Hey guys! I'm sorry that it's been so long since my last update. I've had a lot of personal problems going on that I couldn't write anything. I know I probably lost a few readers because of the hiatus, but I hope that some of you are still willing to read the story! I don't know when my next update will be, but I'll try to update as fast as I can! I want to thank those of you who were so patient with waiting for the next chapter and I hope that it doesn't disappoint!

Please enjoy!


"You asshole! I'm gonna kill you!"

"Yes, yes...keep talking my love. You don't know how much I burn for you."

"Disgusting, Cobra...you make me SICK!"

Cobra Commander just laughs and watches as Kai struggles through her chains, laying down on his bed with her arms held up above her head. He feels a knot in his stomach as he stares at her hungrily; he's always been interested and drawn to things he can't have, and she was one of them. The thought of being able to make her his made his shiver with delight and anticipation.

He eyes her from the doorway as she glares at him in disgust and contempt, which only fuels his desire for her more, his fingers twitching at the thought of being able to touch her and smell her, have her beneath him. He slowly moves towards the bed, a grin forming on his face when he sees her begin to struggle more, screaming and yelling as she desperately pulls at her chain, trying so hard to free herself.

"Stay away from me you bastard, I'll fucking kill you if you touch me!" Kai growls, pulling on her chains more, causing it to bite into her skin and draw blood.

Cobra Commander's eyes turn dark, kneeling on the bed next to her as he grabs the injured wrist, licking the blood that was slowly trickling down her arm. Kai shivers in disgust, feeling goosebumps rise up her arms as she tries to force herself not to gag or throw up all over her body.

Leaning forward, he grabs Kai's chin and forcefully presses his lips against hers, yelping in pain when she harshly bites down on his tongue, drawing blood. He licks his lips, smearing it red with his blood, a sadistic grin on his face.

Kai feels all the blood drain from her face when she realizes that she might not be strong enough to fight back. She immediately begins pulling on the chains again, drawing more blood as she desperately struggles to break free. She feels tears form on the corners of her eyes when she hears his dark laugh as he begins to strip. Sitting up on her knees, she grabs the chain and pulls it as hard as she could while also trying to slam the bed against the wall, trying to damage the metal bed frame so the she could escape.

She cries out in surprise and whimpers when she feels her hair get pulled roughly, feeling her back collide into a lanky, but oddly muscular, chest. She screams and struggles more, leaning forward before slamming her head back against Cobra Commander's face, earning a chuckle when he leans back, causing her to miss her target.

"I find it quite sexy watching you struggle...and those tears...oh, those tears…" Cobra whispers into her ear.

Kai sobs and struggles as much as she could before she feels a quick sharp pain in the side of her neck, causing her body to freeze. She feels herself being pushed back into the bed, looking up at Cobra's face. Her blood turns cold when she realizes that he injected her with a drug that paralyzed her whole body, but kept her awake.

"Now, now...did you honestly think I'd let you off that easy? Having you asleep would ruin all the fun, this way, I'll be the only person you see and feel as I fuck you hard, my dear…"

And that was all Kai could remember before she shut her eyes tightly, tears spilling down her cheeks as she tried to think of a place she'd rather be instead of here.


Snake Eyes jolted awake and saw that Kai was gone. He also smelled smoke. Opening the door to his and Kai's room he ran out and saw Storm Shadow running towards him.

"She's gone brother. It was Cobra." He answered Snake Eyes' unasked question.

"C'mon General Hawk wants to brief us." Storm Shadow said.

Snake Eyes immediately sprinted to the debriefing room.

"Kai is missing...we need to find her and figure out what the hell Cobra wants with her…and fast." Said General Hawk when everyone on Alpha Team, Yumi and Storm Shadow arrived.

"Well you could track her through the tracking beacon I put on her?" Storm Shadow suggested, his arm wrapped Yumi's waist.

"Wha-what tracking device?" asked General Hawk asked, almost dreading the answer.

"I placed one on her after Snake Eyes and I rescued her the first time while she and Snake Eyes were asleep on the plane. I figured she was a target and decided to take precaution." He admitted unapologetically.

"And you decided NOT to tell anyone about it?!" Scolded Scarlett.

"I didn't think you needed to know because one of you will eventually babble to Kai anyways." Storm Shadow stated, face still as calm as ever.

"Moving on…what is the tracking code?" asked Breaker.

"X24598634VYKAN." Storm Shadow replied.

