I will always love you because…"

Two skinny arms wrapped themselves around his neck, "I believe you… I'm sorry… That day… I was going to confess to you … So… I was angry… and…" even though Norway said this so monotonously, Denmark was sure he was blushing and he too wrapped him up in an embrace with his arms.

"Oh, Nor~ I know you loved me too~" Denmark nuzzled his head in the crook of his neck. Nikolai whacked him on the head.

"I didn't say you could do that."

"Why not? Aww Norgie, come on, you said you wuv me right?" Denmark clung on to him even tighter.

Nikolai sighed. Maybe just for today, he would allow this moron to do this. JUST for today. He smiled. Whatever heartbreaks in the future, he was sure his Denmark was always going to be with him…

Because my heart is yours, I'll never leave you.


Norgie: Okay, you can let go of me now…

Denmark: Don't wanna. *clings on tighter*

Norgie: Get off or I swear I'll kill you…

Denmark: You won't, because you love meee~

Norgie: How did I even get stuck with this moron? *rolls eyes and whacks Den-den's head*

Denmark: QwQ…

A/N: HAHHAAHHA~ I finiiiished~! Boo-yeah… it was a quick and lousy one to make up for the dramaaaaaaa that happened all the way from chappie one to four… grahhh… I always tend to butcher my fanfictions… sorry my peoples… And I wanna hug ALL those who favorite-d the story and reviewed! You don't know how much that gets me going! *hugs all* Now… REVIEWWW!