Chapter 35: Our Happily Ever After… Or Not.
Music: To the End by My Chemical Romance (I'm sorry I had to end on a MCR song)

'(And say goodbye) to the last parade
(And walk away) from the choice you made
(And say goodnight) to the heart you break
And all the cyanide you drank

To the last parade
When the parties fade
And the choice you made
To the End'

Mood: Extremely volatile and emotional
Disclaimer: Writers lie, just like your parents.

"DIE!" Kor yelled just as we reached him in a shower of blue and purple sparks.

I sliced at Kor with my claws, scoring a long, sparking line of Blue Eco down one of the vines that was holding him to the ceiling. One snapped, and MetalKor dropped down a little bit. Jak managed to get his claws in another one, making him move down a little more.

A bunch of Metal Heads rose out of the pit below him, flying and not, shooting at us with Eco guns. I shot at them with bursts of Yellow Eco from my palm, distracting the Metal Heads while Jak attacked the monster above us. I flipped over the pit, under the Metal Head leader and lead them all away.

I continued slicing and snapping at all of them until the wave was over. When it was, I joined Jak in attacking Kor, taking turns slicing at the vines holding him up while the other distracted him.

He sent out another wave of Metal Heads that Jak went for this time, snarling fiercely. I threw myself at Kor, still pulsating Eco, and used the Blue Eco to zap him. He went still for a second, the Eco holding him in place, and I managed to get my claws in a long stripe against the soft flesh on his face, flipping up and attaching myself to the top of the Metal Head as Kor tried to bat at me, but was unable to reach.

Jak finished off the Metal Heads on the ground in a wave of Eco and ran at Kor, slicing the vines over his head as I attacked the back of his neck with my fangs and claws.

Eventually, I got my fangs in deep enough, just as Jak got hold of one of the last vines. I sent out a burst of Red Eco deep into MetalKor's veins, ripping my claws through the rest of his armour and flipping down as Jak broke the last vine. Kor collapsed, shaking the ground as his huge body dropped. His head hung in defeat over the hole, neck mangled and bleeding, staying on the ground for a second, tail flicking angrily, before he sprouted his wings, and got back up, flying frantically towards the Rift Ring. Before either of us could even attempt to stop him, the Metal Head leader was frozen in place and zapped with a white-blue lightning.

He exploded in place, both the kids bursting out of the bubble and waking up as Kor's head slid towards us, a feral growl still on its face.

Instead of being scared of the head like I had expected, the kids simultaneously reached forward and touched the Stone that was on the ground in front of them. It automatically lit up, sending them both falling backwards in surprise as a ghostly blue-white figure flew out of the stone, reaching its arms out in a vaguely cross-like shape.

"Oh man. A Precursor." Jak said in awe as the Precursor started talking. I could barely look at it, not being able to look directly at its face because of the brightness.

"It is finished..." It exclaimed in the Oracle's voice. "Our ancient enemy is no more. Take hope brave ones!" The Precursor started to emit a glowing white substance. "The terrible darkness inside you both is now balanced by a glorious light!" I didn't feel any different…

The little boy walked forward curiously to touch the figure, but the girl grabbed his hand before he could walk off the edge and into the hole in the ground. The Precursor looked at them momentarily before flying into the Rift Ring. "We will meet again..."

Before I could even begin to think about what happened, Keira started talking. I looked up in surprise, not having noticed the Lurker Balloon enter the cave. "We haven't much time. I've set the coordinates back to our village. Let's go home every one." She said excitedly as the balloon touched ground.

"We can't leave!" I protested at the exact same moment that Jak said, "But we are home…"

"Keira, I'm afraid your Rift Rider must be used to send young Jak and Maddy back to a place where they will grow up safe from harm." Old Samos said, looking at his daughter, whose face fell in disappointment. "They both require a safe environment to mature enough to perform the deeds done today."

"Hang on," I interrupted him. "Kor said something about having the kids grow up in alternate universes." I looked at him inquisitively as I helped the little girl up –little me – onto the raft as she struggled to get on with her short arms and legs.