"Found her. She is in a warehouse in Kyrgyzstan." Reported Breaker.

"Alright Joe's, MOVE OUT!" General Hawk ordered his team.


"Snake sit your ass down. You pacing a hole into the floor will not get us there any faster." Storm Shadow scolded without opening his eyes from his seat.

"Storm Shadow is right, Snake Eyes, calm down we're almost there." Scarlett said going over a map that they had gotten from all the data Storm Shadow had provided.

"See even Red agrees with me." Added Storm Shadow, grabbing Snake Eyes and making him sit down.

Snake Eyes glared at his brother through his black body suit helmet, crossing his arms across his chest as he unwillingly sat down.

"We will get her back and she will be okay. General Hawk already made plans to change headquarters." Added Storm Shadow with a shake of his head.

"This is so weird...usually Snake Eyes is the calm one...and now...it's Storm Shadow that's calm and...rational..." Breaker called out from his laptop.

"Gee...thanks, Nerd." Storm Shadow deadpanned in annoyance.

"Shut up! Quit calling me that!" Breaker frowned from his seat.

"Whatever...nerd..." Storm Shadow murmured.

"Why you-stupide trou du cul!" Breaker yelled.

"What you call me?!" Storm Shadow growled, sitting up straight in his seat.

"ENOUGH! Seriously?! Now is not the time!" Scarlett yelled.

"Storm Shadow! Will you fucking stop! Right now we're trying to save Kai! So quit being such a child and shut the hell up!" Yumi yelled, glaring at Storm Shadow.

"...that was fucking hot...I think I'm turned on..." Storm Shadow said.

Scarlett just slaps Storm Shadow upside the head, causing a few laughs and chuckles to cut through the tense situation.

"Listen...I know this is serious...but we're going to save her...we all love her and we won't let anything happen to her." Storm Shadow said.

"You're right...and when we save her, Cobra Commander and every single person in his compound is going to die." Duke adds seriously.

Snake Eyes just stays quiet and silently twirls both of his katanas smoothly, thinking up different ways to kill Cobra Commander himself.

"Alright, Snake and Storm. Go in and find Kai as fast as you can. Wait for the signal and Breaker will jam the cameras. Rip and Duke will be placing charges around the base. Once you two have Kai, Heavy Duty will get their attention. One of you will bring Kai here, the other will find Cobra Commander and secure him next to the charges. Then get out ASAP. There will be a five minute warning. Clear?" Everyone nodded and then the ninja's instantly vanished.

"Well then...this ought to be interesting…" Yumi sighed, shaking her head.

"Right now, all that matters is finding Kai and bringing her back home safely." Duke said, a tone of seriousness that made everyone sit up straight and focus.

"You're right, Kai is our number one priority, everything else doesn't matter." Yumi added.

"Besides, everything else will be killed by Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow anyway." Heavy Duty smirked.

"Yeah...people really need to learn to never mess with one of us." Scarlett replied, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Yo, guys! Head's up! Get ready, landing in T-minus 2!" Ripcord yelled through everyone's earpieces.

"Alright, team...let's focus and get ready. Time to rescue one of our own!" Duke yelled energetically.

Everyone in the jet felt their body tense with anticipation, muscles tightly coiled as they all took in deep breaths and concentrated on the mission.

"Let's go, Alpha Team! Time to save, Kai!"


"Was that as good for you as it was for me?"

A whimper was the only reply to the question, causing an amused chuckle to filter across the room.

"Y'know, Kai...if you just let me, I could treat you well...if you join us, you will be my queen and we would rule the world...everything will be ours...no one would defy us, we would be GODS!"

"Fuck you...I would never betray Snake Eyes OR my team! You're not a king or a god, Cobra, what you are is a fucking coward!" Kai yells, feeling more tears spill down her cheeks.

Cobra Commander just shrugs his shoulders and laughs in amusement. He sighs in content, reaching out to play with Kai's hair. All she could do was glare at him and curl her lip in disgust, weakly pulling away from his touch.

Cobra was about to lean forward and give Kai another kiss before the sound of rifles and screaming coming from outside caught his attention. He looks towards the door in a mixture of surprise and anger, feeling his blood boil as he quickly gets out of bed and rushes to pull his clothes back on. Turning to Kai, he sends her a patronizing smirk as he says,

"Be a good girl and stay here for me, please?"

