This is a quick one shot I came up with while I was reminiscing about my time in hospitals about 2 years ago I had an operation on my shoulder and the drugs they gave made me have interesting mood swings and say silly things for a while. Anyway it's a quick one shot of Kate when she is recovering from her wound and is heavily medicated. I hope you like it :)
Rick walked into the room with a smile plastered on his face only to have it quickly vanish. Kate had started her long road to recovery just two days ago and she was keen to get moving again, but the miserable face she had when she came back from her first recovery session hurt him more than she would know. However she seemed more broken today when he came into her room. She looked up to him with tears in her eyes, trying her hardest to hold them in.
He knew she was strong, but seeing the tears shining in her eyes made her look so fragile. She must have had a session this morning, He thought. Castle knew Beckett wouldn't like the leisurely speed of recovery. She has always been independent and she was going to be stubborn at times, but Rick was going to be there for her, always.
"Hey" he soothed to her, taking her hand in his.
She blinked, letting the tears break away, rolling down her cheeks. He caught one with his thumb and wiped it away.
"What's the matter"? He whispered.
"I... I sneezed."
Rick did very well to contain the chuckle that was close to escaping. She is exhausted and emotional. Be nice.
"I sneezed and now everything hurts, I don't want to sneeze again Castle it makes my chest ache." Her pleads almost childlike. She just didn't want to feel the pain anymore and sneezing certainly wouldn't be helpful in her condition.
"I'm sorry Kate but it actually could you another injure if I try to stop you from sneezing" He said apologetically while rubbing his thumb on the top of her hand. "Why don't you have a sleep for a while, I will still be here if you need me."
Soon enough her eyes closed shut and her breathing became even. Castle was glad to see how peaceful she became once sleep took over her. Pain was forgotten, exhaustion fading. Sleep detaches all the unwanted emotions, if only for a short while.
So what did you think? Yes when I was in hospital I sneezed and I asked my mum if she could a stop me from sneezing again but she being a nurse she knew that it can be harmful... Hope you liked it, please review so I know what you all thought. Thank you! :)