"Ahh yes," the Older Samos said, looking between me and Jak sadly. "Onin has warned us of the fate destined to be if the two grew up with such a familiarity." He gestured between us and the kids. "It would have doomed us to a destiny worse than now." I frowned, looking at the little girl was still clinging to my finger.

"Wait a minute!" The younger Samos said in realization. "It's you! I mean... it's me! I have to guide them both back don't I," He asked, "get them to safety." He looked to his older self, who nodded. "Ah, grub roots! Talk about being in the wrong time at the right place!"

I carded my hand through the little girl's brown curly hair, wondering how I hadn't noticed the resemblance between the two of us and pulling her onto my lap as I sat cross legged on the raft, trying to keep the armour out of the way as we both watched Jak and… mini Jak. "Hey kid... you take care." He said in a soft voice before getting more animated. "Oh... and trust me on this..." He crouched down so they were the same height. "Stay away from any wumpbee nests on your ninth birthday, okay?" The kid nodded rapidly as Jak lifted the kid onto the seats.

I looked at the girl who was twirling my hair through her tiny hands. "Hey," I grinned down at her, remembering. "Be safe, and don't run away from him when you get scared." I jerked by head to the side towards the two time twins looking at us from the ship. I lifted her up and set her next to younger Jak as she nodded, looking up at me with a smile. It was strange… I hadn't seen a smile that soft on my face in years… She grabbed my hand as I pulled away, pulling Sylence's necklace off her neck and slipping it over my head. I pressed a kiss to the top of her head, stepping back down to the platform. Jak hooked his arm around my waist, using his other hand to connect Mar's half of the necklace to Sylence's. I smiled up at him.

"I sure hope I built this replica right. I don't know if it..." I heard Keira worry when I started listening to the conversation again.

Her father interrupted her. "It's perfect, Keira. This is the very machine we found... or will find later." He patted the bumper.

"What? I just built this." She asked, astounded. "After seeing the first one, I mean. It's based on what I remember from..."

"Honey," Daxter cut her off, "the more you think about it, the more it hurts the head!"

The ship started up, hovering in place for a second before slowly flying towards the entrance of the ring. "I'll take good care of the child!" Samos's younger time twin said. "And don't worry... I'll be back in time for the celebration! Fare well!" I watched as the ship shot into the Ring, all three people on it waving.

"Thanks Samos." Jak said sincerely as the two of us walked back to Samos, our fingers twined together tightly. "Without you..." Jak trailed off.

"It's funny..." Samos said as we all watched the ring shut off and collapse to the ground. "Neither of them will remember any of this." I saddened at the thought, thinking back to huge blank spot that blocked off all my memories from before my time with Jak. I had no idea where they were going or what was in store for her.

"No... I do remember the light!" Jak said, watching the ring as the Lurker balloon lifted off, flying us back to the city. I squeezed his hand tighter.

"Welcome to the Naughty Ottsel! The hippest, happenest, happiest joint in town!" Daxter greeted everyone in the saloon. Of course he had had the time to organize a huge party already. I rolled my eyes at him looking around the room. Almost was everyone we had met in Haven was there. Of course, there was me and Jak, attached at the hip leaning against the counter, Jak scratching the Croco-Dog's head, Daxter and Tess, both lying on the counter, Torn with Katie on his back, Ashelin, leaning near the door, watching with a small smile, Keira and Samos, talking next to us, and even Onin and Pecker, the former drinking heavily. I couldn't help but feel a hollow ache in my chest for the people missing… both the little kids, Sig, Vin.

"Check out the new decor!" Daxter said extravagantly, pointing to MetalKor's head, which now resided on a plaque above the bar next to an ostentatious picture of Daxter and some sort of sword.

"Oooh... What a big trophy!" Tess cooed, impressed. I rolled my eyes at her.

"As if size matters." Daxter said nonchalantly. "I bagged that bad boy myself, baby!" If I wasn't so content I probably would have smacked him.

