One shot Hannah and Thierry.

Okay, people, this is the last chapter unless there are more request. As you can see, all the one shots were requested in reviews. If you want a specific couple, please tell me in the review.

Disclaimer: Let's invite all the couples featured in this collection of stories say a little.

Jez: Red

Morgead: Moon.

Rashel: Black

Quinn: Night

Ash: Does

Mare: Not

Keller: Own

Galen: Night World.

Hannah: L. J. Smith

Thierry: Does.

Poppy: She wished

James: She did.

Moon: That was wonderful!

"I can't do it. I can't do it." Hannah muttered as she brushed her hair. It was today she always dreamed of but it was also today she's the most afraid of. "I can't do it!"

Thierry walked up behind his soulmate and wrapped his arms around her waist. "You'll be fine, love."

Hannah turned around and said, "No I won't. What if I mess up the words I'm going to say? What if I trip? What if I make a fool out of myself?"

Thierry laughed and said, "Then you will still be loved by me and everyone there." Hannah relaxed slightly. She sat down and continues to comb her hair. Thierry smiled and sat down next to her. He took her hand and said, "I'm sure you will be the best." He kissed her forehead and left the room.

Hannah touched her forehead and sighed. Today was her wedding day and I guess you could say she's getting a bride's stress before her wedding.

As Hannah was regaining her confidence, a head popped in.

"Lady Hannah? Are you ready?" Mare said. She was bride's maid of honor.

Hannah shook her head. "No. I'm really behind." Mare smiled and came into the room. She sat down next to Hannah and started to braid Hannah's hair. "I'm sure you will be fine. Your mom will be so happy for you. I mean look, you are getting married to the richest vampire alive!"

Hannah giggled, "And you are getting married to the laziest Redfern alive." The two women chuckled.

"And that's why," Mare continued, "You should be happy and grateful. You are not going to be the one picking up your husband's jacket and doing all the housework."

Hannah laughed for real. "Yea, you are sure right. Thierry's just going to order a thousand maids to clean, cook, and organize. I feel like a spoiled brat."

"You sure are, Hannah." Poppy popped in wagging her finger. She then grinned and said, "Hel-lo, I'll be your make-up artist for today! Nice to meet you!" She held up a huge make-up box and wagged her eyebrows, "Let's get started."

As Hannah was being pampered by Poppy and Mare, Rashel and Keller came running in carrying a specially designed box. "Lady Hannah," Keller gasped, "Guests are arriving. You guys need to hurry up. Otherwise-"

"Lady Hannah is going to be late for her own wedding." Rashel finished for sister. "This is the head piece. Please do hurry. Jez is almost done perfuming the dress."

Poppy and Mare yelled in unison, "We are almost done. Just one more minute!"

Hannah sighed. Getting married is so tiring. There's asking, planning, getting dressed up, going down the aisle, and ect. Good thing it happen once in a lifetime. Hopefully.

Suddenly, Rashel and Keller pinned down the head dress and a thin veil fogged up her vision. Hannah stood up and looked in the mirror. She looked like a goddess.

Jez walked in carrying the wedding dress. She wrinkled her nose and coughed. "Think I put on too much perfume."

Poppy went over and smelled the dress. "I think you put on too less."

Jez stared at her in disbelief. Hannah walked over and smelled the white satin gown. It smelled of wild roses, her favorite. "I think it's perfect and I'm the one getting married here so my decision over rides both of yours."

Jez and Poppy looked at Hannah and burst out laughing at Hannah's childishness. "Okay, Hannah!" Poppy said, wiping a tear from her eye. "We'll leave you to dress." Jez finished. They both walked outside.

Hannah ran her hand over the soft fabric. This is it, she thought to herself, this is my big day.

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Thierry was getting nervous. He was finally getting together with his soulmate after over 2000 years.

As the the wedding march began to play, Thierry's heart started to beat faster. He turned around only to see a goddess walking down the aisle. Her blond hair was braided and wrapped up in an elegant bun. Her face glowed with a warm smiled. Her dress was shining slightly in the light. Her walk-perfectly in beat with the music-was as elegant as a ballerina. His bride looked perfect.

Thierry lend Hannah a hand as she walked up the steps to be next to him. The couple shared a sweet smile and turned to face the priest. Neither one of them was listening to the priest rambling on about something about being happy together forever. Then, the line that Thierry always dreamed of came. "Thierry, do you take Hannah Snow as your lawful wife?"

Thierry took a deep breath as he said sincerely, "I do."

The priest turned to Hannah and said, "Hannah Snow, do you take Thierry as your lawful husband?"

Hannah smiled and said half in tears, "I do."

The priest smiled at the new couple. "I now pronounce you two husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Hannah and Thierry leaned in and kissed. It was a long and sweet kiss. Hannah was happier than ever. She was finally complete.

Everyone smiled at the couple and Hannah's mother was crying. To be together with your soulmate is a happy thing, a wonderful thing. So happy and wonderful that you may get dizzy from it.

And that was exactly what Hannah feeling. She whispered, "Thierry, I promise to be the best wife and mother ever because you are the best."

Thierry smiled at his wife and said, "And I'll be the best husband and father because you are the best. The absolute best."

And they lived happily ever after.

Ta-da! It's done. Finally. Well, no more chapters if no more requests like I said before. I hope you enjoyed it! Review!