All Kai does is spit as far as she could at him, snarling when he just laughs at her, like she's some puppy feigning toughness, before he leaves the room. The sound of a heavy CLICK alerts her that he locked her from the inside, meaning that, even if she does find a way to break free from her restraints, it would be nearly impossible for her to leave the room. She feels useless and tired, angry at allowing herself to become so weak and portray the stereotypical damsel in distress trope that she vowed to never be. She wonder where Snake Eyes is, hoping he's nearby, not caring that she's relying on him to save her again.

She jumps when the doorknob starts shaking, wondering if she should call out and say something. It stops however, and she immediately regrets staying quiet, but feels hope when the doorknob starts to shake again.

"Snake!" Kai calls out hoarsely, coughing loudly in pain from all the screaming she did earlier.

Even though her voice is gone, she opens her mouth to yell out once more, but she doesn't get the chance when a spray of bullets are aimed at and around the doorknob, causing it to fall off and land on the floor. She notices the bullet casings and immediately recognizes them, knowing fully well who they belonged to. Tears of relief and joy spill down her cheeks when the door is kicked open and Snake Eyes is walking through the doorway, immediately headed straight towards her.

"Snake…" Kai sobs, barely able to lift her arms.

"What happened? Are you alright?" Snake Eyes signed, picking the lock of Kai's chains.

"Drugs…" Is all Kai could hoarsely say, before weakly grabbing her throat in pain.

Wrapping a clean sheet over Kai's body, Snake Eyes ties it around her body and neck like a makeshift toga dress, lifting her up into his arms as he quickly ran out the door towards their required destination.

"Snake Eyes, do you have, Kai? We're all ready to go!" Duke yells through the earpiece.

Quickly typing up his reply on the touchscreen interface located on his forearm, Snake Eyes makes a left down the hallway, running towards the metallic double doors, kicking them open with his foot. Kai looks around and notices that there are a few explosives around the base of the pillars and walls, realizing what's about the happen.

They make it to the hangar bay, grateful when she sees the familiar black jet in front of them. Running inside, Snake Eyes gently places Kai on the medical cot, hooking her up to an IV and covering her with a thick warm blanket, gently cupping her cheek before pulling away and moving back towards the building again.

"Wha...wait! Where are you going?" Kai yells weakly.

"Finishing our mission." Was Snake Eyes' only reply before he used his ninja trained skills and vanished.

"He'll be ok, Kai...trust me." Yumi says reassuringly, cleaning up Kai's bruises.

"I hope so…"


"Alright, we got everything covered. Scarlett and Yumi are back on the jet, watching over Kai."

"Good, now we can finally end this."

"You won't get away with this! This won't be the last time you see me!"

"Oh shut up will you, Cobra? It's over, the end, goodbye, you're dead!"

"You Joe's think you're so clever, don't you? Don't worry...I'll come back, and when I do, you'll all be sorry, all of you!"

"Oh for fuck's sake, can we blow him up already? I wanna get out of here before he starts quoting the Wicked Witch of the West." Storm Shadow mutters in annoyance, rolling his eyes at Cobra Commander's theatrics.

"I agree. The sooner we kill him, the faster we can all go home and finally rest." Snake Eyes signed.

"You'd like that wouldn't you? Well guess what? Your precious, Kai isn't so precious anymore! I've made her mine and she knows it! Every time she closes her eyes or feels your touch, she'll be thinking of me and only me!" Cobra Commander laughs.

Snake Eyes sees red before he punches Cobra Commander, Storm Shadow holding him back as he struggles to kill Cobra Commander with his bare hands. Cobra just lets out a wheezing laugh, an evil grin on his face and a sadistic glint in his eyes as he looks at the Joe's.

The men start to back away, heading back towards the hangar bay. They turn their heads to look at Cobra Commander one last time, tied to a pillar and strapped with enough C4 to demolish the whole building and probably create a large crater in the ground.

"She'll never forget me...I win, Joe's...I WIN."

They run inside the jet, immediately strapping themselves with their seatbelts as Ripcord flew the jet a few feet up into the air, save for Snake Eyes who stood at the opening, hearing Cobra Commander's sadistic and crazed laugh echo throughout the building. As soon as they were far enough from the building, Snake Eyes immediately pressed the red button, watching as the whole building exploded, flames shooting up into the sky before covering the whole area in a cloud of black smoke.

Closing the doors, he walks back towards Kai, who was peacefully asleep. Sitting down next to her, he feels a sense of relief as his body immediately sags, all the stress and tension leaving his body. Kai was finally safe, and soon, will finally be in his arms.