"Onin says she doesn't know who has a bigger head." Pecker interpreted for the drunk woman. "Him or you!" He gestured between Kor's head and Daxter, who didn't even look offended.

"We must not forget Vin and all the others who sacrificed their lives to defeat this evil and protect the children." Samos lifted his cup.

I looked down at the symbol that would permanently reside around my neck. Jak grabbed it, hooking it with his to make the full symbol. "I still can't believe…" I trailed off.

"That those kids are us?" Jak asked, finishing the sentence. I nodded. "Better times, huh?" He rolled his eyes self depreciatingly.

"Better times…" I agreed depressingly before trying to brighten the room which had suddenly got quiet. "They grow up to be quite impressive people." I half smirked. "Very hot, too." I leaned in to kiss Jak, who was looking at me intensely with his dark eyes.

"Hey!" Daxter unknowingly interrupted looked at the very drunk Onin. "That's enough for you, lady. I'm cuttin' ya off!" He tried to lean forward to take the bottle, but she zapped him with a blue light before he could get close enough, sending him skidding backwards to where Pecker was sitting.

"Trust me," The monkey-bird squawked. "She gets real mean when she's like this!"

"What'd she say?" Daxter asked curiously, having one of the most civil conversations I had ever heard him have with Pecker. Maybe they could finally get along.

"Something about rubber tubing and certain parts of your mother..." Pecker shook his head slightly, blinking at the old woman. "You don't wanna know..." I smiled at them, opening my mouth to say something, but was cut off by the door opening.

A large, dark figure entered the door and the whole room tensed.

"Agghhh! A Metal Head!" Daxter yelling in fear, diving behind the counter. I almost shot at it, but I got a look at the face on the figure before I could even get my bow in front of me.

"SIG!" I practically shrieked, throwing myself out of Jak's arms and at Sig.

"SIG!" Daxter and Jak chorused happily, making their way over to where Sig and I were standing.

I punched his arm as hard as I could, knowing it wouldn't hurt him. "That's for letting me think you were dead!"

"You're okay!" Jak said in a happy relief.

"You cherries didn't think some nasty breath, giant sized lizard was gonna keep me from the biggest party in town did ya?!" Sig asked as he Jak and I made our way back to the bar.

"I knew you were too tough for 'em, big guy!" Daxter said from where he was standing at the bar, gesturing grandly.


"Quick!" Ashelin said from where she was sitting next to me a while later, peeking out the window with a smile. "They're starting!"

Everyone headed outside where we stood and watched as fireworks shot up over the Port lighting up the water with their brilliant colours.

"You saved the city and more, you two!" Samos said, making his way to where Jak and I were standing with the Croco-dog; it seemed to have taken a liking to the both of us, and the feelings were mutual. "Metal Kor and his menace are history, and somewhere out there, an ancient race has begun again." I thought of the Precursor that flew through the Ring and wondered where he had ended up landing.

"I'm just glad to be back home." Jak said reverently, pushing his face into my hair, breathing deeply. I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah? Well, rest up." Samos ordered and I blinked at him. "We've got a lot to do and so much time to do it in!" He gestured to the sky with wide arms.

"Don't say time!" I interrupted. "The Rift Ring was destroyed, remember?"

"You know," Sig said as he walked up, patting Daxter's head. "my momma used to read bedtime stories about Mar and Sylence when she'd tuck me in…" He trailed off nostalgically. "She'd give me a nice glass of warm yakow milk... and my little Poopsy bear."

I bit my lip, trying to hold back my laughter. "Bedtime stories? Warm milk? Poopsy bear?!" Daxter asked in an unabashed glee. "Buddy, ya just blew ya image!" I saw Pecker and the Croco-dog giggle silently.

"I've got a feeling we'll meet them both someday." Samos said wisely. "They may be closer than you think." He looked at me and Jak, trying to convey something with his eyes, but I didn't get what he was saying, and neither did Jak.

"And you're the designated driver!" Sig said, putting the Ruby Key to the city in Jak's hand.

"Oh no," I said, plucking the key out of Jak's hand and tucking it away in my backpack. "I think we're done with adventures."

"Yeah," Jak agreed. "Besides, you'll tell us before something happens next time, right Samos?" We both looked at the old man, who looked up at the two of us with an innocent look.

"Right, Samos?" I asked imploring, narrowing my eyes at him when he still didn't respond.

Pecker squawked. "You never know what the future may hold." I turned my glare on him, not liking the way he said that.

"Wait..." Daxter drug the word out. "you know something, don't ya feather breath?" He leant forward on Jak's shoulder, crouching on all fours, clutching Jak's shoulder armour.

"Who? Me?" The bird asked innocently, babbling. "Ah... no... We're just, ah... guessing, right Samos? Today... tomorrow... Only time will tell!" He tried to finish mysteriously, but only succeeded in looking more flustered.

"No! You're gonna tell... RIGHT NOW! Aggghhh!" He pounced on Pecker, trying to get the information out.

"AAGGHH! Why you little... AAARRR..." The bird squawked again, hitting back, and soon all of us were watching as the two rolled off, leaving a mass of orange fur and feathers behind to the wind.

They both babbled nonsensically as they battled until Sig grabbed both of them by their tails, holding them out on separate sides of himself looking between the two of them with amusement.

"The future awaits!" Samos alluded subtly, holding his staff out to the sky.

I ignored it, because, well, I was happy to stay there with Jak forever, watching the sky as everyone else went inside.

That wish was not granted though, as two yellow Palace KGs, two red Guard KGs and four KG's in blue suits approached us after everyone else cleared away. "Halt!" One of the blue guards ordered, and Jak and I both looked at them warily. They had us surrounded. "By order of the Council of Haven City, you are both hereby under arrest for heinous acts and crimes against the city." Before I could react, the guards hooked a stuncuff around my wrist, hooking the other half the Jak, paralyzing the both of us to free will as we were lead to the Palace Prison to await our trials.

You have got to be kidding me.

~To be continued…~

A/N: Am I incredibly cruel for leaving it there? And yes, I know the battle with Metal!Kor is completely inaccurate and incredibly short, but I really didn't feel like writing it all. I do what I want ;)

Incredibly sad ending music: The End by the Doors

'This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end'

Well, it's the end! It's been a fun ride and I'm looking forward to all your feed back on the story itself, please feel free to leave it, even if it's been years since this has been updated, I will still love to read it all!

I'm going to miss all of you so much, and I'm so emotional right now because I picked a really bad time of the month to end this, so I'm practically in tears right now because I'm going to miss this story so much, even though I know I still have at least another installment to write… Strange, I know.

I honestly want to start writing the next part in the series right this very moment, but I know I can't. I have school and I have to go to bed and it's just so sad that tomorrow night I wont be writing the next chapter because I'll actually have to go to bed early for school the next day (High School's a bitch!) and wow this literally ended on the last day of summer, so this is like a totally sentiment for me… like a sign of the ending of my freedom, of the loss of my time and non-conforminity. The loss of the fact that I can stay up till eight in the morning and wake up at 7 at night, and it's just really sad. I don't get to look forward to all your guys' reviews and favourites, and I can't check the views to watch it skyrocket up every single day (honestly, guys, last night's chapter got 602 views. In a little less than 24 hours. You guys are so amazing) and start planning the next night's chapter.

I'm going to leave you guys now -before I start actually crying- with the hope that I'll hear from you all really soon.

Seriously, though, feel free to keep messaging me like a lot of you do, I will always find time to answer your questions and listen to what you think about this story, or the first one, or even ideas for the next one! Actually, I'm begging you guys to; while I'm gone keep reviewing and talking to me so I don't get so sad about not being able to write. Give me ideas so I have an outline by the time I can finally start writing again, or just drop by to say hi! Anything!

Okay now I'm actually going to leave. Bye guys! Hope to see you soon!

Until next time…

Yours truly,

Maddy Rigby
